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CFP: Gender Disgussed: Gender and the Abject (6/15/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
gender forum

CFP: "Gender Disgussed" gender and the abject
(deadline: 6/15/2005, essays and reviews for journal)
Publication: September 2005
Editor: Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier
The online journal "gender forum" (, affiliated
at the University of Cologne, Germany, invites scholars to contribute
target articles and reviews to its upcoming issue on gender and the abject.
Target articles should conform to the MLA style sheet (Joseph Gibaldi, MLA
Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5th ed. New York: The Modern
Language Association of America, 1999) and should not exceed 8,000 words.

CFP: Gender Disgussed: Gender and the Abject (6/15/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
gender forum

CFP: "Gender Disgussed" gender and the abject
(deadline: 6/15/2005, essays and reviews for journal)
Publication: September 2005
Editor: Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier
The online journal "gender forum" (, affiliated
at the University of Cologne, Germany, invites scholars to contribute
target articles and reviews to its upcoming issue on gender and the abject.
Target articles should conform to the MLA style sheet (Joseph Gibaldi, MLA
Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5th ed. New York: The Modern
Language Association of America, 1999) and should not exceed 8,000 words.

CFP: Western Humanities Review (11/1/04; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
David McGlynn


The Western Humanities Review (WHR), a quarterly literary magazine
published by the University of Utah, has announced a call for entries
to its twelfth annual competition for Utah writers.
Prizes are awarded in poetry and fiction. Each winner will receive
$500 and publication in the Spring 2005 issue of WHR. The entry fee
is $10 and includes a year-long subscription to the magazine. Checks
should be made out the Western Humanities Review.

CFP: Working Gender: Cultural Representations of Women and Labor (1/5/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
Febe Armendariz

The fourth issue of Br=FAjula, =93Working Gender: Cultural =
of Women and Labor=94 aims to bring together research that engages with
and analyzes the condition of women as they participate in work. Studies
of work include but are not limited to paid, unpaid, intellectual,
creative, physical, formal or informal, legal or illegal endeavors. We
will consider papers from a variety of discipl ines that explore and
problematize the changing definitions of women and their labors in Latin
American societies from pre-colonial to contemporary times.=20
Br=FAjula is a peer-reviewed journal that favors anonymity in the =

CFP: Working Gender: Cultural Representations of Women and Labor (1/5/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
Febe Armendariz

The fourth issue of Br=FAjula, =93Working Gender: Cultural =
of Women and Labor=94 aims to bring together research that engages with
and analyzes the condition of women as they participate in work. Studies
of work include but are not limited to paid, unpaid, intellectual,
creative, physical, formal or informal, legal or illegal endeavors. We
will consider papers from a variety of discipl ines that explore and
problematize the changing definitions of women and their labors in Latin
American societies from pre-colonial to contemporary times.=20
Br=FAjula is a peer-reviewed journal that favors anonymity in the =

CFP: Rock and Roll and American Fiction (3/1/05; collection)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
John Wegner

Call for papers:

Proposed Collection of Essays:

Rock-and-Roll and American Fiction

In the same vein as critical works that examine the influence/connections
between jazz/blues/classical music and literature, this collection seeks
essays that concern rock-and-roll and American fiction.

In particular, we are interested in essays that address the following:

1) Is there a shared form between rock and American fiction (short
fiction or novels)?

2) Are there thematic connections between rock and American fiction?

CFP: Rock and Roll and American Fiction (3/1/05; collection)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
John Wegner

Call for papers:

Proposed Collection of Essays:

Rock-and-Roll and American Fiction

In the same vein as critical works that examine the influence/connections
between jazz/blues/classical music and literature, this collection seeks
essays that concern rock-and-roll and American fiction.

In particular, we are interested in essays that address the following:

1) Is there a shared form between rock and American fiction (short
fiction or novels)?

2) Are there thematic connections between rock and American fiction?

CFP: Bad Subjects –– Iraq War Culture (open deadline; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
Joe Lockard

Call for Reviews - Iraq War Culture
Bad Subjects
Issued: October 25, 2004
Deadline: Open

Bad Subjects is issuing an open call for review essays of 1000-3000 words dealing with the cultural landscape created by the Iraq War. We are interested in essays that examine cultural products (art, film/video, photography, writing, music, theater, dance, software) or public-sphere phenomena (protests, political events, media coverage, educational projects, public reports, law) that respond to the war and its social environment.

CFP: Bad Subjects –– Iraq War Culture (open deadline; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
Joe Lockard

Call for Reviews - Iraq War Culture
Bad Subjects
Issued: October 25, 2004
Deadline: Open

Bad Subjects is issuing an open call for review essays of 1000-3000 words dealing with the cultural landscape created by the Iraq War. We are interested in essays that examine cultural products (art, film/video, photography, writing, music, theater, dance, software) or public-sphere phenomena (protests, political events, media coverage, educational projects, public reports, law) that respond to the war and its social environment.

CFP: Bad Subjects –– Iraq War Culture (open deadline; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
Joe Lockard

Call for Reviews - Iraq War Culture
Bad Subjects
Issued: October 25, 2004
Deadline: Open

Bad Subjects is issuing an open call for review essays of 1000-3000 words dealing with the cultural landscape created by the Iraq War. We are interested in essays that examine cultural products (art, film/video, photography, writing, music, theater, dance, software) or public-sphere phenomena (protests, political events, media coverage, educational projects, public reports, law) that respond to the war and its social environment.

CFP: Afro-Diasporic Cinema (8/1/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
White, Lowell M


Callaloo seeks papers for a special issue on "Afro-Diasporic Cinema" to be
published in 2006. In addition to innovative, interdisciplinary, historically
informed, aesthetic analyses of film, television, video and digitial art
throughout the diaspora, Callaloo welcomes the submission of screenplays,
scenarios, interviews and images thatdocument black cinematic practices,
broadly conceived.

CFP: Afro-Diasporic Cinema (8/1/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
White, Lowell M


Callaloo seeks papers for a special issue on "Afro-Diasporic Cinema" to be
published in 2006. In addition to innovative, interdisciplinary, historically
informed, aesthetic analyses of film, television, video and digitial art
throughout the diaspora, Callaloo welcomes the submission of screenplays,
scenarios, interviews and images thatdocument black cinematic practices,
broadly conceived.

CFP: Gender Roomours: Gender and Space (9/15/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
gender forum

CFP: "Gender Roomours": gender and space
(deadline: 9/15/2005, essays and reviews for journal)
Publication: December 2005
Editor: Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier
The online journal "gender forum" (, affiliated
at the University of Cologne, Germany, invites scholars to contribute
target articles and reviews to its upcoming issue on gender and space.
Target articles should conform to the MLA style sheet (Joseph Gibaldi, MLA
Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5th ed. New York: The Modern
Language Association of America, 1999) and should not exceed 8,000 words.

CFP: Colloquy: All Topics (grad) (1/15/05; journal issue)

Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 7:00pm

Colloquy journal is seeking submissions for the general issue in 2005. Deadline for submissions is 15 January 2005.

Colloquy publishes articles and reviews by current postgraduates and recent doctoral graduates working in the areas of literary and cultural studies, continental philosophy and visual culture, performance and translation studies.

All work is refereed by academics working in appropriate fields for assessment to ensure the originality and currency of the journal and to maintain a high standard of critical writing.

CFP: Shakeyfilms: Non-traditional Screen Adaptations of Shakespeare (no deadline, collection)

Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 7:00pm
Peter Graham

>From Tromeo and Juliet to Romeo + Juliet, from Throne of Blood to Chimes at
Midnight, this privately funded collection slated for publication early 2006
is seeking articles of 5-10,000 words on non-traditional screen adaptations
of Shakespeare's plays. Articles that situate a film with regard to
adaptation theory are particularly encouraged, should be according to APA
style and sent to Peter Graham, Editor, Shakey Films. Email;

CFP: Shakeyfilms: Non-traditional Screen Adaptations of Shakespeare (no deadline, collection)

Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 7:00pm
Peter Graham

>From Tromeo and Juliet to Romeo + Juliet, from Throne of Blood to Chimes at
Midnight, this privately funded collection slated for publication early 2006
is seeking articles of 5-10,000 words on non-traditional screen adaptations
of Shakespeare's plays. Articles that situate a film with regard to
adaptation theory are particularly encouraged, should be according to APA
style and sent to Peter Graham, Editor, Shakey Films. Email;

CFP: Pics and Bits: Word and Image in Art Forms and Communication Media (12/5/04; e-journal)

Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 6:59pm
Kirsten C. Uszkalo

Call for Papers

Issue #15: Pics and Bits

In the Humanities, we long ago redefined the concept of "text" to=20
include architecture, clothing, furniture, and any other material=20
object, artistic or otherwise, that can be a vessel for narrative. It is =

possible, in fact, that the printed word as we know it is merely a blip=20
in the history of human communication.

CFP: "The Future of Ecocriticism" (2/1/05; journal issue)

Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 6:58pm

Green Letters 7: The Future of Ecocriticism

deadline for submissions: 1 February 2005

Green Letters, the journal of ASLE-UK (the Association for the Study of
Literature and the Environment), explores interdisciplinary interfaces
between humans and the natural and built environment. Articles are invited
for our spring 2005 edition focusing on 'ecocriticism'.

CFP: NEMLA Graduate Caucus Paper Prize (grad) (12/16/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 9:05pm
Darcie Rives

NEMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) awards an annual prize to the best graduate student paper presented at any of the conventions sections. The winning paper, as determined by a committee of peers, is published in the NEMLA journal Modern Language Studies.


The submission deadline for the 2005 Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize is December 16, 2004. Graduate Students who presented papers at the 2004 Convention in Pittsburgh are invited to send 20-25 page versions of those essays to Darcie Rives, preferably by email,, or by "snail mail" to Darcie Rives, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 331 Andrews Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0333. Please address questions to

CFP: NEMLA Graduate Caucus Paper Prize (grad) (12/16/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 9:05pm
Darcie Rives

NEMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) awards an annual prize to the best graduate student paper presented at any of the conventions sections. The winning paper, as determined by a committee of peers, is published in the NEMLA journal Modern Language Studies.


The submission deadline for the 2005 Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize is December 16, 2004. Graduate Students who presented papers at the 2004 Convention in Pittsburgh are invited to send 20-25 page versions of those essays to Darcie Rives, preferably by email,, or by "snail mail" to Darcie Rives, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 331 Andrews Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0333. Please address questions to

CFP: Approaches to Teaching the One Thousand and One Nights (11/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 9:04pm
by way of Angela Vietto

Call for Contributions in Approaches series

For the series Approaches to Teaching World Literature, the MLA
Publications Committee has approved development of

· Bonnie D. Irwin, ed., Approaches to Teaching the One Thousand and
One Nights

If you wish to contribute, please send your name and mailing address to
Jeremy George at the MLA office (; fax: 646-458-0030) or to
Bonnie Irwin at Eastern Illinois University (; fax:
217-581-7222) by 15 November 2004.
