An Edited Collection- Green Memories
Call for Papers
Title of the proposed edited collection:
Green Memories: The Temporal and Sensory Landscapes of Plant Life in Cultural Narratives
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Call for Papers
Title of the proposed edited collection:
Green Memories: The Temporal and Sensory Landscapes of Plant Life in Cultural Narratives
Deadline now extended to December 14, 2024.
[W]e need to contest this understanding of emotion as ‘the unthought’, just as we need to contest the assumption that ‘rational thought’ is unemotional…
Sara Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion
[DEADLINE EXTENDED - Taking Submissions until Nov. 29th] CSCL Graduate Conference - Universality Renewed - March 21st to 22nd, 2025. Minneapolis, MN.
Keynote Speaker: Todd McGowan, University of Vermont
CAPS (formerly CACLALS) 2025 from June 1 to 3, 2025
Proposals due: January 15, 2025
Keynote Speakers: TBA
Conference Theme: Postcolonial Studies, Sustainability, and Shared Futures
The Canadian Association for Postcolonial Studies (formerly CACLALS) will host its annual conference from June 1 to 3, 2025, at (TBA) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The editors of Translation Review are inviting submissions. We are particularly interested translations of contemporary international writers into English and submissions that discuss the process and practical challenges of translating.
We would also be happy to consider and interviews with translators, manuscripts that address the concept of translation in the visual and musical arts (intersemiotic or multimodal translations), as well as submissions that address issues of machine translation, AI translations, and translation in the digital age in general. Proposals for special issues are also welcome.
University of Oregon Portland
April 3–5, 2025
Call For Papers
The 2nd International Conference on Global Plant Humanities
Date of Conference: 2–3 May 2025 (Friday-Saturday)
Mode: Hybrid
Host: Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Partners: Nulungu Institute, University of Notre Dame, Australia
Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya (affiliated with the University of Calcutta)
Gifts from the Sentient Forest (project supported by the Kone Foundation, Finland)
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
The 13th Stella Incognita Symposium
April 2, 3 and 4, 2025
Room Jacques Cartier - Campus Saint Martin d'Hères
Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
Science Fiction & Disabilities
Organizers: Clément Pélissier, Filippo Fonio
Call for Papers
On behalf of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, we invite all interested parties to submit proposals for the annual conference, hosted at George Brown College in Toronto this summer as part of the 2025 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Linda Hall Library is now accepting applications for our 2025-26 fellowship program. These fellowships provide graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and independent scholars in the history of science and related humanities fields with financial support to explore the Library’s outstanding science and engineering collections. Fellows also participate in a dynamic intellectual community alongside in-house experts and scholars from other Kansas City cultural and educational institutions.
Call for Submissions
The Janovics Center Award for Outstanding Humanities Research in Transnational Film and Theatre Studies
The Janovics Center for Screen and Performing Arts Studies and the Faculty of Theatre and Film at Babes-Bolyai University invite submissions for their annual award for outstanding humanities research in transnational film and theatre studies. The award will be offered to contributions in the fields of film or theatre studies. The award consists of an invitation to give a talk at the Center and an honorarium.
Dickinson and Ecologies deadline for submissions: November 30, 2024 full name / name of organization: Li-hsin, Hsu / National Chengchi University contact email:
Dickinson and Ecologies
Emily Dickinson International Society + Wenshan Conference (Hybrid)
Department of English, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan
19-22 June 2025
(1 Day Critical Institute + 3-Day International Conference)
Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 November 2024
The Fantastical Constellations After Magical Realism research group (formerly known as Post-Magical Realist Worlds) of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA) invites submissions to our sessions in the upcoming CCLA 2025 Conference taking place June 7-9, 2025 at Trent University, Peterborough/Nogojiwanong, Ontario and online.
The conference, entitled “Comparative Literature Off-Kilter,” considers “our often off-kilter positionality in (and out of) academia,” and the precarity of the balancing act of comparison. We are asked to conceive the conference “as a playground on which marginal practices, thoughts, works and formats can form revolutionary friendships.”
4th Annual Beverly Lyon Clark Children’s Literature Symposium
12 April 2025Contact:
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th Annual Beverly Lyon Clark Children’s Literature Symposium, which will be held at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts on April 12th, 2025.
We are pleased to invite proposals from UK-based postgraduate and early-career researchers to participate in a twelve-person, interdisciplinary research workshop, ‘Genres of Revolt: Cultural Afterlives of 1848’, to be held on 12-13 June 2025, at Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge.
In the history of revolutions, 1848 has often stood as a marker of utopian aspirations—but also a symbol of thwarted hopes. More recently, vibrant scholarly debates on the significance of this crucial year have begun to prompt a new reckoning and to revise a longstanding consensus that the revolutions simply ‘failed’, in part by looking beyond the European scene alone.
What can be discovered between spaces?
Liminal spaces, margins, and thresholds offer us exciting opportunities to explore the past and our own perceptions. This conference aims to open discussion on under-represented or under-discussed topics to further analyse what we accept as “truth”. We will focus on the northern parts of the world specifically, as the northern regions were viewed as remote and uninhabitable. Medieval and Early Modern sources suggest that the further north you go, the more monstrous the world becomes. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Perspectives in Architecture and Urbanism
Call for Papers: Studies in Materialistic Historiography
Virtual issue
Guest Editor: K. Michael Hays
Published March 10, 2025: Anarchy & Harmony
Interdiscplinary journal edicated to the arts of folklore and myth.
To contact the editors and to submit your work to Coreopsis Journal, please write to:
“submissions” Our submission guidelines are here:
Topics to consider:
The Eighth Biennial Conference of the Defoe Society
Discoveries and Improvements, 1660-1740
Thursday, July 3 – Saturday, July 5, 2025 (Keele University, Staffordshire, U.K.)
The Department of English, Gauhati University, in collaboration with IACLALS, is happy to announce the fourth and final seminar of the series International Seminars on Contemporary South Asian Fictions in English. This time the focus is on literatures in English of and from the three nations- Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh- and the idea is to encourage an inter-/multi-disciplinary perspectives to bear on literary and cinematic texts along with other art forms in understanding their contexts, cultural discourses, myths and legends.
The Octavia E. Butler Literary Society invites prospective participants to submit proposals on any aspect of Butler’s life and work. This year, we especially encourage papers and panels that engage with her any of her work and/or her archives. We welcome both full panel proposals and individual papers.
Submit proposals to:
Kendra R. Parker
Proposal Deadlines:
Please include the following in your submission:
What does it mean to “feel formal,” and what does it mean to write and speak about different forms of feeling in the first place? Does it even make sense to speak of form in relation to feeling?
Call for Papers: Special Issue, The Comparatist
Topic: Failure
General Editor: Zahi Zalloua (Whitman College)
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University is pleased to announce the call for papers for the upcoming graduate conference, “Entre lugares,” which will be held at Yale University on Friday April 4th and Saturday April 5th, 2025. This interdisciplinary conference invites scholars to explore the multifaceted notion of liminality as it relates to spaces, identities, languages, temporalities, and literary genres.
The professional journey of children’s and young adult literature scholars, librarians, and educators often involves significant transitions. These transitions present unique opportunities and challenges, often requiring redefinition of identity, reevaluation of goals, and the navigation of new professional landscapes. For this year’s “Building a Career Panel,” the Membership Committee invites proposals for an interactive workshop panel that explores the diverse experiences of career transitions within the field of children’s and young adult literature.
The times, they are a changing! AI, book bans, changes in student populations, the rise of the neoliberal university, and more are changing how we engage with children's literature in the classroom. With all these changes, what is it about time we talk about?
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur presents
Anviksha: A Research Scholars’ Conference
8th and 9th February, 2025
Conference Theme: Identities
An Archaeology of the Gaze
Studying the evolutions of the Iconography of Violence and Brutality
Anyone familiar with the war iconography of ancient sovereigns—from the Assyrian palaces and temples of Ramses II to Trajan’s Column—would not be surprised by these powers' claims to legitimate violence. It was entirely endorsed by the sovereign, reducing the victims of the conquering arm to mere foils for the political power asserting itself through force. In stark contrast, the photographs that journalists share from contemporary conflicts are often characterized by a specific focus on the victims, whose suffering has become central to the interpretation of violence.
Call for Papers
Humanities Education and Research Association
Annual Conference, 12-15 March 2025
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, Texas
"Humanities 2.0: Traditions & Technology"