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CFP: Henry James Review: Forum on "Senses of the Past" (3/1/04; journal)

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - 4:26am
Service Account hjamesr

Forum on "Senses of the Past"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2004 Forum on "Senses of the Past."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

Spectres, ghosts, graveyards, graves, monuments, memorials, ruins
Relics, fragments, traces
Memory, nostalgia
Repetition, Time-travel
Age, aging; childhood
The past; Excavating the past
Historical events
Fiction as history, fiction vs. history, historical fiction
Theories, uses of history in James
James as an historical figure
History of James criticism
History of James's writings, texts
Literary history
Historical influences on James
James as historical influence
James family legacies

CFP: Henry James Review: Forum on "Senses of the Past" (3/1/04; journal)

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - 4:26am
Service Account hjamesr

Forum on "Senses of the Past"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2004 Forum on "Senses of the Past."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

Spectres, ghosts, graveyards, graves, monuments, memorials, ruins
Relics, fragments, traces
Memory, nostalgia
Repetition, Time-travel
Age, aging; childhood
The past; Excavating the past
Historical events
Fiction as history, fiction vs. history, historical fiction
Theories, uses of history in James
James as an historical figure
History of James criticism
History of James's writings, texts
Literary history
Historical influences on James
James as historical influence
James family legacies

UPDATE: Victorian Studies Bulletin (2/12/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
Rachel Bright

UPDATE: My computer had a slight meltdown over the weekend and unfortunately
all of my saved email has been irretrievably lost. If you sent information
for submission to the March VSB prior to February 1, please resend your
information (deadline Feb. 12). I'm including the original CFP below.

Thank you!
Rachel Bright
Co-editor, VSB

Please forward this message as necessary:

The Victorian Studies Bulletin is beginning to collect information and copy
for the March 2004 issue on the following subjects:

UPDATE: Victorian Studies Bulletin (2/12/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
Rachel Bright

UPDATE: My computer had a slight meltdown over the weekend and unfortunately
all of my saved email has been irretrievably lost. If you sent information
for submission to the March VSB prior to February 1, please resend your
information (deadline Feb. 12). I'm including the original CFP below.

Thank you!
Rachel Bright
Co-editor, VSB

Please forward this message as necessary:

The Victorian Studies Bulletin is beginning to collect information and copy
for the March 2004 issue on the following subjects:

CFP: Fast Capitalism (e-journal)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
Matthew A. Levy

This is a call for papers to be submitted to Fast Capitalism, a new
electronic journal publishing refereed scholarship on the impact of
information and communication technologies on self, society and culture in
the 21st century. Bridging the humanities and social sciences, the journal
welcomes disciplinary and interdisciplinary work. The first number of the
journal will appear in late summer or fall 2004. Please direct submissions
to Ben Agger, The journal's URL is .

CFP: Fast Capitalism (e-journal)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
Matthew A. Levy

This is a call for papers to be submitted to Fast Capitalism, a new
electronic journal publishing refereed scholarship on the impact of
information and communication technologies on self, society and culture in
the 21st century. Bridging the humanities and social sciences, the journal
welcomes disciplinary and interdisciplinary work. The first number of the
journal will appear in late summer or fall 2004. Please direct submissions
to Ben Agger, The journal's URL is .

CFP: Fast Capitalism (e-journal)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
Matthew A. Levy

This is a call for papers to be submitted to Fast Capitalism, a new
electronic journal publishing refereed scholarship on the impact of
information and communication technologies on self, society and culture in
the 21st century. Bridging the humanities and social sciences, the journal
welcomes disciplinary and interdisciplinary work. The first number of the
journal will appear in late summer or fall 2004. Please direct submissions
to Ben Agger, The journal's URL is .

CFP: Clarion; A Women's Critical Journal (undergrad, grad, & indep scholar) (3/15/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
joni goddard

We invite you to submit academic and critical essays to a new
student-led online literary journal, _Clarion: A Women's Critical
Journal_. _Clarion_ is an undergraduate and graduate student-led,
annual online journal whose purpose is to provide a forum for
publication of critical papers with the central theme involving
women's writing, literary women writers, and women's issues in

CFP: Clarion; A Women's Critical Journal (undergrad, grad, & indep scholar) (3/15/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
joni goddard

We invite you to submit academic and critical essays to a new
student-led online literary journal, _Clarion: A Women's Critical
Journal_. _Clarion_ is an undergraduate and graduate student-led,
annual online journal whose purpose is to provide a forum for
publication of critical papers with the central theme involving
women's writing, literary women writers, and women's issues in

CFP: Parody (no deadline; e-journal)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
Strecker, Trey

The editors of the electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum <> ( seek critical and creative submissions for a forum on parody. Submissions to this forum might address all forms of parody (from Chaucer to This is Spinal Tap and The Onion) and/or parody as literary/socio-cultural/political critique (from Aristophanes to The Daily Show). We are interested in manuscripts that theorize parody, as well as those that are themselves parodies.

CFP: Parody (no deadline; e-journal)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 11:45pm
Strecker, Trey

The editors of the electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum <> ( seek critical and creative submissions for a forum on parody. Submissions to this forum might address all forms of parody (from Chaucer to This is Spinal Tap and The Onion) and/or parody as literary/socio-cultural/political critique (from Aristophanes to The Daily Show). We are interested in manuscripts that theorize parody, as well as those that are themselves parodies.

CFP: Nostalgia (5/7/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Douglas Dowland

The Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies is currently soliciting submissions
for an upcoming special issue on:


Guest Editors: Tom Lutz and Sean Scanlan

CFP: Essays on Creative Nonfiction (3/1/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Carol Ellis

We are seeking essays on creative nonfiction for a special issue of
_Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal_. Please send three
manuscript copies of each essay in MLA format as an attachment in
Microsoft Word to by March 1, 2004. Essays can also
be sent to:

Carol Ellis, Ph.D.
The Writing Center and
Writing Programs
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont, CA 91711

For further information call 909-607-2635.

CFP: The AnaChronisT: All Topics (4/5/04; yearbook)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
The AnaChronisT

The AnaChronisT,

a peer-reviewed yearbook published by the Department
of English Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,

invites research papers, interviews, and book reviews on
literatures in English for its next issue, to be published in
December 2004. All topics acceptable. Papers are to be
submitted by Monday, 5 April 2004.

The AnaChronisT welcomes submissions by graduate and
doctoral students as well as academics. The requirements
of application are as follows:

- the text in Word or RTF document format sent to the
following e-mail address: (your
paper should not exceed 10,000 words, including

CFP: The AnaChronisT: All Topics (4/5/04; yearbook)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
The AnaChronisT

The AnaChronisT,

a peer-reviewed yearbook published by the Department
of English Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,

invites research papers, interviews, and book reviews on
literatures in English for its next issue, to be published in
December 2004. All topics acceptable. Papers are to be
submitted by Monday, 5 April 2004.

The AnaChronisT welcomes submissions by graduate and
doctoral students as well as academics. The requirements
of application are as follows:

- the text in Word or RTF document format sent to the
following e-mail address: (your
paper should not exceed 10,000 words, including

CFP: Job Search in Academe (2/28/04; collection)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Dawn Formo

Academic Job Search--Snags, Successes, and Materials


We are looking for email conversations about recent personal

experiences on the job market for the second edition of Job Search=20

in Academe. The revised edition will be updated to include advice,=20

scenarios, successes, and snags from Master's level and PhD=20

candidates about academic and corporate job searches. The authors=20

will build contributions in collaboration with contributors. You can=20

be anonymous or named and titled. You may contribute a good quote or=20

a case study. Your only time commitment is your email correspondence=20

with us, but your contributions make the book.


UPDATE: Victorian Studies Bulletin (2/12/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Rachel Bright

UPDATE: My computer had a slight meltdown over the weekend and unfortunately
all of my saved email has been irretrievably lost. If you sent information
for submission to the March VSB prior to February 1, please resend your
information (deadline Feb. 12). I'm including the original CFP below.

Thank you!
Rachel Bright
Co-editor, VSB

Please forward this message as necessary:

The Victorian Studies Bulletin is beginning to collect information and copy
for the March 2004 issue on the following subjects:

UPDATE: Victorian Studies Bulletin (2/12/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Rachel Bright

UPDATE: My computer had a slight meltdown over the weekend and unfortunately
all of my saved email has been irretrievably lost. If you sent information
for submission to the March VSB prior to February 1, please resend your
information (deadline Feb. 12). I'm including the original CFP below.

Thank you!
Rachel Bright
Co-editor, VSB

Please forward this message as necessary:

The Victorian Studies Bulletin is beginning to collect information and copy
for the March 2004 issue on the following subjects:

UPDATE: Re-imagining Identity (3/15/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Mester Literary Journal


Please notice extended deadline: March 15th, 2004

Mester, the yearly graduate student academic journal of the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, seeks articles for its Special Issue to b=
published in June 2004, which will be devoted to:

Transformations: Re-imagining Identity

The centennial celebrations of Alejo Carpentier and Pablo Neruda, whose
works contributed to new representations of Latin American identity, serv=
to highlight how this concept has been re-imagined over the years. In thi=
Special Issue we seek to explore the topic of identity from a wide range =
scholarly points of view.

UPDATE: Re-imagining Identity (3/15/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Mester Literary Journal


Please notice extended deadline: March 15th, 2004

Mester, the yearly graduate student academic journal of the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, seeks articles for its Special Issue to b=
published in June 2004, which will be devoted to:

Transformations: Re-imagining Identity

The centennial celebrations of Alejo Carpentier and Pablo Neruda, whose
works contributed to new representations of Latin American identity, serv=
to highlight how this concept has been re-imagined over the years. In thi=
Special Issue we seek to explore the topic of identity from a wide range =
scholarly points of view.

UPDATE: Reading Rocky Horror (no deadline noted; edited collection)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Jeffrey Weinstock

Although the announced deadline for submissions for the _Reading Rocky
Horror: The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture_ edited collection
project has passed, I will still consider additional submissions.

The initial cfp netted a fine group of essays, but one too narrowly focused
on issues of spectatorship or gender. I will still consider essays on those
topics, but am most interested in submissions that tackle the film, its
cult, and its influence from other perspectives.

If you are interested in developing an essay, please contact me at
<> or (989) 774-3101.

UPDATE: Reading Rocky Horror (no deadline noted; edited collection)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Jeffrey Weinstock

Although the announced deadline for submissions for the _Reading Rocky
Horror: The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture_ edited collection
project has passed, I will still consider additional submissions.

The initial cfp netted a fine group of essays, but one too narrowly focused
on issues of spectatorship or gender. I will still consider essays on those
topics, but am most interested in submissions that tackle the film, its
cult, and its influence from other perspectives.

If you are interested in developing an essay, please contact me at
<> or (989) 774-3101.

UPDATE: Reading Rocky Horror (no deadline noted; edited collection)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Jeffrey Weinstock

Although the announced deadline for submissions for the _Reading Rocky
Horror: The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture_ edited collection
project has passed, I will still consider additional submissions.

The initial cfp netted a fine group of essays, but one too narrowly focused
on issues of spectatorship or gender. I will still consider essays on those
topics, but am most interested in submissions that tackle the film, its
cult, and its influence from other perspectives.

If you are interested in developing an essay, please contact me at
<> or (989) 774-3101.
