CFP: The Long Civil Rights Movement (6/1/07; collection)
We are seeking contributors for a work entitled The Long Civil Rights =
Movement, 1945-1980, in the Conflicts in American History series. The =
work is under contract with Bruccoli Clark Layman/Manly, Inc, and =
contributors will receive $250 for essay chapters that will consist of =
the following elements: 1. 2000-3000 word background essay introducing =
the conflict, the people involved, the nature of the conflict and its =
resolution. 2. A specific chronology of the conflict. 3. 10 historical =
documents both in facsimile and in reprinted text form, each with an =
objective head note (150-300 words) that introduces the source. 4. A =
list of recommended readings with a brief annotation. 5. Two =