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CFP: Race and Citizenship (11/3/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Petra Lina Orloff

The Center for the Study of Citizenship at Wayne State University announces its
fourth annual Conference in Citizenship Studies. The conference will be held on
March 1-4, 2007 and will focus on the Center’s theme for this academic year:
Race and Citizenship.

This year’s conference is divided into three different formats. Conference
attendees will attend all formats.

I. Plenary Addresses
In selecting plenary speakers we paid particular attention to scholars whose
work places them on the cutting edge of Citizenship Studies and as authors of
path breaking work on race and citizenship. We are extremely proud of our
line-up of speakers:

CFP: Building Bridges: Integrating Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation in Pedagogy and Research (11/29/06; 3/21/07

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Conference Committee

  The Department of English, College of Arts & Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, is pleased to announce its first International Conference to be held on 21 and 22 March, 2007. The theme of the Conference is: "Building Bridges: Integrating Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation in Pedagogy and Research".
  Papers in these four areas, explicitly addressing the idea of 'building bridges' and showing how collaboration between the four areas and cross-fertilization of ideas can lead to new ways of thinking and working as teachers and researchers, are invited. Topics may include, but need not be limited to, the following:

CFP: A Discussion of the Humanities within American Modern Poetry (10/15/06; journal issue)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Humanities Review

The St. John's University Humanities Review is seeking well written
articles between 8-15 double spaced pages for publication in the
journal. We are seeking papers with a wide range of topics and are
especially looking for very specific topics that have not been written
about extensively already. Contemporary allusions appreciated.

Please email submissions to

CFP: Building Bridges: Integrating Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation in Pedagogy and Research (11/29/06; 3/21/07

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Conference Committee

  The Department of English, College of Arts & Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, is pleased to announce its first International Conference to be held on 21 and 22 March, 2007. The theme of the Conference is: "Building Bridges: Integrating Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation in Pedagogy and Research".
  Papers in these four areas, explicitly addressing the idea of 'building bridges' and showing how collaboration between the four areas and cross-fertilization of ideas can lead to new ways of thinking and working as teachers and researchers, are invited. Topics may include, but need not be limited to, the following:

CFP: A Discussion of the Humanities within American Modern Poetry (10/15/06; journal issue)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Humanities Review

The St. John's University Humanities Review is seeking well written
articles between 8-15 double spaced pages for publication in the
journal. We are seeking papers with a wide range of topics and are
especially looking for very specific topics that have not been written
about extensively already. Contemporary allusions appreciated.

Please email submissions to

CFP: A Discussion of the Humanities within American Modern Poetry (10/15/06; journal issue)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Humanities Review

The St. John's University Humanities Review is seeking well written
articles between 8-15 double spaced pages for publication in the
journal. We are seeking papers with a wide range of topics and are
especially looking for very specific topics that have not been written
about extensively already. Contemporary allusions appreciated.

Please email submissions to

CFP: Building Bridges: Integrating Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation in Pedagogy and Research (11/29/06; 3/21/07

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Conference Committee

  The Department of English, College of Arts & Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, is pleased to announce its first International Conference to be held on 21 and 22 March, 2007. The theme of the Conference is: "Building Bridges: Integrating Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation in Pedagogy and Research".
  Papers in these four areas, explicitly addressing the idea of 'building bridges' and showing how collaboration between the four areas and cross-fertilization of ideas can lead to new ways of thinking and working as teachers and researchers, are invited. Topics may include, but need not be limited to, the following:

CFP: Narrative Conference/Architecture and the Novel (10/20/06; 3/15/07-3/18/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Deanna K. Kreisel


For a special session on Architecture and the Novel to be proposed to
the Narrative Society Conference, March 15-18, 2007, in Washington,

Deadline for proposals: October 20.

Papers dealing with any aspect of architecture and the novel, any
period, are welcome. Please email or fax a 500-word abstract and
one-page c.v. to the address below by October 20. If sending by
email, please attach your proposal and c.v. in Word, RTF, or PDF

Deanna K. Kreisel
Department of English
University of British Columbia
397 - 1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
fax: 604-822-6906

CFP: Narrative Conference/Architecture and the Novel (10/20/06; 3/15/07-3/18/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Deanna K. Kreisel


For a special session on Architecture and the Novel to be proposed to
the Narrative Society Conference, March 15-18, 2007, in Washington,

Deadline for proposals: October 20.

Papers dealing with any aspect of architecture and the novel, any
period, are welcome. Please email or fax a 500-word abstract and
one-page c.v. to the address below by October 20. If sending by
email, please attach your proposal and c.v. in Word, RTF, or PDF

Deanna K. Kreisel
Department of English
University of British Columbia
397 - 1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
fax: 604-822-6906

CFP: Narrative Conference/Architecture and the Novel (10/20/06; 3/15/07-3/18/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Deanna K. Kreisel


For a special session on Architecture and the Novel to be proposed to
the Narrative Society Conference, March 15-18, 2007, in Washington,

Deadline for proposals: October 20.

Papers dealing with any aspect of architecture and the novel, any
period, are welcome. Please email or fax a 500-word abstract and
one-page c.v. to the address below by October 20. If sending by
email, please attach your proposal and c.v. in Word, RTF, or PDF

Deanna K. Kreisel
Department of English
University of British Columbia
397 - 1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
fax: 604-822-6906

CFP: Narrative Conference/Architecture and the Novel (10/20/06; 3/15/07-3/18/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Deanna K. Kreisel


For a special session on Architecture and the Novel to be proposed to
the Narrative Society Conference, March 15-18, 2007, in Washington,

Deadline for proposals: October 20.

Papers dealing with any aspect of architecture and the novel, any
period, are welcome. Please email or fax a 500-word abstract and
one-page c.v. to the address below by October 20. If sending by
email, please attach your proposal and c.v. in Word, RTF, or PDF

Deanna K. Kreisel
Department of English
University of British Columbia
397 - 1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
fax: 604-822-6906

CFP: Narrative Conference/Architecture and the Novel (10/20/06; 3/15/07-3/18/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Deanna K. Kreisel


For a special session on Architecture and the Novel to be proposed to
the Narrative Society Conference, March 15-18, 2007, in Washington,

Deadline for proposals: October 20.

Papers dealing with any aspect of architecture and the novel, any
period, are welcome. Please email or fax a 500-word abstract and
one-page c.v. to the address below by October 20. If sending by
email, please attach your proposal and c.v. in Word, RTF, or PDF

Deanna K. Kreisel
Department of English
University of British Columbia
397 - 1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
fax: 604-822-6906

CFP: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Theatre (11/1/06; ATHE, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am

CFP: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Theatre (ATHE)
(11/01/06; 7/26/07-7/29/07)

The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) will hold its
21st annual conference July 26-29, 2007, at the Sheraton New Orleans in
New Orleans, Louisiana. As one of ATHE’s 23 focus groups, the Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Theatre Focus Group invites
proposals for the conference from scholars, graduate students, artists,
and practitioners.

CFP: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Theatre (11/1/06; ATHE, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am

CFP: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Theatre (ATHE)
(11/01/06; 7/26/07-7/29/07)

The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) will hold its
21st annual conference July 26-29, 2007, at the Sheraton New Orleans in
New Orleans, Louisiana. As one of ATHE’s 23 focus groups, the Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Theatre Focus Group invites
proposals for the conference from scholars, graduate students, artists,
and practitioners.

CFP: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Theatre (11/1/06; ATHE, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am

CFP: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Theatre (ATHE)
(11/01/06; 7/26/07-7/29/07)

The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) will hold its
21st annual conference July 26-29, 2007, at the Sheraton New Orleans in
New Orleans, Louisiana. As one of ATHE’s 23 focus groups, the Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Theatre Focus Group invites
proposals for the conference from scholars, graduate students, artists,
and practitioners.

CFP: What is the Novel? (10/30/06; journal issue)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Humanities Review

The St. John's University Humanities Review is seeking well written
articles between 8-15 double spaced pages for publication in the
journal. We are seeking submissions that continue the discourse of the
aim, purpose, and future of the novel.

 Please email papers to

CFP: Feminism(s) and Literature (grad) (UK) (10/20/06; 11/11/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Kirsten Law

Feminism(s) 2006: Feminisms and Literature Postgraduate Seminar.
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, Saturday 11th November 2006.

    A seminar for postgraduates studying literature and feminism to present and discuss their research. The day is primarily concerned with examining the relationship between feminism and literature, the implications of labels such as 'feminist' or 'women's writing', and the impact of feminist literary criticism and politics upon literature today. It is the discussion of these themes across the different topics which is important – the day is devised as a discussion of similar concerns across literature. We would also like to encourage students working with poets, dramatists as well as fiction writers.

CFP: Feminism(s) and Literature (grad) (UK) (10/20/06; 11/11/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Kirsten Law

Feminism(s) 2006: Feminisms and Literature Postgraduate Seminar.
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, Saturday 11th November 2006.

    A seminar for postgraduates studying literature and feminism to present and discuss their research. The day is primarily concerned with examining the relationship between feminism and literature, the implications of labels such as 'feminist' or 'women's writing', and the impact of feminist literary criticism and politics upon literature today. It is the discussion of these themes across the different topics which is important – the day is devised as a discussion of similar concerns across literature. We would also like to encourage students working with poets, dramatists as well as fiction writers.

CFP: What is the Novel? (10/30/06; journal issue)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Humanities Review

The St. John's University Humanities Review is seeking well written
articles between 8-15 double spaced pages for publication in the
journal. We are seeking submissions that continue the discourse of the
aim, purpose, and future of the novel.

 Please email papers to

CFP: Feminism(s) and Literature (grad) (UK) (10/20/06; 11/11/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Kirsten Law

Feminism(s) 2006: Feminisms and Literature Postgraduate Seminar.
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, Saturday 11th November 2006.

    A seminar for postgraduates studying literature and feminism to present and discuss their research. The day is primarily concerned with examining the relationship between feminism and literature, the implications of labels such as 'feminist' or 'women's writing', and the impact of feminist literary criticism and politics upon literature today. It is the discussion of these themes across the different topics which is important – the day is devised as a discussion of similar concerns across literature. We would also like to encourage students working with poets, dramatists as well as fiction writers.

CFP: Feminism(s) and Literature (grad) (UK) (10/20/06; 11/11/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Kirsten Law

Feminism(s) 2006: Feminisms and Literature Postgraduate Seminar.
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, Saturday 11th November 2006.

    A seminar for postgraduates studying literature and feminism to present and discuss their research. The day is primarily concerned with examining the relationship between feminism and literature, the implications of labels such as 'feminist' or 'women's writing', and the impact of feminist literary criticism and politics upon literature today. It is the discussion of these themes across the different topics which is important – the day is devised as a discussion of similar concerns across literature. We would also like to encourage students working with poets, dramatists as well as fiction writers.

CFP: Feminism(s) and Literature (grad) (UK) (10/20/06; 11/11/06)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 5:16am
Kirsten Law

Feminism(s) 2006: Feminisms and Literature Postgraduate Seminar.
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, Saturday 11th November 2006.

    A seminar for postgraduates studying literature and feminism to present and discuss their research. The day is primarily concerned with examining the relationship between feminism and literature, the implications of labels such as 'feminist' or 'women's writing', and the impact of feminist literary criticism and politics upon literature today. It is the discussion of these themes across the different topics which is important – the day is devised as a discussion of similar concerns across literature. We would also like to encourage students working with poets, dramatists as well as fiction writers.
