all recent posts

CFP: Journal of Interactive Drama (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Brian David Phillips

Journal of Interactive Drama

A Multi-Discipline Peer-Reviewed Journal of
Scenario-Based Theatre-Style Interactive Drama
Freeform Live Action Roleplaying Games

Call for Papers


CFP: Journal of Interactive Drama (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Brian David Phillips

Journal of Interactive Drama

A Multi-Discipline Peer-Reviewed Journal of
Scenario-Based Theatre-Style Interactive Drama
Freeform Live Action Roleplaying Games

Call for Papers


CFP: Journal of Interactive Drama (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Brian David Phillips

Journal of Interactive Drama

A Multi-Discipline Peer-Reviewed Journal of
Scenario-Based Theatre-Style Interactive Drama
Freeform Live Action Roleplaying Games

Call for Papers


CFP: Journal of Interactive Drama (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Brian David Phillips

Journal of Interactive Drama

A Multi-Discipline Peer-Reviewed Journal of
Scenario-Based Theatre-Style Interactive Drama
Freeform Live Action Roleplaying Games

Call for Papers


UPDATE: Teaching Culture Panel (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Joanna Paull

Due to unforeseen computer complications (boot sector virus), I am asking
that anyone who submitted to this panel previously please resubmit to be
sure I have all of you on record. We are still taking new submissions,
until March 1, as well. Below, I have included my call for papers to remind
you all of the panel details. Thank you for your patience.



12-14, 2006.


Call for presenters for the Teaching Culture Panel

UPDATE: Teaching Culture Panel (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Joanna Paull

Due to unforeseen computer complications (boot sector virus), I am asking
that anyone who submitted to this panel previously please resubmit to be
sure I have all of you on record. We are still taking new submissions,
until March 1, as well. Below, I have included my call for papers to remind
you all of the panel details. Thank you for your patience.



12-14, 2006.


Call for presenters for the Teaching Culture Panel

CFP: Cine-Lit VI: An Intl. Conf. on Hispanic Film and Fiction (12/1/06; 2/21/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Oscar Fernandez

CINE-LIT VI: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction

February 21-24, 2007

Organized by Portland State University, Oregon State University,
and Northwest Film Center/Portland International Film Festival


You are invited to submit an abstract of a paper on any aspect of the
relationship between Hispanic literature and film. Please provide three copies
of a 300-word abstract along with one 3 x 5 card listing the following: Title of
paper, your name, academic affiliation, address, and telephone and FAX numbers.

DEADLINE: December 1, 2006.

CFP: Contraband in the Americas (3/17/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm

MLA 2006
December 27-30, 2006, Philadelphia
Proposed Special Session
Deadline: March 17, 2006

Contraband in the Americas

"The end of contraband ... is the end of Argentine history."
        - Ricardo Piglia

What is the role of the black market, broadly defined, in literature from the
United States and Latin America? How is the notion of a contraband economy
important for rethinking political narrative? What is the function of an other
market? How can smuggling be theorized not only as a motif in literary texts,
but also as a figure for the act of writing in the Americas? Please send
1-page abstracts to David Kelman,, by 17 March 2006.

CFP: Contraband in the Americas (3/17/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm

MLA 2006
December 27-30, 2006, Philadelphia
Proposed Special Session
Deadline: March 17, 2006

Contraband in the Americas

"The end of contraband ... is the end of Argentine history."
        - Ricardo Piglia

What is the role of the black market, broadly defined, in literature from the
United States and Latin America? How is the notion of a contraband economy
important for rethinking political narrative? What is the function of an other
market? How can smuggling be theorized not only as a motif in literary texts,
but also as a figure for the act of writing in the Americas? Please send
1-page abstracts to David Kelman,, by 17 March 2006.

CFP: Global Connections: Eudora Welty (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Annette Trefzer

Call for Papers: Global Connections: Eudora Welty

Paper proposals are invited for a special MLA session that explores
Welty's global connections in her work and / or with other writers
abroad. We seek new comparative theoretical approaches offering
provocative global, postcolonial, and post-regional insights into Welty.

CFP: Cine-Lit VI: An Intl. Conf. on Hispanic Film and Fiction (12/1/06; 2/21/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Oscar Fernandez

CINE-LIT VI: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction

February 21-24, 2007

Organized by Portland State University, Oregon State University,
and Northwest Film Center/Portland International Film Festival


You are invited to submit an abstract of a paper on any aspect of the
relationship between Hispanic literature and film. Please provide three copies
of a 300-word abstract along with one 3 x 5 card listing the following: Title of
paper, your name, academic affiliation, address, and telephone and FAX numbers.

DEADLINE: December 1, 2006.

CFP: Global Connections: Eudora Welty (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Annette Trefzer

Call for Papers: Global Connections: Eudora Welty

Paper proposals are invited for a special MLA session that explores
Welty's global connections in her work and / or with other writers
abroad. We seek new comparative theoretical approaches offering
provocative global, postcolonial, and post-regional insights into Welty.

CFP: Global Connections: Eudora Welty (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm
Annette Trefzer

Call for Papers: Global Connections: Eudora Welty

Paper proposals are invited for a special MLA session that explores
Welty's global connections in her work and / or with other writers
abroad. We seek new comparative theoretical approaches offering
provocative global, postcolonial, and post-regional insights into Welty.

CFP: Contraband in the Americas (3/17/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:44pm

MLA 2006
December 27-30, 2006, Philadelphia
Proposed Special Session
Deadline: March 17, 2006

Contraband in the Americas

"The end of contraband ... is the end of Argentine history."
        - Ricardo Piglia

What is the role of the black market, broadly defined, in literature from the
United States and Latin America? How is the notion of a contraband economy
important for rethinking political narrative? What is the function of an other
market? How can smuggling be theorized not only as a motif in literary texts,
but also as a figure for the act of writing in the Americas? Please send
1-page abstracts to David Kelman,, by 17 March 2006.

CFP: English IV: Romantic and Victorian Literature (3/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7:16pm
Lee Anna Maynard

The English IV section (Romantic and Victorian Literature) at SAMLA
seeks papers on "The Child-Woman in Romantic and
Victorian Literature."

In texts from the late eighteenth through the late nineteenth
centuries, women are often given characteristics simultaneously
childlike and sexualized. Poems, novels, conduct books, and visual
arts of the Romantic and Victorian periods accept, foster, and
sometimes interrogate this conflation of the unripe and forbidden
with the sexually desirable. We welcome proposals analyzing the
interplay of these aesthetic and cultural values in Romantic and
Victorian literature.

CFP: English IV: Romantic and Victorian Literature (3/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7:16pm
Lee Anna Maynard

The English IV section (Romantic and Victorian Literature) at SAMLA
seeks papers on "The Child-Woman in Romantic and
Victorian Literature."

In texts from the late eighteenth through the late nineteenth
centuries, women are often given characteristics simultaneously
childlike and sexualized. Poems, novels, conduct books, and visual
arts of the Romantic and Victorian periods accept, foster, and
sometimes interrogate this conflation of the unripe and forbidden
with the sexually desirable. We welcome proposals analyzing the
interplay of these aesthetic and cultural values in Romantic and
Victorian literature.

CFP: Representations of Empire (3/10/06; collection)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7:16pm
Silvia Nagy-Zekmi

Call for papers: "Representations of Empire": the twentieth century
witnessed the dismantling of the British and French empires, but imperialism
is far form over. Papers dealing with representation of current empire
building in contemporary literary texts and/or contexts are invited for a
volume of articles about the topic to be published in Cambridge Scholars
Press <>. Please send one-page
abstracts to Silvia Nagy-Zekmi (Villanova University) at
<> or to Chantal Zabus (La Sorbonne, Paris XIII) at
<>by 10 March 2006.


Thank you,


CFP: Representations of Empire (3/10/06; collection)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7:16pm
Silvia Nagy-Zekmi

Call for papers: "Representations of Empire": the twentieth century
witnessed the dismantling of the British and French empires, but imperialism
is far form over. Papers dealing with representation of current empire
building in contemporary literary texts and/or contexts are invited for a
volume of articles about the topic to be published in Cambridge Scholars
Press <>. Please send one-page
abstracts to Silvia Nagy-Zekmi (Villanova University) at
<> or to Chantal Zabus (La Sorbonne, Paris XIII) at
<>by 10 March 2006.


Thank you,


CFP: Death, Dying and Samuel Beckett: Centenary Conference (UK) (9/8/06; 12/1/06-12/3/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7:15pm
Dr Philip Tew

=93=91Birth was the death of him=92: Samuel Beckett, Death, Dying and =
All That
Other Unfinished Business'


An International Conference in honour of Samuel Beckett=92s Centenary



Avenue Campus, University of Northampton, 1st =96 3rd December 2006



Co-organized by:

The Centre for Contemporary Fiction & Narrative, School of Arts, =
of Northampton;

The UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies;=20

and the London Beckett Seminar Group



=93Birth was the death of him. Again. Words are few. Dying too. Birth =
the death of him.=94 A Piece of Monologue


