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CFP: Medieval British Literature (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm

College English Association National Conference
April 12-14, 2007, New Orleans

CEA invites papers on Medieval British Literature for its 38th annual
meeting in New Orleans. The conference theme this year is "Empathy and
Ethics." Proposals addressing this theme are especially encouraged, but
any topic addressing Medieval British literature will be considered.

CFP: Caribbean Without Borders (grad) (Puerto Rico) (11/30/06; 3/20/07-3/22/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
DJ Smith

  "The Caribbean Without Borders"
  3/20/07-3/22/07 at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus
  Graduate Student Conference on Caribbean Literature, Linguistics, and Culture
  Keynote Speaker: Dr. Velma Pollard
  Organized by the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras, Graduate Students of the Department of English, College of Humanities
  Possible topics include:
  Caribbean Poetry, Drama, and Fiction
  Creole Linguistics and Writing in Creole
  Caribbean Music
  Asian Caribbean Experience
  Canadian Caribbean Experience
  Caribbean Migrations
  Gender and Representation

CFP: Caribbean Without Borders (grad) (Puerto Rico) (11/30/06; 3/20/07-3/22/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
DJ Smith

  "The Caribbean Without Borders"
  3/20/07-3/22/07 at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus
  Graduate Student Conference on Caribbean Literature, Linguistics, and Culture
  Keynote Speaker: Dr. Velma Pollard
  Organized by the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras, Graduate Students of the Department of English, College of Humanities
  Possible topics include:
  Caribbean Poetry, Drama, and Fiction
  Creole Linguistics and Writing in Creole
  Caribbean Music
  Asian Caribbean Experience
  Canadian Caribbean Experience
  Caribbean Migrations
  Gender and Representation

CFP: Caribbean Without Borders (grad) (Puerto Rico) (11/30/06; 3/20/07-3/22/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
DJ Smith

  "The Caribbean Without Borders"
  3/20/07-3/22/07 at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus
  Graduate Student Conference on Caribbean Literature, Linguistics, and Culture
  Keynote Speaker: Dr. Velma Pollard
  Organized by the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras, Graduate Students of the Department of English, College of Humanities
  Possible topics include:
  Caribbean Poetry, Drama, and Fiction
  Creole Linguistics and Writing in Creole
  Caribbean Music
  Asian Caribbean Experience
  Canadian Caribbean Experience
  Caribbean Migrations
  Gender and Representation

UPDATE: Oregon Rhetoric Conference (6/1/07; 10/12/07-10/13/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Nancy Knowles

*Due to unexpected circumstances, the Oregon Rhetoric Conference will be
postponed until October 12-13, 2007. Please look for the CFP early next
year and direct inquiries to Nancy Knowles
<> or 541-962-3795. We apologize for any
inconvenience. *
* *
*Call for Proposals*
*Oregon**'s 15th Annual Conference on Rhetoric and Composition*
*The First Annual Conference on Multiwriting, Alternative
Composition/Rhetoric, and Community Service Learning*

*Friday and Saturday, October 12-13, 2007 (new date)*
Eastern Oregon University in La Grande, Oregon

UPDATE: Oregon Rhetoric Conference (6/1/07; 10/12/07-10/13/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Nancy Knowles

*Due to unexpected circumstances, the Oregon Rhetoric Conference will be
postponed until October 12-13, 2007. Please look for the CFP early next
year and direct inquiries to Nancy Knowles
<> or 541-962-3795. We apologize for any
inconvenience. *
* *
*Call for Proposals*
*Oregon**'s 15th Annual Conference on Rhetoric and Composition*
*The First Annual Conference on Multiwriting, Alternative
Composition/Rhetoric, and Community Service Learning*

*Friday and Saturday, October 12-13, 2007 (new date)*
Eastern Oregon University in La Grande, Oregon

CFP: Undergraduate Literature and Creative Writing Conference (undergrad) (11/30/06; 2/19/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Roth, Laurence

Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania (50 minutes north of
Harrisburg) invites undergraduate scholars and writers to participate in its
third annual Undergraduate Literature and Creative Writing Conference,
February 19, 2007. The conference is free of charge.

The keynote speaker this year is Michael Bérubé, Paterno Family Professor in
Literature at Pennsylvania State University. The poet John Hoppenthaler,
will conclude the conference with an evening reading.

CFP: Undergraduate Literature and Creative Writing Conference (undergrad) (11/30/06; 2/19/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Roth, Laurence

Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania (50 minutes north of
Harrisburg) invites undergraduate scholars and writers to participate in its
third annual Undergraduate Literature and Creative Writing Conference,
February 19, 2007. The conference is free of charge.

The keynote speaker this year is Michael Bérubé, Paterno Family Professor in
Literature at Pennsylvania State University. The poet John Hoppenthaler,
will conclude the conference with an evening reading.

CFP: Undergraduate Literature and Creative Writing Conference (undergrad) (11/30/06; 2/19/07)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Roth, Laurence

Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania (50 minutes north of
Harrisburg) invites undergraduate scholars and writers to participate in its
third annual Undergraduate Literature and Creative Writing Conference,
February 19, 2007. The conference is free of charge.

The keynote speaker this year is Michael Bérubé, Paterno Family Professor in
Literature at Pennsylvania State University. The poet John Hoppenthaler,
will conclude the conference with an evening reading.

UPDATE: Mothering and Popular Culture (12/1/06; collection)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Elizabeth Podnieks

CFP: Mothering and Popular Culture (collection)


I am looking for papers for an edited collection, under provisional
contract with McGill-Queen's University Press, tentatively called
Mediated Moms: Mothering and Popular Culture.


The proposed scholarly volume will examine the topic of mothers,
mothering, and motherhood within and across all forms of twentieth- and
twenty-first century popular cultures. Possible areas to consider
include, but are not limited to, the following:=20


-TV shows, including talk shows, family dramas, sitcoms, and cartoons;=20

-print and electronic journalism and celebrity rags;=20

-Internet sites including blogs and homepages;=20

UPDATE: Mothering and Popular Culture (12/1/06; collection)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Elizabeth Podnieks

CFP: Mothering and Popular Culture (collection)


I am looking for papers for an edited collection, under provisional
contract with McGill-Queen's University Press, tentatively called
Mediated Moms: Mothering and Popular Culture.


The proposed scholarly volume will examine the topic of mothers,
mothering, and motherhood within and across all forms of twentieth- and
twenty-first century popular cultures. Possible areas to consider
include, but are not limited to, the following:=20


-TV shows, including talk shows, family dramas, sitcoms, and cartoons;=20

-print and electronic journalism and celebrity rags;=20

-Internet sites including blogs and homepages;=20

UPDATE: Mothering and Popular Culture (12/1/06; collection)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Elizabeth Podnieks

CFP: Mothering and Popular Culture (collection)


I am looking for papers for an edited collection, under provisional
contract with McGill-Queen's University Press, tentatively called
Mediated Moms: Mothering and Popular Culture.


The proposed scholarly volume will examine the topic of mothers,
mothering, and motherhood within and across all forms of twentieth- and
twenty-first century popular cultures. Possible areas to consider
include, but are not limited to, the following:=20


-TV shows, including talk shows, family dramas, sitcoms, and cartoons;=20

-print and electronic journalism and celebrity rags;=20

-Internet sites including blogs and homepages;=20

UPDATE: Mothering and Popular Culture (12/1/06; collection)

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 2:56pm
Elizabeth Podnieks

CFP: Mothering and Popular Culture (collection)


I am looking for papers for an edited collection, under provisional
contract with McGill-Queen's University Press, tentatively called
Mediated Moms: Mothering and Popular Culture.


The proposed scholarly volume will examine the topic of mothers,
mothering, and motherhood within and across all forms of twentieth- and
twenty-first century popular cultures. Possible areas to consider
include, but are not limited to, the following:=20


-TV shows, including talk shows, family dramas, sitcoms, and cartoons;=20

-print and electronic journalism and celebrity rags;=20

-Internet sites including blogs and homepages;=20

CFP: Louise Erdrich: New Essays in Criticism (11/30/06; collection)

Saturday, October 7, 2006 - 3:00am
Brajesh Sawhney

0/06=0APapers :06/30/07=0AWinner of a National Book Critics Circle Award a=
nd many other awards, Louise Erdrich (1954 - ) is an internationally known =
contemporary American author. Although she is recognized as a poet, essayis=
t, and children's fiction writer, she is best known for her North Dakota sa=
ga: to date nine novels consistently compared to Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha s=
aga. These novels raise significant issues relating to gender, written genr=
es, authorship, and categorization of Native American literature. The latte=
r question of literary placement is particularly relevant. Erdrich is consi=

CFP: Louise Erdrich: New Essays in Criticism (11/30/06; collection)

Saturday, October 7, 2006 - 3:00am
Brajesh Sawhney

0/06=0APapers :06/30/07=0AWinner of a National Book Critics Circle Award a=
nd many other awards, Louise Erdrich (1954 - ) is an internationally known =
contemporary American author. Although she is recognized as a poet, essayis=
t, and children's fiction writer, she is best known for her North Dakota sa=
ga: to date nine novels consistently compared to Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha s=
aga. These novels raise significant issues relating to gender, written genr=
es, authorship, and categorization of Native American literature. The latte=
r question of literary placement is particularly relevant. Erdrich is consi=

CFP: Media Access (11/20/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lucas Hilderbrand

Call for Papers:
Spectator special issue on
Media Access: Practices, Policies, and Historiographies
Volume 27, Number 1 (Spring 2007)

CFP: Screening Irish-America (12/1/06; 4/13/07-4/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Ruth Barton


The UCD O¹Kane Centre for Film Studies in conjunction with the Clinton
Institute for American Studies, UCD, the Humanities Institute, UCD, the
Irish Program, Boston College, the Huston School of Film and Digital Media
and the School of Film and Television Studies, University of East Anglia
invite proposals for papers to be given at the:


To be held at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, UCD

13-15 April 2007

Proposals covering all aspects of Irish-American Screen Studies, from the
Early and Silent period through to New Media Technologies would be welcomed.
Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals.

CFP: Media Access (11/20/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lucas Hilderbrand

Call for Papers:
Spectator special issue on
Media Access: Practices, Policies, and Historiographies
Volume 27, Number 1 (Spring 2007)

CFP: Media Access (11/20/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lucas Hilderbrand

Call for Papers:
Spectator special issue on
Media Access: Practices, Policies, and Historiographies
Volume 27, Number 1 (Spring 2007)

CFP: Screening Irish-America (12/1/06; 4/13/07-4/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Ruth Barton


The UCD O¹Kane Centre for Film Studies in conjunction with the Clinton
Institute for American Studies, UCD, the Humanities Institute, UCD, the
Irish Program, Boston College, the Huston School of Film and Digital Media
and the School of Film and Television Studies, University of East Anglia
invite proposals for papers to be given at the:


To be held at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, UCD

13-15 April 2007

Proposals covering all aspects of Irish-American Screen Studies, from the
Early and Silent period through to New Media Technologies would be welcomed.
Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals.

CFP: Screening Irish-America (12/1/06; 4/13/07-4/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Ruth Barton


The UCD O¹Kane Centre for Film Studies in conjunction with the Clinton
Institute for American Studies, UCD, the Humanities Institute, UCD, the
Irish Program, Boston College, the Huston School of Film and Digital Media
and the School of Film and Television Studies, University of East Anglia
invite proposals for papers to be given at the:


To be held at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, UCD

13-15 April 2007

Proposals covering all aspects of Irish-American Screen Studies, from the
Early and Silent period through to New Media Technologies would be welcomed.
Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals.

CFP: Empathy and Ethics (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lisa E. Bernstein

CEA 2007 -- Special Session on "Self and Other: Defining, Constructing,
and Representing Relationships through Empathy and Ethics"

The 38th Annual College English Association Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-14, 2007

Conference Theme: Empathy and Ethics

UPDATED Deadline for all proposals: November 1, 2006
UPDATED Conference Dates: April 12-14, 2007
UPDATED: Submission Guidelines (Please see below):

CFP: Empathy and Ethics (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lisa E. Bernstein

CEA 2007 -- Special Session on "Self and Other: Defining, Constructing,
and Representing Relationships through Empathy and Ethics"

The 38th Annual College English Association Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-14, 2007

Conference Theme: Empathy and Ethics

UPDATED Deadline for all proposals: November 1, 2006
UPDATED Conference Dates: April 12-14, 2007
UPDATED: Submission Guidelines (Please see below):

CFP: Empathy and Ethics (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lisa E. Bernstein

CEA 2007 -- Special Session on "Self and Other: Defining, Constructing,
and Representing Relationships through Empathy and Ethics"

The 38th Annual College English Association Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-14, 2007

Conference Theme: Empathy and Ethics

UPDATED Deadline for all proposals: November 1, 2006
UPDATED Conference Dates: April 12-14, 2007
UPDATED: Submission Guidelines (Please see below):

CFP: The Medieval City (10/27/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Francine McGregor

Call for Papers: THE MEDIEVAL CITY

24th Annual Conference of the
23-24 February 2007
Eastern Illinois University

Keynote Speaker: C. David Benson, University of Connecticut

CFP: Henry James Panel at Louisville (10/6/06; 20th-C., 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Wadsworth, Sarah

The Henry James Society will sponsor a session at the thirty-fifth
annual 20th-Century Literature and Culture Conference at the University
of Louisville, February 22-24, 2007. Paper proposals are invited on the
theme "TWICE-TOLD JAMES." Specific twentieth-century themes include (but
are not limited to) the following--

* (Re)reading James in the twentieth century

* The New York Edition

* James's Prefaces

* Film interpretations of James

* Twentieth-century writers interpreting / rewriting /
translating / revising James

* James in twentieth-century fiction

* James and twentieth-century cultural theory

CFP: Spectator: Media Co-Production (11/29/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Hyung-Sook Lee

Hello all,

Spectator, published biannually by the Division of Critical Studies, University of Southern California, is seeking papers on Media Co-productions for its next issue. Please circulate the information to your colleagues and PhD students.

Thank you.

Hyung-Sook Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Critical Studies
School of Cinema-TV
University of Southern California

Call for Papers

Topic Title: Hybrid Media, Ambivalent Feelings: Media Co-Productions and Cultural Negotiation
Spectator Volume 27, Issue 2 (Fall 2007)

CFP: Spectator: Media Co-Production (11/29/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Hyung-Sook Lee

Hello all,

Spectator, published biannually by the Division of Critical Studies, University of Southern California, is seeking papers on Media Co-productions for its next issue. Please circulate the information to your colleagues and PhD students.

Thank you.

Hyung-Sook Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Critical Studies
School of Cinema-TV
University of Southern California

Call for Papers

Topic Title: Hybrid Media, Ambivalent Feelings: Media Co-Productions and Cultural Negotiation
Spectator Volume 27, Issue 2 (Fall 2007)
