CFP: Nebula 4.1, Online Journal, Generalist/All Topics (3/10/07; journal issue)
Abimbola O. Adesoji. "Globalization of the media and the Challenges of Democratisation in Nigeria." 38-50
Habiba Hadziavdic. "Images of Gypsies, a German Case: Gilad Margalit." 51-61
Warren Steele. "Strange Fruit: American Culture and the Remaking of Iraqi Males at Abu Ghraib." 62-74
Mary Ellen Wright. "Adrian Hall's Adaptations of In the Belly of the Beast." 75-88
Yashar Keramati. "The Odd Couple: Iran and Venezuela's Union Through anti-U.S. Imperialism and Oil." 89-99
Yashar Kermati. "One Theocrat's Puppet Democracy, One Nation's Democratic Deprivation." 100-110
Jason Cootey. "I've Looked Deep into the Darkness." 111-141