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UPDATE: Electronic Communication & Culture (11/3/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:52pm
Leslie Fife

  Communicating Error in an Information Age
  Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
  National Conference
  Boston, MA
  April 4-7, 2007
  UPDATED Deadline for Submissions: November 3, 2006
  The Electronic Communication and Culture Area
  of the Popular Culture Association is soliciting proposals
  for panels and individual papers on the theme of error/noise
  in a cybernetic society.
  In a culture of information, "noise" marks a rupture
  of signification that lays bare the dispersive and dissipative
  features of digital networks. In what ways are "error" and

UPDATE: Biography (11/3/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:52pm
Leslie Fife

2007 Annual National
  Popular Culture/American Culture Associations Conference
  Boston, Massachusetts
  4-7 April 2007
  Boston Marriott Copley Place
  110 Huntington Avenue
  Boston, MA 02116
  Biography Area: Popular Culture Association
  UPDATED Deadline for proposal submissions is:
  3 November 2006.
  The Biography section of the Popular Culture
  Association announces a call for papers on
  Biography and Popular Culture. Panels run 90 minutes;
  each panelist has 20 minutes for presentation with

CFP: Cultural Memory and Canonization Processes (Switzerland) (12/1/06; 5/31/07-6/2/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm


Conference at The English Department of Basel University (Switzerland)
May 31-June 2, 2007

Keynote speakers:
Aleida Assmann (Univ. of Konstanz)
Péter Dávidházi (Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest)
David Morley (Goldsmiths College, Univ. of London)
Ann Thompson (King's College, Univ. of London)

CFP: Cultural Memory and Canonization Processes (Switzerland) (12/1/06; 5/31/07-6/2/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm


Conference at The English Department of Basel University (Switzerland)
May 31-June 2, 2007

Keynote speakers:
Aleida Assmann (Univ. of Konstanz)
Péter Dávidházi (Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest)
David Morley (Goldsmiths College, Univ. of London)
Ann Thompson (King's College, Univ. of London)

CFP: Cultural Memory and Canonization Processes (Switzerland) (12/1/06; 5/31/07-6/2/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm


Conference at The English Department of Basel University (Switzerland)
May 31-June 2, 2007

Keynote speakers:
Aleida Assmann (Univ. of Konstanz)
Péter Dávidházi (Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest)
David Morley (Goldsmiths College, Univ. of London)
Ann Thompson (King's College, Univ. of London)

UPDATE: Business/Corporate Culture (11/3/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm
Leslie Fife

  2007 PCA/ACA National Conference
  APRIL 4 - 7, 2007
  Business Culture / Corporate Culture Area
  UPDATED Abstract Submission Deadline: 3 November 2006.
  The Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Association invite papers on organizational culture. We are particularly interested in works that explore the link between corporate culture and popular culture.
  Suggested Topics:
  --communication skills (writing, reading, and culture)
  --depictions of corporate culture in literature and other media
  --"conscious capitalism"

UPDATE: Automobile Culture (11/3/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm
Leslie Fife

Call for Papers: Automobile Culture
  2007 Popular Culture Association/
  American Culture Association
  National Conference
  April 4-7, 2007
  Boston Marriott Copley Place
  Boston, Massachusetts
  For additional conference information:
  UPDATED Submission Deadline: November 3, 2006.
  This is a call for papers for area of Automobile Culture.
  The automobile has had an immense influence upon our
  lives in innumerable ways. This area will seek to provide
  an understanding of this influence within the social and

UPDATE: Digital Games (11/3/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm
Leslie Fife

CFP: Digital Games
  PCA/ACA National Conference
  April 4-7, 2007
  Boston Marriott Copley Place
  Boston, Massachusetts
  UPDATED Abstract Submission Deadline: November 3, 2006
  The Digital Games area of the Popular Culture Association
  invites papers/panels on digital games (video games, computer
  games, arcade games, etc.) and digital game studies for the Popular
  Culture Association/American Culture Association National
  Conference to be held April 4-7, 2007, at the Boston Marriott
  Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts. All topics related to
  digital games and digital game studies will be considered.

UPDATE: Heinlein Studies (10/17/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm
Leslie Fife

Robert A. Heinlein Studies
  An Area of the Popular Culture Association
  National PCA/ACA Conference
  Boston Marriott Copley Place
  April 4-7, 2007
  Boston, Massachusetts
  2007 marks the 100th anniversary of Robert A. Heinlein's birth. Centennial events and celebrations will take place throughout the year. Select papers presented at the 2007 PCA/ACA conference will be published in special Centennial issues of the Heinlein Journal.

UPDATE: Heinlein Studies (10/17/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 4:51pm
Leslie Fife

Robert A. Heinlein Studies
  An Area of the Popular Culture Association
  National PCA/ACA Conference
  Boston Marriott Copley Place
  April 4-7, 2007
  Boston, Massachusetts
  2007 marks the 100th anniversary of Robert A. Heinlein's birth. Centennial events and celebrations will take place throughout the year. Select papers presented at the 2007 PCA/ACA conference will be published in special Centennial issues of the Heinlein Journal.

CFP: Modern Language Studies Reviews (ongoing; journal issue)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Roth, Laurence

Modern Language Studies (MLS) would like to solicit reviews of significant,
intriguing, or unusual primary source materials for upcoming issues.
Reviewers must be members of the Northeast Modern Language Association
( by the time of publication.

Reviews of scholarly editions, hypertext/internet literatures, visual
culture, popular culture, and, of course, novels, short stories, poetry,
plays, films, and creative non-fiction are all welcome. We also welcome
reviews that emphasize interdisciplinary approaches or primary sources that
cross disciplinary boundaries.

Reviews should range from 1000-3000 words.

CFP: Walsingham (12/31/06; collection)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Waller, Gary

CFP: Walsingham (12/31/06, Collection).=20
Essays are sought for a collection on the historical, literary and =
broader cultural significance of Walsingham, the medieval pilgrimage =
site to the Virgin Mary, which was been revived in the Twentieth =
Century. Modern accounts have generally focused on historical origins, =
theology, or personal devotion: while these approaches will not be =
ignored, essays are especially sought on artistic, anthropological, =
architectural, poetical (e g Ballads, Ralegh=92s poem, Hamlet, T S =
Eliot, Robert Lowell), and broader cultural impact and significance =
including pilgrimage, cultural nostalgia, magic, goddess religion. Poems =

CFP: Walsingham (12/31/06; collection)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Waller, Gary

CFP: Walsingham (12/31/06, Collection).=20
Essays are sought for a collection on the historical, literary and =
broader cultural significance of Walsingham, the medieval pilgrimage =
site to the Virgin Mary, which was been revived in the Twentieth =
Century. Modern accounts have generally focused on historical origins, =
theology, or personal devotion: while these approaches will not be =
ignored, essays are especially sought on artistic, anthropological, =
architectural, poetical (e g Ballads, Ralegh=92s poem, Hamlet, T S =
Eliot, Robert Lowell), and broader cultural impact and significance =
including pilgrimage, cultural nostalgia, magic, goddess religion. Poems =

CFP: Literature and the Obscure (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Joe Pestino

Call for Papers for an NYCEA sponsored Special Topics Panel on
"Literature of the Obscure" at the 2007 College English Association
(CEA) Conference New Orleans—April 12 to April 14, 2007

We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, OR new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Literature of the Obscure"

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

It is our desire to be able to field at the CEA conference a number of
panels on the above NYCEA conference theme; it is our intent to create a
subset of scholarly communities, arising out of the NYCEA affiliate,
within the larger CEA conference community.

CFP: Literature and the Obscure (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Joe Pestino

Call for Papers for an NYCEA sponsored Special Topics Panel on
"Literature of the Obscure" at the 2007 College English Association
(CEA) Conference New Orleans—April 12 to April 14, 2007

We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, OR new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Literature of the Obscure"

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

It is our desire to be able to field at the CEA conference a number of
panels on the above NYCEA conference theme; it is our intent to create a
subset of scholarly communities, arising out of the NYCEA affiliate,
within the larger CEA conference community.

CFP: Human Rights and Literature (11/1/06: CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Joe Pestino

Call for Papers for an NYCEA sponsored Special Topics Panel on "Human
Rights and Literature: Representing the Struggle" at the 2007 College
English Association (CEA) Conference New Orleans—April 12 to April 14, 2007

We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, OR new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Human Rights and Literature: Representing
the Struggle"

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

CFP: Human Rights and Literature (11/1/06: CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Joe Pestino

Call for Papers for an NYCEA sponsored Special Topics Panel on "Human
Rights and Literature: Representing the Struggle" at the 2007 College
English Association (CEA) Conference New Orleans—April 12 to April 14, 2007

We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, OR new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Human Rights and Literature: Representing
the Struggle"

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

CFP: 'I' of the Beholder in Lit (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:22pm
Joe Pestino

Call for Papers for an NYCEA sponsored Special Topics Panel on "The 'I'
of the Beholder: Vision, Imagination, and Reaction in/to Literature" at
the 2007 College English Association (CEA) Conference New Orleans—April
12 to April 14, 2007

We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, OR new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: ""The 'I' of the Beholder: Vision,
Imagination, and Reaction in/to Literature"

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

CFP: Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature (12/1/06; collection)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:21pm
Supriya Nair

Call for Essay Proposals for MLA Volume on Teaching Anglophone Caribbean
For the MLA Options for Teaching Series, the Publications Committee has
approved development of the volume Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature,
edited by Supriya M. Nair. Essay proposals are invited for the following
projected sections of the volume:

CFP: Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature (12/1/06; collection)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:21pm
Supriya Nair

Call for Essay Proposals for MLA Volume on Teaching Anglophone Caribbean
For the MLA Options for Teaching Series, the Publications Committee has
approved development of the volume Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature,
edited by Supriya M. Nair. Essay proposals are invited for the following
projected sections of the volume:

CFP: Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature (12/1/06; collection)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:21pm
Supriya Nair

Call for Essay Proposals for MLA Volume on Teaching Anglophone Caribbean
For the MLA Options for Teaching Series, the Publications Committee has
approved development of the volume Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature,
edited by Supriya M. Nair. Essay proposals are invited for the following
projected sections of the volume:

CFP: Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature (12/1/06; collection)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 3:21pm
Supriya Nair

Call for Essay Proposals for MLA Volume on Teaching Anglophone Caribbean
For the MLA Options for Teaching Series, the Publications Committee has
approved development of the volume Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature,
edited by Supriya M. Nair. Essay proposals are invited for the following
projected sections of the volume:
