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CFP: Wild Irish Girls (UK) (2/13/06; 7/20/06-7/21/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Sandy White

Call for Papers


'Wild Irish Girls': A bicentenary conference to mark the publication of =
Sydney Owenson's (Lady Morgan) The Wild Irish Girl and Maria Edgeworth's =


Keynote speakers: James Chandler (University of Chicago) and Claire =
Connolly (Cardiff University)


CFP: Evelyn Scott and Art (12/1/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Pat Tyrer

Evelyn Scott and Art sponsored by The Evelyn Scott Society

American Literature Association
17th Annual Conference
May 25-28, 2006
Hyatt Regency San Francisco, Embarcadero Center

UPDATE: Artciencia (1/28/06; online journal issue)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Irene Aparicio

  An updated version of - nº 1 - is now online. We are reckoning upon your valuable contribution on forthcoming numbers. Next deadline is 28 January 2006.
  If you are interesting in submitting a paper or artwork, or look for more information and updates about, please visit the journal , and feel free to forward this call to other people who might be interested.
  Irene Aparício
  (The Editor)

CFP: Harvard East Asia Society Conference (11/27/05; 2/17/06-2/19/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
HEAS Conference


The Harvard East Asia Society Conference would like to encourage anyone
interested in submitting an abstract for the 9th Annual Harvard East Asia
Society Conference which will be held from February 17 - 19th 2006. Please
refer to the attached poster for more information. If you have more
questions, please don't hesitate to email Amy Lee at

Thank you for your time!

Best wishes,

The Harvard East Asia Society Conference Chairs

CFP: Harvard East Asia Society Conference (11/27/05; 2/17/06-2/19/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
HEAS Conference


The Harvard East Asia Society Conference would like to encourage anyone
interested in submitting an abstract for the 9th Annual Harvard East Asia
Society Conference which will be held from February 17 - 19th 2006. Please
refer to the attached poster for more information. If you have more
questions, please don't hesitate to email Amy Lee at

Thank you for your time!

Best wishes,

The Harvard East Asia Society Conference Chairs

CFP: Breaking It Down: Dance Under Construction (1/15/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Dance Under Construction .

Call For Papers and Performances
Dance Under Construction VIII
UC Riverside April 7-8, 2006
Hosted by Department of Dance, UCR

Dance Under Construction is an interdisciplinary forum
for presenting graduate student work on dance, the
body and performance. It originated as an initiative
of the graduate students of UCLA Department of World
Arts and Cultures and has been hosted by various UC
campuses. This year Dance Under Constructions returns
to UC Riverside.

CFP: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emily Dickinson (1/15/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Marianne Noble

CFP: "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Dickinson.?
This is one of two panels sponsored by the Emily Dickinson International=20
Society to be held at the American Literature Association (ALA) conference =

May 25-28, 2006 in San Francisco. Papers can address any aspect of Emily=20
Dickinson?s poetry from an interdisciplinary perspective. Among=20
possibilities: anthropology, psychology, mathematics, science, botany,=20
law, law. The other panel is "open topic."

Send a 1-2 page proposal to Marianne Noble at by=20
January 15, 2006.

CFP: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emily Dickinson (1/15/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Marianne Noble

CFP: "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Dickinson.?
This is one of two panels sponsored by the Emily Dickinson International=20
Society to be held at the American Literature Association (ALA) conference =

May 25-28, 2006 in San Francisco. Papers can address any aspect of Emily=20
Dickinson?s poetry from an interdisciplinary perspective. Among=20
possibilities: anthropology, psychology, mathematics, science, botany,=20
law, law. The other panel is "open topic."

Send a 1-2 page proposal to Marianne Noble at by=20
January 15, 2006.

CFP: Women and Justice (12/9/05; NEWSA, 2/25/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Dresdner, Lisa


 New England Women's Studies Association 2006 Annual Conference (NEWSA)


Deadline: December 9=20


Topics may include but are not limited to the following:

Representations of Women Women and War

Laws of the body Reproductive Health

Bodies of Law Women and Mental =

Movements toward Justice Women and Religion

Women and Leadership Women and Technology

Race and Justice Sex Work

Sex Trafficking Engendering Power

CFP: Women and Justice (12/9/05; NEWSA, 2/25/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Dresdner, Lisa


 New England Women's Studies Association 2006 Annual Conference (NEWSA)


Deadline: December 9=20


Topics may include but are not limited to the following:

Representations of Women Women and War

Laws of the body Reproductive Health

Bodies of Law Women and Mental =

Movements toward Justice Women and Religion

Women and Leadership Women and Technology

Race and Justice Sex Work

Sex Trafficking Engendering Power

CFP: Women and Justice (12/9/05; NEWSA, 2/25/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Dresdner, Lisa


 New England Women's Studies Association 2006 Annual Conference (NEWSA)


Deadline: December 9=20


Topics may include but are not limited to the following:

Representations of Women Women and War

Laws of the body Reproductive Health

Bodies of Law Women and Mental =

Movements toward Justice Women and Religion

Women and Leadership Women and Technology

Race and Justice Sex Work

Sex Trafficking Engendering Power

CFP: Women and Justice (12/9/05; NEWSA, 2/25/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Dresdner, Lisa


 New England Women's Studies Association 2006 Annual Conference (NEWSA)


Deadline: December 9=20


Topics may include but are not limited to the following:

Representations of Women Women and War

Laws of the body Reproductive Health

Bodies of Law Women and Mental =

Movements toward Justice Women and Religion

Women and Leadership Women and Technology

Race and Justice Sex Work

Sex Trafficking Engendering Power

CFP: Flannery O'Connor (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Arnold, David

Flannery O'Connor
Open topic
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
October 12, 2006-October 14, 2006
Tucson, Arizona

We welcome a wide range of papers on Flannery O'Connor for next year's
O'Connor panel. Paper presentations will be 15 minutes in length.

Please submit a 300-word abstract of your paper. Please include a
separate cover sheet with the following information:

* Your name
* Institutional affiliation (if applicable)
* Mailing address
* Phone number
* E-mail address
* Title of paper
* A-V equipment needs, if any
* Special needs, if any

CFP: Old English (2/1/06; SAMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Bruce, Alex

Call for papers


Old English session I and II

The meeting of The South Atlantic Modern Language Association

November 9-12, 2006

Charlotte, North Carolina


Session I: "Lit. & Lang."

One cannot fully appreciate Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literature without
an appreciation of Old English itself. This session invites papers that
explore how interpretations of the language shape our interpretation of
the literature, and vice-versa. Papers discussing issues related to the
teaching of Old English are also encouraged.


Session II: Vision and Text

UPDATE: Testimony and Collective Memory in Literature of the Holocaust (11/25/05; Red River, 4/21/06-4/23/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:32pm
erin mae clark

Please note that the deadline for paper proposals has been extended to 11/25/06.
    The Ninth Annual Red River Conference on World Literature
  North Dakota State University, Fargo
  April 21-23, 2006
  This proposed panel will examine the ways in which the writer/survivor negotiates his or her role in narrating the Holocaust. As Charlotte Delbo tells us in the headnote to her three-volume trilogy, Auschwitz and After, ?Today I am not sure that what I wrote is true. I am certain it is truthful.? Thus for a writer such as Delbo, the purpose of testimony is both to convey personal experience and to commemorate silenced voices.

UPDATE: Mediascape (1/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:32pm
Erin Hill

Below please find our updated CFP. There is a new submission date, some
changes to the features section call, and a new call for our review

Erin Hill

UCLA's film, television, and digital media e-journal, Mediascape, is now
accepting submissions for the features and reviews sections of its
spring issue. This journal, a place for articles pertaining visual
culture, is peer-reviewed and published on a bi-annual table. The
deadline for submissions is January 15, 2006.

