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CFP: Auto/Biography and Mediation (Germany) (11/20/05; IABA, 7/27/06-7/31/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:52pm
William Howes

Call for Papers

Fifth IABA Conference, Mainz, Germany, 27-31 July 2006

Organizer: Alfred Hornung

The fifth biennial conference of the International Auto/Biography=20
Association will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz,=
Germany, from 27-31 July 2006. The general topic of "Auto/Biography and=20
Mediation" will permit a wide range of papers dealing with issues of=20
auto/biography as media and auto/biography in the media, performing a=20
process of mediation.

  Auto/Biography and Mediation

CFP: Auto/Biography and Mediation (Germany) (11/20/05; IABA, 7/27/06-7/31/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:52pm
William Howes

Call for Papers

Fifth IABA Conference, Mainz, Germany, 27-31 July 2006

Organizer: Alfred Hornung

The fifth biennial conference of the International Auto/Biography=20
Association will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz,=
Germany, from 27-31 July 2006. The general topic of "Auto/Biography and=20
Mediation" will permit a wide range of papers dealing with issues of=20
auto/biography as media and auto/biography in the media, performing a=20
process of mediation.

  Auto/Biography and Mediation

CFP: Auto/Biography and Mediation (Germany) (11/20/05; IABA, 7/27/06-7/31/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:52pm
William Howes

Call for Papers

Fifth IABA Conference, Mainz, Germany, 27-31 July 2006

Organizer: Alfred Hornung

The fifth biennial conference of the International Auto/Biography=20
Association will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz,=
Germany, from 27-31 July 2006. The general topic of "Auto/Biography and=20
Mediation" will permit a wide range of papers dealing with issues of=20
auto/biography as media and auto/biography in the media, performing a=20
process of mediation.

  Auto/Biography and Mediation

UPDATE: Transgression/Transcendence in Cyberspace (7/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Jill LeRoy-Frazier


Women Writers: A Zine is seeking previously

unpublished essays and original works of fiction,

poetry, and hypertext for an upcoming special issue,

"Digital Eves: Transgression/ Transcendence in

Cyberspace." Women Writers: A Zine is a digital,

peer-reviewed publication that features creative work

by women writers and artists as well as scholarship on
any aspect

of women's writing, women's studies, and feminist

scholarship by both male and female authors. See the
journal's Website at for more information.

CFP: Science Fiction and Fantasy (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Ximena Gallardo

Call for Papers: Science Fiction and Fantasy Area, SW/TX PCA/ACA


2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 27th Annual Conference, The Hyatt Regency Conference Hotel, Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006.


The Area Chairs of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Area would like to invite paper and panel proposals on any aspect of science fiction and fantasy.


Please send queries, 250 word paper proposals, and 500 word panel proposals, including full contact info for all participants, to


Ximena Gallardo


Deadline for proposal submissions: November 15, 2005.


UPDATE: Transgression/Transcendence in Cyberspace (7/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Jill LeRoy-Frazier


Women Writers: A Zine is seeking previously

unpublished essays and original works of fiction,

poetry, and hypertext for an upcoming special issue,

"Digital Eves: Transgression/ Transcendence in

Cyberspace." Women Writers: A Zine is a digital,

peer-reviewed publication that features creative work

by women writers and artists as well as scholarship on
any aspect

of women's writing, women's studies, and feminist

scholarship by both male and female authors. See the
journal's Website at for more information.

CFP: Science Fiction and Fantasy (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Ximena Gallardo

Call for Papers: Science Fiction and Fantasy Area, SW/TX PCA/ACA


2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 27th Annual Conference, The Hyatt Regency Conference Hotel, Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006.


The Area Chairs of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Area would like to invite paper and panel proposals on any aspect of science fiction and fantasy.


Please send queries, 250 word paper proposals, and 500 word panel proposals, including full contact info for all participants, to


Ximena Gallardo


Deadline for proposal submissions: November 15, 2005.


CFP: Contemporary Southern Literature (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Chris Bloss

Call for Papers: Contemporary Southern Literature

PCA/ACA Conference

April 12-15, 2006, Atlanta



The South remains an interesting source of observation—literature,
history, culture, etc.

This call for papers seeks contributors offering a wide variety of
interpretations and criticisms of contemporary Southern literature and
culture against the backdrop of popular culture and postmodern
society, although other approaches are also solicited. Presentations
covering a broad range of Southern literature pieces and critical
approaches are welcome; presentations should be developed for a
20-minute reading.


CFP: Central/East Europe Pop Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Jack Hutchens

Central and East European Popular Culture Area Call for Papers
 Conference Dates: February 8-11, 2006

Deadline for proposals: November 15, 2004

Registration Deadline: December 31, 2005 (all participants and chairs must register by this date!)
Cultural studies panels now forming on topics related to English and non-English representations of popular culture from Central and Eastern Europe.
Possible areas of interest include film, music, literature, photography, folk culture, art, etc.
Scholars, teachers, and other interested professionals are encouraged to participate.
Graduate students are also particularly welcome with award opportunities for best graduate papers.


Conference Hotel Information:

CFP: Central/East Europe Pop Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Jack Hutchens

Central and East European Popular Culture Area Call for Papers
 Conference Dates: February 8-11, 2006

Deadline for proposals: November 15, 2004

Registration Deadline: December 31, 2005 (all participants and chairs must register by this date!)
Cultural studies panels now forming on topics related to English and non-English representations of popular culture from Central and Eastern Europe.
Possible areas of interest include film, music, literature, photography, folk culture, art, etc.
Scholars, teachers, and other interested professionals are encouraged to participate.
Graduate students are also particularly welcome with award opportunities for best graduate papers.


Conference Hotel Information:

CFP: Ethics and Postcolonialism (UK) (9/30/05; 4/8/06-4/10/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Neelam Srivastava

Conference on "Ethics and Postcolonialism", 8-10 April 2006 (one and a
half days)

University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

CALL FOR PAPERS (250-word abstracts to

Confirmed speakers:

1) Professor Gauri Viswanathan, Columbia University, NY
2) Dr Leela Gandhi, La Trobe University, Melbourne
3) Professor David Scott, Institute for Research in African
American Studies, Columbia University
4) Dr Heather Widdows, Centre for Global Ethics, University of

CFP: Spoken Word Performance (10/31/05; journal issue)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm

Call for Abstracts – Journal Issue -- Canadian Theatre Review
Deadline for Abstracts: October 31, 2005

Canadian Theatre Review: "Spoken Word Performance"

CFP: Ethics and Postcolonialism (UK) (9/30/05; 4/8/06-4/10/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Neelam Srivastava

Conference on "Ethics and Postcolonialism", 8-10 April 2006 (one and a
half days)

University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

CALL FOR PAPERS (250-word abstracts to

Confirmed speakers:

1) Professor Gauri Viswanathan, Columbia University, NY
2) Dr Leela Gandhi, La Trobe University, Melbourne
3) Professor David Scott, Institute for Research in African
American Studies, Columbia University
4) Dr Heather Widdows, Centre for Global Ethics, University of

CFP: Women's Studies Area (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Pat Tyrer

February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque

Proposals for individual presentations, panels, or roundtable discussions on
any aspect of women's studies are invited. Please send inquiries regarding
this area to Pat Tyrer at the email or physical address below. Submission
deadline is November 15, 2005, and registration deadline is December 31,

CFP: Ethics and Postcolonialism (UK) (9/30/05; 4/8/06-4/10/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Neelam Srivastava

Conference on "Ethics and Postcolonialism", 8-10 April 2006 (one and a
half days)

University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

CALL FOR PAPERS (250-word abstracts to

Confirmed speakers:

1) Professor Gauri Viswanathan, Columbia University, NY
2) Dr Leela Gandhi, La Trobe University, Melbourne
3) Professor David Scott, Institute for Research in African
American Studies, Columbia University
4) Dr Heather Widdows, Centre for Global Ethics, University of

CFP: William Dean Howells and Women (1/8/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Stokes, Claudia

The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine
Howells's relationships with women, broadly defined. Possible paper
topics may include Howells's own personal life, his fiction and
criticism, literary friendships, writings on marriage and sexuality, or
editorial work.

Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.


Dr. Claudia Stokes

Assistant Professor of English

Co-Director, Women's and Gender Studies

Trinity University

CFP: William Dean Howells and Women (1/8/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Stokes, Claudia

The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine
Howells's relationships with women, broadly defined. Possible paper
topics may include Howells's own personal life, his fiction and
criticism, literary friendships, writings on marriage and sexuality, or
editorial work.

Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.


Dr. Claudia Stokes

Assistant Professor of English

Co-Director, Women's and Gender Studies

Trinity University

CFP: Autism and Representation Colloquium (UK) (11/1/05; 2/24/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Irene Rose

Autism and Representation Friday 24th Feb 2006

A colloquium hosted by the Association for Research in Popular Fictions at Liverpool John Moores University



This colloquium seeks to consolidate, encourage & advance the growing body of cultural analysis concerned with cognitive disabilities, especially autism.


The rising rate of diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders coupled with the popularisation of neurological research (not to mention the popularity of a certain well known novel) has made autism the disorder 'de rigueur' for the beginning of the 21st century.


This colloquium aims to map out the discursive challenges, limits, dangers and potentialities of this cultural phenomenon.

CFP: Autism and Representation Colloquium (UK) (11/1/05; 2/24/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Irene Rose

Autism and Representation Friday 24th Feb 2006

A colloquium hosted by the Association for Research in Popular Fictions at Liverpool John Moores University



This colloquium seeks to consolidate, encourage & advance the growing body of cultural analysis concerned with cognitive disabilities, especially autism.


The rising rate of diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders coupled with the popularisation of neurological research (not to mention the popularity of a certain well known novel) has made autism the disorder 'de rigueur' for the beginning of the 21st century.


This colloquium aims to map out the discursive challenges, limits, dangers and potentialities of this cultural phenomenon.

CFP: Autism and Representation Colloquium (UK) (11/1/05; 2/24/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Irene Rose

Autism and Representation Friday 24th Feb 2006

A colloquium hosted by the Association for Research in Popular Fictions at Liverpool John Moores University



This colloquium seeks to consolidate, encourage & advance the growing body of cultural analysis concerned with cognitive disabilities, especially autism.


The rising rate of diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders coupled with the popularisation of neurological research (not to mention the popularity of a certain well known novel) has made autism the disorder 'de rigueur' for the beginning of the 21st century.


This colloquium aims to map out the discursive challenges, limits, dangers and potentialities of this cultural phenomenon.

CFP: The Unexpected Howells (1/8/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Stokes, Claudia

The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine
instances of Howells's life and work that diverge from what we would
normally expect of him, literary or otherwise. Possible topics may
include politics, ghost stories and occultism, utopian fiction, poetry,
literary criticism, sentimentalism, and sexuality, among others.

Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.


Dr. Claudia Stokes

Assistant Professor of English

CFP: (Re)Markable Identities: Confronting, Corrupting, and Conflating Cultural Discourses (grad) (10/17/05; 2/24/06-2/26/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm

(Re)Markable Identities: Confronting, Corrupting, and Conflating Cultural

February 24-26, 2006
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

"Borders are set up to define the places that are safe and unsafe, to
distinguish us from them."
                —Gloria Anzaldúa, Borderlands la Fronterra

UPDATE: Jesuit Rhetoric Looking Back/Forward (8/25/05; RSA, 5/26/06-5/29/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Peters, Dr. K. J.

The deadline for both of the following panel proposal calls for theRhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference is August 25. Please note 2 calls for proposals are posted below.

RSA Panel Title: Rhetoric in the Jesuit Tradition: Looking Back

