all recent posts

CFP: Journal of Modern Literature: Norman Mailer (9/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
John Whalen-Bridge

Journal of Modern Literature: special issue on Norman Mailer (9/1/04;
journal issue)

_Journal of Modern Literature_ is looking for essays on Norman Mailer's
work, reputation, and cultural significance, focusing especially on the
period since _Executioner's Song_, for the Fall 2005 issue. A number of
essays have been received and there is room for a few more. Essays on
the following topics will be especially welcome:

* When He Was Good: Mailer and the Politics of
Literary Reputation

* Mailer and the American Canon, 1980-2000

* Mailer vs Feminism: a Reconsideration

CFP: Performing Culture (3/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am

Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies is currently accepting submissions for
its upcoming issue focused on the topic of "Performing Culture." Although
papers using comparative methodologies are of particular interest, all
methodologies and approaches are welcomed. Possible topics and/or approaches
might include: semiotics, film theory, drama theory and performativity, dance,
visuality, fashion, anthropology and the artifact, queer and gender theory,
psychoanalysis, ethnomusicology, architecture, and body art. All submissions
(two copies of the manuscript and a cover letter with contact information)
must be mailed by March 1, 2004; since FACS follows a "blind reading" policy,

CFP: Performing Culture (3/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am

Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies is currently accepting submissions for
its upcoming issue focused on the topic of "Performing Culture." Although
papers using comparative methodologies are of particular interest, all
methodologies and approaches are welcomed. Possible topics and/or approaches
might include: semiotics, film theory, drama theory and performativity, dance,
visuality, fashion, anthropology and the artifact, queer and gender theory,
psychoanalysis, ethnomusicology, architecture, and body art. All submissions
(two copies of the manuscript and a cover letter with contact information)
must be mailed by March 1, 2004; since FACS follows a "blind reading" policy,

CFP: Performing Culture (3/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am

Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies is currently accepting submissions for
its upcoming issue focused on the topic of "Performing Culture." Although
papers using comparative methodologies are of particular interest, all
methodologies and approaches are welcomed. Possible topics and/or approaches
might include: semiotics, film theory, drama theory and performativity, dance,
visuality, fashion, anthropology and the artifact, queer and gender theory,
psychoanalysis, ethnomusicology, architecture, and body art. All submissions
(two copies of the manuscript and a cover letter with contact information)
must be mailed by March 1, 2004; since FACS follows a "blind reading" policy,

CFP: Science Studies and Science Fiction (1/10/04; collection)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
Grebowicz, Margret

Science Studies and Science Fiction
edited by Margret Grebowicz

This collection calls on specialists in science studies, broadly conceived,
to explore the implications of science fiction for their particular areas of
inquiry. Critical essays will explore the actual and potential roles of the
genre of science fiction in academic interrogations of the sciences, from
theoretical, pedagogical, and historical perspectives. I am soliciting
essays which address works of science fiction in any medium from any of the
following vantage points:

CFP: Science Studies and Science Fiction (1/10/04; collection)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
Grebowicz, Margret

Science Studies and Science Fiction
edited by Margret Grebowicz

This collection calls on specialists in science studies, broadly conceived,
to explore the implications of science fiction for their particular areas of
inquiry. Critical essays will explore the actual and potential roles of the
genre of science fiction in academic interrogations of the sciences, from
theoretical, pedagogical, and historical perspectives. I am soliciting
essays which address works of science fiction in any medium from any of the
following vantage points:

CFP: Adjunct Labor in Higher Education Worldwide (5/31/04; collection)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
steffen hantke



We are inviting submissions for an anthology of essays on adjunct and
part-time teaching in global institutions of higher education, tentatively
called Gypsy Scholars, Migrant Teachers, and the Global Academic
Proletariat: Adjunct Labor in Higher Education. Essays are to be 20-25 pages
in length. Abstracts are due by May 31, 2004. For queries or proposals,
contact Rudolphus Teeuwen ( or Steffen Hantke

CFP: Adjunct Labor in Higher Education Worldwide (5/31/04; collection)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
steffen hantke



We are inviting submissions for an anthology of essays on adjunct and
part-time teaching in global institutions of higher education, tentatively
called Gypsy Scholars, Migrant Teachers, and the Global Academic
Proletariat: Adjunct Labor in Higher Education. Essays are to be 20-25 pages
in length. Abstracts are due by May 31, 2004. For queries or proposals,
contact Rudolphus Teeuwen ( or Steffen Hantke

CFP: Culture, Theory and Critique: Noise (6/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
antonio lazaro reboll


Call for papers (2 - open issue and special issue on 'Noise') and
contents of 44.1.

Unless specified otherwise, please direct all correspondence regarding
CTC to: ; apologies for cross-postings.

For full details on _Culture, Theory and Critique_, submission
information, instructions to authors, a free online sample copy and
contents listings from volume 43 on, please visit the journal's website

CFP: Latina/o Language Experiences (1/15/04; collection)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
Toni Herrera

Please review the call for papers below and attached and consider
contributing to this proposed collection. Your assistance in
forwarding this to friends and colleagues via e-mail, listservs, or
bulletin boards would also be greatly appreciated.


Toni Nelson Herrera
Louis Mendoza


Call for submissions for a proposed volume of multi-generic writings

Yo hablo, yo soy. ?Y que!: New Perspectives from Latinas/os on their Dynamic Language Experiences

CFP: Latina/o Language Experiences (1/15/04; collection)

Friday, November 21, 2003 - 2:52am
Toni Herrera

Please review the call for papers below and attached and consider
contributing to this proposed collection. Your assistance in
forwarding this to friends and colleagues via e-mail, listservs, or
bulletin boards would also be greatly appreciated.


Toni Nelson Herrera
Louis Mendoza


Call for submissions for a proposed volume of multi-generic writings

Yo hablo, yo soy. ?Y que!: New Perspectives from Latinas/os on their Dynamic Language Experiences

CFP: Book Reviews for English Studies Forum (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Strecker, Trey

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum will publish its
inaugural issue of critical and creative writing in January 2004. The
editors of ESF plan to publish 30-40 reviews of innovative and exciting
books of fiction, poetry, drama, creative nonfiction, theory and/or
criticism each year.

These reviews will be prominently featured in a section titled "The Forum
Reviews." Books reviewed may (but are not expected to) engage with
current ESF topics.

Current (and future) forum sites will be devoted to the following topics:

Image, Story, and Conversation
The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond
War Stories

CFP: Book Reviews for English Studies Forum (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Strecker, Trey

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum will publish its
inaugural issue of critical and creative writing in January 2004. The
editors of ESF plan to publish 30-40 reviews of innovative and exciting
books of fiction, poetry, drama, creative nonfiction, theory and/or
criticism each year.

These reviews will be prominently featured in a section titled "The Forum
Reviews." Books reviewed may (but are not expected to) engage with
current ESF topics.

Current (and future) forum sites will be devoted to the following topics:

Image, Story, and Conversation
The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond
War Stories

CFP: Henry Roth's Short Stories (1/30/04; journal issue)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Alan Gibbs

The Journal of the Short Story in English: Special Issue on Henry Roth.

Although Jewish American writer Henry Roth is best known as a novelist, he
also left behind a rich store of short stories, both published and
unpublished, at his death in 1995. The majority of published pieces,
collected together in the 1987 volume, Shifting Landscape, were written
during the 60-year period between his first novel, Call It Sleep and his
second Mercy of a Rude Stream.

CFP: Women's Short Fiction (3/31/04; anthology)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am

Call for Papers

Women's Short Fiction

A volume of critical essays to be published by Atlantic Publishers &
Distributors. Co-editors: Dr. Mittapalli Rajeshwar and Dr. Joel Kuortti.

CFP: Henry Roth's Short Stories (1/30/04; journal issue)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Alan Gibbs

The Journal of the Short Story in English: Special Issue on Henry Roth.

Although Jewish American writer Henry Roth is best known as a novelist, he
also left behind a rich store of short stories, both published and
unpublished, at his death in 1995. The majority of published pieces,
collected together in the 1987 volume, Shifting Landscape, were written
during the 60-year period between his first novel, Call It Sleep and his
second Mercy of a Rude Stream.

CFP: Judaism and Homosexualities (5/15/04; collection)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Corinne Blackmer

The editor of the proposed collection, called "Queer People of the Book:
Judaism and Homosexualities," seeks MLA formatted submissions of between
15-30 pps. Submissions should be well researched, engaging and, hopefully,
focus on topics and areas (i.e., medieval period) that have heretofore not
received much attention. But submissions are invited across historical
periods and disciplines, including Hebrew Scriptures and Ancient Israelite
Culture, commentaries on the laws, and the areas of Judaic, Queer, and
Women's Studies across various disciplines. Submissions can include what it
means to be queer and Jewish in pedagogical, religious, and political

CFP: Judaism and Homosexualities (5/15/04; collection)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Corinne Blackmer

The editor of the proposed collection, called "Queer People of the Book:
Judaism and Homosexualities," seeks MLA formatted submissions of between
15-30 pps. Submissions should be well researched, engaging and, hopefully,
focus on topics and areas (i.e., medieval period) that have heretofore not
received much attention. But submissions are invited across historical
periods and disciplines, including Hebrew Scriptures and Ancient Israelite
Culture, commentaries on the laws, and the areas of Judaic, Queer, and
Women's Studies across various disciplines. Submissions can include what it
means to be queer and Jewish in pedagogical, religious, and political

CFP: Women's Short Fiction (3/31/04; anthology)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am

Call for Papers

Women's Short Fiction

A volume of critical essays to be published by Atlantic Publishers &
Distributors. Co-editors: Dr. Mittapalli Rajeshwar and Dr. Joel Kuortti.

CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no deadline; book)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Jeff Soloway

> CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no dealine; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
> college students, is seeking a scholar to write or edit a one-volume
> encyclopedia of 19th and 20th century British drama. This volume will be
> marketed with our Companion to American Drama, to be published this month.
> The ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of the subject, and an

CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no deadline; book)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Jeff Soloway

> CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no dealine; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
> college students, is seeking a scholar to write or edit a one-volume
> encyclopedia of 19th and 20th century British drama. This volume will be
> marketed with our Companion to American Drama, to be published this month.
> The ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of the subject, and an

CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no deadline; book)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Jeff Soloway

> CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no dealine; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
> college students, is seeking a scholar to write or edit a one-volume
> encyclopedia of 19th and 20th century British drama. This volume will be
> marketed with our Companion to American Drama, to be published this month.
> The ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of the subject, and an

CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no deadline; book)

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 6:03am
Jeff Soloway

> CFP: Companion to 19th and 20th C. British Drama (no dealine; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
> college students, is seeking a scholar to write or edit a one-volume
> encyclopedia of 19th and 20th century British drama. This volume will be
> marketed with our Companion to American Drama, to be published this month.
> The ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of the subject, and an
