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CFP: The Talk of the Town: Gossip, News, and Secrets (4/15/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 11:21pm
Paula Jean Reiter

This panel invites writers to consider how gossip and its related forms
negotiate the distance between high and low culture and public and private
spheres. Does gossip function as a conservative or subversive force? What
happens when scandalous talk circulates in print? How do "high" literary
genres (such as biography) mimic the content or strategies of "low" forms
(such as scandal sheets)? Does gossip function as a trope or a threat for
authorship? How can scandal be commodified--as news, talk shows, published
diaries, scandal sheets, even blackmail? When a secret becomes public
knowledge, whose story is it? We hope these questions serve as a

UPDATE: Commensurate with Experience (3/20/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 11:21pm

Deadline Extended: 3/20/06

Original CFP Below:

Commensurate with Experience: Work and the Next
Generation of English Scholars
Citing findings from the National Center for
Educational Statistics (NCES), Louis Menand points out
in his 2005 contribution to MLA's _Profession_ that
between 1970 and 2001 the number of English majors has
dropped, roughly, by a third; however "the system is
producing the same number of doctorates in English
that it was producing back in 1970. These Ph.D.s have
trouble getting tenure-track jobs because fewer
students major in English, and therefore the demand
for English literature specialists has declined"

UPDATE: Resistance to Tyranny: Representing the Struggle for Human Rights (3/16/06; NYCEA, 4/28/06-4/29/06)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 9:13pm

Deadline extended:

In an interview with Amnesty International , Chilean writer and activist Ariel Dorfman explains that, despite efforts to
silence survivors of human rights violations, "Somehow the stories do come out, those voices do come out. I am not their
voice: I make a space for those voices, a bridge." Dorfman's insights raise questions about the role of literature in the
struggle for human rights. How do writers represent often unspeakable crimes against humanity and create a cultural memory
that recognizes the forgotten or marginalized voices from the past? What does it mean to bear witness through literature?

CFP: Octopus, Journal of Visual Studies (4/3/06; journal issue)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 9:13pm
Ginger Hill

Call for Papers: The Dark

Octopus (Volume 2) Fall 2006

Deadline for Submissions: April 3, 2006.


To follow in the success of our inaugural issue on "Synaesthesia" the Visual
Studies Graduate Student Association and the editors of Octopus are proud to
announce the topic of our second issue - "The Dark."


CFP: (ongoing; online journal)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
Jackie Rhodes


In the rush toward digital space, what often gets forgotten is the =20
"meat," the living, breathing, paying-bills bodies who write. =20
MEATJOURNAL.COM (ISSN 1549-4454) is a refereed online journal that, =20
among other things, explores issues of the body in popular culture. =20
We invite a wide array of submissions: scholarly articles, =20
interviews, essays, book reviews, and creative works (both word and =20
image). Past contributions have included an interview with author =20
Erika Lopez (Flaming Iguanas: An All-Girl Road Novel Thing), essays =20
by Will Banks and Barclay Barrios, visual art, music, and a holy host =20=

UPDATE: Representations of Dystopia in Literature and Film (3/31/06; collection)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
Dr Pat Wheeler

NOTE: Change of Date for Abstracts


Imaginary Places: Representations of Dystopia in Literature and Film=20

(McFarland, 2006)


Proposals and contributions are being sought for a chapter on dystopian=20

film in a commissioned edited collection of essays on dystopian =

and film.



Abstracts are required for a chapter on film provisionally called=20

'Nightmare Visions and Unaccountable Corporations: The Dystopian Sprawl =

Cyberpunk Dystopias'.


If you would like to be considered for this collection send a 250 word=20

abstract to the editor, by March 31st 2006.=20

UPDATE: Representations of Dystopia in Literature and Film (3/31/06; collection)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
Dr Pat Wheeler

NOTE: Change of Date for Abstracts


Imaginary Places: Representations of Dystopia in Literature and Film=20

(McFarland, 2006)


Proposals and contributions are being sought for a chapter on dystopian=20

film in a commissioned edited collection of essays on dystopian =

and film.



Abstracts are required for a chapter on film provisionally called=20

'Nightmare Visions and Unaccountable Corporations: The Dystopian Sprawl =

Cyberpunk Dystopias'.


If you would like to be considered for this collection send a 250 word=20

abstract to the editor, by March 31st 2006.=20

UPDATE: Representations of Dystopia in Literature and Film (3/31/06; collection)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
Dr Pat Wheeler

NOTE: Change of Date for Abstracts


Imaginary Places: Representations of Dystopia in Literature and Film=20

(McFarland, 2006)


Proposals and contributions are being sought for a chapter on dystopian=20

film in a commissioned edited collection of essays on dystopian =

and film.



Abstracts are required for a chapter on film provisionally called=20

'Nightmare Visions and Unaccountable Corporations: The Dystopian Sprawl =

Cyberpunk Dystopias'.


If you would like to be considered for this collection send a 250 word=20

abstract to the editor, by March 31st 2006.=20

CFP: Christianity and Literature (3/15/06; SCMLA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
Kulesz, Peggy P

Deadline for abstracts: March 15, 2006

Session Title: Christianity and Literature Allied Session
South Central Modern Language Association Conference
Dallas, Texas
Oct. 26-28, 2006.

We invite submissions for the allied session on Christianity and
The session will be an open topic; papers addressing any and all issues
pertaining to the intersections between literature and Christianity will

be considered. Paper topics may address a variety of issues, ideas
and/or authors from any time period and genre. Each paper should be
approximately 15 minutes' reading time.

CFP: Christianity and Literature (3/15/06; SCMLA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
Kulesz, Peggy P

Deadline for abstracts: March 15, 2006

Session Title: Christianity and Literature Allied Session
South Central Modern Language Association Conference
Dallas, Texas
Oct. 26-28, 2006.

We invite submissions for the allied session on Christianity and
The session will be an open topic; papers addressing any and all issues
pertaining to the intersections between literature and Christianity will

be considered. Paper topics may address a variety of issues, ideas
and/or authors from any time period and genre. Each paper should be
approximately 15 minutes' reading time.

CFP: John Betjeman (3/31/06; 6/25/06-6/29/06)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
James Gifford

(please forward)

2006 is the centenary of the birth of John Betjeman, Poet Laureate from
1972-84. To celebrate this event and to highlight the extensive holdings of
Betjeman's correspondence and manuscripts at the University of Victoria
(Canada), two panels on June 29th are dedicated to Betjeman and his milieu
in the "ON MIRACLE GROUND XIV" conference of the International Lawrence
Durrell Society (25-29 June 2006).

Papers that deal with any aspect of Betjeman's career or his engagement with
his contemporaries are welcome, though those with an archival or comparative
approach are particularly appropriate to the conference's general theme.

CFP: John Betjeman (3/31/06; 6/25/06-6/29/06)

Saturday, March 4, 2006 - 8:04pm
James Gifford

(please forward)

2006 is the centenary of the birth of John Betjeman, Poet Laureate from
1972-84. To celebrate this event and to highlight the extensive holdings of
Betjeman's correspondence and manuscripts at the University of Victoria
(Canada), two panels on June 29th are dedicated to Betjeman and his milieu
in the "ON MIRACLE GROUND XIV" conference of the International Lawrence
Durrell Society (25-29 June 2006).

Papers that deal with any aspect of Betjeman's career or his engagement with
his contemporaries are welcome, though those with an archival or comparative
approach are particularly appropriate to the conference's general theme.
