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CFP: Some Machines of Pataphysics (6/20/05; journal issue)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 4:43am
cal clements

Pataphysica announces an upcoming third issue on pataphysical
machines. We will print selected critical and artistic works. We
invite the pataphysical writing of scholars in the following
fields: alchemy, Alfred Jarry, Contraptionalism, cybernetics,
dada, Fernando Pessoa, Flann O'Brien, Gilles Deleuze, Jean
Tinguely, machine-produced art, Marcel Duchamp, Oulipo,
puppetry, Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, and such. Contemporary
artists and poets may submit textual machines, diagrams, and
descriptions of works in progress. Articles and works must
directly relate to pataphysics for inclusion. Deadline for
submission: June 20, 2005. Send all proposals to Dr. Cal

CFP: Narrative as a Way of Thinking (12/31/05; journal issue)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 4:42am
Partial Answers

winner of the CELJ "Best New Journal of 2004" award,
invites papers on the following subject:
Narrative as a Way of Thinking

In current usage the word =93narrative=94 means either a sequence of
events, where =93an event=94 is understood as a change from one state to
another, or as a representation of such a sequence in a visual or verbal
medium. In each of the two meanings, narrative is constructed: the
selection of events and their combination in a sequence is an act of
thought, whether expressive of a conceptual stance or developing and
adjusting one in the process.

CFP: AnaChronisT: All topics (4/4/05, journal issue)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 4:42am
The AnaChronisT

The AnaChronisT,

a peer-reviewed yearbook published by the Department of English Studies,
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,

invites research papers, interviews, and book reviews on literatures in
English for its next issue, to be published in December 2005. All topics
acceptable. Papers are to be submitted by Monday, 4 April 2005.

The AnaChronisT welcomes submissions by graduate and doctoral students as
well as academics. The requirements of application are as follows:

- the text in Word or RTF document format sent to the following e-mail
address: (your paper should not exceed 10,000 words,
including footnotes);

CFP: Coldness and Cruelty (3/31/05; e-journal issue)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 4:42am

The new online journal, Critical Mass: Journal of Theory and Fiction, is
inviting abstracts or entire manuscripts of theory, fiction, or hybrids of
the two, on the following two themes: coldness and cruelty. Submissions must
be received no later than 03/31/05 to be considered by the editorial board.
Submissions should not exceed 3000 words, and the subject line should read
"Submission: CM-Coldness" or "Submission: CM-Cruelty". Submissions should
also be accompanied by a brief bio and should not be under consideration
elsewhere. Successful candidates will be notified by about mid April. This
is an open call to students, faculty and writers. If you would like to

CFP: Domestic Needlework in the Italian Diaspora (no deadline noted; collection)

Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 7:48pm
Edvige Giunta


The editors of "Biancheria: Domestic Needlework in the Italian Diaspora" are
still accepting submissions on the domestic needlework of women from the
Italian diaspora. We are especially looking for creative works and scholarly
proposals from writers/artists and scholars outside the US.

This interdisciplinary anthology [JS1] will include articles by scholars in
the humanities and the social sciences (anthropology, art history, cultural
studies, folkloristics, history) as well as creative work (memoir, poetry,
fiction, photo-essays).

CFP: Domestic Needlework in the Italian Diaspora (no deadline noted; collection)

Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 7:48pm
Edvige Giunta


The editors of "Biancheria: Domestic Needlework in the Italian Diaspora" are
still accepting submissions on the domestic needlework of women from the
Italian diaspora. We are especially looking for creative works and scholarly
proposals from writers/artists and scholars outside the US.

This interdisciplinary anthology [JS1] will include articles by scholars in
the humanities and the social sciences (anthropology, art history, cultural
studies, folkloristics, history) as well as creative work (memoir, poetry,
fiction, photo-essays).

CFP: The McNeese Review: Humanities Journal (no deadline; journal)

Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 7:47pm

The McNeese Review (Humanities Journal)
Call For Papers

As the incoming editor of The McNeese Review, I am inviting scholars in appropriate disciplines to submit articles for upcoming issues of the journal. The McNeese Review has been published since 1948 and serves as a forum for articles and essays in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The editorial policies of The McNeese Review are formulated and supervised by an Advisory Board comprised of faculty in the College of Liberal Arts at McNeese State University.

CFP: Philosophical Practices (4/15/05; journal issue)

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 1:48am
Costica Bradatan

Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature,
Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts


TOPIC: Philosophical Practices

Deadline for submissions: April 15, 2005.

Guest Editor:
Helen Douglas

The past twenty years have seen the international development of a new
vocation of philosophical practice. As counselors or consultants,
academically-trained philosophers work with individuals and organizations,
supporting their clients' attempts to find solid convictions and
orientating guidelines in their own circumstances.

CFP: Contemporary American Jewish Authors (12/10/06; journal issue)

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 1:48am
Avery, Evelyn


         CFP: Studies in American Jewish literature Journal(12/10/06; annual issue); General Ed. Daniel Walden
         Topic: Contemporary American Jewish Authors and their Response to Judaism.

            With few exceptions Jewish American authors of the 20th Century have generally avoided religious themes
         and opted instead to focus on problems of immigrants, assimilation, or ethnicity. However in the last decade or
         so, new voices, such as that of Nathan Englander, Myla Goldberg, Naama Goldstein, Allegra Goodman, Dara Horn,

CFP: Contemporary American Jewish Authors (12/10/06; journal issue)

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 1:48am
Avery, Evelyn


         CFP: Studies in American Jewish literature Journal(12/10/06; annual issue); General Ed. Daniel Walden
         Topic: Contemporary American Jewish Authors and their Response to Judaism.

            With few exceptions Jewish American authors of the 20th Century have generally avoided religious themes
         and opted instead to focus on problems of immigrants, assimilation, or ethnicity. However in the last decade or
         so, new voices, such as that of Nathan Englander, Myla Goldberg, Naama Goldstein, Allegra Goodman, Dara Horn,

CFP: Contemporary American Jewish Authors (12/10/06; journal issue)

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 1:48am
Avery, Evelyn


         CFP: Studies in American Jewish literature Journal(12/10/06; annual issue); General Ed. Daniel Walden
         Topic: Contemporary American Jewish Authors and their Response to Judaism.

            With few exceptions Jewish American authors of the 20th Century have generally avoided religious themes
         and opted instead to focus on problems of immigrants, assimilation, or ethnicity. However in the last decade or
         so, new voices, such as that of Nathan Englander, Myla Goldberg, Naama Goldstein, Allegra Goodman, Dara Horn,

CFP: Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict (6/30/05; 6/21/06-6/25/06)

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 1:48am
M Elizabeth DeBlois

Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict
Call for Proposals 2006

The L.M. Montgomery Institute is calling for one-page proposals for
papers to be given at the Seventh International L.M. Montgomery
conference (June 21-25, 2006) entitled "Storm and Dissonance: L.M.
Montgomery and Conflict".

We invite submissions concerning any conflict, controversy, debate,
interruption, passionate dialogue, or dialectic revealed in or inspired by
Montgomery's writing, life, or surrounding culture.

We encourage you to think about the many ways that public skirmishes
and private arguments surface in the life writing and enliven the fiction.

CFP: Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict (6/30/05; 6/21/06-6/25/06)

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 1:48am
M Elizabeth DeBlois

Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict
Call for Proposals 2006

The L.M. Montgomery Institute is calling for one-page proposals for
papers to be given at the Seventh International L.M. Montgomery
conference (June 21-25, 2006) entitled "Storm and Dissonance: L.M.
Montgomery and Conflict".

We invite submissions concerning any conflict, controversy, debate,
interruption, passionate dialogue, or dialectic revealed in or inspired by
Montgomery's writing, life, or surrounding culture.

We encourage you to think about the many ways that public skirmishes
and private arguments surface in the life writing and enliven the fiction.

CFP: The Gothic in Children's Literature (4/1/05; collection)

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 1:47am
Anna Jackson

CALL FOR PAPERS: Haunting the Borders: the Gothic in Children's Literature

Editors: Anna Jackson and Lisa Scally, Victoria University of
Wellington, New Zealand, and Rod McGillis, University of Calgary,

CFP: Renaissance Horse Essays (3/21/05; collection)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 8:47pm

Peter Edwards and Kevin De Ornellas are now actively seeking a major
publisher for a proposed inter-disciplinary collection of essays about the
Renaissance Horse. Although a number of leading critics in the growing
field of animal studies have pledged commitment to the book, we are seeking
further abstracts from scholars in all fields.

CFP: Creative Writing (2/18/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 8:47pm


New Writing: the International Journal for the Practice and Theory of
Creative Writing

now seeks submissions for issue 2.2

Electronic submissions welcome at:

The journal is published, in paper, three times a year.

New Writing publishes creative work alongside interviews with
writers, articles about creative writing teaching methods and
creative writing research, debates in the subject and analysis of
the relationship between creative writing on campus and the relevant
creative industries, theoretical and analytical work relating to
creative writing. . . .

CFP: Journeys of Discovery (grad) (3/14/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 8:46pm
Gunnar Fabian Schuppert

CALL FOR PAPERS: Journeys of Discovery (03/14/05; journal issue)

e-sharp is the online journal for social sciences, arts and humanities postgraduates based at the University of Glasgow. It is peer-reviewed, and intended as a launch pad for postgraduate students into the (often daunting) world of journal publications. e-sharp is about postgraduate research, by postgraduates and for postgraduates.
The first three issues are currently online at and we are now looking for submissions for the fourth edition to be launched in spring 2005. We welcome papers from postgraduates working in all areas.

The theme of fourth edition is

CFP: Academic Exchange Extra (no deadline; e-journal)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 8:46pm
Elizabeth Haller


Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.

CFP: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary Arts (grad) (3/25/05; e-journal issue)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 8:46pm
Lydia Saleh Rofail

>From Philament <>
Date January 9, 2005
CFP: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary arts
Deadline: March 25, 2005 (critique, commentary, and creative writing for online
Publication: August 2005

Philament, the online journal of cultural studies and literary arts affiliated
with the University of Sydney
(, invites postgraduate
scholars to contribute articles, reviews, and creative work to its upcoming
issue entitled XXX.

CFP: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary Arts (grad) (3/25/05; e-journal issue)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 8:46pm
Lydia Saleh Rofail

>From Philament <>
Date January 9, 2005
CFP: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary arts
Deadline: March 25, 2005 (critique, commentary, and creative writing for online
Publication: August 2005

Philament, the online journal of cultural studies and literary arts affiliated
with the University of Sydney
(, invites postgraduate
scholars to contribute articles, reviews, and creative work to its upcoming
issue entitled XXX.

UPDATE: Victorian Literature and Money (5/15/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 8:46pm

UPDATE: Literature and Money, Journal Issue (05/15/05).

Please note that submission date is 2005, not 2004.

Victorian Review
(Journal of the Victorian Studies of Western Canada and the Victorian
Studies Association of Canada).

Special issue on the topic of Literature and Money.

Guest editor:
Andrew Smith, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK.

UPDATE: Additional Entries for Companion to American Novel (no deadline; collection)

Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 5:35pm
Abby Werlock

1000-word Essays on American Novels, Classic and Contemporary

For the forthcoming (2005) Facts on File Companion to the American Novel,
some additional titles have become available. Interested contributors
should contact me as soon as possible for details and deadlines.

Essays written in a lively, jargonfree style, should be approximately 1000
words exclusive of bibliography, and authors are encouraged to include
original and intriguing interpretations of the novels.
