all recent posts

CFP: British, American Literature & Culture (10/31/06; MASAL, 3/9/07-3/10/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Thum, Maureen

> >
> >
> >Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters
> >
> >MARCH 9-10 2007, Location: Ferris State University, Big Rapids
> >
> >Grad Students Welcome!
> >
> >British, American, Ethnic, Comparative literature, literature and
> film

CFP: British, American Literature & Culture (10/31/06; MASAL, 3/9/07-3/10/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Thum, Maureen

> >
> >
> >Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters
> >
> >MARCH 9-10 2007, Location: Ferris State University, Big Rapids
> >
> >Grad Students Welcome!
> >
> >British, American, Ethnic, Comparative literature, literature and
> film

UPDATE: Cultural Studies Association (10/16/06; 4/19/06-4/21/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Leerom Medovoi

hosted by the Portland Center for Cultural Studies

Portland, Oregon (Portland State University) April 19-21, 2007

The Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) invites participation in its =20
Fifth Annual Meeting from all areas and topics of relevance to =20
Cultural Studies, including but not limited to literature, history, =20
sociology, geography, anthropology, communications, popular culture, =20
cultural theory, queer studies, critical race studies, feminist =20
studies, postcolonial studies, media and film studies, material =20
culture studies, performance and visual arts studies.

UPDATE: Cultural Studies Association (10/16/06; 4/19/06-4/21/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Leerom Medovoi

hosted by the Portland Center for Cultural Studies

Portland, Oregon (Portland State University) April 19-21, 2007

The Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) invites participation in its =20
Fifth Annual Meeting from all areas and topics of relevance to =20
Cultural Studies, including but not limited to literature, history, =20
sociology, geography, anthropology, communications, popular culture, =20
cultural theory, queer studies, critical race studies, feminist =20
studies, postcolonial studies, media and film studies, material =20
culture studies, performance and visual arts studies.

CFP: "Parables in Drama" at ATHE Conference (10/15/06; ATHE, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am


"Parables in Drama"

Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference
New Orleans
July 26-29, 2007

Parables and drama, and specifically parables in drama, work performatively
to "redescribe" the world as we know it and force the audience to perform a
redescription of reality. They deserve our attention for the ways in which the
self and our world are constructed and deconstructed. But most especially,
parables in drama consider layers of readings that highlight what the best of
both genres have to offer.

UPDATE: Cultural Studies Association (10/16/06; 4/19/06-4/21/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Leerom Medovoi

hosted by the Portland Center for Cultural Studies

Portland, Oregon (Portland State University) April 19-21, 2007

The Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) invites participation in its =20
Fifth Annual Meeting from all areas and topics of relevance to =20
Cultural Studies, including but not limited to literature, history, =20
sociology, geography, anthropology, communications, popular culture, =20
cultural theory, queer studies, critical race studies, feminist =20
studies, postcolonial studies, media and film studies, material =20
culture studies, performance and visual arts studies.

CFP: Festival of Original Theatre 2007 (10/24/06; 2/16/07-2/19/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am

2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving Borders.

Graduate Centre For Study of Drama, Univeristy of Toronto.

February 16-19

We invite papers and artistic presentations that examine themes
surrounding intercultural
performance for the 2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving
Borders. This
conference and performance based festival sets out to interrogate the
concept of
intercultural performance by creating a forum for discussion between theatre
practitioners and the academic community while addressing the ever-
expanding definition
of culture and the question of what constitutes a cultural group in theatre.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

UPDATE: Cultural Studies Association (10/16/06; 4/19/06-4/21/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Leerom Medovoi

hosted by the Portland Center for Cultural Studies

Portland, Oregon (Portland State University) April 19-21, 2007

The Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) invites participation in its =20
Fifth Annual Meeting from all areas and topics of relevance to =20
Cultural Studies, including but not limited to literature, history, =20
sociology, geography, anthropology, communications, popular culture, =20
cultural theory, queer studies, critical race studies, feminist =20
studies, postcolonial studies, media and film studies, material =20
culture studies, performance and visual arts studies.

CFP: Festival of Original Theatre 2007 (10/24/06; 2/16/07-2/19/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am

2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving Borders.

Graduate Centre For Study of Drama, Univeristy of Toronto.

February 16-19

We invite papers and artistic presentations that examine themes
surrounding intercultural
performance for the 2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving
Borders. This
conference and performance based festival sets out to interrogate the
concept of
intercultural performance by creating a forum for discussion between theatre
practitioners and the academic community while addressing the ever-
expanding definition
of culture and the question of what constitutes a cultural group in theatre.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

UPDATE: Cultural Studies Association (10/16/06; 4/19/06-4/21/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Leerom Medovoi

hosted by the Portland Center for Cultural Studies

Portland, Oregon (Portland State University) April 19-21, 2007

The Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) invites participation in its =20
Fifth Annual Meeting from all areas and topics of relevance to =20
Cultural Studies, including but not limited to literature, history, =20
sociology, geography, anthropology, communications, popular culture, =20
cultural theory, queer studies, critical race studies, feminist =20
studies, postcolonial studies, media and film studies, material =20
culture studies, performance and visual arts studies.

CFP: Festival of Original Theatre 2007 (10/24/06; 2/16/07-2/19/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am

2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving Borders.

Graduate Centre For Study of Drama, Univeristy of Toronto.

February 16-19

We invite papers and artistic presentations that examine themes
surrounding intercultural
performance for the 2007 Festival Of Original Theatre: Dissolving
Borders. This
conference and performance based festival sets out to interrogate the
concept of
intercultural performance by creating a forum for discussion between theatre
practitioners and the academic community while addressing the ever-
expanding definition
of culture and the question of what constitutes a cultural group in theatre.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

CFP: "Parables in Drama" at ATHE Conference (10/15/06; ATHE, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am


"Parables in Drama"

Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference
New Orleans
July 26-29, 2007

Parables and drama, and specifically parables in drama, work performatively
to "redescribe" the world as we know it and force the audience to perform a
redescription of reality. They deserve our attention for the ways in which the
self and our world are constructed and deconstructed. But most especially,
parables in drama consider layers of readings that highlight what the best of
both genres have to offer.

CFP: Margaret Atwood (10/5/06; 20th-C., 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am
Karma Waltonen

The Margaret Atwood Society invites submissions for its annual panel at
the 20th-Century Literature and Culture Conference at the University of
Louisville (February 22-24, 2007).

Papers that look at any aspect of Margaret Atwood's work(s) will be
considered. Please submit a 250-500 word abstract by October 5, 2006.
Electronic submissions preferred.

Send abstracts to:
Dr. Karma Waltonen
President, Margaret Atwood Society
Department of English
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

CFP: Book Reviews for Saw Palm: a Florida-themed Literary E-Journal (10/7/06; e-journal issue)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am

Saw Palm, a Florida-themed literary e-journal, invites submissions of
?book reviews for its inaugural issue. We're looking for reviews of
Florida work, which may include work from anywhere that concerns itself
with Florida (images, people, themes), or work from Florida writers not
obviously about someplace else. Please email submissions in the body of
the message and a brief bio to or hard copies to
Saw Palm, c/o John Fleming, Department of English, CPR 107, University of
South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620-5550. All mail
submissions must include a SASE. No previously published work.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted as long as ?we are notified of

UPDATE: Kubrick Collection (no deadline; collection)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am

Updated CALL FOR PAPERS/Kubrick Collection

We are updating our call for papers for a collection of essays (to be
published by McFarland and Company ) which will address the work of
Stanley Kubrick from a variety of new and fresh perspectives. In
general, we are particularly interested in essays that synthesize
analyses of several Kubrick films as they relate to a particular
topic, rather than single film studies. We particularly
encourage original, groundbreaking analysis and discussions of
overlooked aspects of Kubrick's work.

Preference will be given to essays that are already completed or
nearing completion.

Chapters will
include, but are not limited to the following subjects:

UPDATE: Kubrick Collection (no deadline; collection)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:17am

Updated CALL FOR PAPERS/Kubrick Collection

We are updating our call for papers for a collection of essays (to be
published by McFarland and Company ) which will address the work of
Stanley Kubrick from a variety of new and fresh perspectives. In
general, we are particularly interested in essays that synthesize
analyses of several Kubrick films as they relate to a particular
topic, rather than single film studies. We particularly
encourage original, groundbreaking analysis and discussions of
overlooked aspects of Kubrick's work.

Preference will be given to essays that are already completed or
nearing completion.

Chapters will
include, but are not limited to the following subjects:

UPDATE: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity (UK) (10/7/06; 11/18/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Zoe Brigley

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity
A One-Day Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Warwick, Humanities Research Centre (HRC)
~ Saturday 18th November 2006

With Papers and Poetry Readings Featuring:
Prof. Stephen Knight, Cardiff University.
Prof. Susan Bassnett, University of Warwick.
Medbh McGuckian, poet and feminist writer.
David Morley, poet and director of the Warwick Writing Programme.

CFP: Race and Citizenship (11/3/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Petra Lina Orloff

The Center for the Study of Citizenship at Wayne State University announces its
fourth annual Conference in Citizenship Studies. The conference will be held on
March 1-4, 2007 and will focus on the Center’s theme for this academic year:
Race and Citizenship.

This year’s conference is divided into three different formats. Conference
attendees will attend all formats.

I. Plenary Addresses
In selecting plenary speakers we paid particular attention to scholars whose
work places them on the cutting edge of Citizenship Studies and as authors of
path breaking work on race and citizenship. We are extremely proud of our
line-up of speakers:

UPDATE: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity (UK) (10/7/06; 11/18/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Zoe Brigley

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity
A One-Day Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Warwick, Humanities Research Centre (HRC)
~ Saturday 18th November 2006

With Papers and Poetry Readings Featuring:
Prof. Stephen Knight, Cardiff University.
Prof. Susan Bassnett, University of Warwick.
Medbh McGuckian, poet and feminist writer.
David Morley, poet and director of the Warwick Writing Programme.

CFP: Race and Citizenship (11/3/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Petra Lina Orloff

The Center for the Study of Citizenship at Wayne State University announces its
fourth annual Conference in Citizenship Studies. The conference will be held on
March 1-4, 2007 and will focus on the Center’s theme for this academic year:
Race and Citizenship.

This year’s conference is divided into three different formats. Conference
attendees will attend all formats.

I. Plenary Addresses
In selecting plenary speakers we paid particular attention to scholars whose
work places them on the cutting edge of Citizenship Studies and as authors of
path breaking work on race and citizenship. We are extremely proud of our
line-up of speakers:

CFP: 20th-Century Literature and Culture Conference (10/8/06; 2/22/07-10/24/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Wenxin Li

Louisville, KY

Proposals are sought for a panel entitled ¡°Multi-Ethnic Perspectives in
20th-Century U.S. Literature.¡± As a MELUS-sponsored event, this panel
welcomes submissions from anyone interested in the study of multi-ethnic
literature and culture but requires those whose proposals are accepted to
be members of the society. Please email a 250-word abstract with a 1-page
c.v. by October 8, 2006 to

UPDATE: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity (UK) (10/7/06; 11/18/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Zoe Brigley

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity
A One-Day Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Warwick, Humanities Research Centre (HRC)
~ Saturday 18th November 2006

With Papers and Poetry Readings Featuring:
Prof. Stephen Knight, Cardiff University.
Prof. Susan Bassnett, University of Warwick.
Medbh McGuckian, poet and feminist writer.
David Morley, poet and director of the Warwick Writing Programme.

UPDATE: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity (UK) (10/7/06; 11/18/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Zoe Brigley

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity
A One-Day Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Warwick, Humanities Research Centre (HRC)
~ Saturday 18th November 2006

With Papers and Poetry Readings Featuring:
Prof. Stephen Knight, Cardiff University.
Prof. Susan Bassnett, University of Warwick.
Medbh McGuckian, poet and feminist writer.
David Morley, poet and director of the Warwick Writing Programme.

CFP: Vagantes Graduate Medieval Conference 2007 (10/31/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Andrew J. Donnelly

Call for Papers: Vagantes Graduate Medieval Conference

Loyola University Chicago, March 1-4, 2007

Vagantes is an annual, traveling conference for graduate students studying
any aspect of the Middle Ages. The conference was conceived with several
goals in mind, including the fostering of a sense of community among
graduate medievalists, providing exposure to an interdisciplinary forum, and
showcasing the resources of the host institution - all within a student

UPDATE: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity (UK) (10/7/06; 11/18/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Zoe Brigley

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Riddle of Devolutionary Identity
A One-Day Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Warwick, Humanities Research Centre (HRC)
~ Saturday 18th November 2006

With Papers and Poetry Readings Featuring:
Prof. Stephen Knight, Cardiff University.
Prof. Susan Bassnett, University of Warwick.
Medbh McGuckian, poet and feminist writer.
David Morley, poet and director of the Warwick Writing Programme.

CFP: Race and Citizenship (11/3/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Petra Lina Orloff

The Center for the Study of Citizenship at Wayne State University announces its
fourth annual Conference in Citizenship Studies. The conference will be held on
March 1-4, 2007 and will focus on the Center’s theme for this academic year:
Race and Citizenship.

This year’s conference is divided into three different formats. Conference
attendees will attend all formats.

I. Plenary Addresses
In selecting plenary speakers we paid particular attention to scholars whose
work places them on the cutting edge of Citizenship Studies and as authors of
path breaking work on race and citizenship. We are extremely proud of our
line-up of speakers:
