CFP: Latino Studies Focus Group (10/15/05 & 11/1/05; ATHE, 8/3/06-8/6/06)
Call for papers: Latino Studies Focus Group ATHE
Chicago, IL
August 3-6, 2006
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Call for papers: Latino Studies Focus Group ATHE
Chicago, IL
August 3-6, 2006
Call for papers: Latino Studies Focus Group ATHE
Chicago, IL
August 3-6, 2006
2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006
The NYCEA is sponsoring a special session on "Cartographies:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature"
Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speaker will be WJT Mitchell; our diversity luncheon speaker will
be Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith
We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.
2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006
The NYCEA is sponsoring a special session on "Cartographies:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature"
Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speaker will be WJT Mitchell; our diversity luncheon speaker will
be Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith
We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.
Northeast Modern language Association: 2-5 March 2006 in Philadelphia. The GLBT Caucus is seeking paper proposals for the following panel:
Northeast Modern language Association: 2-5 March 2006 in Philadelphia. The GLBT Caucus is seeking paper proposals for the following panel:
Paper proposals are invited for a proposed panel on the topic of "Holy =
Land(s) in the American Literary Imagination" at the College English =
Association conference in San Antonio, TX (April 6-8, 2006).
The term "Holy Land(s)" in the title is broadly conceived, so proposals =
that deal with U.S. representations or discussions of landscapes =
designated as "sacred" anywhere in the world are welcomed. Proposals =
that deal in some way with literary representations or discussions of =
Ottoman Palestine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are =
particularly welcome, as are discussions of the role that the idea of a =
"Holy Land" may have played in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. =
Paper proposals are invited for a proposed panel on the topic of "Holy =
Land(s) in the American Literary Imagination" at the College English =
Association conference in San Antonio, TX (April 6-8, 2006).
The term "Holy Land(s)" in the title is broadly conceived, so proposals =
that deal with U.S. representations or discussions of landscapes =
designated as "sacred" anywhere in the world are welcomed. Proposals =
that deal in some way with literary representations or discussions of =
Ottoman Palestine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are =
particularly welcome, as are discussions of the role that the idea of a =
"Holy Land" may have played in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. =
Paper proposals are invited for a proposed panel on the topic of "Holy =
Land(s) in the American Literary Imagination" at the College English =
Association conference in San Antonio, TX (April 6-8, 2006).
The term "Holy Land(s)" in the title is broadly conceived, so proposals =
that deal with U.S. representations or discussions of landscapes =
designated as "sacred" anywhere in the world are welcomed. Proposals =
that deal in some way with literary representations or discussions of =
Ottoman Palestine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are =
particularly welcome, as are discussions of the role that the idea of a =
"Holy Land" may have played in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. =
CFP: Tea in the Eighteenth Century
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Convention
Montreal, March 30-April 2, 2006
2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006
The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Chairing the English
Department of the 21st Century: Critical Issues, Critical Challenges"
Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith.
We have also changed our submission procedure, now using a
proposal submission site (submissions URL indicated below), for the
panel described below.
2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006
The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and Law"
Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith
We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.
CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature
Permeability and Selfhood.
McGill University, Montreal
12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
March 11-12, 2006
The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.
Call for Panels
Permeability and Selfhood.
McGill University, Montreal
12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
March 11-12, 2006
The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.
Call for Panels
Permeability and Selfhood.
McGill University, Montreal
12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
March 11-12, 2006
The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.
Call for Panels
UPDATE: Extended Deadline for CFP! Many thanks to those of you who've already
submitted; due to popular demand, all proposals to the UCSB "Straws in the
Wind" Condference are now due by OCTOBER 15th (see below for submission
The Early Modern Center at UCSB invites paper proposals for "Straws in the
Wind: Ballads and Broadsides, 1500-1800," an interdisciplinary conference to
be held at UC Santa Barbara on February 24 and 25, 2006.
UPDATE: Extended Deadline for CFP! Many thanks to those of you who've already
submitted; due to popular demand, all proposals to the UCSB "Straws in the
Wind" Condference are now due by OCTOBER 15th (see below for submission
The Early Modern Center at UCSB invites paper proposals for "Straws in the
Wind: Ballads and Broadsides, 1500-1800," an interdisciplinary conference to
be held at UC Santa Barbara on February 24 and 25, 2006.
Apologies for cross-posting.
2006 ACTR Conference / Congrès de l'ARTC 2006
Association for Canadian Theatre Research
Association de la recherche théâtrale au Canada
The next ACTR annual conference will be held May 27 to 30, 2006, at
York University, Toronto, as part of the Congress of the Social
Sciences and Humanities. ACTR welcomes papers on all topics and
practices of interest to the organization, both Canadian and
Apologies for cross-posting.
2006 ACTR Conference / Congrès de l'ARTC 2006
Association for Canadian Theatre Research
Association de la recherche théâtrale au Canada
The next ACTR annual conference will be held May 27 to 30, 2006, at
York University, Toronto, as part of the Congress of the Social
Sciences and Humanities. ACTR welcomes papers on all topics and
practices of interest to the organization, both Canadian and
Deadline extended:
2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006
The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on " Anatomy of Violence in
Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith
We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.
CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature
CFP: Anglophone Literature (World Literature in English), deadline 10/15/05,
CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06
We invite papers on Anglophone Literature (World Literature in English) for
the annual meeting of the CEA.
Proposals shouls include the following information:
Institutional affiliation
Mailing address (including zip code)
Phone number
Email address
Title for the proposed presentation
Abstract of no more than 500 words
A/V needs, if any
Special needs if any
Submit proposals by email, fax, or regular mail by October 15th. If you
email a proposal, please paste it into the body of the email message, rather than
attaching a separate file..
Deadline extended:
2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006
The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and
Medicine / Literature and the Healing Arts"
Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith
We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.
Deadline extended:
2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006
The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and
Medicine / Literature and the Healing Arts"
Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith
We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.
pacific REVIEW, a West Coast Arts Review Literary
Annual, published by San Diego State University
undergrads in conjunction with San Diego State
University Press, is currently accepting submissions
for the 2006-2007 issue entitled, "NOSTALGIA: a verbal
and visual relic". Critical essays, non-fiction
pieces, poetry, short stories, illustrations, and
photography touching on the idea of nostalgia are all
encouraged. Ideas along but not limited to, exploring
the dimensions of nostalgia in writing and art;
creating memoirs of past experiences, connections of
nostalgia and the memory or unconscious, or exposing
nostalgia apparent in our culture.
IASIL 2006 - First Call for Papers.
Reply to
Proposals are warmly invited on the general conference theme: exploring
'intertextuality' in all its forms in Irish literature and culture. Please
submit a title and 200 word abstract to by 15th December,
2005. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes duration.
IASIL 2006 - "Those images that yet/ Fresh images beget" (W.B. Yeats
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Thursday 20 July to Sunday 23 July 2006
IASIL 2006 - First Call for Papers.
Reply to
Proposals are warmly invited on the general conference theme: exploring
'intertextuality' in all its forms in Irish literature and culture. Please
submit a title and 200 word abstract to by 15th December,
2005. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes duration.
IASIL 2006 - "Those images that yet/ Fresh images beget" (W.B. Yeats
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Thursday 20 July to Sunday 23 July 2006
IASIL 2006 - First Call for Papers.
Reply to
Proposals are warmly invited on the general conference theme: exploring
'intertextuality' in all its forms in Irish literature and culture. Please
submit a title and 200 word abstract to by 15th December,
2005. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes duration.
IASIL 2006 - "Those images that yet/ Fresh images beget" (W.B. Yeats
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Thursday 20 July to Sunday 23 July 2006
IASIL 2006 - First Call for Papers.
Reply to
Proposals are warmly invited on the general conference theme: exploring
'intertextuality' in all its forms in Irish literature and culture. Please
submit a title and 200 word abstract to by 15th December,
2005. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes duration.
IASIL 2006 - "Those images that yet/ Fresh images beget" (W.B. Yeats
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Thursday 20 July to Sunday 23 July 2006
(27/04/06-30/04/06): The Gothic and Addiction
The International Gothic Association, in conjunction with the
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English,
is presenting a joint session on the subject of Gothic Addiction/
(27/04/06-30/04/06): The Gothic and Addiction
The International Gothic Association, in conjunction with the
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English,
is presenting a joint session on the subject of Gothic Addiction/