all recent posts

CFP: Feminist Theory in Practice (no deadline noted; collection)

Saturday, September 4, 1999 - 8:20pm
Gil Haroian-Guerin

FEMINIST THEORY IN PRACTICE. Papers are invited for *Feminist Theory,
Feminist Practice: The Challenges, Concerns, and Consequences.* This
collection will explore the challenges of implementing feminist theory in
actual classrooms. What were the problems, frustrations, and rewards of
doing so? Experiences in which practice recursively informed theory are
particularly welcome. Send queries or a 1-2 page abstract with a
one-paragraph biography to Gil Haroian-Guerin, The Writing Program, HBC
239, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 or

UPDATE: Women Writers (no deadline; e-zine)

Saturday, August 21, 1999 - 4:13pm
Kim Wells

"Women Writers: A Zine" has moved, so anyone interested in information,
for staff or occasional writer positions, or any other general Zine type
should check the new site URL:
Please be sure to check out the page that describes the difference between a
"staff" and "occasional" writer, and see sample "bios"
before sending your information. The direct URL for that page is:
Finally, we are now accepting original poetry (minimum of 5 poems must be
submitted) and

UPDATE: Women Writers (no deadline; e-zine)

Saturday, August 21, 1999 - 4:13pm
Kim Wells

"Women Writers: A Zine" has moved, so anyone interested in information,
for staff or occasional writer positions, or any other general Zine type
should check the new site URL:
Please be sure to check out the page that describes the difference between a
"staff" and "occasional" writer, and see sample "bios"
before sending your information. The direct URL for that page is:
Finally, we are now accepting original poetry (minimum of 5 poems must be
submitted) and

UPDATE: Women Writers (no deadline; e-zine)

Saturday, August 21, 1999 - 4:13pm
Kim Wells

"Women Writers: A Zine" has moved, so anyone interested in information,
for staff or occasional writer positions, or any other general Zine type
should check the new site URL:
Please be sure to check out the page that describes the difference between a
"staff" and "occasional" writer, and see sample "bios"
before sending your information. The direct URL for that page is:
Finally, we are now accepting original poetry (minimum of 5 poems must be
submitted) and

CFP: Postgraduate English (UK) (various; journal)

Friday, August 6, 1999 - 2:28am
Postgraduate English

              Postgraduate English (UK)
            A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English in the UK

CFP: Music: Interdisciplinary (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, July 29, 1999 - 8:36am
Jacqueline Warwick

ECHO: a music-centered journal

"Echo repeats the last words spoken, and gives back the sounds she has
                                (From Ovid's Metamorphoses)

CFP: Music: Interdisciplinary (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, July 29, 1999 - 8:36am
Jacqueline Warwick

ECHO: a music-centered journal

"Echo repeats the last words spoken, and gives back the sounds she has
                                (From Ovid's Metamorphoses)

CFP: George Eliot-G. H. Lewes Studies (journal)

Friday, July 9, 1999 - 9:10am
Ken Womack

The Editors of _George Eliot-G. H. Lewes Studies_ invite contributions on
any aspect of George Eliot, George Henry Lewes, or the relationship between
them and their circle. Also welcome are any notes, queries, or comments on
any matter relating to Eliot or Lewes.

Please direct all queries and submissions (two copies, MLA Style,
anonymous) to William Baker (, Editor, _George Eliot-G. H.
Lewes Studies_, Department of English, Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, IL 60115.

CFP: George Eliot-G. H. Lewes Studies (journal)

Friday, July 9, 1999 - 9:10am
Ken Womack

The Editors of _George Eliot-G. H. Lewes Studies_ invite contributions on
any aspect of George Eliot, George Henry Lewes, or the relationship between
them and their circle. Also welcome are any notes, queries, or comments on
any matter relating to Eliot or Lewes.

Please direct all queries and submissions (two copies, MLA Style,
anonymous) to William Baker (, Editor, _George Eliot-G. H.
Lewes Studies_, Department of English, Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, IL 60115.

CFP: Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities (journal)

Wednesday, June 23, 1999 - 9:51pm
Melissa Ganz

THE YALE JOURNAL OF LAW & THE HUMANITIES invites submissions for
publication in its upcoming Winter issue. Published twice a year (Winter
Issue in February, Summer Issue in June), the Journal is an
interdisciplinary forum that explores the broad connections between the
humanities and law. Scholarship in the Journal draws upon literary,
cultural, and political theory; legal, social, and cultural history; and
philosophy of law. The Journal also publishes pieces on language, culture,
and law that defy easy classification in conventional academic fields. It
is edited by students of the Yale Law School and the Yale Graduate School
of Arts & Sciences, with the assistance of an editorial board of

CFP: Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities (journal)

Wednesday, June 23, 1999 - 9:51pm
Melissa Ganz

THE YALE JOURNAL OF LAW & THE HUMANITIES invites submissions for
publication in its upcoming Winter issue. Published twice a year (Winter
Issue in February, Summer Issue in June), the Journal is an
interdisciplinary forum that explores the broad connections between the
humanities and law. Scholarship in the Journal draws upon literary,
cultural, and political theory; legal, social, and cultural history; and
philosophy of law. The Journal also publishes pieces on language, culture,
and law that defy easy classification in conventional academic fields. It
is edited by students of the Yale Law School and the Yale Graduate School
of Arts & Sciences, with the assistance of an editorial board of

CFP: Cormac McCarthy (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, June 3, 1999 - 2:21am
John Wegner

Call for Submissions:

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online is a peer reviewed on-line journal,
modified or updated as events warrant. The Journal Online welcomes
article-length manuscripts (not to exceed 25 typewritten double-spaced
pages) or notes (not to exceed 500 words in length) on themes and issues
pertinent to the writings and literary environment of Cormac McCarthy.
Submissions must adhere to accepted rules of scholarship and be in current
MLA format. Please submit the article on one 3-1/2" high density floppy
disk (WordPerfect or .txt file preferred) plus three hard copies. Include
both an SASE and a stamped, addressed return postcard to confirm receipt of
your submission.

CFP: Cormac McCarthy (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, June 3, 1999 - 2:21am
John Wegner

Call for Submissions:

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online is a peer reviewed on-line journal,
modified or updated as events warrant. The Journal Online welcomes
article-length manuscripts (not to exceed 25 typewritten double-spaced
pages) or notes (not to exceed 500 words in length) on themes and issues
pertinent to the writings and literary environment of Cormac McCarthy.
Submissions must adhere to accepted rules of scholarship and be in current
MLA format. Please submit the article on one 3-1/2" high density floppy
disk (WordPerfect or .txt file preferred) plus three hard copies. Include
both an SASE and a stamped, addressed return postcard to confirm receipt of
your submission.

CFP: Cormac McCarthy (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, June 3, 1999 - 2:21am
John Wegner

Call for Submissions:

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online is a peer reviewed on-line journal,
modified or updated as events warrant. The Journal Online welcomes
article-length manuscripts (not to exceed 25 typewritten double-spaced
pages) or notes (not to exceed 500 words in length) on themes and issues
pertinent to the writings and literary environment of Cormac McCarthy.
Submissions must adhere to accepted rules of scholarship and be in current
MLA format. Please submit the article on one 3-1/2" high density floppy
disk (WordPerfect or .txt file preferred) plus three hard copies. Include
both an SASE and a stamped, addressed return postcard to confirm receipt of
your submission.

CFP: Public Reactions to Disasters (collection)

Wednesday, May 26, 1999 - 9:40pm



Authors are wanted for a collection of essays on "Public Reactions to
Extraordinary Events," to be edited by Profs. Art Neal and Ray Browne.
Authors of essays should address the issues of the event itself and an
analysis of the trauma-like responses to the event by the public. In
other words, what the impact of the event was and continues to be on
society. Essays should be no more than 15 pages, including notes and
bibliographies (following the PMLA or latest Chicago Style Manual
sheet). Interested authors should send abstracts to either

CFP: General Linguistics (journal)

Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:52pm
Mary Jane Hurst

***** Call for Manuscripts *****

The Southwest Journal of Linguistics invites manuscripts written in Spanish
or in English on any topic in linguistics, though essays dealing with the
languages of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are
especially encouraged. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews of the
literature, book reviews, and occasional commentary on topics of concern to
the journal's readership. The journal is published in two numbers, one in
June and one in December.

CFP: General Linguistics (journal)

Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:52pm
Mary Jane Hurst

***** Call for Manuscripts *****

The Southwest Journal of Linguistics invites manuscripts written in Spanish
or in English on any topic in linguistics, though essays dealing with the
languages of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are
especially encouraged. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews of the
literature, book reviews, and occasional commentary on topics of concern to
the journal's readership. The journal is published in two numbers, one in
June and one in December.

CFP: General Linguistics (journal)

Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:52pm
Mary Jane Hurst

***** Call for Manuscripts *****

The Southwest Journal of Linguistics invites manuscripts written in Spanish
or in English on any topic in linguistics, though essays dealing with the
languages of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are
especially encouraged. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews of the
literature, book reviews, and occasional commentary on topics of concern to
the journal's readership. The journal is published in two numbers, one in
June and one in December.

CFP: Victorian "Domestic" Writers (no deadline; e-journal)

Tuesday, May 18, 1999 - 10:20am
Kim Wells

For an award-winning online (soon to be professionally moderated) =
E-Journal, we are looking for papers, from 3-40 pages, discussing any =
aspect of the literature and/or lives of:
Louisa May Alcott, < >
Kate Chopin, < >
Harriet Beecher Stowe, < >
Willa Cather, < >
