CFP: Children and Political Activism (3/1/07; MLA '07)
"Children and Political Activism"
Modern Language Association
27-30 Dec. 2007, Chicago
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"Children and Political Activism"
Modern Language Association
27-30 Dec. 2007, Chicago
"Children and Political Activism"
Modern Language Association
27-30 Dec. 2007, Chicago
CFP: Everyday Empires: State, Security, Form. (4/15/06; MSA 10/19/06 =20=
=96 10/22/06)
This panel examines the points in "modernist" aesthetic production
where state power, imperial practice, and domestic life coincide.
In keeping with the emphasis of this year's conference on the
archive, we are especially interested in projects that draw upon
archival work or, alternatively, understand aesthetic form
itself as a kind of archive -- one that, in a Benjaminian way, might
register both political power and its utopian alternatives.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
-Formal articulations of power (Political and narrative sovereignty);
CFP: Everyday Empires: State, Security, Form. (4/15/06; MSA 10/19/06 =20=
=96 10/22/06)
This panel examines the points in "modernist" aesthetic production
where state power, imperial practice, and domestic life coincide.
In keeping with the emphasis of this year's conference on the
archive, we are especially interested in projects that draw upon
archival work or, alternatively, understand aesthetic form
itself as a kind of archive -- one that, in a Benjaminian way, might
register both political power and its utopian alternatives.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
-Formal articulations of power (Political and narrative sovereignty);
Special Session: Mimicry, Parody, Hybridity: Contemporary Taiwan Literature
and Culture
2006 MLA Convention
Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006
Special Session: Mimicry, Parody, Hybridity: Contemporary Taiwan Literature
and Culture
2006 MLA Convention
Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006
Conference Name: 1st John Dos Passos International Conference
Name of organizing/sponsoring society or organization: CENTRO CULTURAL =
DOS PASSOS, Direc=E7=E3o Regional dos Assuntos Culturais
Name of contact person: Miguel Oliveira
Enquiries e-mail: <>
Website address:
Conference start date: 12 October 2006
Last day of conference: 14 October 2006
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 31 May 2006
City where conference will be held: Funchal (Madeira Island)
Country: Portugal
Conference Name: 1st John Dos Passos International Conference
Name of organizing/sponsoring society or organization: CENTRO CULTURAL =
DOS PASSOS, Direc=E7=E3o Regional dos Assuntos Culturais
Name of contact person: Miguel Oliveira
Enquiries e-mail: <>
Website address:
Conference start date: 12 October 2006
Last day of conference: 14 October 2006
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 31 May 2006
City where conference will be held: Funchal (Madeira Island)
Country: Portugal
The 3/15/06 deadline for the following SCMLA panel presentation has been
extended to 3/30/06:
The South Central American Dialect Association invites abstracts for the
annual meeting and presentation at the conference of the South Central
Modern Language Association. The conference will take place on October
26-28, 2006 in Dallas, TX.
The panel chair will consider presentations on all dialect studies from
all geographic regions and welcomes all disciplinary approaches to
dialect use and dialect studies. Previous panels have included dialect
studies related to literature, pedagogy, and cultural studies.
The 3/15/06 deadline for the following SCMLA panel presentation has been
extended to 3/30/06:
The South Central American Dialect Association invites abstracts for the
annual meeting and presentation at the conference of the South Central
Modern Language Association. The conference will take place on October
26-28, 2006 in Dallas, TX.
The panel chair will consider presentations on all dialect studies from
all geographic regions and welcomes all disciplinary approaches to
dialect use and dialect studies. Previous panels have included dialect
studies related to literature, pedagogy, and cultural studies.
The 3/15/06 deadline for the following SCMLA panel presentation has been
extended to 3/30/06:
The South Central American Dialect Association invites abstracts for the
annual meeting and presentation at the conference of the South Central
Modern Language Association. The conference will take place on October
26-28, 2006 in Dallas, TX.
The panel chair will consider presentations on all dialect studies from
all geographic regions and welcomes all disciplinary approaches to
dialect use and dialect studies. Previous panels have included dialect
studies related to literature, pedagogy, and cultural studies.
Divided Loyalties
The competing components of human identity, in particular the identity =
of the artist =96 personal relationships, vocation, gender, race, class, =
religion, ethnicity, socio-political affiliation, language, nationality =
and place of residence -- are often in conflict with one another, but =
the conflict may be a stimulus for creative energies and an authentic =
world view.=20
Divided Loyalties
The competing components of human identity, in particular the identity =
of the artist =96 personal relationships, vocation, gender, race, class, =
religion, ethnicity, socio-political affiliation, language, nationality =
and place of residence -- are often in conflict with one another, but =
the conflict may be a stimulus for creative energies and an authentic =
world view.=20
The 14th METU British Novelists Seminar
Jeanette Winterson and her Work
will be held on=20
14-15 December 2006
at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Call for Papers=20
You are invited to send proposals for 20-minute presentations on any =
topic directly related to this year's Seminar topic.=20
Proposals of no more than 250 words should be sent to the conference =
organiser at one of the addresses given below by 15th September. =20
The papers presented at the seminar will be published in a Proceedings.=20
The 14th METU British Novelists Seminar
Jeanette Winterson and her Work
will be held on=20
14-15 December 2006
at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Call for Papers=20
You are invited to send proposals for 20-minute presentations on any =
topic directly related to this year's Seminar topic.=20
Proposals of no more than 250 words should be sent to the conference =
organiser at one of the addresses given below by 15th September. =20
The papers presented at the seminar will be published in a Proceedings.=20
Mr. Toad, Wolf Larsen, Heidi, Phileas Fogg, Ichabod, Sherlock, Anne, Alice, Tweedledum, Tweedledee,
Jacob Marley, Dr. Moreau, Long John Silver: in what ways do such literary characters and their
distant cousins endure? How were these classics in dialogue with other canonical works? Were
authors like Wilde and Eliot--in texts like The Selfish Giant or Old Possum's Book of Practical
Cats--at liberty to engage the imagination in alternative ways in material purportedly "for
children"? Have mediated versions of such characters replaced the mythical divinities in the
"public imagination?" How can we engage critical, historical, linguistic, or dialectical analyses
Mr. Toad, Wolf Larsen, Heidi, Phileas Fogg, Ichabod, Sherlock, Anne, Alice, Tweedledum, Tweedledee,
Jacob Marley, Dr. Moreau, Long John Silver: in what ways do such literary characters and their
distant cousins endure? How were these classics in dialogue with other canonical works? Were
authors like Wilde and Eliot--in texts like The Selfish Giant or Old Possum's Book of Practical
Cats--at liberty to engage the imagination in alternative ways in material purportedly "for
children"? Have mediated versions of such characters replaced the mythical divinities in the
"public imagination?" How can we engage critical, historical, linguistic, or dialectical analyses
Feminist Theory as Praxis e-journal
Deadline: 3-25-06
Update: Besides scholarly and creative essays of 15-25 pages for the
e-journal, we are also seeking cover art for the first edition. Art
will be featured on the entrance page of the website and credit to the
artist on both the entrance page and in the TOC of the edition. Art
will be moved to the journal page when the next edition is created.
Art should address same themes as the journal, broadly: Feminist Theory
as Feminist Praxis. It may also address one of the suggested essay
topics listed below:
Feminist Theory as Praxis e-journal
Deadline: 3-25-06
Update: Besides scholarly and creative essays of 15-25 pages for the
e-journal, we are also seeking cover art for the first edition. Art
will be featured on the entrance page of the website and credit to the
artist on both the entrance page and in the TOC of the edition. Art
will be moved to the journal page when the next edition is created.
Art should address same themes as the journal, broadly: Feminist Theory
as Feminist Praxis. It may also address one of the suggested essay
topics listed below:
Feminist Theory as Praxis e-journal
Deadline: 3-25-06
Update: Besides scholarly and creative essays of 15-25 pages for the
e-journal, we are also seeking cover art for the first edition. Art
will be featured on the entrance page of the website and credit to the
artist on both the entrance page and in the TOC of the edition. Art
will be moved to the journal page when the next edition is created.
Art should address same themes as the journal, broadly: Feminist Theory
as Feminist Praxis. It may also address one of the suggested essay
topics listed below:
Congreso de la Asociaci=F3n Espa=F1ola de Estudios Canadienses
17 y 18 de noviembre de 2006 en la Residencia La Cristalera de la=20
Universidad Aut=F3noma de Madrid.
Panel: Ecocriticism and the Interaction between the Global and the Local =
in Recent Canadian Literature and Art.
Congreso de la Asociaci=F3n Espa=F1ola de Estudios Canadienses
17 y 18 de noviembre de 2006 en la Residencia La Cristalera de la=20
Universidad Aut=F3noma de Madrid.
Panel: Ecocriticism and the Interaction between the Global and the Local =
in Recent Canadian Literature and Art.
Congreso de la Asociaci=F3n Espa=F1ola de Estudios Canadienses
17 y 18 de noviembre de 2006 en la Residencia La Cristalera de la=20
Universidad Aut=F3noma de Madrid.
Panel: Ecocriticism and the Interaction between the Global and the Local =
in Recent Canadian Literature and Art.
In-between: Essays & Studies in Literary Criticism
Submissions are invited on any aspect on Wilde's _The Portrait of Dorian =
Gray_. Three short essays, 4000 words or less, will be included in an =
otherwise open issue. Submissions must be received by the end of April. =
Please contact the editor for any other information.
Gulshan R.Taneja / Editor,=20
Department of English, R.L.A. College, University of Delhi,
Post Box 5205, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110 021, India=20;
In-between: Essays & Studies in Literary Criticism
Submissions are invited on any aspect on Wilde's _The Portrait of Dorian =
Gray_. Three short essays, 4000 words or less, will be included in an =
otherwise open issue. Submissions must be received by the end of April. =
Please contact the editor for any other information.
Gulshan R.Taneja / Editor,=20
Department of English, R.L.A. College, University of Delhi,
Post Box 5205, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110 021, India=20;
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference (PAMLA)
Panel Topic: Nineteenth-Century Nature Writing
November 10-11, 2006
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, California
Extended Deadline: April 06, 2006
Paper proposals sought for a panel on nineteenth-century nature writing. Proposals are encouraged that address this topic within a literary, philosophical, theological, ecological, or scientific framework.
Please email 500-word abstract (inline or attachment) to or, if necessary, send by post to the following address:
Alfred J. Drake
1005 West Saint Andrew Place
Santa Ana, California 92707-2525
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference (PAMLA)
Panel Topic: Nineteenth-Century Nature Writing
November 10-11, 2006
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, California
Extended Deadline: April 06, 2006
Paper proposals sought for a panel on nineteenth-century nature writing. Proposals are encouraged that address this topic within a literary, philosophical, theological, ecological, or scientific framework.
Please email 500-word abstract (inline or attachment) to or, if necessary, send by post to the following address:
Alfred J. Drake
1005 West Saint Andrew Place
Santa Ana, California 92707-2525
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference (PAMLA)
Panel Topic: Nineteenth-Century Nature Writing
November 10-11, 2006
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, California
Extended Deadline: April 06, 2006
Paper proposals sought for a panel on nineteenth-century nature writing. Proposals are encouraged that address this topic within a literary, philosophical, theological, ecological, or scientific framework.
Please email 500-word abstract (inline or attachment) to or, if necessary, send by post to the following address:
Alfred J. Drake
1005 West Saint Andrew Place
Santa Ana, California 92707-2525