CFP: Cultures in Process (Germany) (12/15/06; 3/2/07-3/4/07)
*Encounter and Experience: Cultures in Process*
Interdisciplinary Conference
2 to 4 March 2007
University of Bielefeld, Germany
*Call for Papers*
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*Encounter and Experience: Cultures in Process*
Interdisciplinary Conference
2 to 4 March 2007
University of Bielefeld, Germany
*Call for Papers*
*Encounter and Experience: Cultures in Process*
Interdisciplinary Conference
2 to 4 March 2007
University of Bielefeld, Germany
*Call for Papers*
*Encounter and Experience: Cultures in Process*
Interdisciplinary Conference
2 to 4 March 2007
University of Bielefeld, Germany
*Call for Papers*
Research Without Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Research in the Arts and
One day conference, University of Roehampton, 27th January 2007.
The conference will provide the opportunity for postgraduate/Ph.D students
from arts and humanities related fields to interact with members inside and
outside their own particular disciplines. Papers relating to
cross-disciplinary issues and/or research are welcomed from PhD/MPhil
students. Performing artists (live dance, theatre, and music) interested in
displaying their talents will be accommodated whenever possible.
Topic areas (All areas of Arts and Humanities are invited):
Research Without Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Research in the Arts and
One day conference, University of Roehampton, 27th January 2007.
The conference will provide the opportunity for postgraduate/Ph.D students
from arts and humanities related fields to interact with members inside and
outside their own particular disciplines. Papers relating to
cross-disciplinary issues and/or research are welcomed from PhD/MPhil
students. Performing artists (live dance, theatre, and music) interested in
displaying their talents will be accommodated whenever possible.
Topic areas (All areas of Arts and Humanities are invited):
Research Without Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Research in the Arts and
One day conference, University of Roehampton, 27th January 2007.
The conference will provide the opportunity for postgraduate/Ph.D students
from arts and humanities related fields to interact with members inside and
outside their own particular disciplines. Papers relating to
cross-disciplinary issues and/or research are welcomed from PhD/MPhil
students. Performing artists (live dance, theatre, and music) interested in
displaying their talents will be accommodated whenever possible.
Topic areas (All areas of Arts and Humanities are invited):
the International Creative Writing Conference
10th Great Year!
Great Writing, the UK's international Creative Writing Conference invites
papers/creative work/panel suggestions for this very special 10th Year
Friday 29th June – Sunday 1st July
The organizers will consider creative work as well as papers on creative
teaching, creative writing theory and method, and on contemporary writers and
their work.
the International Creative Writing Conference
10th Great Year!
Great Writing, the UK's international Creative Writing Conference invites
papers/creative work/panel suggestions for this very special 10th Year
Friday 29th June – Sunday 1st July
The organizers will consider creative work as well as papers on creative
teaching, creative writing theory and method, and on contemporary writers and
their work.
Submission Due date: 11/15
Call for Papers: Film Area: Film Adaptation.
Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 27th Annual
Conf., in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Join us February 14-17, 2007, at The
Hyatt Regency Conference Hotel, downtown ABQ.
We welcome any aspect of film adaptation studies; prospective topics
*adaptation theory
*novel to film adaptation
*film to film adaptation
*stage to screen adaptation (excluding Shakespeare)
*video games, songs, cartoons, and even Disney rides to film adaptation
Participants are being sought for paper sessions on
Sociology and Folklore in the Fantastic for the 28th
Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in
the Arts.
The focus of ICFA 28 is on gender and sexuality in the
fantastic, and while papers relating to this theme are
encouraged, proposals on any topics are welcome. The
conference will be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
from March 14 - 17, 2007 at the Wyndham Fort
Lauderdale Airport Hotel. For more information and
updates about the conference, please visit
Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the
following topics:
Participants are being sought for paper sessions on
Sociology and Folklore in the Fantastic for the 28th
Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in
the Arts.
The focus of ICFA 28 is on gender and sexuality in the
fantastic, and while papers relating to this theme are
encouraged, proposals on any topics are welcome. The
conference will be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
from March 14 - 17, 2007 at the Wyndham Fort
Lauderdale Airport Hotel. For more information and
updates about the conference, please visit
Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the
following topics:
Participants are being sought for paper sessions on
Sociology and Folklore in the Fantastic for the 28th
Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in
the Arts.
The focus of ICFA 28 is on gender and sexuality in the
fantastic, and while papers relating to this theme are
encouraged, proposals on any topics are welcome. The
conference will be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
from March 14 - 17, 2007 at the Wyndham Fort
Lauderdale Airport Hotel. For more information and
updates about the conference, please visit
Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the
following topics:
>From Oscar Wilde to Kelly Osborne, Jean Genet to Judy Garland, 'Querelle' to
'the Sound of Music' …
Forum, the University of Edinburgh's postgraduate online journal, invites
papers for its spring 2007 issue: Camp!
>From Oscar Wilde to Kelly Osborne, Jean Genet to Judy Garland, 'Querelle' to
'the Sound of Music' …
Forum, the University of Edinburgh's postgraduate online journal, invites
papers for its spring 2007 issue: Camp!
>From Oscar Wilde to Kelly Osborne, Jean Genet to Judy Garland, 'Querelle' to
'the Sound of Music' …
Forum, the University of Edinburgh's postgraduate online journal, invites
papers for its spring 2007 issue: Camp!
>From Oscar Wilde to Kelly Osborne, Jean Genet to Judy Garland, 'Querelle' to
'the Sound of Music' …
Forum, the University of Edinburgh's postgraduate online journal, invites
papers for its spring 2007 issue: Camp!
Call For Papers:*Grey's Anatomy* Collection
Edited by: Cynthia Burkhead (University of North Alabama) and Hillary Robson
(Middle Tennessee State University), with a preface written by David Lavery
(Brunel University).
Call For Papers:*Grey's Anatomy* Collection
Edited by: Cynthia Burkhead (University of North Alabama) and Hillary Robson
(Middle Tennessee State University), with a preface written by David Lavery
(Brunel University).
Participants are being sought for paper sessions on
Video Game Theory and Culture for the 28th Annual
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts.
The focus of ICFA 28 is on gender and sexuality in the
fantastic, and while papers relating to this theme are
encouraged, proposals on any topics are welcome. The
conference will be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
from March 14 - 17, 2007 at the Wyndham Fort
Lauderdale Airport Hotel. For more information and
updates about the conference, please visit
Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the
following topics:
Call for Papers for a Special Edition of African Studies
Feminism and Contemporary Culture in South Africa?
Call for Papers for a Special Edition of African Studies
Feminism and Contemporary Culture in South Africa?
Call for Papers for a Special Edition of African Studies
Feminism and Contemporary Culture in South Africa?
Call for Papers for a Special Edition of African Studies
Feminism and Contemporary Culture in South Africa?
Call for Papers
Portsmouth, Virginia
June 15-17, 2007
Conference Theme: "Barnstorming Across America: Local Stars and National Heroes played each other in the era of the Negro Leagues."
Papers can include all topics related to barnstorming (particularly in the south), Leon Day, Ray Dandridge, Jud Wilson and other Virginians in the Negro Leagues, and all other Negro League topics. Papers are encouraged from all disciplines.
Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract of no more than 350 words, and brief curriculum vitae with contact information. Graduate students are encouraged to submit proposals.
All presentations will be considered and reviewed for possible publication after the conference.
Call for Papers
Studies in Sound: Listening in the Age of Visual Culture
Graduate Student Conference
The University of Iowa
February 22-24, 2007
Proposal deadline: November 17, 2006
Keynote speaker: Caryl Flinn, Professor of Women?s Studies at The
University of Arizona and author of The New German Cinema: Music,
History and the Matter of Style and Strains of Utopia: Gender,
Nostalgia, and Hollywood Film Music.
Performance: The Audible Picture Show, audio works for a ?dark cinema.?
Call for Papers
Studies in Sound: Listening in the Age of Visual Culture
Graduate Student Conference
The University of Iowa
February 22-24, 2007
Proposal deadline: November 17, 2006
Keynote speaker: Caryl Flinn, Professor of Women?s Studies at The
University of Arizona and author of The New German Cinema: Music,
History and the Matter of Style and Strains of Utopia: Gender,
Nostalgia, and Hollywood Film Music.
Performance: The Audible Picture Show, audio works for a ?dark cinema.?
Call for Papers
Studies in Sound: Listening in the Age of Visual Culture
Graduate Student Conference
The University of Iowa
February 22-24, 2007
Proposal deadline: November 17, 2006
Keynote speaker: Caryl Flinn, Professor of Women?s Studies at The
University of Arizona and author of The New German Cinema: Music,
History and the Matter of Style and Strains of Utopia: Gender,
Nostalgia, and Hollywood Film Music.
Performance: The Audible Picture Show, audio works for a ?dark cinema.?
Call for Papers
Studies in Sound: Listening in the Age of Visual Culture
Graduate Student Conference
The University of Iowa
February 22-24, 2007
Proposal deadline: November 17, 2006
Keynote speaker: Caryl Flinn, Professor of Women?s Studies at The
University of Arizona and author of The New German Cinema: Music,
History and the Matter of Style and Strains of Utopia: Gender,
Nostalgia, and Hollywood Film Music.
Performance: The Audible Picture Show, audio works for a ?dark cinema.?
The Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations 28th Annual
Albuquerque, NM, February 14-17, 2007
The Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations 28th Annual
Albuquerque, NM, February 14-17, 2007