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CFP: 2006 American Indian Workshop (UK) (1/15/06; 3/29/06-3/31/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Joy Porter

University of Wales Swansea, UK

29th =96 31st March 2006

2006 American Indian Workshop:

Place In Native American History, Literature and Culture


Plenary Speakers:

Alan Trachtenberg (Yale University)

Deborah Madsen (University of Geneva)

Bruce Johansen (University of Nebraska)

David Murray (University of Nottingham)


Please send 250-word abstracts of proposed papers by=20

15th January 2006 to:

 Dr. Joy Porter:

Conference publication planned

Please register by 20th February 2006:=20

Contact: Anne Edwards: Tel: +44 (0)1792 295755

CFP: Substitution (grad) (1/6/06; 4/6/06-4/7/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm

The "Société des Études supérieures du Département d'Études françaises"
(S.E.S.D.E.F.) at the University of Toronto announces a


11th Annual Student Conference, French Graduate Studies
April 6th & 7th, 2006

Substitution: Equivalence, fluctuation, disproportion

UPDATE: Trash Cinema: A Primer for Beginners (1/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Bleach, Anthony

Trash Cinema: A Primer for Beginners (collection)


CALL FOR PAPERS: Collection of critical essays on trash cinema

We invite submissions for a critical anthology about the ever-expanding
world of national and international trash cinema.

As fans of trash cinema, while we do like to think of the form as being
utterly anti- or counter- "mainstream" cinema, in the ways it challenges
or reworks many of its assumptions, we are amazed at how many trash
favorites (both personal and more perennial, if such a thing exists)
have a striking formal similarity to - as well as an appeal for devotees
of - the "traditional" film canon's fare.

UPDATE: Trash Cinema: A Primer for Beginners (1/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Bleach, Anthony

Trash Cinema: A Primer for Beginners (collection)


CALL FOR PAPERS: Collection of critical essays on trash cinema

We invite submissions for a critical anthology about the ever-expanding
world of national and international trash cinema.

As fans of trash cinema, while we do like to think of the form as being
utterly anti- or counter- "mainstream" cinema, in the ways it challenges
or reworks many of its assumptions, we are amazed at how many trash
favorites (both personal and more perennial, if such a thing exists)
have a striking formal similarity to - as well as an appeal for devotees
of - the "traditional" film canon's fare.

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Technical Communications and Rhetoric (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: 18th-Century Studies (12/31/05; NEASECS, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm

The NEASECS Program Committee at Salem State College invites proposals for
panels or other innovative sessions on any topics related to the long
18th-century. We are particularly interested in proposals related to the
conference theme "Pursuits of Knowledge" in any of its broad,
interdisciplinary interpretations. The conference will take place in
historic Salem, Massachusetts November 9-12, 2006. Send panel topics or
session proposals to be included in the spring Call for Papers by December
31, 2005 to Dr. Elizabeth Blood (email: Visit our

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Technical Communications and Rhetoric (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: Defining Spaces (grad) (12/15/05; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm

Defining Spaces

Graduate Association of French and Italian Students
19th Annual Symposium
University of Wisconsin-Madison
March 30-April 1, 2006

We invite abstracts of 300-500 words about "defining
spaces" in French, Francophone, and Italian literary
and cultural studies. Students from multiple
disciplines are encouraged to apply and presentations
in English are recommended. Please submit abstracts
with title and contact information to Sandra Simmons
and Sharon Donaldson at by
December 15, 2005.

Visit for more

CFP: Defining Spaces (grad) (12/15/05; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm

Defining Spaces

Graduate Association of French and Italian Students
19th Annual Symposium
University of Wisconsin-Madison
March 30-April 1, 2006

We invite abstracts of 300-500 words about "defining
spaces" in French, Francophone, and Italian literary
and cultural studies. Students from multiple
disciplines are encouraged to apply and presentations
in English are recommended. Please submit abstracts
with title and contact information to Sandra Simmons
and Sharon Donaldson at by
December 15, 2005.

Visit for more

CFP: Drugs and Selfhood (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Lindsey Banco

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which
will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,

"Drugs and Selfhood"

CFP: Drugs and Selfhood (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Lindsey Banco

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which
will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,

"Drugs and Selfhood"

CFP: Drugs and Selfhood (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Lindsey Banco

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which
will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,

"Drugs and Selfhood"

CFP: Drugs and Selfhood (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Lindsey Banco

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which
will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,

"Drugs and Selfhood"

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Criticism and Pop Culture (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Literature Studies (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Criticism and Pop Culture (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Literature Studies (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Criticism and Pop Culture (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: Theatricality, History, Theory (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Martin Harries

Call for Papers:

Theatricality, History, Theory

The seminar will be part of the American Comparative Literature Association Conference at Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey, March 23-26, 2006.

Seminar Organizers: Martin Harries, New York University; Andrew Parker, Amherst College

CFP: Theatricality, History, Theory (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Martin Harries

Call for Papers:

Theatricality, History, Theory

The seminar will be part of the American Comparative Literature Association Conference at Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey, March 23-26, 2006.

Seminar Organizers: Martin Harries, New York University; Andrew Parker, Amherst College

CFP: Theatricality, History, Theory (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Martin Harries

Call for Papers:

Theatricality, History, Theory

The seminar will be part of the American Comparative Literature Association Conference at Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey, March 23-26, 2006.

Seminar Organizers: Martin Harries, New York University; Andrew Parker, Amherst College

CFP: Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative (6/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Derek Royal

MELUS Special Issue - Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative
In his book REINVENTING COMICS, Scott McCloud explores some of the problems
concerning ethnicity and comics. Not only does he argue for an increased
awareness of ethnic and gender representation in contemporary comics, but he
also highlights many of the ethnoracial concerns underlying the history of
comics in the United States. Using McCloud's arguments as a springboard,
MELUS plans on publishing a special issue devoted to multi-ethnic American
