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CFP: Public Reactions to Disasters (collection)

Wednesday, May 26, 1999 - 9:40pm



Authors are wanted for a collection of essays on "Public Reactions to
Extraordinary Events," to be edited by Profs. Art Neal and Ray Browne.
Authors of essays should address the issues of the event itself and an
analysis of the trauma-like responses to the event by the public. In
other words, what the impact of the event was and continues to be on
society. Essays should be no more than 15 pages, including notes and
bibliographies (following the PMLA or latest Chicago Style Manual
sheet). Interested authors should send abstracts to either

CFP: General Linguistics (journal)

Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:52pm
Mary Jane Hurst

***** Call for Manuscripts *****

The Southwest Journal of Linguistics invites manuscripts written in Spanish
or in English on any topic in linguistics, though essays dealing with the
languages of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are
especially encouraged. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews of the
literature, book reviews, and occasional commentary on topics of concern to
the journal's readership. The journal is published in two numbers, one in
June and one in December.

CFP: General Linguistics (journal)

Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:52pm
Mary Jane Hurst

***** Call for Manuscripts *****

The Southwest Journal of Linguistics invites manuscripts written in Spanish
or in English on any topic in linguistics, though essays dealing with the
languages of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are
especially encouraged. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews of the
literature, book reviews, and occasional commentary on topics of concern to
the journal's readership. The journal is published in two numbers, one in
June and one in December.

CFP: General Linguistics (journal)

Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:52pm
Mary Jane Hurst

***** Call for Manuscripts *****

The Southwest Journal of Linguistics invites manuscripts written in Spanish
or in English on any topic in linguistics, though essays dealing with the
languages of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are
especially encouraged. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews of the
literature, book reviews, and occasional commentary on topics of concern to
the journal's readership. The journal is published in two numbers, one in
June and one in December.

CFP: Victorian "Domestic" Writers (no deadline; e-journal)

Tuesday, May 18, 1999 - 10:20am
Kim Wells

For an award-winning online (soon to be professionally moderated) =
E-Journal, we are looking for papers, from 3-40 pages, discussing any =
aspect of the literature and/or lives of:
Louisa May Alcott, < >
Kate Chopin, < >
Harriet Beecher Stowe, < >
Willa Cather, < >

CFP: Victorian &quot;Domestic&quot; Writers (no deadline; e-journal)

Tuesday, May 18, 1999 - 10:20am
Kim Wells

For an award-winning online (soon to be professionally moderated) =
E-Journal, we are looking for papers, from 3-40 pages, discussing any =
aspect of the literature and/or lives of:
Louisa May Alcott, < >
Kate Chopin, < >
Harriet Beecher Stowe, < >
Willa Cather, < >

CFP: Book Reviews in Cyberculture (website)

Saturday, May 15, 1999 - 6:06pm
David Silver

The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies (RCCS) seeks scholars from
across the disciplines to review books devoted to the emerging field of
cyberculture. Book reviews run from 1000 to 2000 words and are published
online each month. To give potential reviewers a feel for what we are
looking for, recently reviewed books include: Ellen Ullman's CLOSE TO
in finding scholars to review the following titles:

CFP: Victorian Periodicals, 1800-1914 (no deadline; journal)

Thursday, May 6, 1999 - 5:44pm
Dr. Solveig C. Robinson

Contributors are needed for the RSVP Bibliography, which is published
biennially in Victorian Periodicals Review (VPR). Contributors monitor
assigned journals for articles dealing with periodicals published between
1800-1914 and submit annotated index entries for inclusion in the next
Bibliography. Contributors are acknowledged in VPR.

We currently have a large number of unassigned journals, and we thus need
many new contributors, especially ones with access to Canadian and Scottish

CFP: Victorian Periodicals, 1800-1914 (no deadline; journal)

Thursday, May 6, 1999 - 5:44pm
Dr. Solveig C. Robinson

Contributors are needed for the RSVP Bibliography, which is published
biennially in Victorian Periodicals Review (VPR). Contributors monitor
assigned journals for articles dealing with periodicals published between
1800-1914 and submit annotated index entries for inclusion in the next
Bibliography. Contributors are acknowledged in VPR.

We currently have a large number of unassigned journals, and we thus need
many new contributors, especially ones with access to Canadian and Scottish

CFP: Victorian Periodicals, 1800-1914 (no deadline; journal)

Thursday, May 6, 1999 - 5:44pm
Dr. Solveig C. Robinson

Contributors are needed for the RSVP Bibliography, which is published
biennially in Victorian Periodicals Review (VPR). Contributors monitor
assigned journals for articles dealing with periodicals published between
1800-1914 and submit annotated index entries for inclusion in the next
Bibliography. Contributors are acknowledged in VPR.

We currently have a large number of unassigned journals, and we thus need
many new contributors, especially ones with access to Canadian and Scottish

CFP: Victorian Periodicals, 1800-1914 (no deadline; journal)

Thursday, May 6, 1999 - 5:44pm
Dr. Solveig C. Robinson

Contributors are needed for the RSVP Bibliography, which is published
biennially in Victorian Periodicals Review (VPR). Contributors monitor
assigned journals for articles dealing with periodicals published between
1800-1914 and submit annotated index entries for inclusion in the next
Bibliography. Contributors are acknowledged in VPR.

We currently have a large number of unassigned journals, and we thus need
many new contributors, especially ones with access to Canadian and Scottish

CFP: Poetry Lessons (no deadline; website)

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 - 1:35am

CFP: Lessons in Poetry; Form and Substance
Date: 4/25/99
 Teachers Corner Section
Due: As Soon As Possible, but no deadline

A Poet Born (, invites papers on any type
or area of poetry, that teach a particular lesson in the genre.

A Poet Born wishes to bring good poetry, as well as inspiration and
guidance in the genre, to a whole new arena that allows poetry to
be more accessible and less mysterious to the computer generation.

CFP: Poetry Lessons (no deadline; website)

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 - 1:35am

CFP: Lessons in Poetry; Form and Substance
Date: 4/25/99
 Teachers Corner Section
Due: As Soon As Possible, but no deadline

A Poet Born (, invites papers on any type
or area of poetry, that teach a particular lesson in the genre.

A Poet Born wishes to bring good poetry, as well as inspiration and
guidance in the genre, to a whole new arena that allows poetry to
be more accessible and less mysterious to the computer generation.

CFP: Cinema, Film, and Narrative (journal)

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 - 1:35am
ian wojcik-andrews

The Journal of Narrative Theory (JNT) seeks submissions for an
upcoming special issue (Fall 2000) on cinema and film. Of particular
interest ar papers that situate the production, distribution, and
reception of cinema and films within their historical, theoretical,
ideological and pedagogical contexts. For example, papers that
historicize film genres, theorize about film historiography, or read
films as ideological texts that manufacture consent around class,
gender, and race issues are encouraged. Papers about avante-garde,
documentary, and children's cinematic forms are also relevant and
welcome. This is an initial paper call. Please address any comments to

CFP: Poetry Lessons (no deadline; website)

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 - 1:35am

CFP: Lessons in Poetry; Form and Substance
Date: 4/25/99
 Teachers Corner Section
Due: As Soon As Possible, but no deadline

A Poet Born (, invites papers on any type
or area of poetry, that teach a particular lesson in the genre.

A Poet Born wishes to bring good poetry, as well as inspiration and
guidance in the genre, to a whole new arena that allows poetry to
be more accessible and less mysterious to the computer generation.

CFP: Poetry Lessons (no deadline; website)

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 - 1:35am

CFP: Lessons in Poetry; Form and Substance
Date: 4/25/99
 Teachers Corner Section
Due: As Soon As Possible, but no deadline

A Poet Born (, invites papers on any type
or area of poetry, that teach a particular lesson in the genre.

A Poet Born wishes to bring good poetry, as well as inspiration and
guidance in the genre, to a whole new arena that allows poetry to
be more accessible and less mysterious to the computer generation.

CFP: Cinema, Film, and Narrative (journal)

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 - 1:35am
ian wojcik-andrews

The Journal of Narrative Theory (JNT) seeks submissions for an
upcoming special issue (Fall 2000) on cinema and film. Of particular
interest ar papers that situate the production, distribution, and
reception of cinema and films within their historical, theoretical,
ideological and pedagogical contexts. For example, papers that
historicize film genres, theorize about film historiography, or read
films as ideological texts that manufacture consent around class,
gender, and race issues are encouraged. Papers about avante-garde,
documentary, and children's cinematic forms are also relevant and
welcome. This is an initial paper call. Please address any comments to

CFP: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry (no deadline; collection)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:33pm
Dr. Richard Lane

A call for abstracts/proposals for a new essay collection.

Title: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry: Theorizing the Image
Editors: Dr. Richard Lane, South Bank University & Dr. Miguel Mota, Simon
Fraser University.

Technology: 1. A discourse or treatise on an art or arts; the scientific
             study of the practical or industrial arts.
             2. Practical arts collectively.

Image: 1. An artificial imitation or representation of the external form
        of any object, esp. of a person.
        2. To make an image of; to represent or set forth an image; to
        figure, portray, delineate.

CFP: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry (no deadline; collection)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:33pm
Dr. Richard Lane

A call for abstracts/proposals for a new essay collection.

Title: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry: Theorizing the Image
Editors: Dr. Richard Lane, South Bank University & Dr. Miguel Mota, Simon
Fraser University.

Technology: 1. A discourse or treatise on an art or arts; the scientific
             study of the practical or industrial arts.
             2. Practical arts collectively.

Image: 1. An artificial imitation or representation of the external form
        of any object, esp. of a person.
        2. To make an image of; to represent or set forth an image; to
        figure, portray, delineate.

CFP: International Review of Modernism (??; journal)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:02pm
Leonard Orr

We are in the process of mailing the Spring/Summer 1999 issue of the
International Review of Modernism to subscribers and contributors and we are
assigning reviews for the next two issues (3.1 [Nov., 1999] and 3.2 [April,
2000]). We would like to hear from qualified reviewers in all disciplines. If
you have already sent us vitas or summaries of your interests, you do not need
to do so again, but please keep us informed of changes in e-mail and other
addresses. For fullest information, it is best to visit our web-site (please
note the new web-address below). Here you will find the table of contents of
all of the issues, the guidelines for contributors, and subscription
information and forms.

CFP: International Review of Modernism (??; journal)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:02pm
Leonard Orr

We are in the process of mailing the Spring/Summer 1999 issue of the
International Review of Modernism to subscribers and contributors and we are
assigning reviews for the next two issues (3.1 [Nov., 1999] and 3.2 [April,
2000]). We would like to hear from qualified reviewers in all disciplines. If
you have already sent us vitas or summaries of your interests, you do not need
to do so again, but please keep us informed of changes in e-mail and other
addresses. For fullest information, it is best to visit our web-site (please
note the new web-address below). Here you will find the table of contents of
all of the issues, the guidelines for contributors, and subscription
information and forms.

CFP: Media, Culture, and Technology (e-journal)

Monday, April 19, 1999 - 4:41pm
Andreas Kitzmann

      Welcome to M/C/T a journal/e-zine concerned with Media, Culture and
Technology. M/C/T is a new journal for a new medium for a new millenium.

      M/C/T encourages writing that challenges given assumptions about the
information society. We seek to analyse, critique, probe and raise
questions about the intersecting vectors of media, culture and technology.
We invite our readers to join in the conversation and write for M/C/T. We
encourage open hypertexts/ cybertexts.

CFP: Media, Culture, and Technology (e-journal)

Monday, April 19, 1999 - 4:41pm
Andreas Kitzmann

      Welcome to M/C/T a journal/e-zine concerned with Media, Culture and
Technology. M/C/T is a new journal for a new medium for a new millenium.

      M/C/T encourages writing that challenges given assumptions about the
information society. We seek to analyse, critique, probe and raise
questions about the intersecting vectors of media, culture and technology.
We invite our readers to join in the conversation and write for M/C/T. We
encourage open hypertexts/ cybertexts.

CFP: Interdisciplinary (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, April 14, 1999 - 5:36am
Batia Boe Stolar

_Postscript: A Journal of Graduate Criticism and Theory_, is a journal
put out annually by the graduate students at the Department of English
at Memorial University of Newfoundland, for graduate students'
interdisciplinary academic work. Submitted essays are subjected to
blind review, and are reviewed by either graduate students or faculty
members, depending on the area of specialization.

CFP: Interdisciplinary (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, April 14, 1999 - 5:36am
Batia Boe Stolar

_Postscript: A Journal of Graduate Criticism and Theory_, is a journal
put out annually by the graduate students at the Department of English
at Memorial University of Newfoundland, for graduate students'
interdisciplinary academic work. Submitted essays are subjected to
blind review, and are reviewed by either graduate students or faculty
members, depending on the area of specialization.

CFP: Interdisciplinary (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, April 14, 1999 - 5:36am
Batia Boe Stolar

_Postscript: A Journal of Graduate Criticism and Theory_, is a journal
put out annually by the graduate students at the Department of English
at Memorial University of Newfoundland, for graduate students'
interdisciplinary academic work. Submitted essays are subjected to
blind review, and are reviewed by either graduate students or faculty
members, depending on the area of specialization.
