CFP: Teaching Regionalism and Local Color (1/22/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)
American Literature Association
Boston, May 24-27, 2007
Proposed Panel: Teaching American Regionalism/Local Color
Over the past two decades, literary critics--Richard Brodhead, Donna
Campbell, June Howard, Amy Kaplan, Judith Fetterley, Marjorie Pryse, and
Stephanie Foote, to name but a few--have opened up new and compelling (and
often competing) ways of understanding regional and local color writing of
the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, but as has been the case
with critical re-evaluations of the generic categories of realism and
naturalism, these reappraisals have left us in a certain flux as to what
makes a text an example of regionalism and/or local color and what such