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UPDATE: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am
Karen McNally


Scope, a fully refereed online journal of film studies, edited by staff and
postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies at the University
of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of 1,000 to 1,500 words and
review essays of 2,500 to 3,000 words to be included in forthcoming issues.
We are interested in both recently released movies and retrospective reviews
of older films (especially if these films have just been released on video
or DVD, or have been the focus of renewed critical attention).

CFP: Mary Astell: Gender, Reason, Faith (10/5/03; collection)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am
William Kolbrener

The editors of the volume in progress, _Mary Astell: Gender, Reason,
Faith_, propose to move the study of Astell to a mature phase, and to
accommodate a variety of disciplinary perspectives so that the broad
span of Astell's work can be understood in its manifold contexts. The
editors of the volume are soliciting essays not only on Astell's
already canonized works, but on the full range of her political,
theological, philosophical, and poetic writings. The volume, however,
will not eschew the more traditional scholarly interest in Astell's
concerns about gender; rather, it aspires to reveal how Astell's
reflections on gender were always mediated through her diverse set of

CFP: AEQ: Instructors & Researchers (8/31/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:42pm
Andrew Ross

Call for papers for Academic Exchange Quarterly issue on WRITING.

Papers solicited are short-format (only 2-3 thousand words).

If accepted, manuscripts will appear in the Winter 2003 Feature Section on
'Writing and Social Awareness'. Academic Exchange Quarterly is a
peer-reviewed journal whose audience consists of both researchers and
teaching practitioners alike. The journal's circulation is very high (in
the tens of thousands). Response time is very quick, and authors are
encouraged to track their submissions on the journal's website.

Co-authored papers are also welcomed.

Please have a look at the brief description below, then visit the website
for submission guidelines.

CFP: Social Semiotics: What is Media Theory? (12/15/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:38pm
Terry Threadgold

SOCIAL SEMIOTICS: Special Symposium - 'What is Media Theory?' - 15/12/03 (for
Vol 14 (2) 2004)

General Editor: Professor Terry Threadgold, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Co-Editor: Dr Radhika Mohanram, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Associate Editor, Australia: Dr Joseph Pugliese, Macquarie University, NSW,

Associate Editor, USA: Dr Toby Miller, New York University, USA

Book Review Editors: Dr Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Rebecca Farley, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Editorial Assistant: Judith Pryor, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

CFP: Social Semiotics: What is Media Theory? (12/15/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:38pm
Terry Threadgold

SOCIAL SEMIOTICS: Special Symposium - 'What is Media Theory?' - 15/12/03 (for
Vol 14 (2) 2004)

General Editor: Professor Terry Threadgold, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Co-Editor: Dr Radhika Mohanram, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Associate Editor, Australia: Dr Joseph Pugliese, Macquarie University, NSW,

Associate Editor, USA: Dr Toby Miller, New York University, USA

Book Review Editors: Dr Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Rebecca Farley, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Editorial Assistant: Judith Pryor, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

CFP: Social Semiotics: What is Media Theory? (12/15/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:38pm
Terry Threadgold

SOCIAL SEMIOTICS: Special Symposium - 'What is Media Theory?' - 15/12/03 (for
Vol 14 (2) 2004)

General Editor: Professor Terry Threadgold, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Co-Editor: Dr Radhika Mohanram, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Associate Editor, Australia: Dr Joseph Pugliese, Macquarie University, NSW,

Associate Editor, USA: Dr Toby Miller, New York University, USA

Book Review Editors: Dr Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Rebecca Farley, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Editorial Assistant: Judith Pryor, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

CFP: Social Semiotics: Sexualities (10/15/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:37pm
Terry Threadgold

SOCIAL SEMIOTICS: Special Symposium on Sexualities - 15/10/03
(for Vol 14 (1) 2004)

General Editor: Professor Terry Threadgold, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Co-Editor: Dr Radhika Mohanram, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Associate Editor, Australia: Dr Joseph Pugliese, Macquarie University, NSW,

Associate Editor, USA: Dr Toby Miller, New York University, USA

Book Review Editors: Dr Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Rebecca Farley, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Editorial Assistant: Judith Pryor, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

CFP: 18th C. British Historians (8/8/03; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:30pm
Jan Jenkins

Call for contributors to EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH

Seeking contributors for a short list of remaining entries for
EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH HISTORIANS, a volume of the reference series,
DICTIONARY OF LITERARY BIOGRAPHY. The current volume will be edited by
Ellen J. Jenkins, Ph.D., and produced by Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc., for
Gale Research. This volume of the series will include biographical,
evaluative entries of 3,000, 6,000, or 10,000 words. Honoraria will be
paid for acceptable entries.

Entries still available include the following:

CFP: 18th C. British Historians (8/8/03; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:30pm
Jan Jenkins

Call for contributors to EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH

Seeking contributors for a short list of remaining entries for
EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH HISTORIANS, a volume of the reference series,
DICTIONARY OF LITERARY BIOGRAPHY. The current volume will be edited by
Ellen J. Jenkins, Ph.D., and produced by Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc., for
Gale Research. This volume of the series will include biographical,
evaluative entries of 3,000, 6,000, or 10,000 words. Honoraria will be
paid for acceptable entries.

Entries still available include the following:

CFP: Professional Ethics (10/15/03; new journal)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:27pm

Journal of Professional Studies

Announcement and Call for Papers

The Journal of Professional Studies (JPS) is a new scholarly, peer-reviewed
journal published by St. John's University in New York and devoted to the
pedagogic needs and research interests of those working within career-oriented
disciplines. The journal therefore welcomes articles from a wide range of
professional disciplines, including but not limited to, such fields as
Criminal Justice, Health Services, Hospitality Management, Computer Science,
Sports Administration, Television and Film, Legal Studies, Administration and
Economics, and Journalism.

CFP: Oprah Anthology (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm

Revised call: Oprah Anthology

We are soliciting papers for an academic anthology on the phenomenon of
Oprah. It is undeniable that Oprah Winfrey has transcended the iconic
cult of celebrity to become a Western cultural force of the late-twentieth
and early twenty-first centuries. As her show nears its much anticipated
end — though its endless reproduction in syndication seems inevitable — it
seems appropriate to produce an anthology that evaluates the multifaceted
influences and implications of Oprah.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

CFP: Oprah Anthology (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm

Revised call: Oprah Anthology

We are soliciting papers for an academic anthology on the phenomenon of
Oprah. It is undeniable that Oprah Winfrey has transcended the iconic
cult of celebrity to become a Western cultural force of the late-twentieth
and early twenty-first centuries. As her show nears its much anticipated
end — though its endless reproduction in syndication seems inevitable — it
seems appropriate to produce an anthology that evaluates the multifaceted
influences and implications of Oprah.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

CFP: Oprah Anthology (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm

Revised call: Oprah Anthology

We are soliciting papers for an academic anthology on the phenomenon of
Oprah. It is undeniable that Oprah Winfrey has transcended the iconic
cult of celebrity to become a Western cultural force of the late-twentieth
and early twenty-first centuries. As her show nears its much anticipated
end — though its endless reproduction in syndication seems inevitable — it
seems appropriate to produce an anthology that evaluates the multifaceted
influences and implications of Oprah.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

CFP: British Soap Opera: Present and Future (11/1/03; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm
Susan Holmes

                             Call for Papers:
        British Soap Opera: Present and Future (deadline 11/1/03)
                             (1 November 2003)
                            edited by Su Holmes
                        (Southampton Institute, UK)

CFP: British Soap Opera: Present and Future (11/1/03; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm
Susan Holmes

                             Call for Papers:
        British Soap Opera: Present and Future (deadline 11/1/03)
                             (1 November 2003)
                            edited by Su Holmes
                        (Southampton Institute, UK)

CFP: Everette Maddox Festschrift (2/28/04; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm
Dr. Julie Kane

Personal essays, critical articles, and creative work about the late
poet Everette Maddox (1944-1989) are being sought for a book-length
collection of critical and creative responses to Maddox being edited by
Grace Bauer and Julie Kane. Send completed work or proposals via e-mail
to or via surface mail to:

Dr. Julie Kane
Language and Communication Department
Northwestern State University
318 Kyser Hall
Natchitoches, LA 71497

Proposals describing existing or planned works about Maddox are desired
as soon as possible, while completed works will by due by February 28,

CFP: Everette Maddox Festschrift (2/28/04; collection)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm
Dr. Julie Kane

Personal essays, critical articles, and creative work about the late
poet Everette Maddox (1944-1989) are being sought for a book-length
collection of critical and creative responses to Maddox being edited by
Grace Bauer and Julie Kane. Send completed work or proposals via e-mail
to or via surface mail to:

Dr. Julie Kane
Language and Communication Department
Northwestern State University
318 Kyser Hall
Natchitoches, LA 71497

Proposals describing existing or planned works about Maddox are desired
as soon as possible, while completed works will by due by February 28,

CFP: Adjunct Teaching (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm

Call for Papers: Adjunct Instruction/Issues

This message is being cross-posted; please excuse duplication.

The Academic Exchange Quarterly includes articles on adjunct instruction on an ongoing basis.
Please consider submitting a manuscript on any aspect of adjunct instruction to AEQ. This is an important area of inquiry that affects everyone in higher education-- administrators, tenured professors, students and adjunct instructors themselves. What are your thoughts on this timely issue that has changed the face of higher education as we know it?

CFP: Adjunct Teaching (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 10:26pm

Call for Papers: Adjunct Instruction/Issues

This message is being cross-posted; please excuse duplication.

The Academic Exchange Quarterly includes articles on adjunct instruction on an ongoing basis.
Please consider submitting a manuscript on any aspect of adjunct instruction to AEQ. This is an important area of inquiry that affects everyone in higher education-- administrators, tenured professors, students and adjunct instructors themselves. What are your thoughts on this timely issue that has changed the face of higher education as we know it?

CFP: The Cultures of New World Order: Writing, Theory, Reading since 1991 (10/15/03; collection)

Friday, July 25, 2003 - 12:15am
Pablo Mukherjee

        The editors of a proposed volume of collected essays titled 'The
Cultures of New World Order: Writing, Reading, Theory since 1991'invite
submissions of abstracts for essays between 6-8,000 words. The
abstracts themselves need not be more than 500 words.
        The volume of literature on globalisation has reached near
epidemic proportions, the analysis of one of its key elements - what the
U.S. president George Bush snr. called a 'new world order' in his 1991
State of Union Address - is also gathering pace. These critical efforts
have received a fresh boost by events such as Al-Quaida's September 11
attacks on New York, and the subsequent US-led invasions of Afghanistan

CFP: The Cultures of New World Order: Writing, Theory, Reading since 1991 (10/15/03; collection)

Friday, July 25, 2003 - 12:15am
Pablo Mukherjee

        The editors of a proposed volume of collected essays titled 'The
Cultures of New World Order: Writing, Reading, Theory since 1991'invite
submissions of abstracts for essays between 6-8,000 words. The
abstracts themselves need not be more than 500 words.
        The volume of literature on globalisation has reached near
epidemic proportions, the analysis of one of its key elements - what the
U.S. president George Bush snr. called a 'new world order' in his 1991
State of Union Address - is also gathering pace. These critical efforts
have received a fresh boost by events such as Al-Quaida's September 11
attacks on New York, and the subsequent US-led invasions of Afghanistan
