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UPDATE: Academic Exchange Extra (e-journal)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:08pm
Elizabeth Haller



Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.

UPDATE: Academic Exchange Extra (e-journal)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:08pm
Elizabeth Haller



Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.

UPDATE: E-xplorations: Interdisciplinary (1/15/04; e-journal)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:53pm
Splittgerber, Lisa E.

We are extending the deadline for submissions to E-xplorations: An
Interdisciplinary E-Journal. The new deadline is January 15, 2004.

Please refer to the original listing for submission guidelines.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Aug 29 2003 - 10:53:17 EDT

CFP: Journal of Postcolonial Studies (journal)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:51pm
Nicola Nixon

Postcolonial Studies welcomes original and challenging contributions
from all over the world, informed by a variety of theoretical
perspectives, including postmodernism, marxism, feminism and queer
theory. Its aim is to generate a productive dialogue and exchange
between theorists and writers in disparate locations. All work submitted
will be refereed by a range of international readers and editors. In
addition to longer 7000 and 9000 word papers, we welcome photographic
essays, review articles and collaborative essays.

Submissions will be accepted by email as an attachment in Word 6.0 or
later program to: Nicola Nixon (

CFP: Journal of Postcolonial Studies (journal)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:51pm
Nicola Nixon

Postcolonial Studies welcomes original and challenging contributions
from all over the world, informed by a variety of theoretical
perspectives, including postmodernism, marxism, feminism and queer
theory. Its aim is to generate a productive dialogue and exchange
between theorists and writers in disparate locations. All work submitted
will be refereed by a range of international readers and editors. In
addition to longer 7000 and 9000 word papers, we welcome photographic
essays, review articles and collaborative essays.

Submissions will be accepted by email as an attachment in Word 6.0 or
later program to: Nicola Nixon (

CFP: Protecting Adjuncts in Composition (9/17/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:33pm
Nels P. Highberg

Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing
<> is seeking submission for its next
issue set to appear December 1, 2003. While the "Being Adjuncts" section
has traditionally focused on highlighting the voices of adjuncts
themselves, this upcoming issue will center on the perspectives of
administrators who supervise the teaching and professionalism of adjuncts
in composition. Institutional contexts often support the exploitation of
adjunct labor, and administrators who work directly with adjuncts often try
to protect adjuncts in various ways. However, what specifically are the

CFP: Encyclopedia of Ethnic American Literature (4/30/04; encyclopedia)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:32pm
Emmanuel Nelson

Encyclopedia of Ethnic
American Literature

Emmanuel S. Nelson
Department of English
Cortland, NY 13045
Ph: 607-753-2078
Fax: 607-753-5978

Advisory Board
Ken Cerniglia (Cornish College
   of the Arts)
Guiyou Huang (Kutztown University)
Arnold Krupat (Sarah Lawrence College)
Paul Lauter (Trinity College)
Ann Shapiro (SUNY-Farmingdale)
Loretta Woodard (Marygrove College)


CFP: Encyclopedia of Ethnic American Literature (4/30/04; encyclopedia)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:32pm
Emmanuel Nelson

Encyclopedia of Ethnic
American Literature

Emmanuel S. Nelson
Department of English
Cortland, NY 13045
Ph: 607-753-2078
Fax: 607-753-5978

Advisory Board
Ken Cerniglia (Cornish College
   of the Arts)
Guiyou Huang (Kutztown University)
Arnold Krupat (Sarah Lawrence College)
Paul Lauter (Trinity College)
Ann Shapiro (SUNY-Farmingdale)
Loretta Woodard (Marygrove College)


CFP: Encyclopedia of Ethnic American Literature (4/30/04; encyclopedia)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 2:32pm
Emmanuel Nelson

Encyclopedia of Ethnic
American Literature

Emmanuel S. Nelson
Department of English
Cortland, NY 13045
Ph: 607-753-2078
Fax: 607-753-5978

Advisory Board
Ken Cerniglia (Cornish College
   of the Arts)
Guiyou Huang (Kutztown University)
Arnold Krupat (Sarah Lawrence College)
Paul Lauter (Trinity College)
Ann Shapiro (SUNY-Farmingdale)
Loretta Woodard (Marygrove College)


CFP: Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy (10/1/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 8:01pm
Edvige Giunta


DEADLINE: October 1, 2003

The editors of Transformations are seeking review essays (books, film,
video, performance, art, music, etc.) for our spring 2004 issue. Review
essays should examine resources for teaching a specific subject. The author
should describe the various resources (books, film, video, performance, art,
music) and offer a rationale for the usefulness and application of the
resources. The review may focus on one medium (e.g., movies) or several
(e.g., movies, websites, novels, and paintings).

CFP: Feminist Encyclopedia of African American Literature (9/15/03; collection)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:46pm
Dr. Betsy Beaulieu

Seeking established or independent scholars, as well as advanced
graduate students, to contribute entries to a Feminist Encyclopedia of
African American Literature, presently under contract with Greenwood
Press. The encyclopedia will be published in a 2-volume set and
distributed worldwide.

Preference will be given to individuals who are willing to write more
than one 500 word entry, or who are interested in any of the longer
entries. Completed entries will be due in late spring, 2004.

Please contact me at by September 15, 2003 if you
are interested in contributing to this project.

CFP: Feminist Encyclopedia of African American Literature (9/15/03; collection)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:46pm
Dr. Betsy Beaulieu

Seeking established or independent scholars, as well as advanced
graduate students, to contribute entries to a Feminist Encyclopedia of
African American Literature, presently under contract with Greenwood
Press. The encyclopedia will be published in a 2-volume set and
distributed worldwide.

Preference will be given to individuals who are willing to write more
than one 500 word entry, or who are interested in any of the longer
entries. Completed entries will be due in late spring, 2004.

Please contact me at by September 15, 2003 if you
are interested in contributing to this project.

CFP: Utopian Passports: Travel, Immigration, and Diaspora in Latin America (1/31/04; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:31pm
Jennifer Valko

Published annually by graduate students of the University of California
Davis, under the auspices of the Hemispheric Institute on the Americas,
_Brújula: revista interdisciplinaria sobre estudios latinoamericanos_ is
an interdisciplinary journal with a focus on Latin American literary
studies. This journal seeks to foster a dialogue between established
academics and a new generation of scholars, while including original
essays from a variety of fields such as anthropology, history, art,
music, linguistics, comparative literature, sociology, and native
American studies. With each issue, _Brújula_ intends to highlight a theme
of relevance in current debates and to create a forum that explores

CFP: Safundi: Comparative US - South African Studies (9/7/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:31pm
Andrew Offenburger

Safundi, The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies,
encourages any scholar or professional to submit a paper for
publication. Papers are being collected for publication in Issue 12
(October 2003).

DUE DATE: September 7, 2003

SUGGESTED TOPICS: Any topic dealing with South African and American
comparative studies: politics, sociology, biology, law, economics, art,
music, letters, history, etc. Essays and personal experience pieces are
also welcomed.

CFP: Safundi: Comparative US - South African Studies (9/7/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:31pm
Andrew Offenburger

Safundi, The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies,
encourages any scholar or professional to submit a paper for
publication. Papers are being collected for publication in Issue 12
(October 2003).

DUE DATE: September 7, 2003

SUGGESTED TOPICS: Any topic dealing with South African and American
comparative studies: politics, sociology, biology, law, economics, art,
music, letters, history, etc. Essays and personal experience pieces are
also welcomed.

CFP: Utopian Passports: Travel, Immigration, and Diaspora in Latin America (1/31/04; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:31pm
Jennifer Valko

Published annually by graduate students of the University of California
Davis, under the auspices of the Hemispheric Institute on the Americas,
_Brújula: revista interdisciplinaria sobre estudios latinoamericanos_ is
an interdisciplinary journal with a focus on Latin American literary
studies. This journal seeks to foster a dialogue between established
academics and a new generation of scholars, while including original
essays from a variety of fields such as anthropology, history, art,
music, linguistics, comparative literature, sociology, and native
American studies. With each issue, _Brújula_ intends to highlight a theme
of relevance in current debates and to create a forum that explores

CFP: Utopian Passports: Travel, Immigration, and Diaspora in Latin America (1/31/04; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:31pm
Jennifer Valko

Published annually by graduate students of the University of California
Davis, under the auspices of the Hemispheric Institute on the Americas,
_Brújula: revista interdisciplinaria sobre estudios latinoamericanos_ is
an interdisciplinary journal with a focus on Latin American literary
studies. This journal seeks to foster a dialogue between established
academics and a new generation of scholars, while including original
essays from a variety of fields such as anthropology, history, art,
music, linguistics, comparative literature, sociology, and native
American studies. With each issue, _Brújula_ intends to highlight a theme
of relevance in current debates and to create a forum that explores

CFP: Utopian Passports: Travel, Immigration, and Diaspora in Latin America (1/31/04; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:31pm
Jennifer Valko

Published annually by graduate students of the University of California
Davis, under the auspices of the Hemispheric Institute on the Americas,
_Brújula: revista interdisciplinaria sobre estudios latinoamericanos_ is
an interdisciplinary journal with a focus on Latin American literary
studies. This journal seeks to foster a dialogue between established
academics and a new generation of scholars, while including original
essays from a variety of fields such as anthropology, history, art,
music, linguistics, comparative literature, sociology, and native
American studies. With each issue, _Brújula_ intends to highlight a theme
of relevance in current debates and to create a forum that explores

CFP: Safundi: Comparative US - South African Studies (9/7/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 7:31pm
Andrew Offenburger

Safundi, The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies,
encourages any scholar or professional to submit a paper for
publication. Papers are being collected for publication in Issue 12
(October 2003).

DUE DATE: September 7, 2003

SUGGESTED TOPICS: Any topic dealing with South African and American
comparative studies: politics, sociology, biology, law, economics, art,
music, letters, history, etc. Essays and personal experience pieces are
also welcomed.

CFP: Umbr(a): War and Psychoanalysis (12/1/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:04pm

Umbr(a): A Journal of the Unconscious 2004 (12/01/03; journal issue; war
and psychoanalysis)

Call for Papers, UMBR(a) 2004


We are at war. Since the fate of psychoanalysis has been formed by previous
wars, we believe the present configuration of global conflicts to be one of
these key moments in its history which simultaneously provides the object
of psychoanalysis and its living context. In the next issue of UMBR(a): A
Journal of the Unconscious, we propose to take up the relationship of world
war to the very beginnings of psychoanalysis, and war's relationship to
knowledge or truth, as well as the psychoanalytic concepts of war, the
enemy, aggressivity, rivalry, and violence.

CFP: DLB: American Nature Writers Before 1900: Prose (11/1/03; collection)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm
Patterson, Danny

Call for Contributors

Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Nature Writers before 1900:

Edited by Daniel Patterson

Qualified contributors are needed to write 3,000-word entries on the
following early American nature writers:

John Bradbury
George Catlin
Clarence Edward Dutton
Thomas Wilson Flagg
Chandler Robbins Gilman
John Edwards Holbrook
Clarence King
Thomas Starr King
Samuel Latham Mitchill
Annie Trumbull Slosson
Edith M. Thomas

CFP: DLB: American Nature Writers Before 1900: Prose (11/1/03; collection)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm
Patterson, Danny

Call for Contributors

Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Nature Writers before 1900:

Edited by Daniel Patterson

Qualified contributors are needed to write 3,000-word entries on the
following early American nature writers:

John Bradbury
George Catlin
Clarence Edward Dutton
Thomas Wilson Flagg
Chandler Robbins Gilman
John Edwards Holbrook
Clarence King
Thomas Starr King
Samuel Latham Mitchill
Annie Trumbull Slosson
Edith M. Thomas
