CFP: Space and Discipline(s) (grad) (2/1/07; 3/31/07)
CFP: Miami's English Graduate and Adjunct Association's Symposium
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CFP: Miami's English Graduate and Adjunct Association's Symposium
(dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation
April 6th and 7th 2007
Call for Papers: general topic, humanities and social
sciences University of California Riverside's
Fourteenth Annual Graduate Humanities Conference
Abstract deadline: 1/5/07
The framework for (dis)junctions 2007:
Malappropriation Nation might be imagined in relation
to what the 20th century American poet Susan Howe
calls the idea of "Lawlessness," the acting outside of
acceptable boundaries and ideologies. In developing
this year's theme, we are hoping to formulate panels
in which conventional or popular theories are used and
in turn reworked/rethought/re-imagined in ways that
(dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation
April 6th and 7th 2007
Call for Papers: general topic, humanities and social
sciences University of California Riverside's
Fourteenth Annual Graduate Humanities Conference
Abstract deadline: 1/5/07
The framework for (dis)junctions 2007:
Malappropriation Nation might be imagined in relation
to what the 20th century American poet Susan Howe
calls the idea of "Lawlessness," the acting outside of
acceptable boundaries and ideologies. In developing
this year's theme, we are hoping to formulate panels
in which conventional or popular theories are used and
in turn reworked/rethought/re-imagined in ways that
New deadline and keynote announcement for the annual graduate
conference of the NYU Department of French:
Un/Common Experience: The Dross and the Glory of Everyday Life
February 16-17, 2007 with keynote speaker KRISTIN ROSS
The everyday is far from ordinary: within the banal lurks the sublime,
the familiar masks the strange. But does the quotidian confine,
define or liberate us?
(dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation
April 6th and 7th 2007
Call for Papers: general topic, humanities and social
sciences University of California Riverside's
Fourteenth Annual Graduate Humanities Conference
Abstract deadline: 1/5/07
The framework for (dis)junctions 2007:
Malappropriation Nation might be imagined in relation
to what the 20th century American poet Susan Howe
calls the idea of "Lawlessness," the acting outside of
acceptable boundaries and ideologies. In developing
this year's theme, we are hoping to formulate panels
in which conventional or popular theories are used and
in turn reworked/rethought/re-imagined in ways that
New deadline and keynote announcement for the annual graduate
conference of the NYU Department of French:
Un/Common Experience: The Dross and the Glory of Everyday Life
February 16-17, 2007 with keynote speaker KRISTIN ROSS
The everyday is far from ordinary: within the banal lurks the sublime,
the familiar masks the strange. But does the quotidian confine,
define or liberate us?
Apologies for cross-posting
Department of English Studies, University of Stirling, UK
Saturday 17th February 2007
9.00 am - 5.30 pm
Keynote speakers: Prof. Ron Scollon (Georgetown), Dr Peter D. McDonald (Oxf=
Textual Culture is a cross-period, interdisciplinary field of enquiry focus=
ed on the production, circulation, and use of texts conceived in material, =
discursive, and economic terms. It brings together several strands of exist=
ing research interest, principally book history, publishing studies, discou=
rse analysis, and reader/audience study. This one-day symposium, intended a=
(dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation
April 6th and 7th 2007
Call for Papers: general topic, humanities and social
sciences University of California Riverside's
Fourteenth Annual Graduate Humanities Conference
Abstract deadline: 1/5/07
The framework for (dis)junctions 2007:
Malappropriation Nation might be imagined in relation
to what the 20th century American poet Susan Howe
calls the idea of "Lawlessness," the acting outside of
acceptable boundaries and ideologies. In developing
this year's theme, we are hoping to formulate panels
in which conventional or popular theories are used and
in turn reworked/rethought/re-imagined in ways that
Apologies for cross-posting
Department of English Studies, University of Stirling, UK
Saturday 17th February 2007
9.00 am - 5.30 pm
Keynote speakers: Prof. Ron Scollon (Georgetown), Dr Peter D. McDonald (Oxf=
Textual Culture is a cross-period, interdisciplinary field of enquiry focus=
ed on the production, circulation, and use of texts conceived in material, =
discursive, and economic terms. It brings together several strands of exist=
ing research interest, principally book history, publishing studies, discou=
rse analysis, and reader/audience study. This one-day symposium, intended a=
New deadline and keynote announcement for the annual graduate
conference of the NYU Department of French:
Un/Common Experience: The Dross and the Glory of Everyday Life
February 16-17, 2007 with keynote speaker KRISTIN ROSS
The everyday is far from ordinary: within the banal lurks the sublime,
the familiar masks the strange. But does the quotidian confine,
define or liberate us?
(dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation
April 6th and 7th 2007
Call for Papers: general topic, humanities and social
sciences University of California Riverside's
Fourteenth Annual Graduate Humanities Conference
Abstract deadline: 1/5/07
The framework for (dis)junctions 2007:
Malappropriation Nation might be imagined in relation
to what the 20th century American poet Susan Howe
calls the idea of "Lawlessness," the acting outside of
acceptable boundaries and ideologies. In developing
this year's theme, we are hoping to formulate panels
in which conventional or popular theories are used and
in turn reworked/rethought/re-imagined in ways that
Beyond the Page: Performing Italian Literature.
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
PhD Program in Comparative Literature
Doctoral Specialization in Italian
Friday, March 9, 2006
"The image is re-presentation,
Which is to say ultimately resurrection"
Roland Barthes, Image - Music - Text.
Beyond the Page: Performing Italian Literature.
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
PhD Program in Comparative Literature
Doctoral Specialization in Italian
Friday, March 9, 2006
"The image is re-presentation,
Which is to say ultimately resurrection"
Roland Barthes, Image - Music - Text.
"Historicizing Fat"=20
A Proposed Special Session for the 2007 Annual Convention of the Modern =
Language Association
"Historicizing Fat"=20
A Proposed Special Session for the 2007 Annual Convention of the Modern =
Language Association
Call for submissions to a special topics panel devoted to the work of =
Chuck Palahniuk at the Rocky Mountain MLA in Calgary, Alberta, Canada =
October 4-6, 2007. In the spirit of the panel's title, "Fight Club and =
Beyond," papers that explore Palahniuk's other novels -- or which =
discuss Fight Club in the context of his other works -- are encouraged.
Please send proposals (1-2 pages) or finished papers by March 1st as a =
Word attachment to or mail hard copies to the =
following address
Lance Rubin, Ph.D.
Humanities Chair=20
Arapahoe Community College
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80160
Call for submissions to a special topics panel devoted to the work of =
Chuck Palahniuk at the Rocky Mountain MLA in Calgary, Alberta, Canada =
October 4-6, 2007. In the spirit of the panel's title, "Fight Club and =
Beyond," papers that explore Palahniuk's other novels -- or which =
discuss Fight Club in the context of his other works -- are encouraged.
Please send proposals (1-2 pages) or finished papers by March 1st as a =
Word attachment to or mail hard copies to the =
following address
Lance Rubin, Ph.D.
Humanities Chair=20
Arapahoe Community College
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80160
Call for submissions to a special topics panel devoted to the work of =
Chuck Palahniuk at the Rocky Mountain MLA in Calgary, Alberta, Canada =
October 4-6, 2007. In the spirit of the panel's title, "Fight Club and =
Beyond," papers that explore Palahniuk's other novels -- or which =
discuss Fight Club in the context of his other works -- are encouraged.
Please send proposals (1-2 pages) or finished papers by March 1st as a =
Word attachment to or mail hard copies to the =
following address
Lance Rubin, Ph.D.
Humanities Chair=20
Arapahoe Community College
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80160
CFP: Authors for chapters on John Knowles, Chaim Potok, Eudora Welty, Ayn
Rand, and John Updike for the Facts on File Student Encyclopedia of Great
American writers. If interested, please contact Blake Hobby:
CFP: Authors for chapters on John Knowles, Chaim Potok, Eudora Welty, Ayn
Rand, and John Updike for the Facts on File Student Encyclopedia of Great
American writers. If interested, please contact Blake Hobby:
**Please note the amended contact information in the posting below**
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
Japan-Korea Joint Symposium
August 19-21, Kanazawa, Japan
Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Ko Un and Kazue Morisaki
The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan
(ASLE-Japan) and ASLE-Korea invite proposals for an international
symposium, Place, Nature, Language: Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese
and Korean Environmental Literature, to be held from August 19-21,
2007, in Kanazawa, Japan.
**Please note the amended contact information in the posting below**
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
Japan-Korea Joint Symposium
August 19-21, Kanazawa, Japan
Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Ko Un and Kazue Morisaki
The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan
(ASLE-Japan) and ASLE-Korea invite proposals for an international
symposium, Place, Nature, Language: Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese
and Korean Environmental Literature, to be held from August 19-21,
2007, in Kanazawa, Japan.
**Please note the amended contact information in the posting below**
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
Japan-Korea Joint Symposium
August 19-21, Kanazawa, Japan
Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Ko Un and Kazue Morisaki
The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan
(ASLE-Japan) and ASLE-Korea invite proposals for an international
symposium, Place, Nature, Language: Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese
and Korean Environmental Literature, to be held from August 19-21,
2007, in Kanazawa, Japan.
American Literature Association. Boston, May 24-27 2007.
ALA Session I: New Approaches to Emerson: Exploring the Family Ties
Acknowledging the recent interest in Emerson's family relationships and
their bearing on our understanding of both Emerson's work and
Transcendentalism, this panel solicits papers exploring those family =
their rhetorical constructions, and their significance. Abstracts of =
words by December 30 to Joe Thomas (
ALA Session II: Emerson on Other Shores: English Traits and Beyond=20
Appel (renouvellement)
Eté 2007 : numéro 20 : « Enfance »
Suite à notre appel de l'année dernière pour ce même numéro 20, nous
renouvelons notre demande afin de recevoir davantage d'articles. Nous
invitons les étudiant-e-s gradué-e-s à soumettre un article écrit en
français ou en anglais pour ce numéro intitulé « Enfance » - terme que
nous définissons comme la période s'achevant aux alentours de l'âge de
treize ans.
Les travaux soumis pourront adopter toutes sortes d'approches critiques et
théoriques. Ils ne devront pas dépasser 20 pages et le format devra
impérativement suivre la norme MLA.
Appel (renouvellement)
Eté 2007 : numéro 20 : « Enfance »
Suite à notre appel de l'année dernière pour ce même numéro 20, nous
renouvelons notre demande afin de recevoir davantage d'articles. Nous
invitons les étudiant-e-s gradué-e-s à soumettre un article écrit en
français ou en anglais pour ce numéro intitulé « Enfance » - terme que
nous définissons comme la période s'achevant aux alentours de l'âge de
treize ans.
Les travaux soumis pourront adopter toutes sortes d'approches critiques et
théoriques. Ils ne devront pas dépasser 20 pages et le format devra
impérativement suivre la norme MLA.
Appel (renouvellement)
Eté 2007 : numéro 20 : « Enfance »
Suite à notre appel de l'année dernière pour ce même numéro 20, nous
renouvelons notre demande afin de recevoir davantage d'articles. Nous
invitons les étudiant-e-s gradué-e-s à soumettre un article écrit en
français ou en anglais pour ce numéro intitulé « Enfance » - terme que
nous définissons comme la période s'achevant aux alentours de l'âge de
treize ans.
Les travaux soumis pourront adopter toutes sortes d'approches critiques et
théoriques. Ils ne devront pas dépasser 20 pages et le format devra
impérativement suivre la norme MLA.
A Violent (Re) turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications and Situations"
13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
February 15-17, 2007
Arizona State University
Ethics and Identity in the Composition Classroom
A Violent (Re) turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications and Situations"
13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
February 15-17, 2007
Arizona State University
Ethics and Identity in the Composition Classroom
A Violent (Re) turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications and Situations"
13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
February 15-17, 2007
Arizona State University
Ethics and Identity in the Composition Classroom