CFP: Shakespeare and Disability Studies (4/15/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)
CFP: Shakespeare and Disability Studies (4.15.2007; M/MLA 11.8-11.2007)
The permanent session on Shakespeare and Shakespearean Criticism at the M/MLA, which for 2007 will meet in Cleveland, OH, welcomes papers on the topic of "Shakespeare and Disablity Studies." This panel invites papers that explore the intersections between Shakespeare Studies and Disability Studies. The goals of the panel are not only to broaden our understanding of Shakespeare's various representations of disability, but also to investigate the ways that Disability Studies can inform Shakespeare Studies more generally. Please send 250 word abstracts via e-mail or attachment by April 15, 2007, to Professor David Wood, Univ. of Wisconsin-La Crosse,