CFP: Storytelling and Healing (8/30/04; journal issue)
Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling
Call for Papers Special Issue: Storytelling and Healing.
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Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling
Call for Papers Special Issue: Storytelling and Healing.
Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling
Call for Papers Special Issue: Storytelling and Healing.
Please note the extension of the deadline.
Call for Papers, Special Issue of The Canadian Review of Studies in
Please note the extension of the deadline.
Call for Papers, Special Issue of The Canadian Review of Studies in
Neo-Liberal Governmentality: Technologies of the Self & Governmental Conduct
Proposal for Rhizomes 10 (Spring 2005)
Guest editor: Hai Ren (Department of Popular Culture, Bowling Green
State University. Email:
Deadline: Abstracts by October 30, 2004. Papers based on accepted
abstracts by December 30, 2004.
Kui Xing: The Journal of Asian/Diasporic and Aboriginal Literature =
invites articles about Asian, Asian Diaspora, and Indigenous literatures =
being written in or translated into English. Articles focusing on single =
authors or multiple authors are welcome, as are comparative studies that =
bring together various authors, topics, theoretical approaches or genres =
for critical consideration. Interviews and book reviews are also =
Kui Xing: The Journal of Asian/Diasporic and Aboriginal Literature =
invites articles about Asian, Asian Diaspora, and Indigenous literatures =
being written in or translated into English. Articles focusing on single =
authors or multiple authors are welcome, as are comparative studies that =
bring together various authors, topics, theoretical approaches or genres =
for critical consideration. Interviews and book reviews are also =
Kui Xing: The Journal of Asian/Diasporic and Aboriginal Literature =
invites articles about Asian, Asian Diaspora, and Indigenous literatures =
being written in or translated into English. Articles focusing on single =
authors or multiple authors are welcome, as are comparative studies that =
bring together various authors, topics, theoretical approaches or genres =
for critical consideration. Interviews and book reviews are also =
CFP: Special Issue of Journal of International Women's
Studies (deadline: 15 Nov 2004)
Volumes: New Perspectives on the Gendered Construction
of Space(s)
>From prisons to temples, red-light districts to office
parks, malls to street markets, toilets to tea
gardens, space reflects and reproduces power
relations. This special issue of the JIWS seeks to
examine the topic of gendered constructions of
space(s). How does space structure our understanding
of gender? How does it participate in cultural
constructions of race, class, and sexuality? What are
the political and economic dimensions of the spaces
that we construct and that construct us?
Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge
Since 2001, Rhizomes has promoted experimental work located outside
current disciplines, work that has no proper location. We encourage
migrations into new conceptual territories resulting from unpredictable
juxtapositions. We are currently accepting submission for Rhizomes #9,
an open topic issue.
Due date for submissions: 01 October 2004
The Becoming-Deleuzoguattarian of Queer Studies
Proposal for Rhizomes 11 (Fall 2005)
Guest Editor: Michael O'Rourke (School of English, University College
Journal for the Study of British Cultures
Special Issue: "Theorizing Cultural Difference and Transdifference"
In preparation and under contract: a guide to J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, part of the new series, Guides to Twentieth Century Literature (Routledge).
The editor seeks short essays (4,000 words) on the novel which will open up new ways in which the text can be understood.
Possible topics include:
family/sibling relationships
war (WW2 or Korea)
the USA and adolescence
or a reading of the novel in light of:
queer studies
An Invitation to Students and Scholars of Canadian Theatre from Kerry
Moore, Editorial Advisor
Grolier is in the midst of producing the publication of the
Gabrielle H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn of Vassar College. This
four-volume set will offer a total of one million words on a variety of
topics ranging from Ibsen to the present, and the target audience
consists of college students, high school students and general readers.
Following is an elaboration from the general editors:
An Invitation to Students and Scholars of Canadian Theatre from Kerry
Moore, Editorial Advisor
Grolier is in the midst of producing the publication of the
Gabrielle H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn of Vassar College. This
four-volume set will offer a total of one million words on a variety of
topics ranging from Ibsen to the present, and the target audience
consists of college students, high school students and general readers.
Following is an elaboration from the general editors:
An Invitation to Students and Scholars of Canadian Theatre from Kerry
Moore, Editorial Advisor
Grolier is in the midst of producing the publication of the
Gabrielle H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn of Vassar College. This
four-volume set will offer a total of one million words on a variety of
topics ranging from Ibsen to the present, and the target audience
consists of college students, high school students and general readers.
Following is an elaboration from the general editors:
Dialogism and Lyric Self-Fashioning: =20
Voices of a Genre=20
Only recently has the complex construction of lyric poetry and subjectivity=
been recognized. Lyric poetry as a genre seems to focus more on the=20
speaker, more on the construction of a speaker=E2=80=99s fragmented self, t=
han on the=20
exposition of ideological =E2=80=9Cwholeness,=E2=80=9D and this emphasis on=
=E2=80=9Csubjectivity=E2=80=9D has=20
been an important trend in recent criticism. One quality that is inherent i=
the manifestation of lyric subjectivity is the presence of multiple voices,=
multiple discourses. In Bakhtinian terms the lyric collection can be viewed=
as a=20
Dialogism and Lyric Self-Fashioning: =20
Voices of a Genre=20
Only recently has the complex construction of lyric poetry and subjectivity=
been recognized. Lyric poetry as a genre seems to focus more on the=20
speaker, more on the construction of a speaker=E2=80=99s fragmented self, t=
han on the=20
exposition of ideological =E2=80=9Cwholeness,=E2=80=9D and this emphasis on=
=E2=80=9Csubjectivity=E2=80=9D has=20
been an important trend in recent criticism. One quality that is inherent i=
the manifestation of lyric subjectivity is the presence of multiple voices,=
multiple discourses. In Bakhtinian terms the lyric collection can be viewed=
as a=20
Call for contributions
La revue LISA / LISA e-journal :
English-language Poetry and the Pictorial
Call for contributions
La revue LISA / LISA e-journal :
English-language Poetry and the Pictorial
Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory Special Issue
Performing Excess<?xml:namespace prefix =3D o ns =3D
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
TOO MUCH: eating, drinking, fucking, drugging, talking, erotic dancing,
protesting, shopping, yelling, swearing, gorging, binging, purging,
confessing, gambling, plastic surgery, working out, botoxing, tv
watching, marrying, puking, piercing/tattooing, limping, raving,
ranting, writing, dieting, trendy bariatric surgery, makeup, energy,
Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory Special Issue
Performing Excess<?xml:namespace prefix =3D o ns =3D
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
TOO MUCH: eating, drinking, fucking, drugging, talking, erotic dancing,
protesting, shopping, yelling, swearing, gorging, binging, purging,
confessing, gambling, plastic surgery, working out, botoxing, tv
watching, marrying, puking, piercing/tattooing, limping, raving,
ranting, writing, dieting, trendy bariatric surgery, makeup, energy,
Contributors are needed to write short essays on topics related to=20
Native American Literature. Many entries have been assigned, but many
remain. =20
The essays are for a volume entitled The Encyclopedia of Native=20
American Literature, to be published by Facts on File, Inc. in 2005
Information about the submissions as well as the complete list of=20
Remaining entries may be found at
Please be sure to scroll all the way down the page to make sure you see
all the entries.
Contributors are needed to write short essays on topics related to=20
Native American Literature. Many entries have been assigned, but many
remain. =20
The essays are for a volume entitled The Encyclopedia of Native=20
American Literature, to be published by Facts on File, Inc. in 2005
Information about the submissions as well as the complete list of=20
Remaining entries may be found at
Please be sure to scroll all the way down the page to make sure you see
all the entries.
Call For Papers: Shakespeare
Literature Compass is seeking papers on all topics in Shakespeare studies.
Literature Compass (, a new online resource from
Blackwell Publishing, surveys new trends and developments in literary study.
We publish original survey articles on new and important directions in
criticism and theory (as well as a range of useful reference resources).
[Please circulate - apologies for cross posting]
Call For Papers: Shakespeare
Literature Compass is seeking papers on all topics in Shakespeare studies.
Literature Compass (, a new online resource from
Blackwell Publishing, surveys new trends and developments in literary study.
We publish original survey articles on new and important directions in
criticism and theory (as well as a range of useful reference resources).
Contributors are needed to write short essays on topics related to=20
Native American Literature. Many entries have been assigned, but many
remain. =20
The essays are for a volume entitled The Encyclopedia of Native=20
American Literature, to be published by Facts on File, Inc. in 2005
Information about the submissions as well as the complete list of=20
Remaining entries may be found at
Please be sure to scroll all the way down the page to make sure you see
all the entries.
Call For Papers: Shakespeare
Literature Compass is seeking papers on all topics in Shakespeare studies.
Literature Compass (, a new online resource from
Blackwell Publishing, surveys new trends and developments in literary study.
We publish original survey articles on new and important directions in
criticism and theory (as well as a range of useful reference resources).
Contributors are needed to write short essays on topics related to=20
Native American Literature. Many entries have been assigned, but many
remain. =20
The essays are for a volume entitled The Encyclopedia of Native=20
American Literature, to be published by Facts on File, Inc. in 2005
Information about the submissions as well as the complete list of=20
Remaining entries may be found at
Please be sure to scroll all the way down the page to make sure you see
all the entries.