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CFP: American West and Geopolitical Imaginary (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Alex Hunt

CFP: American West and Geopolitical Imaginary (March 15; MLA 07)

American West and Geopolitical Imaginary =20
For this proposed MLA Special Session I seek abstracts of about 500 =
words. Papers should consider representations of the American West as =
space of national imaginary dramatizing contemporary issues including =
immigration and security; American empire; U.S. military action; =
terrorism and trauma. Due on or by March 15; Alex Hunt =

Alex Hunt
Assistant Professor of American Literature
Department of English and Modern Languages
West Texas A&M University
Box 60908
Canyon, TX 79016

CFP: American West and Geopolitical Imaginary (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Alex Hunt

CFP: American West and Geopolitical Imaginary (March 15; MLA 07)

American West and Geopolitical Imaginary =20
For this proposed MLA Special Session I seek abstracts of about 500 =
words. Papers should consider representations of the American West as =
space of national imaginary dramatizing contemporary issues including =
immigration and security; American empire; U.S. military action; =
terrorism and trauma. Due on or by March 15; Alex Hunt =

Alex Hunt
Assistant Professor of American Literature
Department of English and Modern Languages
West Texas A&M University
Box 60908
Canyon, TX 79016

CFP: American West and Geopolitical Imaginary (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Alex Hunt

CFP: American West and Geopolitical Imaginary (March 15; MLA 07)

American West and Geopolitical Imaginary =20
For this proposed MLA Special Session I seek abstracts of about 500 =
words. Papers should consider representations of the American West as =
space of national imaginary dramatizing contemporary issues including =
immigration and security; American empire; U.S. military action; =
terrorism and trauma. Due on or by March 15; Alex Hunt =

Alex Hunt
Assistant Professor of American Literature
Department of English and Modern Languages
West Texas A&M University
Box 60908
Canyon, TX 79016

CFP: Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in Postcolonial Theory and Practice (Austria) (4/15/07; 9/13/07-9/15/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Dr. Christa Knellwolf

Call for Papers

Title of conference: "Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in =
Postcolonial Theory and Practice"

Time: 13-15 September 2007

Venue: University of Vienna

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 April 2007


Convenors: A/Prof. Christa Knellwolf and Prof Margarete Rubik



CFP: Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in Postcolonial Theory and Practice (Austria) (4/15/07; 9/13/07-9/15/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Dr. Christa Knellwolf

Call for Papers

Title of conference: "Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in =
Postcolonial Theory and Practice"

Time: 13-15 September 2007

Venue: University of Vienna

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 April 2007


Convenors: A/Prof. Christa Knellwolf and Prof Margarete Rubik



CFP: Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in Postcolonial Theory and Practice (Austria) (4/15/07; 9/13/07-9/15/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Dr. Christa Knellwolf

Call for Papers

Title of conference: "Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in =
Postcolonial Theory and Practice"

Time: 13-15 September 2007

Venue: University of Vienna

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 April 2007


Convenors: A/Prof. Christa Knellwolf and Prof Margarete Rubik



CFP: Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in Postcolonial Theory and Practice (Austria) (4/15/07; 9/13/07-9/15/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Dr. Christa Knellwolf

Call for Papers

Title of conference: "Stories of Empire: Narratological Directions in =
Postcolonial Theory and Practice"

Time: 13-15 September 2007

Venue: University of Vienna

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 April 2007


Convenors: A/Prof. Christa Knellwolf and Prof Margarete Rubik



CFP: Literature & Fashion Panel (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Panel Submission: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion Panel (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Panel Submission: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion Panel (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Panel Submission: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Todd Giles

William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)
  The William Carlos Williams Review, a journal devoted to scholarship on Williams and his contemporaries, is actively seeking submissions for an upcoming special issue on Williams and Dada. While essays exploring the ways in which Williams's work responds to and incorporates the creative ferment of Dada are preferred, we also encourage essays on Williams's contemporaries and American Dada in general. New theoretical approaches to Williams's work are particularly encouraged.
  Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2007
  (Spring 2008, vol. 28, no. 1)

CFP: William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Todd Giles

William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)
  The William Carlos Williams Review, a journal devoted to scholarship on Williams and his contemporaries, is actively seeking submissions for an upcoming special issue on Williams and Dada. While essays exploring the ways in which Williams's work responds to and incorporates the creative ferment of Dada are preferred, we also encourage essays on Williams's contemporaries and American Dada in general. New theoretical approaches to Williams's work are particularly encouraged.
  Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2007
  (Spring 2008, vol. 28, no. 1)

CFP: William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Todd Giles

William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)
  The William Carlos Williams Review, a journal devoted to scholarship on Williams and his contemporaries, is actively seeking submissions for an upcoming special issue on Williams and Dada. While essays exploring the ways in which Williams's work responds to and incorporates the creative ferment of Dada are preferred, we also encourage essays on Williams's contemporaries and American Dada in general. New theoretical approaches to Williams's work are particularly encouraged.
  Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2007
  (Spring 2008, vol. 28, no. 1)

CFP: William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:26am
Todd Giles

William Carlos Williams Review: special issue on Williams and Dada (9/1/07; journal issue)
  The William Carlos Williams Review, a journal devoted to scholarship on Williams and his contemporaries, is actively seeking submissions for an upcoming special issue on Williams and Dada. While essays exploring the ways in which Williams's work responds to and incorporates the creative ferment of Dada are preferred, we also encourage essays on Williams's contemporaries and American Dada in general. New theoretical approaches to Williams's work are particularly encouraged.
  Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2007
  (Spring 2008, vol. 28, no. 1)

UPDATE: Cylons in America: Battlestar Galactica Collection (2/1/07; collection)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Tiffany Potter

Call For Papers - Edited Collection

Cylons in America:
Critical Studies of Battlestar Galactica

Edited by C. W. Marshall and Tiffany Potter
(University of British Columbia)

Proposals are invited for an edited collection of original essays that examine BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, an award-winning science fiction television series presently in its third season. Since its debut as a 2003 miniseries, the current incarnation of BSG has created an intellectually challenging and explicitly political engagement with the values and ideologies of contemporary American society.

UPDATE: Cylons in America: Battlestar Galactica Collection (2/1/07; collection)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Tiffany Potter

Call For Papers - Edited Collection

Cylons in America:
Critical Studies of Battlestar Galactica

Edited by C. W. Marshall and Tiffany Potter
(University of British Columbia)

Proposals are invited for an edited collection of original essays that examine BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, an award-winning science fiction television series presently in its third season. Since its debut as a 2003 miniseries, the current incarnation of BSG has created an intellectually challenging and explicitly political engagement with the values and ideologies of contemporary American society.

UPDATE: Cylons in America: Battlestar Galactica Collection (2/1/07; collection)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Tiffany Potter

Call For Papers - Edited Collection

Cylons in America:
Critical Studies of Battlestar Galactica

Edited by C. W. Marshall and Tiffany Potter
(University of British Columbia)

Proposals are invited for an edited collection of original essays that examine BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, an award-winning science fiction television series presently in its third season. Since its debut as a 2003 miniseries, the current incarnation of BSG has created an intellectually challenging and explicitly political engagement with the values and ideologies of contemporary American society.

CFP: Literary Criticism (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Alan Blackstock

Soliciting proposals for presentations at the 2007 Rocky Mountain Modern
Language Association Convention in Calgary, Alberta. Submissions in any
area of literary criticism will be considered, but I am particularly
interested in those dealing with old and new critical orthodoxies or
hegemonies. Please send an abstract of 100-300 words to by March 1, 2007.


Alan Blackstock

Associate Professor of English

Utah State University-Uintah Basin

987 E. Lagoon Street

Roosevelt, Utah


(435) 722-1735

CFP: Literary Criticism (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Alan Blackstock

Soliciting proposals for presentations at the 2007 Rocky Mountain Modern
Language Association Convention in Calgary, Alberta. Submissions in any
area of literary criticism will be considered, but I am particularly
interested in those dealing with old and new critical orthodoxies or
hegemonies. Please send an abstract of 100-300 words to by March 1, 2007.


Alan Blackstock

Associate Professor of English

Utah State University-Uintah Basin

987 E. Lagoon Street

Roosevelt, Utah


(435) 722-1735
