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UPDATE: Reconstructing/Redefining the Americas (12/1/03; journal issue)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 8:46pm
Enrique Morales-Diaz

Update CFP
Phoebe: Journal of Feminist Scholarship

Editors seek additional essays for an issue on
the Americas

Deadline: 1st December 2003 (for completed essays)
If interested, please send a 300 word abstract ASAP to the editors at <>

Topics include but are not limited to:
-Gender / Sexuality / Identity
-Comparative cultural/historical/political analysis
-English-language “representations” of literatures and cultures of the

The editors are open to considering a wide variety of essays from
cross-disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

CFP: World War I Posters (8/31/03; collection)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 8:16pm
James, Pearl

Contributions are invited for a volume of interpretive essays on World War I posters. Many books, including Maurice Rickards's classic Posters of the First World War (1968), have brought the poster images of World War I to a wider viewing public. This volume seeks to interpret and contextualize posters and to explore the role they played in mediating public understanding of war experience at the front and on the home front in combatant nations. Essays that compare posters in different national contexts are particularly encouraged. Essays might address:

CFP: M/C Journal: 'joke' issue (8/18/03; journal issue)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 8:12pm
M/C - Media and Culture


                          M/C - Media and Culture
            is calling for contributors to the 'joke' issue of

                                M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

CFP: YCGL: Medieval and Early Modern Comparative Literature (11/30/03; journal issue)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 8:09pm
Laurel Amtower

At the most recent meeting of the American Comparative Literature =
Association in San Marcos, the outgoing president lamented the fact that =
almost 90% of comparative literature sessions in recent years have been =
devoted to relatively modern texts and issues. What has happened to pre- =
and early modern topics in comparative literature?=20

CFP: YCGL: Medieval and Early Modern Comparative Literature (11/30/03; journal issue)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 8:09pm
Laurel Amtower

At the most recent meeting of the American Comparative Literature =
Association in San Marcos, the outgoing president lamented the fact that =
almost 90% of comparative literature sessions in recent years have been =
devoted to relatively modern texts and issues. What has happened to pre- =
and early modern topics in comparative literature?=20

CFP: YCGL: Medieval and Early Modern Comparative Literature (11/30/03; journal issue)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 8:09pm
Laurel Amtower

At the most recent meeting of the American Comparative Literature =
Association in San Marcos, the outgoing president lamented the fact that =
almost 90% of comparative literature sessions in recent years have been =
devoted to relatively modern texts and issues. What has happened to pre- =
and early modern topics in comparative literature?=20

CFP: Riot!: Political Discourse (e-zine)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 7:02pm
sheila johnson

Call for Submissions
An Arts & Literary Cultural Magazine

Riot! is now seeking submissions of fiction, poetry,
essays, and visual art, including political cartoons,
music, film and book reviews. Email your submissions
to or sent via post to Riot
Magazine, PO Box 425, Marshfield, MA 02050.

CFP: Riot!: Political Discourse (e-zine)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 7:02pm
sheila johnson

Call for Submissions
An Arts & Literary Cultural Magazine

Riot! is now seeking submissions of fiction, poetry,
essays, and visual art, including political cartoons,
music, film and book reviews. Email your submissions
to or sent via post to Riot
Magazine, PO Box 425, Marshfield, MA 02050.

CFP: Indian English Novels, 1980-2000 (8/15/03; collection)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 6:56pm
Ranjan Ghosh

Dear contributors,

I am looking for contribution (within 4000 words) on Shashi Tharoor’s “The
Great Indian Novel” for my book on Indian English Novels (1980-2000).
Please submit a proposal within 500 to 800 words before August 15th 2003.
Sent in a cv along with your proposal.

The proposal will be selected through competitive reviewing.

The other contributors for the book include:

Gayatri chakraborty spivak
Homi bhabha
Simon during
Richard Kearney
Arif Dirlik
Bill Ashcroft
Shashi tharoor
Vikram chandra
Sunetra gupta
Amit Chaudhuri
Sangeeta Ray
Grant Farred & others

CFP: Indian English Novels, 1980-2000 (8/15/03; collection)

Thursday, July 3, 2003 - 6:56pm
Ranjan Ghosh

Dear contributors,

I am looking for contribution (within 4000 words) on Shashi Tharoor’s “The
Great Indian Novel” for my book on Indian English Novels (1980-2000).
Please submit a proposal within 500 to 800 words before August 15th 2003.
Sent in a cv along with your proposal.

The proposal will be selected through competitive reviewing.

The other contributors for the book include:

Gayatri chakraborty spivak
Homi bhabha
Simon during
Richard Kearney
Arif Dirlik
Bill Ashcroft
Shashi tharoor
Vikram chandra
Sunetra gupta
Amit Chaudhuri
Sangeeta Ray
Grant Farred & others

CFP: Postmodern Culture: Call For Reviews (7/25/03; journal issue)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:27am

Postmodern Culture Call for Reviews: Deadline 10 July 2003

_Postmodern Culture_ is looking for reviews of recent books, films, CDs,
plays, TV shows, concerts, sporting events, performances, exhibitions,
conferences and conventions, happenings, and so forth, for the September
2003 issue. Reviews should be approximately 2000-3500 words long and
should follow the journal's format guidelines below.

UPDATE: Feminist Theory and/of Science (12/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:11am
Susan Squier

  Feminist Theory

Special Issue:
Feminist Theory and/of Science

Guest Editor: Susan M. Squier

Update: while submissions in any area are welcome, papers are particularly
welcome that address the biological and medical sciences.

UPDATE: Feminist Theory and/of Science (12/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:11am
Susan Squier

  Feminist Theory

Special Issue:
Feminist Theory and/of Science

Guest Editor: Susan M. Squier

Update: while submissions in any area are welcome, papers are particularly
welcome that address the biological and medical sciences.

CFP: Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures (9/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:08am

Call for Proposals
Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures
Fall 2004 issue of MELUS Journal (Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the

Teachers and scholars of ethnic American literatures have
traditionally found it useful to articulate the principles behind
their classroom practice. In the current social and political
climate, it is especially important to foster cross-cultural
dialogue on pedagogy in relation to recent educational practices
in the academy.

CFP: Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures (9/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:08am

Call for Proposals
Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures
Fall 2004 issue of MELUS Journal (Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the

Teachers and scholars of ethnic American literatures have
traditionally found it useful to articulate the principles behind
their classroom practice. In the current social and political
climate, it is especially important to foster cross-cultural
dialogue on pedagogy in relation to recent educational practices
in the academy.

CFP: Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures (9/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:08am

Call for Proposals
Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures
Fall 2004 issue of MELUS Journal (Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the

Teachers and scholars of ethnic American literatures have
traditionally found it useful to articulate the principles behind
their classroom practice. In the current social and political
climate, it is especially important to foster cross-cultural
dialogue on pedagogy in relation to recent educational practices
in the academy.

CFP: Grammar in Composition Instruction (8/15/03; e-journal)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:08am
Eva Bednarowicz

The Call to Grammar : Grammar in Composition Instruction
Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing
Digressions, Fall 2003 Issue
Deadline:~ August 1, 2003

Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing, is an online forum edited by TAs,
adjuncts, assistant professors, and others charged with the teaching of
first-year composition, and it is published by Bedford/St. Martin's Press.~
It can be found at [

UPDATE: Queer as Folk (12/1/03; collection)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:07am
Jes Battis

UPDATE: Queer as Folk CFP

The submissions deadline for 'Queer as Text,' a collection of essays on
the television series 'Queer as Folk' (both its British and American
incarnations) has been extended to Dec 1/03. Please send abstracts (1-2
pgs), along with a CV to:

Jes Battis
Dept of English, Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6

OR email abstracts (plus CV) to: (include as .doc

Feel free to contact me for more details.

Jes Battis

UPDATE: Queer as Folk (12/1/03; collection)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:07am
Jes Battis

UPDATE: Queer as Folk CFP

The submissions deadline for 'Queer as Text,' a collection of essays on
the television series 'Queer as Folk' (both its British and American
incarnations) has been extended to Dec 1/03. Please send abstracts (1-2
pgs), along with a CV to:

Jes Battis
Dept of English, Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6

OR email abstracts (plus CV) to: (include as .doc

Feel free to contact me for more details.

Jes Battis

CFP: Interdisciplinarity, Fusion, and Reform: English Studies (10/23/03; collection)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:07am
Lori Ostergaard

Call for Essays: Critical Collection in English Studies

Essays are invited for a collection tentatively entitled, Interdisciplinarity,
Fusion, and Reform: New and Critical Inquiries into English Studies.

This collection examines the field of English as it is conceived of by James
Berlin, Michael Berube, Sharon Crowley, Gerald Graff, Stephen North et. al,
Robert Scholes, etc. Within this conversation, English Studies is “a new
disciplinary enterprise” (North), one that encourages “a clash of paradigms,
frameworks, languages, and methodologies” (Waller) in the field of English, and
one that also generates interdisciplinarity, “fusion” (North), and integration
of English’s sub-disciplines.

CFP: The Early Modern Englishwoman (9/15/03; series)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:07am
Betty Travitsky

X-posted from FICINO


Composite volumes are currently being organized for Series III of Ashgate's
1500-1750 [EMEW]. EMEW has already put over 100 texts by women in print,
many in composite volumes, edited--with introductory essays--by various
Dozens of additional writings by women are in various stages of production.

Series III (Essential Works for the Study of Early Modern Women) consists of
texts by and about early modern women. Volume editors will be involved with
the selection of copy for the volume and will write a short introductory
essay (ca. 12,000 words, including a bibliography).

CFP: The Early Modern Englishwoman (9/15/03; series)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:07am
Betty Travitsky

X-posted from FICINO


Composite volumes are currently being organized for Series III of Ashgate's
1500-1750 [EMEW]. EMEW has already put over 100 texts by women in print,
many in composite volumes, edited--with introductory essays--by various
Dozens of additional writings by women are in various stages of production.

Series III (Essential Works for the Study of Early Modern Women) consists of
texts by and about early modern women. Volume editors will be involved with
the selection of copy for the volume and will write a short introductory
essay (ca. 12,000 words, including a bibliography).

CFP: The Early Modern Englishwoman (9/15/03; series)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 3:07am
Betty Travitsky

X-posted from FICINO


Composite volumes are currently being organized for Series III of Ashgate's
1500-1750 [EMEW]. EMEW has already put over 100 texts by women in print,
many in composite volumes, edited--with introductory essays--by various
Dozens of additional writings by women are in various stages of production.

Series III (Essential Works for the Study of Early Modern Women) consists of
texts by and about early modern women. Volume editors will be involved with
the selection of copy for the volume and will write a short introductory
essay (ca. 12,000 words, including a bibliography).
