UPDATE: MTV, Representation, and Desire (8/15/04; collection)
(extending CFP deadline)
S(t)imulate your imagination until August!
The deadline for the "I Want My S(t)imulation!" MTV, Representation &=20
Desire' volume has now been extended to the 15th of August 2004, so it's =
time to let your MTV-inspired processes flourish like never before!
Epiphanie Bloom (crispyclouds_at_hotmail.com) and Marc Leverette=20
(marclev_at_scils.rutgers.edu) look forward to receiving your abstracts. =
all enquiries, suggestions and after-thoughts, write to Epiphanie,
Happy S(t)imulating,
Ep. Bloom
=3D~=3D~=3D~=3D~=3D0riginal CFP is below:~=3D