CFP: Black Poetry and Politics (9/15/03; journal issue)
Call for Papers
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Call for Papers
Call for Papers
Obsidian III: Black Literature in the African Diaspora invites essays, short
fiction, and poetry, for a special issue on Black British Literature. We invite
work that addresses a variety of the issues reflected in this burgeoning field
such as childhood, old age, memory, history, gender issues, and post
independence. We are also interested in innovative essays engaging critical
pedagogy in the field and issues of theory. We also welcome interviews with
major figures in the field and single or multiple author explorations.
Inquiries are welcome. Deadline for submission is January 20, 2004.
Call for Papers
UPDATE: revised web addresses and new deadline date
=8B Voices from the Gaps (
Soundings (
Call for Papers: =B3Soundings,=B2 a new section of VOICES FROM THE GAPS website
We are seeking contributors for an upcoming anthology on Bollywood music.
There are two major academic presses who have expressed a strong interest
in this subject and we are looking for abstracts and enquiries.
Please find below the scope of the book and the questions it asks
Victorian Literature and Culture is seeking articles for an upcoming
Editors' Topic on "Victorian Taxonomies." Essays should be 20-30 pages
long and follow MLA guidelines. Please send two copies by December 1,
2003, to Professor Allison Pease, Department of English, John Jay College,
CUNY, 445 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019. Inquiries may be directed
to or
UPDATE: revised web addresses and new deadline date
=8B Voices from the Gaps (
Soundings (
Call for Papers: =B3Soundings,=B2 a new section of VOICES FROM THE GAPS website
UPDATE: revised web addresses and new deadline date
=8B Voices from the Gaps (
Soundings (
Call for Papers: =B3Soundings,=B2 a new section of VOICES FROM THE GAPS website
UPDATE: revised web addresses and new deadline date
=8B Voices from the Gaps (
Soundings (
Call for Papers: =B3Soundings,=B2 a new section of VOICES FROM THE GAPS website
Victorian Literature and Culture is seeking articles for an upcoming
Editors' Topic on "Victorian Taxonomies." Essays should be 20-30 pages
long and follow MLA guidelines. Please send two copies by December 1,
2003, to Professor Allison Pease, Department of English, John Jay College,
CUNY, 445 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019. Inquiries may be directed
to or
We are seeking contributors for an upcoming anthology on Bollywood music.
There are two major academic presses who have expressed a strong interest
in this subject and we are looking for abstracts and enquiries.
Please find below the scope of the book and the questions it asks
Please forward to potentially interested parties:
Please forward to potentially interested parties:
Call for Papers: 'Imaginary Places: Representations of Dystopia in
Literature and Film' .
Submissions required for a special edition of the journal, Critical Survey,
for publication in Autumn 2004 (copy required by Jan 2004). Articles on a
diverse range of literary texts from the Renaissance to the present are
positively encouraged as are articles on representations of dystopia in film.
Papers, of between 5,000 and 7,000 words should be sent to Pat Wheeler
( by January 2004)
Critical Survey is a refereed journal published three times a year. It
addresses central issues of literary theory and critical practice
Please forward to potentially interested parties:
Original essays are invited for a collection tentatively entitled
"Transgressing the Frontier: Modernity, American Ideology, and Cinema."
The purpose of this book is to explore the role of ideology in current
film works with an emphasis on boundary breaking and exploration from a
variety of scholarly approaches and perspectives. Ideally this collection
will be a comprehensive introductory textbook that explores the critical
intersection between film and culture and will be suitable for use at both
undergraduate and graduate levels.
Original essays are invited for a collection tentatively entitled
"Transgressing the Frontier: Modernity, American Ideology, and Cinema."
The purpose of this book is to explore the role of ideology in current
film works with an emphasis on boundary breaking and exploration from a
variety of scholarly approaches and perspectives. Ideally this collection
will be a comprehensive introductory textbook that explores the critical
intersection between film and culture and will be suitable for use at both
undergraduate and graduate levels.
UPDATE: there was an incorrect zip code in the first version of this
posting. The correct zip code is 45402.
a collection of essays on teaching A Farewell to Arms. The book will be
part of a University of Idaho Press series including The Teaching of
Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, edited by Peter Hays and due out in spring
2003. Contributors should have experience teaching the novel; we hope that
secondary school as well as undergraduate and graduate classrooms can all be
Peer English
Call for Papers
Peer English (ISSN 1474-8959) is a new, refereed academic journal
published by members of the research community in the Department of
English at the University of Leicester. Aiming to become the leading
journal in its field, Peer English is envisaged as a forum within which
the ideas and research that will go on to shape the future of English
Studies can be published and discussed.
Call for Critical or Theoretical Comparative Essays on the Fiction
and Nonfiction of James Baldwin and Toni Morrison
for a Special Issue of
We seek essays that address the following:
IDENTITY (racial, sexual, or otherwise)
Submit finished 8,000-10,000 word essays, following The Chicago
Manual of Style, 14th Ed., no later than September 1, 2003 to one
of the guest editors below:
Call for Critical or Theoretical Comparative Essays on the Fiction
and Nonfiction of James Baldwin and Toni Morrison
for a Special Issue of
We seek essays that address the following:
IDENTITY (racial, sexual, or otherwise)
Submit finished 8,000-10,000 word essays, following The Chicago
Manual of Style, 14th Ed., no later than September 1, 2003 to one
of the guest editors below:
Medieval Forum, an electronic journal for the promotion of
scholarship in Medieval English Literature, invites submissions for
its third volume. MF is dedicated to providing a venue for the free
exchange of ideas in a collegial, public forum environment. Critical
essays on works from any genre or period of the medieval corpus are
invited, and a humanistic orientation is encouraged. Although the
focus of MF is on literature, articles from other disciplines,
particularly cultural and historical, that will contribute to the
study of literature are welcome. Book reviews are also invited.
Medieval Forum, an electronic journal for the promotion of
scholarship in Medieval English Literature, invites submissions for
its third volume. MF is dedicated to providing a venue for the free
exchange of ideas in a collegial, public forum environment. Critical
essays on works from any genre or period of the medieval corpus are
invited, and a humanistic orientation is encouraged. Although the
focus of MF is on literature, articles from other disciplines,
particularly cultural and historical, that will contribute to the
study of literature are welcome. Book reviews are also invited.
a collection of essays on teaching A Farewell to Arms. The book will be
part of a University of Idaho Press series including The Teaching of
Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, edited by Peter Hays and due out in spring
2003. Contributors should have experience teaching the novel; we hope that
secondary school as well as undergraduate and graduate classrooms can all be
CFP: Volume: _Milton and Popular Culture_, ed. Gregory M. Colon
Semenza and Laura L. Knoppers.
CFP: Volume: _Milton and Popular Culture_, ed. Gregory M. Colon
Semenza and Laura L. Knoppers.
CFP: Volume: _Milton and Popular Culture_, ed. Gregory M. Colon
Semenza and Laura L. Knoppers.
Emergency Call for Papers: Iraq War Culture
Bad Subjects( calls for essays for an Extra Bad! issue
on the culture of the Iraq War. This is an unscheduled issue that responds
to the immediate US invasion of Iraq and the massive global anti-war
movement in opposition. The deadline for draft essays will be Friday, April
4 and the issue will appear on Monday, April 7, 2003.
Emergency Call for Papers: Iraq War Culture
Bad Subjects( calls for essays for an Extra Bad! issue
on the culture of the Iraq War. This is an unscheduled issue that responds
to the immediate US invasion of Iraq and the massive global anti-war
movement in opposition. The deadline for draft essays will be Friday, April
4 and the issue will appear on Monday, April 7, 2003.