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CFP: Crime and Text (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Jan Alber

Dear members of the cfp list,

Below please find a call for papers for a special session at the 2006 MLA Convention in Philadelphia.

With best wishes for the new year,

Jan Alber

How do fiction, crime reporting, and law concur to create images of crime and criminals? This panel ponders questions of transfer in the development of mentalities about criminality. Proposals by March 1: Jan Alber (

CFP: Victorian Female Masculinity (grad) (2/1/06; (dis)junctions, 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Patrick Randolph

CFP: Female Masculinity in Victorian Literature (dis)junctions: (grad)
(2/01/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

(dis)junctions; Lost in Translation (April 7-8, 2006)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at "(dis)junctions:
Lost in Translation," the University of California Riverside's 13th Annual
Humanities Graduate Conference. It will take place April 7-8, 2006. For
more information, visit the website:

CFP: Victorian Female Masculinity (grad) (2/1/06; (dis)junctions, 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Patrick Randolph

CFP: Female Masculinity in Victorian Literature (dis)junctions: (grad)
(2/01/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

(dis)junctions; Lost in Translation (April 7-8, 2006)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at "(dis)junctions:
Lost in Translation," the University of California Riverside's 13th Annual
Humanities Graduate Conference. It will take place April 7-8, 2006. For
more information, visit the website:

CFP: Victorian Female Masculinity (grad) (2/1/06; (dis)junctions, 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Patrick Randolph

CFP: Female Masculinity in Victorian Literature (dis)junctions: (grad)
(2/01/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

(dis)junctions; Lost in Translation (April 7-8, 2006)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at "(dis)junctions:
Lost in Translation," the University of California Riverside's 13th Annual
Humanities Graduate Conference. It will take place April 7-8, 2006. For
more information, visit the website:

CFP: Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Barbara Cook

Abstracts are invited for the MLA 2006 panels sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. MLA will be held in Philadelphia in December 2006 and all presenters must be member of MLA at the time of acceptance of their proposals for the panel, i.e. April 2006.

Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy

Abstracts (250-300 words) are invited that explore the interconnections between the domination of animals, women, and/or people of color.What place do these hierarchal systems hold in the fabric and literature of feminist ethics? Submit by March 1, 2006 to

CFP: Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Barbara Cook

Abstracts are invited for the MLA 2006 panels sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. MLA will be held in Philadelphia in December 2006 and all presenters must be member of MLA at the time of acceptance of their proposals for the panel, i.e. April 2006.

Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy

Abstracts (250-300 words) are invited that explore the interconnections between the domination of animals, women, and/or people of color.What place do these hierarchal systems hold in the fabric and literature of feminist ethics? Submit by March 1, 2006 to

CFP: Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Barbara Cook

Abstracts are invited for the MLA 2006 panels sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. MLA will be held in Philadelphia in December 2006 and all presenters must be member of MLA at the time of acceptance of their proposals for the panel, i.e. April 2006.

Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy

Abstracts (250-300 words) are invited that explore the interconnections between the domination of animals, women, and/or people of color.What place do these hierarchal systems hold in the fabric and literature of feminist ethics? Submit by March 1, 2006 to

CFP: Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Barbara Cook

Abstracts are invited for the MLA 2006 panels sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. MLA will be held in Philadelphia in December 2006 and all presenters must be member of MLA at the time of acceptance of their proposals for the panel, i.e. April 2006.

Feminist Ethics and Systems of Hierarchy

Abstracts (250-300 words) are invited that explore the interconnections between the domination of animals, women, and/or people of color.What place do these hierarchal systems hold in the fabric and literature of feminist ethics? Submit by March 1, 2006 to

CFP: Postmodernism and Narratology (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm

CFP: "POSTMODERNISM AND NARRATOLOGY" (1 March; 27-30 December 2006)

Proposed Special Session for the 2006 MLA Convention in Philadelphia,
December 27-30, 2006=20

This proposed panel deals with the impressive range of odd strategies of =
narration and the deconstruction of traditional story parameters in =
postmodernist fiction. Proposals for papers by 1 March to: =

Bitte beachten Sie meine neue Email Adresse:
Please make note of my new email address:

Dr. Greta Olson=20
Tel.: ++49-761-26080
Fax: ++49-761-2922536

CFP: Postmodernism and Narratology (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm

CFP: "POSTMODERNISM AND NARRATOLOGY" (1 March; 27-30 December 2006)

Proposed Special Session for the 2006 MLA Convention in Philadelphia,
December 27-30, 2006=20

This proposed panel deals with the impressive range of odd strategies of =
narration and the deconstruction of traditional story parameters in =
postmodernist fiction. Proposals for papers by 1 March to: =

Bitte beachten Sie meine neue Email Adresse:
Please make note of my new email address:

Dr. Greta Olson=20
Tel.: ++49-761-26080
Fax: ++49-761-2922536

UPDATE: Permeability and Rivalry in the Early Modern Arts (grad) (1/27/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Meredith J. Donaldson

****** Paper Proposal Deadline Changed to Friday 27th January 2006 =
  Panel Proposal for:

  =93Permeability and Selfhood=94=20
  McGill University, Montreal=20
  12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature=20


  Painting about Poetry, Singing about Sculpture:=20

  Permeability and Rivalry in the Early Modern Arts

  =93If you assert that painting is dumb poetry, then the painter may =
call poetry blind painting=85

  Music is not to be regarded as other than the sister of painting=85

UPDATE: Permeability and Rivalry in the Early Modern Arts (grad) (1/27/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Meredith J. Donaldson

****** Paper Proposal Deadline Changed to Friday 27th January 2006 =
  Panel Proposal for:

  =93Permeability and Selfhood=94=20
  McGill University, Montreal=20
  12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature=20


  Painting about Poetry, Singing about Sculpture:=20

  Permeability and Rivalry in the Early Modern Arts

  =93If you assert that painting is dumb poetry, then the painter may =
call poetry blind painting=85

  Music is not to be regarded as other than the sister of painting=85

CFP: Creative Translation: Film Adaptation (grad) (2/10/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Maggie Gover

  Creative Translation: Film Adaptation
  (dis)junctions: lost in translation
  April 7-8, 2006
  University of California, Riverside
  This panel will consist of papers discussing various concerns of film adaptations. What problems arise when adapting a work of literature to a screenplay? How do various adaptations of the same work use the primary text differently in their adaptations? What role does fidelity play in screenplay adaptation? What problems in auteur/authorship arise in screenplay adaptation? Etc.

CFP: Creative Translation: Film Adaptation (grad) (2/10/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Maggie Gover

  Creative Translation: Film Adaptation
  (dis)junctions: lost in translation
  April 7-8, 2006
  University of California, Riverside
  This panel will consist of papers discussing various concerns of film adaptations. What problems arise when adapting a work of literature to a screenplay? How do various adaptations of the same work use the primary text differently in their adaptations? What role does fidelity play in screenplay adaptation? What problems in auteur/authorship arise in screenplay adaptation? Etc.

CFP: Feminist Pedagogy (3/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Meredith Miller

Submissions are requested for a special issue of the journal Feminist
Teacher entitled, The Feminist Gap: Ideology and Practice in Higher


CFP: Feminist Pedagogy (3/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Meredith Miller

Submissions are requested for a special issue of the journal Feminist
Teacher entitled, The Feminist Gap: Ideology and Practice in Higher


CFP: Feminist Pedagogy (3/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Meredith Miller

Submissions are requested for a special issue of the journal Feminist
Teacher entitled, The Feminist Gap: Ideology and Practice in Higher


CFP: Romantic & Victorian Studies (2/15/06; NASSR/NAVSA, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm

Hello all!

Please find below a CFP for next year's grand spectacular spectacular: a
joint conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
and the North American Victorian Studies Association at Purdue University in
West Lafayette, Indiana. The CFP deadline is Feb. 15. I hope to see many
of you there!

Be well!

Dino Franco Felluga

CFP: Romantic & Victorian Studies (2/15/06; NASSR/NAVSA, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm

Hello all!

Please find below a CFP for next year's grand spectacular spectacular: a
joint conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
and the North American Victorian Studies Association at Purdue University in
West Lafayette, Indiana. The CFP deadline is Feb. 15. I hope to see many
of you there!

Be well!

Dino Franco Felluga

UPDATE: African American and Jewish American Women Writers, Intersections and Parallels (1/25/06; SSAWW, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Goldsmith, Meredith


Please note new e-mail address and extended deadline. Thank you!


African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th
Century: Intersections and Parallels

Papers are invited for upcoming Society for the Study of American Women
Writers Conference on contrasts and connections between African American
and Jewish American women writers of the early twentieth century.
Comparative, historical, and all other approaches will be considered. How does examining
these writers complicate our understanding of minority women's writing and
Of the period? 200-words abstracts to Meredith Goldsmith, Ursinus College
(, by 1/25/06.

UPDATE: African American and Jewish American Women Writers, Intersections and Parallels (1/25/06; SSAWW, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Goldsmith, Meredith


Please note new e-mail address and extended deadline. Thank you!


African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th
Century: Intersections and Parallels

Papers are invited for upcoming Society for the Study of American Women
Writers Conference on contrasts and connections between African American
and Jewish American women writers of the early twentieth century.
Comparative, historical, and all other approaches will be considered. How does examining
these writers complicate our understanding of minority women's writing and
Of the period? 200-words abstracts to Meredith Goldsmith, Ursinus College
(, by 1/25/06.

CFP: Modern Language Studies Reviews (ongoing; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Juang, Richard M.

Modern Language Studies (MLS) would like to solicit reviews of
intriguing, or unusual primary source materials for upcoming issues.
Reviewers must be members of the Northeast Modern Language Association
( by the time of publication.

UPDATE: African American and Jewish American Women Writers, Intersections and Parallels (1/25/06; SSAWW, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Goldsmith, Meredith


Please note new e-mail address and extended deadline. Thank you!


African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th
Century: Intersections and Parallels

Papers are invited for upcoming Society for the Study of American Women
Writers Conference on contrasts and connections between African American
and Jewish American women writers of the early twentieth century.
Comparative, historical, and all other approaches will be considered. How does examining
these writers complicate our understanding of minority women's writing and
Of the period? 200-words abstracts to Meredith Goldsmith, Ursinus College
(, by 1/25/06.

UPDATE: African American and Jewish American Women Writers, Intersections and Parallels (1/25/06; SSAWW, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Goldsmith, Meredith


Please note new e-mail address and extended deadline. Thank you!


African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th
Century: Intersections and Parallels

Papers are invited for upcoming Society for the Study of American Women
Writers Conference on contrasts and connections between African American
and Jewish American women writers of the early twentieth century.
Comparative, historical, and all other approaches will be considered. How does examining
these writers complicate our understanding of minority women's writing and
Of the period? 200-words abstracts to Meredith Goldsmith, Ursinus College
(, by 1/25/06.

UPDATE: African American and Jewish American Women Writers, Intersections and Parallels (1/25/06; SSAWW, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Goldsmith, Meredith


Please note new e-mail address and extended deadline. Thank you!


African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th
Century: Intersections and Parallels

Papers are invited for upcoming Society for the Study of American Women
Writers Conference on contrasts and connections between African American
and Jewish American women writers of the early twentieth century.
Comparative, historical, and all other approaches will be considered. How does examining
these writers complicate our understanding of minority women's writing and
Of the period? 200-words abstracts to Meredith Goldsmith, Ursinus College
(, by 1/25/06.
