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CFP: Technology and the Home Panel (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Rett Lorance

Technology and the Home Sessions, a permanent area of the
Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Annual Conference. Technology and the Home
seeks papers that explore various interactions between the technology and
the domestic environment. The discussion may focus on real or imagined or
speculative homes and technology. There is no limit on the time frame nor
upon the methodology.
Previous papers include: "Computing Technologies in the Home: Future
Opportunities and Challenges"; "Technical Innovation and Domestic Display
in Late Republican Rome"; "'Humor' in Home Technology"; "The Yeoman Oven
Mitt"; "Burn, Baby Burn (Kitchen Inferno): New Images of Domesticity in

CFP: Technology and the Home Panel (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Rett Lorance

Technology and the Home Sessions, a permanent area of the
Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Annual Conference. Technology and the Home
seeks papers that explore various interactions between the technology and
the domestic environment. The discussion may focus on real or imagined or
speculative homes and technology. There is no limit on the time frame nor
upon the methodology.
Previous papers include: "Computing Technologies in the Home: Future
Opportunities and Challenges"; "Technical Innovation and Domestic Display
in Late Republican Rome"; "'Humor' in Home Technology"; "The Yeoman Oven
Mitt"; "Burn, Baby Burn (Kitchen Inferno): New Images of Domesticity in

CFP: Technology and the Home Panel (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Rett Lorance

Technology and the Home Sessions, a permanent area of the
Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Annual Conference. Technology and the Home
seeks papers that explore various interactions between the technology and
the domestic environment. The discussion may focus on real or imagined or
speculative homes and technology. There is no limit on the time frame nor
upon the methodology.
Previous papers include: "Computing Technologies in the Home: Future
Opportunities and Challenges"; "Technical Innovation and Domestic Display
in Late Republican Rome"; "'Humor' in Home Technology"; "The Yeoman Oven
Mitt"; "Burn, Baby Burn (Kitchen Inferno): New Images of Domesticity in

CFP: Technology and the Home Panel (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Rett Lorance

Technology and the Home Sessions, a permanent area of the
Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Annual Conference. Technology and the Home
seeks papers that explore various interactions between the technology and
the domestic environment. The discussion may focus on real or imagined or
speculative homes and technology. There is no limit on the time frame nor
upon the methodology.
Previous papers include: "Computing Technologies in the Home: Future
Opportunities and Challenges"; "Technical Innovation and Domestic Display
in Late Republican Rome"; "'Humor' in Home Technology"; "The Yeoman Oven
Mitt"; "Burn, Baby Burn (Kitchen Inferno): New Images of Domesticity in

CFP: Revolutions in Form (UK) (6/15/06; evolutions, 9/22/06-9/23/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

'evolutions': a two-day international conference hosted by the School
of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh,
22-23 September 2006

CFP Panel: Revolutions in Form

Art is dead. Long live Dada!
- Walter Serner

Push aside literary, grammatical and syntactic obstacles!
Strike as deep as you can strike!
- Jack Kerouac

CFP: Revolutions in Form (UK) (6/15/06; evolutions, 9/22/06-9/23/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

'evolutions': a two-day international conference hosted by the School
of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh,
22-23 September 2006

CFP Panel: Revolutions in Form

Art is dead. Long live Dada!
- Walter Serner

Push aside literary, grammatical and syntactic obstacles!
Strike as deep as you can strike!
- Jack Kerouac

CFP: Science Fiction and Popular Culture (6/30/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

The Science Fiction area of the Mid Atlantic American/Popular Culture
Conference (Baltimore, MD) welcomes proposals for papers dealing with all
aspects of science fiction across various media (literature, film,
television, and music) and/or as pervasive tropes in esoteric popular
culture (fashion, artifacts, attitudes, conventions, fanzines, websites
If you would like to propose a paper or panel for this area, please e-mail
250-300 word abstract by June 30 to Area Chair, Cathy Leaker, at the
addresses below.
If you are interested in areas other than science fiction, and/or if you
want more information about the conference, please go to the Gazette, our

CFP: Revolutions in Form (UK) (6/15/06; evolutions, 9/22/06-9/23/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

'evolutions': a two-day international conference hosted by the School
of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh,
22-23 September 2006

CFP Panel: Revolutions in Form

Art is dead. Long live Dada!
- Walter Serner

Push aside literary, grammatical and syntactic obstacles!
Strike as deep as you can strike!
- Jack Kerouac

CFP: Science Fiction and Popular Culture (6/30/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

The Science Fiction area of the Mid Atlantic American/Popular Culture
Conference (Baltimore, MD) welcomes proposals for papers dealing with all
aspects of science fiction across various media (literature, film,
television, and music) and/or as pervasive tropes in esoteric popular
culture (fashion, artifacts, attitudes, conventions, fanzines, websites
If you would like to propose a paper or panel for this area, please e-mail
250-300 word abstract by June 30 to Area Chair, Cathy Leaker, at the
addresses below.
If you are interested in areas other than science fiction, and/or if you
want more information about the conference, please go to the Gazette, our

CFP: Revolutions in Form (UK) (6/15/06; evolutions, 9/22/06-9/23/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

'evolutions': a two-day international conference hosted by the School
of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh,
22-23 September 2006

CFP Panel: Revolutions in Form

Art is dead. Long live Dada!
- Walter Serner

Push aside literary, grammatical and syntactic obstacles!
Strike as deep as you can strike!
- Jack Kerouac

CFP: Race, Memory and Reclamation (UK) (8/1/06; 9/7/07-9/9/07)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Becky Griffin

Race, Memory and Reclamation: "There are years that ask questions
and years that answer."(Zora Neale Hurston).

The school of American studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich,
UK, is holding a two-day international conference entitled, "Race, Memory
and Reclamation" from September 07-09, 2007.

CFP: Race, Memory and Reclamation (UK) (8/1/06; 9/7/07-9/9/07)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Becky Griffin

Race, Memory and Reclamation: "There are years that ask questions
and years that answer."(Zora Neale Hurston).

The school of American studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich,
UK, is holding a two-day international conference entitled, "Race, Memory
and Reclamation" from September 07-09, 2007.

CFP: Race, Memory and Reclamation (UK) (8/1/06; 9/7/07-9/9/07)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Becky Griffin

Race, Memory and Reclamation: "There are years that ask questions
and years that answer."(Zora Neale Hurston).

The school of American studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich,
UK, is holding a two-day international conference entitled, "Race, Memory
and Reclamation" from September 07-09, 2007.

CFP: Race, Memory and Reclamation (UK) (8/1/06; 9/7/07-9/9/07)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Becky Griffin

Race, Memory and Reclamation: "There are years that ask questions
and years that answer."(Zora Neale Hurston).

The school of American studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich,
UK, is holding a two-day international conference entitled, "Race, Memory
and Reclamation" from September 07-09, 2007.

CFP: Race, Memory and Reclamation (UK) (8/1/06; 9/7/07-9/9/07)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
Becky Griffin

Race, Memory and Reclamation: "There are years that ask questions
and years that answer."(Zora Neale Hurston).

The school of American studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich,
UK, is holding a two-day international conference entitled, "Race, Memory
and Reclamation" from September 07-09, 2007.

UPDATE: Digital Eves (8/1/06; journal issue)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

Call for Papers
(Original publication deadline extended; submissions will remain open until
August 1, 2006)

Women Writers: A Zine is seeking previously unpublished essays and original
works of fiction, poetry, and hypertext for a special issue on "Digital Eves:
Transgression/ Transcendence in Cyberspace," to be published online in Winter
2006. Women Writers: A Zine is a digital, peer-reviewed publication that
features creative work by women writers as well as scholarship on any aspect
of women's writing, women's studies, and feminist scholarship. See the
journal's Website at for more information.

UPDATE: Digital Eves (8/1/06; journal issue)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

Call for Papers
(Original publication deadline extended; submissions will remain open until
August 1, 2006)

Women Writers: A Zine is seeking previously unpublished essays and original
works of fiction, poetry, and hypertext for a special issue on "Digital Eves:
Transgression/ Transcendence in Cyberspace," to be published online in Winter
2006. Women Writers: A Zine is a digital, peer-reviewed publication that
features creative work by women writers as well as scholarship on any aspect
of women's writing, women's studies, and feminist scholarship. See the
journal's Website at for more information.

UPDATE: Digital Eves (8/1/06; journal issue)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm

Call for Papers
(Original publication deadline extended; submissions will remain open until
August 1, 2006)

Women Writers: A Zine is seeking previously unpublished essays and original
works of fiction, poetry, and hypertext for a special issue on "Digital Eves:
Transgression/ Transcendence in Cyberspace," to be published online in Winter
2006. Women Writers: A Zine is a digital, peer-reviewed publication that
features creative work by women writers as well as scholarship on any aspect
of women's writing, women's studies, and feminist scholarship. See the
journal's Website at for more information.

CFP: Emerging Paradigms in the Spanish-speaking World (grad) (7/14/06; 10/20/06-10/22/06)

Monday, May 15, 2006 - 4:34pm
GSU Conferencia

First Annual Graduate Conference on Transantlantic and Cultural
Studies Georgia State University October 20-21, 2006

Keynote speaker
Dr. Ana del Sarto (Ohio State University)

Proposals are especially encouraged on (but not limited to) any aspect
of Literature, Linguistics, Culture, History,and Women Studies.


Send a 300-word proposal by email to (subject line:
Emerging Paradigms) by July 14, 2006.
A cover letter listing the following:
Name, title of the paper, telephone number,
mailing and email address, and a one-page CV.
Papers should be submitted in Spanish or English.
