Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) Sponsored Workshop on Precarity and Human Life: Reflections of Artificial Intelligence in Literature and Popular Culture
Concept Note
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Association for Theatre in Higher Education/Association of Asian Performance ATHE/AAP Online Symposium AI Working Group Call for Papers
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Techno-Performative Futures in Asia/Asian Diaspora Studies
Symposium Date: April 4, 2025
Conference Date: April 4-5, 2025
We warmly invite established and emerging scholars to participate in the Eaton Conference on Speculative Fiction, which will be held in-person at the University of California, Riverside from April 4-5, 2025. All scholars, especially graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts for a two-day conference on speculative fiction and the archive to share and engage in conversation about their work, foster community and collegiality, and gain conference experience. This event will be free and open to the public.
Call for paper for a Special issue of ReviewofEducation,Pedagogy,andCulturalStudies
Educatorsin PopularCulture: EducationalSettings asSites ofIntersectional Struggle
Special Issue Editors: Jennifer Esposito and Tanja Burkhard
Popular culture is an educative space and, as such, we learn about ourselves and others through our engagement with popular culture forms (Edwards & Esposito, 2020).
The Memory and Representation area of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association invites submissions on any pertinent topic (see description below) for the 2025 National Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 16-19, 2025.
Memory and Representation: Area Description
This is a panel CFP for the 2025 Biennial Conference: Collective Atmospheres, to be held July 8-11, 2025, at the University of Maryland.
Duke University Department of English Graduate Conference
February 13 & 14, 2025
Keynote Speaker: Tyrone S. Palmer (Wesleyan University)
Literature, Popular Culture, and Bisexuality (edited collection; print)
ed. Ian Kinane (University of Roehampton)
How does the novel give voice to art in other media? What does it take to render as text what has never existed textually? In this panel, we will be responding to this year’s SNS conference theme of “novel languages” by thinking through the ekphrastic act in its broadest sense, asking and answering questions about what it means to “translate” art or experience from one medium to another, what it might mean for representations of other media in the novel to constitute a language of its own.
The Comics Arts Conference is now accepting 100- to 200-word abstracts for papers, presentations, and panels taking a critical or historical perspective on comics (juxtaposed images in sequence) for a meeting of scholars and professionals at WonderCon, in Anaheim, CA, March 28–30, 2025. We seek proposals from a broad range of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives and welcome the participation of academic and independent scholars. We also encourage the involvement of professionals from all areas of the comics industry, including creators, editors, publishers, retailers, distributors, and journalists. The CAC at WonderCon does not accept virtual submissions. The CAC is designed to bring together comics scholars, professionals, critics, and historian
“I agree with the leaves”: Diversifying the Arboreal Humanities
The Department of Liberal Arts at IIT Bhilai is excited to announce the second Graduate Research Meet (GRM) on (Re)imagining ‘Progress’. Conventionally the idea of progress is understood as a linear trajectory towards improvement, scientific advancements, and socio-economic and technological developments. Progress, in contemporary times, can be seen as a holistic concept pertaining to not only societal but also individual betterment — more as a cultural, economic and psychological reality.
Theme and Scope:
For a generation, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter franchise was emblematic of heroism, fighting against adversity, and inclusion of outsiders. This is why Rowling’s arguable alignment of herself, in 2020 and since, with transphobic and trans-exclusionary rhetoric felt like such a betrayal to many of her readers, prompting a revaluation of her work and what it means to them now. With the co-edited collection Potions, Powers, and Prejudice: Reassessing Harry Potter, we intend for contributors to explore the matter of what we collectively do with Harry Potter in the wake of its creator’s very public turn. Some readers have favored a careful delineation between author and work; others have regretfully concluded that no such delineation is possible.
CFP: Adaptations and Retellings 2025
Adaptations and retellings, much like nostalgia, are deeply tied to the past. They confront the challenges of integrating past elements into the present and often engage with each other in this process.
Call for Papers: Studies in Hogg and his World
Call for Expressions of Interest.
In July of 2026 Punch magazine will be 185 years old!
The Punch’s Pocket Book Archive team are editing a special commemorative issue of Victorian Periodicals Review to celebrate Punch, both the magazine and the evolution of a clear brand identity that witnessed many imitations and adaptations across the world.
We would like to invite expressions of interest from scholars who are working on Punch, developing and enriching the field, to consider topics such as: global imitators of the magazine; the merchandise; the almanacks; the pocket-books; the reprinted bound volumes and thematic collections; the online digital resources and more.
Call for Papers
The 32nd Annual Midwest Conference on Literature, Language and Media (MCLLM)
April 5th & 6th 2025
Theme: “Trouble” - Confronting Bigotry in Higher Education and Academic Scholarship
Sponsored by the Center for Research & Study at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, this graduate student conference is organized by the joint effort of students within the Martin Scorsese Department of Cinema Studies, Department of Performance Studies, and Department of Art & Public Policy. Together, we seek to consider where camps and fires may operate as systems, symbols, and metaphors to allow ways of approaching history and nations as kempt and unkempt by time and space.
Every year, the Association holds it annual conference, usually a two-day affair, as well as a graduate student workshop, usually held on the day before the annual conference. The 2025 annual meeting will be held at Georgetown Law from June 17-18th. The theme of the conference, our call for papers, and submissions guidelines can be found below:
Speech Matters
The Black Performing Arts Area provides a scholarly forum to share and disseminate research pertaining to the Black performing arts across expressive forms. Broadly defined, the area focuses on all forms of performing and visual arts, including jazz, blues, gospel, hip-hop, rhythm and blues, Caribbean music, dance, poetry, drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, and acting. In all these contexts we are interested in investigating the merger of aesthetic technique and embodiment across Black diasporic expressivity.
To face climate change is, in part, to grapple with a narrowing range of possible futures. Thus, we find that reproduction itself is up for interrogation, reimagination, and revision. This panel explores precisely these shifts in thought by inviting papers that consider environmental crisis through the lens of sex and gender studies. As invoked by the panel’s title, the trope of Mother Nature exemplifies the powerful role that gender has historically played in environmental cultures. And although Mother Nature has undergone successive waves of critique, human norms of gender and sexuality continue to inflect ecological discourse.
Call for Papers
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
46th Annual Conference, February 19-22, 2025
Marriott Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Proposal submission deadline: October 31, 2024
The Victorians Institute Journal is still accepting submissions for Volume 52, which is expected to be published in 2025. We accept manuscripts between 7k-9k words on any aspect of Victorian and Edwardian literature, art, and culture.
For complete submission instructions and to upload your manuscript for consideration, please visit and follow the steps given by the online system.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at
Call for Papers: Film International: Journal of World Cinema
Aims & Scope
Film International is devoted to the study of world cinemas, focusing on films within international and transnational contexts. The Journal offers insights into the broader scope of cinema practices across the globe, both feature length and otherwise, including by way of cultural comparison. It not only encourages attention to underrepresented regions such as the Global South, small-nation and minor cinemas, but also to how aesthetic choices have been made in these contexts.
Topic:Expressivity, Bodies and Language in the Twenty-First Century
Venue: University of Montpellier – Paul Valéry, France
Date: 20-21 November 2025
Conference organizers: Sandrine Sorlin (University of Montpellier – Paul-Valéry /IUF - EMMA) and Julie Neveux (Sorbonne University - CeLiSo)
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to announce the Call for Papers for Volume 23 of Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, an international peer-reviewed journal. We invite undergraduates from all majors and academic years to submit research and theoretical articles on topics related to rhetoric, writing, discourse, and language.
This year, we are also accepting multilingual submissions that explore Spanish-English bilingualism, translation studies, and writing across languages. Submissions fall into three categories:
Adaptation, Restoration, Rebirth
Association of Adaptation Studies Conference
1-4 June 2025, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Keynotes (CONFIRMED):
Dr. Ahmet Gürata, Department of Cinema and Digital Media, İzmir University of Economics, Türkiye
Dr. Iain Robert Smith, Department of Film Studies, King’s College London, UK
How old are you? How do you feel about getting older? And how will you still be able to carry out your responsibilities as you age? Most people had reservations asking these questions of anyone but their closest friends and family members until the recent Presidential election season in the United States threw them into sharp relief.
On his way to the Temple of the Grail Knights, Parsifal says: I move only a little, yet already I seem to have gone far. The all-knowing Gurnemanz replies: You see, my son, here time turns into space. - Wagner’s “Parsifal”
The Department of Religions and Cultures at Concordia University is pleased to announce the 30th Annual Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference (AGIC). In part commemorating AGIC’s 30th year of existence and coinciding with Concordia University’s 50th anniversary, we invite both academic and creative submissions (research papers, short films, visual arts/media, short stories, poems, etc.) that engage with this year’s theme,“Journeying”.