all recent posts

CFP: Theatricality, History, Theory (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Martin Harries

Call for Papers:

Theatricality, History, Theory

The seminar will be part of the American Comparative Literature Association Conference at Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey, March 23-26, 2006.

Seminar Organizers: Martin Harries, New York University; Andrew Parker, Amherst College

CFP: Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative (6/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Derek Royal

MELUS Special Issue - Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative
In his book REINVENTING COMICS, Scott McCloud explores some of the problems
concerning ethnicity and comics. Not only does he argue for an increased
awareness of ethnic and gender representation in contemporary comics, but he
also highlights many of the ethnoracial concerns underlying the history of
comics in the United States. Using McCloud's arguments as a springboard,
MELUS plans on publishing a special issue devoted to multi-ethnic American

CFP: Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative (6/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Derek Royal

MELUS Special Issue - Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative
In his book REINVENTING COMICS, Scott McCloud explores some of the problems
concerning ethnicity and comics. Not only does he argue for an increased
awareness of ethnic and gender representation in contemporary comics, but he
also highlights many of the ethnoracial concerns underlying the history of
comics in the United States. Using McCloud's arguments as a springboard,
MELUS plans on publishing a special issue devoted to multi-ethnic American

CFP: Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative (6/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Derek Royal

MELUS Special Issue - Multi-Ethnic American Graphic Narrative
In his book REINVENTING COMICS, Scott McCloud explores some of the problems
concerning ethnicity and comics. Not only does he argue for an increased
awareness of ethnic and gender representation in contemporary comics, but he
also highlights many of the ethnoracial concerns underlying the history of
comics in the United States. Using McCloud's arguments as a springboard,
MELUS plans on publishing a special issue devoted to multi-ethnic American

CFP: British TV Drama and US Imports (UK) (1/16/06; 3/24/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Simone Knox


British television drama and US imports: Aesthetics, Institutions,
Histories. Friday 24 March 2006.

A one-day symposium organised by the Centre for Television Drama Studies at
the University of Reading, under the auspices of the AHRC-funded project
British TV Drama and Acquired US Programmes 1970-2000.

CFP: Belonging in the Age of Troubled Globalization (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Nawar Golley

Contributions are sought for a book in English on the theme of Belonging in the Age of (what I call) "Troubled Globalization". The issue of identity can be addressed critically, reflectively, and creatively from interdisciplinary perspectives. Arab creative writers, critics/scholars, artists and journalists are requested to write around 15-20-page narrative/reflective/non-fictional/critical essays (in the I-mode) about how they map their own identities in our ever-changing cultural and political formations. Contributors are requested to reflect in their narratives on how self-expression in the age of "Troubled Globalization" has affected/influenced their modes of artistic expressions.

For book outline and more information, please contact:

CFP: British TV Drama and US Imports (UK) (1/16/06; 3/24/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Simone Knox


British television drama and US imports: Aesthetics, Institutions,
Histories. Friday 24 March 2006.

A one-day symposium organised by the Centre for Television Drama Studies at
the University of Reading, under the auspices of the AHRC-funded project
British TV Drama and Acquired US Programmes 1970-2000.

CFP: Belonging in the Age of Troubled Globalization (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Nawar Golley

Contributions are sought for a book in English on the theme of Belonging in the Age of (what I call) "Troubled Globalization". The issue of identity can be addressed critically, reflectively, and creatively from interdisciplinary perspectives. Arab creative writers, critics/scholars, artists and journalists are requested to write around 15-20-page narrative/reflective/non-fictional/critical essays (in the I-mode) about how they map their own identities in our ever-changing cultural and political formations. Contributors are requested to reflect in their narratives on how self-expression in the age of "Troubled Globalization" has affected/influenced their modes of artistic expressions.

For book outline and more information, please contact:

CFP: The Politics of Memory (grad) (1/9/06; 3/31/06-4/2/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
annarita primier

The Centre for Comparative Literature

at the University of Toronto

invites abstracts for its 17th annual graduate student conference

The Politics of Memory

to be held from

March 31st to April 2, 2006.






Papers may address interdisciplinary issues related to, but not limited to, the following questions:


CFP: The Politics of Memory (grad) (1/9/06; 3/31/06-4/2/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
annarita primier

The Centre for Comparative Literature

at the University of Toronto

invites abstracts for its 17th annual graduate student conference

The Politics of Memory

to be held from

March 31st to April 2, 2006.






Papers may address interdisciplinary issues related to, but not limited to, the following questions:


CFP: The Politics of Memory (grad) (1/9/06; 3/31/06-4/2/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
annarita primier

The Centre for Comparative Literature

at the University of Toronto

invites abstracts for its 17th annual graduate student conference

The Politics of Memory

to be held from

March 31st to April 2, 2006.






Papers may address interdisciplinary issues related to, but not limited to, the following questions:

