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CFP: Agora: General issue (no deadline; journal issue)

Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 5:56pm
James Gifford

Contributions are invited for the next general issue of _Agora_.
(Please distribute)

Agora (ISSN 1496-9580 <>) is an
internationally refereed online graduate journal that provides a public
forum for dialogue and debate about literary criticism and pedagogy. The
journal is indexed in the MLA Bibliography and the Canadian Literary
Periodical Index; it is also archived in the National Library of Canada

CFP: Agora: General issue (no deadline; journal issue)

Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 5:56pm
James Gifford

Contributions are invited for the next general issue of _Agora_.
(Please distribute)

Agora (ISSN 1496-9580 <>) is an
internationally refereed online graduate journal that provides a public
forum for dialogue and debate about literary criticism and pedagogy. The
journal is indexed in the MLA Bibliography and the Canadian Literary
Periodical Index; it is also archived in the National Library of Canada

CFP: English Studies Forum (no deadline; e-journal)

Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 5:51pm
Strecker, Trey

The electronic English Studies Forum publishes innovative critical and creative writing. ESF currently seeks submissions for sites on the following topics:

* "Image, Story, and Conversation" explores the idea that we imagine our world in archtypal patterns, three of which are image, story, and conversation.
* "The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond" asks "what are we imagining, and how?" This site investigates the postmodern imagination and the postmodern understanding of the nature/role of imagination in contemporary literature and culture. This site will also consider what post-postmodernism might look like.
* "PostColonial Literatures" examines postcolonial literatures and the postcolonial imagination.

CFP: English Studies Forum (no deadline; e-journal)

Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 5:51pm
Strecker, Trey

The electronic English Studies Forum publishes innovative critical and creative writing. ESF currently seeks submissions for sites on the following topics:

* "Image, Story, and Conversation" explores the idea that we imagine our world in archtypal patterns, three of which are image, story, and conversation.
* "The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond" asks "what are we imagining, and how?" This site investigates the postmodern imagination and the postmodern understanding of the nature/role of imagination in contemporary literature and culture. This site will also consider what post-postmodernism might look like.
* "PostColonial Literatures" examines postcolonial literatures and the postcolonial imagination.

CFP: English Studies Forum (no deadline; e-journal)

Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 5:51pm
Strecker, Trey

The electronic English Studies Forum publishes innovative critical and creative writing. ESF currently seeks submissions for sites on the following topics:

* "Image, Story, and Conversation" explores the idea that we imagine our world in archtypal patterns, three of which are image, story, and conversation.
* "The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond" asks "what are we imagining, and how?" This site investigates the postmodern imagination and the postmodern understanding of the nature/role of imagination in contemporary literature and culture. This site will also consider what post-postmodernism might look like.
* "PostColonial Literatures" examines postcolonial literatures and the postcolonial imagination.

CFP: English Studies Forum (no deadline; e-journal)

Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 5:51pm
Strecker, Trey

The electronic English Studies Forum publishes innovative critical and creative writing. ESF currently seeks submissions for sites on the following topics:

* "Image, Story, and Conversation" explores the idea that we imagine our world in archtypal patterns, three of which are image, story, and conversation.
* "The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond" asks "what are we imagining, and how?" This site investigates the postmodern imagination and the postmodern understanding of the nature/role of imagination in contemporary literature and culture. This site will also consider what post-postmodernism might look like.
* "PostColonial Literatures" examines postcolonial literatures and the postcolonial imagination.

CFP: H. G. Wells (11/1/03; journal)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 2:17am
Eric Cash

The Undying Fire: The Journal of the H.G. Wells Society, the Americas


_The Undying Fire_ is devoted to the study of H.G. Wells, and critical
essays on any topic relating to Wells's life and work will be considered
for publication.

Interdisciplinary essays welcomed.

Published annually, each volume includes from five to seven
essays ranging from 10-25 pages in length. MLA documentation preferred.
Submit paper copy and the file on disk (in Word format).

Be sure to include your e-mail address on your cover letter.

CFP: H. G. Wells (11/1/03; journal)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 2:17am
Eric Cash

The Undying Fire: The Journal of the H.G. Wells Society, the Americas


_The Undying Fire_ is devoted to the study of H.G. Wells, and critical
essays on any topic relating to Wells's life and work will be considered
for publication.

Interdisciplinary essays welcomed.

Published annually, each volume includes from five to seven
essays ranging from 10-25 pages in length. MLA documentation preferred.
Submit paper copy and the file on disk (in Word format).

Be sure to include your e-mail address on your cover letter.

CFP: Rewriting the History of the Americas (7/30/03; collection)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 2:12am
maria ochoa


The Research Group Cultural and Literary Studies of the Americas invites
original essays for the publication of a volume dedicated to the
rewritings of the history of the Americas (including North America,
Central America, the Caribbean, and South America).

CFP: Rewriting the History of the Americas (7/30/03; collection)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 2:12am
maria ochoa


The Research Group Cultural and Literary Studies of the Americas invites
original essays for the publication of a volume dedicated to the
rewritings of the history of the Americas (including North America,
Central America, the Caribbean, and South America).

CFP: Rewriting the History of the Americas (7/30/03; collection)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 2:12am
maria ochoa


The Research Group Cultural and Literary Studies of the Americas invites
original essays for the publication of a volume dedicated to the
rewritings of the history of the Americas (including North America,
Central America, the Caribbean, and South America).

CFP: Gender beyond &quot;Sexual Difference&quot;: Rethinking Feminisms and Visual Culture (8/1/04; journal issue)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 2:09am
Samantha Pinto

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society seeks submissions for a
special issue titled "Gender beyond 'Sexual Difference': Rethinking
Feminisms and Visual Culture," slated for publication in spring 2006. The
editors of this special issue seek manuscripts that offer new feminist
strategies for examining visual culture, convincing critiques of earlier
approaches to feminist visual analysis, and/or new models of feminist
visual theory that accommodate the multivalence of women's identities and
experiences. We are interested in essays that revise binary models of
sexual difference by considering the coextensivity of gender and the myriad

CFP: James Joyce (ASAP; collection)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 2:04am
Helen Thompson

I'm in need of an essay on James Joyce for a collection tentatively

Having Our Own Field Day: Essays on the Irish Canon

The collection is a critical evaluation of the Irish canon and offers
new innovative readings of canonical figures as well as readings of
those marginalized by the Field Day Anthology.

I'm looking for a fresh reading of Joyce that perhaps reimagines his
place in the canon (through postmodern, postcolonial or through another
theoretical lens), reevaluates his influence in Irish or other national
literatures, or reads his work against the grain of a current critical

Please send a detailed proposal and cv to me asap.

CFP: Comparing Literatures through Translation: Theoretical and Practical Challenges (12/31/03; journal)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:59am
Nick Kontos

CFP: Comparing Literatures through Translation: Theoretical and Practical
Challenges (12/31/03; Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism)

Contributions from the following areas are welcome: current translation
theories; comparative literary theory; cultural studies; post-colonial
theory; stylistics; discourse analysis; pragmatics; aesthetics.

Papers should not exceed the length of 5000 words (including footnotes and
bibliography). They should follow the MLA Handbook (5th edition).
Contributions can be submitted in either English or Greek. Papers should be
submitted in double-spaced format (two hard copies and a disk) to the editor
of the issue, Nikos Kontos:

CFP: Comparing Literatures through Translation: Theoretical and Practical Challenges (12/31/03; journal)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:59am
Nick Kontos

CFP: Comparing Literatures through Translation: Theoretical and Practical
Challenges (12/31/03; Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism)

Contributions from the following areas are welcome: current translation
theories; comparative literary theory; cultural studies; post-colonial
theory; stylistics; discourse analysis; pragmatics; aesthetics.

Papers should not exceed the length of 5000 words (including footnotes and
bibliography). They should follow the MLA Handbook (5th edition).
Contributions can be submitted in either English or Greek. Papers should be
submitted in double-spaced format (two hard copies and a disk) to the editor
of the issue, Nikos Kontos:

CFP: Post Identity: Identifying New Media (9/30/03; journal issue)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
Rosemary Weatherston

Post Identity, a national, fully-refereed journal of the humanities, publishes
scholarship that problematizes the narratives underlying individual, social, and
cultural identity formations; that investigates the relationship between
identity formations and texts; and that argues how such formations can be

CFP: Post Identity: Identifying New Media (9/30/03; journal issue)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
Rosemary Weatherston

Post Identity, a national, fully-refereed journal of the humanities, publishes
scholarship that problematizes the narratives underlying individual, social, and
cultural identity formations; that investigates the relationship between
identity formations and texts; and that argues how such formations can be

CFP: Biography versus Fiction: the Value of Testimony (4/1/04; e-journal issue)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
Renee Dickason

LISA E-Journal is inviting contributions to an issue on Biography versus
Fiction: the Value of Testimony to be published in June 2004. This theme of
reflection focuses on the value and authenticity of historical testimony
when it is conveyed by any kind of subjective literary form, whether it be
the autobiographical genre stemming from personal experience or the
subjective interpretation of this testimony through fictional literary
works. The field of study discussed is that of American XIXth and XXth
century cultural studies, directly linked with minorities and written
testimonies coming from ethnic groups. In this domain, more than in any

CFP: Biography versus Fiction: the Value of Testimony (4/1/04; e-journal issue)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
Renee Dickason

LISA E-Journal is inviting contributions to an issue on Biography versus
Fiction: the Value of Testimony to be published in June 2004. This theme of
reflection focuses on the value and authenticity of historical testimony
when it is conveyed by any kind of subjective literary form, whether it be
the autobiographical genre stemming from personal experience or the
subjective interpretation of this testimony through fictional literary
works. The field of study discussed is that of American XIXth and XXth
century cultural studies, directly linked with minorities and written
testimonies coming from ethnic groups. In this domain, more than in any

CFP: Biography versus Fiction: the Value of Testimony (4/1/04; e-journal issue)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
Renee Dickason

LISA E-Journal is inviting contributions to an issue on Biography versus
Fiction: the Value of Testimony to be published in June 2004. This theme of
reflection focuses on the value and authenticity of historical testimony
when it is conveyed by any kind of subjective literary form, whether it be
the autobiographical genre stemming from personal experience or the
subjective interpretation of this testimony through fictional literary
works. The field of study discussed is that of American XIXth and XXth
century cultural studies, directly linked with minorities and written
testimonies coming from ethnic groups. In this domain, more than in any

CFP: Mary Augusta Ward (10/31/03; collection)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
John Ballam


Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays centring upon
the life and work of Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs Humphry Ward) [1851-1920]. The
essays should be in the region of 4000-6000 words, and may treat of any
aspect Ward’s career, but the special emphasis will be upon Ward’s fiction.
Some topics for consideration may include (but are not limited to) the

CFP: Mary Augusta Ward (10/31/03; collection)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
John Ballam


Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays centring upon
the life and work of Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs Humphry Ward) [1851-1920]. The
essays should be in the region of 4000-6000 words, and may treat of any
aspect Ward’s career, but the special emphasis will be upon Ward’s fiction.
Some topics for consideration may include (but are not limited to) the

CFP: Mary Augusta Ward (10/31/03; collection)

Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 1:57am
John Ballam


Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays centring upon
the life and work of Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs Humphry Ward) [1851-1920]. The
essays should be in the region of 4000-6000 words, and may treat of any
aspect Ward’s career, but the special emphasis will be upon Ward’s fiction.
Some topics for consideration may include (but are not limited to) the

CFP: AEQ: Various Topics (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 9:22pm
Ben Varner

Articles Needed for Our Winter 2003 Issue


Academic Exchange Quarterly, one of the fastest-growing
peer-reviewed print journals in the U.S., encourages
additional submissions for its Winter 2003 issue.

The issue will be devoted to several themes, one of
which is "Teaching Environmental Literature":

Another theme for which we are soliciting
articles is "Writing and Social Awareness":

CFP: Alternative Country Music (8/27/03; collection)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 9:18pm

For an anthology on alternative country music, we are seeking critical
essays from the perspective of any discipline--music, literature,
history, communications/media studies, women's studies, philosophy,
linguistics, rhetoric, cultural studies, and others. We invite
discussions of a wide range of subjects, such as:

**'s relationship to Nashville
** Performance practices
** in the marketplace
** Roots (e.g. punk, grunge)
** Fandom
** Media (print and online)
** race
** gender
** class

Please send questions and abstracts of no more than 500 words to the
following address:

CFP: Septet 1:1 Disciplines and Interdisciplinarity (12/15/03; journal issues)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 9:08pm
Septet, Yeditepe Journal of Humanities and Social Science


                        Call for Papers
                         Vol. 1, No 1.

                At the Crossroads of Knowledge
         Defining Disciplines and Interdisciplinarity
