CFP: Queering the "Beautiful Young Man" (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)
The concept of "the beautiful young man," as clearly recognized in such works
as Herman Melville's "Billy Budd" and Edward Albee's "The American Dream," is
a pervasive archetype in American literature, and it problematizes,
challenges and queers heteronormative paradigms of representation. This panel seeks to
explore iterations of the archetype and how it informs a broader contextual
understanding of other American literary concepts such as R.W. B. Lewis'
"American Adam." Sponsored by the NEMLA LGBT Caucus. Submissions, inquiries, and
250-300 word abstracts may be sent electronically (in MSWord format as an
attachment) to Donald P. Gagnon, Western Connecticut State University: