International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science - extended cfp
International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science
University of Birmingham, 10-12 April 2024
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International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science
University of Birmingham, 10-12 April 2024
CFP: “Intelligence,” Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (JMMLA), Spring 2024
The Journal of the Midwestern Modern Language Association invites submissions for a Spring 2024 special issue on the theme of “Intelligence.”
In 2021, as a consequence of the pandemic, schools and colleges across the country placed a temporary freeze on standardized testing, reinforcing doubts regarding the necessity and efficacy of such tests to assess intellectual potential. Soon thereafter, the November 30th 2022 launch of ChatGPT-3 elicited responses ranging from the apocalyptic (the software is a huge step toward artificial general intelligence) to the skeptical (the software is not and cannot be intelligent).
Call for Papers - Victorian Pedagogy
Victorian Network is an open-access, MLA-indexed, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing and promoting the best work across the broad field of Victorian Studies by postgraduate students and early career academics. We are delighted to announce that our sixteenth issue (2024) will be on the theme of “Victorian Pedagogy” guest edited by Kevin A. Morrison.
Pedagogy is an exciting topic within Victorian scholarship that has attracted new critical focus in recent years. This issue seeks to include themes relating to the history and depiction of education in the nineteenth century, but also the ways in which Victorian Studies are being taught to students today.
To promote excellence in Collaborative T&I research, the “International Center for Research on Collaborative Translation” rewards MA theses and PhD dissertations in English, French and Italian that make a significant professional/practical or academic contribution to the field of Collaborative Translation.
The call is open to any student from any country.
The winner will receive an honorarium of € 300 and a “Merit Diploma”. The Awards Ceremony to announce the winner will be celebrated in spring 2024 (the date of the Ceremony will be communicated).
Dickinson and Ecologies
Emily Dickinson International Society + Wenshan Conference (Hybrid)
Department of English, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan
19-22 June 2025
(1 Day Critical Institute + 3-Day International Conference)
Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 September 2024
Comhfhios Boston College
February 17, 2024
Connolly House, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
The Irish Studies Graduate Students of Boston College, in conjunction with the Irish Studies Program, are pleased to host the seventh annual Comhfhios Boston College conference. Comhfhios (pronounced “co-is”) meaning “knowledge together,” or “open to all knowledge,” invites emerging scholars in all Irish Studies fields to gather in Boston.
Submission Deadline extended to December 15th
The CUNY Games Network of the City University of New York is excited to announce The CUNY Games Conference 10.0, to be held online January 22 and in-person January 23 at the Borough of Manhattan Community College in New York City.
Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes
Special Issue 4/2024
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia
Guest editors
Professor Ken Hyland, University of East Anglia, UK
Dr. Octavia Raluca Zglobiu-Sandu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania
Dr. Andrada Fătu-Tutoveanu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania
The next issue of Diffractions explores immateriality in artistic and cultural practices as a form of both expression and resistance. For centuries, the histories of artistic practices (as well as historiographies and historicities) have been anchored to materiality and the production of objects. As Michel Claura argues, “[t]he history of art is the history of the technique of art” (1969, 83). Indeed, curatorship as we know it today initially developed around objects and their need of care.
Call for Papers: Special Section on "Reflecting on ‘The Teen Whisperer’: Twenty Years of John Green"
Edited by Dr Jennifer Gouck
Hailed by Margaret Talbot of The New Yorker as “the teen whisperer,” John Green has arguably been one of the most influential YA authors of the twenty-first century. Yet Green was not an instant success. His debut novel, Looking for Alaska, sold only a few thousand copies – most of which, Green told Shannon Maughan in an interview for Publishers Weekly, were hand-sold. Despite garnering critical acclaim in the form of the 2006 Printz Award, Alaska did not become a bestseller until seven years after its 2005 publication.
European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) CONFERENCE, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
26-30 August, 2024
Gerd Bayer (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, FAU, Germany)
Sonia Villegas-López (University of Huelva, Spain)
Online seminar proposal:
MinEastry of Postcollapse Art and Culture |
OPEN CALL Postcollapse Art: Art Since 1989
We are pleased to invite artists, writers, and scholars to submit work for inclusion in Postcollapse Art: Art Since 1989, an anthology that seeks to explore contemporary art and visual culture since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.
RSVP's Robert and Vineta Colby Scholarly Book PrizeThe Colby Prize is intended to honor original book-length scholarship about Victorian periodicals and newspapers, of the kind that Robert and Vineta Colby themselves produced during their careers. The annual prize is awarded to a book published during the preceding year that most advances our understanding of the nineteenth-century British press. The winner receives a monetary award of up to $2,000 and is invited to speak at the following year’s RSVP conference.
Call for Papers: Preserving, Producing, and Circulating Cultures, Arts and Languages of Hong Kong, 13-14 June 2024, University of Sheffield
With the migration of numerous Hong Kong scholars and artists, there is a pressing need to discuss and dissect the global dynamics of Hong Kong cultures and arts, and their salient impact on local and diasporic communities.
This workshop seeks to shed light on the intricate interplay of Hong Kong's rich cultural and artistic tapestry. We are particularly interested in explorations around the following potential themes within the fields of arts and humanities:
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Fend / Dr. Miguel Gaete / Prof. Dr. Frederike Middelhoff
Keynote Speaker: Professor Luciana Martins (Birkbeck University London)
Conference to be held 10-12 October 2024, Goethe University Frankfurt
The International Journal of Young Adult Literature, Vol. 6 (2025)
Special Section on "Diversity and Inclusion in International Young Adult Sports Fiction"
Edited by Dr Sarah Layzell and Dr Carla Plieth
Interactive Film and Media Annual Virtual Conference
June 12-14, 2024, via Zoom
Communities | Structures | Entanglements
Proposals Deadline: Monday, December 18th
The VI Interactive Film and Media Conference 2024 is thrilled to announce a Call for Proposals focused on the compelling and intricate themes of "Communities | Structures | Entanglements." These themes present a rich ground for exploration, innovation, and critical examination in the rapidly evolving interactive film and media domain.
After Words: Reconsidering Narratives of Trauma and Violence in the Humanities
School of English Postgraduate Conference
Trinity College Dublin – Trinity Long Room Hub
Online and-person and event
9th February 2024
Organizers: Ginevra Bianchini and Elena Valli, PhD Researchers TCD English
The way violence is represented always influences its reception and integration within the cultural imaginary. The narration of violence is ingrained in our perception of ourselves and our communities, and those who report traumatic events then carry the responsibility of how they are received and memorialised.
20th Annual University of Oregon Graduate Symposium in the History of Art & Architecture
Submissions Due: February 1, 2024
Symposium Date: April 12, 2024
Reminiscence and Creation: Art as Memory Work
What does it mean to make and break memories? Who do memories belong to? How do memories shape us and the field of art history more broadly? Because each of us has a unique relationship with memories, the way they materialize is bound to differ as well. Whereas some memories are collective, shaped by a shared narrative that manifests in numerous ways, others are more intimate, individual.
New Research and Perspectives on Pauline E. Hopkins: “In the West” and Elsewhere
Bloomsbury Academic's SCREEN STORYTELLING book series
Edited volume on the works of Sylvester Stallone
Call for Abstracts/Proposals for Essays for an Edited Collection
SCREEN STORYTELLERS: The Works of Jon Favreau
Edited by Guy Nicolucci
This edited volume on the works of Jon Favreau will be the fourth book in a new series to be published by Bloomsbury Academic. Seeking 250-word abstracts for previously unpublished essays on films and television series created or produced by Favreau. Final essays will be 3,000-3,500 words, written for an audience of student readers, and will be due Summer/Fall 2024.
The Black Performing Arts Area provides a scholarly forum to share and disseminate research pertaining to the Black performing arts across expressive forms. Broadly defined, the area focuses on all forms of performing and visual arts, including jazz, blues, gospel, hip-hop, rhythm and blues, Caribbean music, dance, poetry, drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, and acting. In all these contexts we are interested in investigating the merger of aesthetic technique and embodiment across Black diasporic expressivity.
Joint CCLA-ACCUTE roundtable at the Humanities and Social Sciences Congress 2024, McGill University, June 12-15, 2024
Organizers: Sanjukta Banerjee, York University, Glendon College,; Jill Planche, Brock University & Toronto Metropolitan University, Chang School,
Juxtapositions: Research and Scholarship in Haiku seeks submissions about translation and haiku in the following three categories:
1. Full-length academic articles: 2,500-10,000 words; any focus on translation and haiku including theoretical approaches, historical overviews, specific challenges, etc. is welcome. Articles should be thesis-driven and situated their claims within the context of existing scholarship about the topic.
2. Personal approaches to translation: 500-1,000 words; for established translators; may focus any aspect of one’s own approach to translating haiku in general or the work of a specific haiku poet or poets; may include discussions of mentors and influences on one’s approach.
MLA New Orleans, 9-12 January 2025
Morris, Religion, and Myth
This MLA guaranteed session invites proposals exploring Morris’s writings on religion and myth. Topics could come from Morris’s Icelandic writings, his fantasy romance, The Earthly Paradise, News from Nowhere, The Defence of Guenevere, and A Dream of John Ball.
Please include a 250-word abstract and short bio no later than Friday, 1 March 2024, to
American Literature Association
35th Annual Conference
May 23-26, 2024
Chicago, IL
Religious (In)tolerance and Geopolitics in American Literature
The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society is sponsoring a panel titled "Transcendentalist Legacies of Resilience" at the Throeau Society Annual Gathering, 2024.
The Emerson Society is sponsoring a panel titled "Emerson & Varieties of Religious Experience" at the American Literature Association Annual Conference, May 2024.
The Emerson Society and the William James Society will co-sponsor a panel titled "Emerson & Varieties of Religious Experience" at the American Literature Association Annual Conference, May 2024.