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CFP: Literature Matters: Community Based Learning and Literary Studies (6/30/04 & 10/1/04; anthology)

Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 5:12am
Ann Marie Fallon

How can literary theory inform community based learning/service
learning? Or vice versa, how does community service transform our
assumptions about literature and the literary aspects of everyday
life? In what ways do current readings in cultural studies extend to
the question of civitas? We are seeking submissions [essays,
narratives, reflections, position papers] for a edited volume on the
interrelationship between literary studies and community-based
learning. We would like to include examples of classroom projects,
reflections on practice, theoretical pieces and close readings.

CFP: Sex, Sexuality and Identity in the Cinema (3/31/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 2:25am
Nouvelles vues sur le cinema quebecois

[Sex, sexuality and nationality: interrupted coitus or continuous =


In Film Studies as elsewhere in the Humanities, sexuality and identity =
are often first conceptualized in psychoanalytical terms. In the case of =
a =93national cinema=94 =96 Quebec=92s cinema =96 the reflection on =
sexual identity opens the door to a second paradigm of analysis: the =
nation and the allegory. Femininity, masculinity, homosociality and =
homosexuality then become fertile ground for the allegorization of the =
national and the national identity around the sexual and sexual =


CFP: Sex, Sexuality and Identity in the Cinema (3/31/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 2:25am
Nouvelles vues sur le cinema quebecois

[Sex, sexuality and nationality: interrupted coitus or continuous =


In Film Studies as elsewhere in the Humanities, sexuality and identity =
are often first conceptualized in psychoanalytical terms. In the case of =
a =93national cinema=94 =96 Quebec=92s cinema =96 the reflection on =
sexual identity opens the door to a second paradigm of analysis: the =
nation and the allegory. Femininity, masculinity, homosociality and =
homosexuality then become fertile ground for the allegorization of the =
national and the national identity around the sexual and sexual =


CFP: Reconstruction: Media Studies (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Davin Heckman

 Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN 1547-4348)
<> is an innovative culture studies journal
dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and
their audience, granting them all the opportunity and ability to share
thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in
contemporary interdisciplinary studies.

CFP: Reconstruction: Media Studies (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Davin Heckman

 Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN 1547-4348)
<> is an innovative culture studies journal
dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and
their audience, granting them all the opportunity and ability to share
thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in
contemporary interdisciplinary studies.

CFP: Reconstruction: Media Studies (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Davin Heckman

 Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN 1547-4348)
<> is an innovative culture studies journal
dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and
their audience, granting them all the opportunity and ability to share
thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in
contemporary interdisciplinary studies.

CFP: Reconstruction: Media Studies (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Davin Heckman

 Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN 1547-4348)
<> is an innovative culture studies journal
dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and
their audience, granting them all the opportunity and ability to share
thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in
contemporary interdisciplinary studies.

CFP: Reconstruction: Media Studies (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Davin Heckman

 Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN 1547-4348)
<> is an innovative culture studies journal
dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and
their audience, granting them all the opportunity and ability to share
thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in
contemporary interdisciplinary studies.

CFP: IMPULSO: Several Topics (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences published by UNIMEP Press
(Piracicaba - Sao Paulo, Brazil).


1. General Essays

IMPULSO welcomes the submission of scholarly articles, analytical studies and
book reviews on the humanities, society and culture on an ongoing basis.
Manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, English, Spanish, German or
French, and are selected through a blind peer-review process. Published
articles are indexed internationally.

2. Thematic sections

CFP: IMPULSO: Several Topics (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences published by UNIMEP Press
(Piracicaba - Sao Paulo, Brazil).


1. General Essays

IMPULSO welcomes the submission of scholarly articles, analytical studies and
book reviews on the humanities, society and culture on an ongoing basis.
Manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, English, Spanish, German or
French, and are selected through a blind peer-review process. Published
articles are indexed internationally.

2. Thematic sections

CFP: Contemporary Structures of Renunciation (4/10/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Dr.Thomas Duschlbauer

Contemporary Structures of Renunciation

The Austrian Group for Applied Texts (Gruppe fuer angewandte Texte – GFAT)
is preparing an essay collection that will focus on structures of
renunciation within our contemporary society.

Accordingly, we welcome contributions from cultural and literary theorists
as well as from psychoanalysts, theologians and from other disciplines.

The short essays can relate to: sacrifice, martyrs, new consumer habits,
certain representations of pain and suffering in media etc. The
contributions will be published in English as well as in German

CFP: Finding the OX: Buddhism and American Culture (7/1/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
John Whalen-Bridge

CALL FOR PAPERS: Finding the OX: Buddhism and American Culture (7/1/04)

The editors invite proposals of essays for a book on Buddhism and
American culture. Aimed at a readership across a wide range of
disciplines, Finding the Ox: Buddhism in American Culture will collect
essays that test and play with disciplinary boundaries between Literary
Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies
and Queer Theory. The proposed papers engage theoretical problems, offer
close readings of specific texts, or (most fruitfully) ground
speculative debates within the practice of mindful reading. Specific
essays in the volume may consider:

CFP: Finding the OX: Buddhism and American Culture (7/1/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
John Whalen-Bridge

CALL FOR PAPERS: Finding the OX: Buddhism and American Culture (7/1/04)

The editors invite proposals of essays for a book on Buddhism and
American culture. Aimed at a readership across a wide range of
disciplines, Finding the Ox: Buddhism in American Culture will collect
essays that test and play with disciplinary boundaries between Literary
Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies
and Queer Theory. The proposed papers engage theoretical problems, offer
close readings of specific texts, or (most fruitfully) ground
speculative debates within the practice of mindful reading. Specific
essays in the volume may consider:

UPDATE: Derrida's Indian Philosophical Subtext (3/31/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Willam Haney

CFP: Derrida's Indian Philosophical Subtext (Collection)

The deadline for submission has been extended to 31 March 2004.


Papers are invited for a special issue (August 2004) of the online, =
peer-reviewed journal _Consciousness, Literature and the Arts_ on =
Derrida's Indian philosophical subtext:

CFP: Contemporary Structures of Renunciation (4/10/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Dr.Thomas Duschlbauer

Contemporary Structures of Renunciation

The Austrian Group for Applied Texts (Gruppe fuer angewandte Texte – GFAT)
is preparing an essay collection that will focus on structures of
renunciation within our contemporary society.

Accordingly, we welcome contributions from cultural and literary theorists
as well as from psychoanalysts, theologians and from other disciplines.

The short essays can relate to: sacrifice, martyrs, new consumer habits,
certain representations of pain and suffering in media etc. The
contributions will be published in English as well as in German

UPDATE: Outside the Frame: A Journal for Texts and Technology (6/1/04; journal open issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
anthony crisafi

I apologize for this, but there was a mistake in the last posting. Thank

Outside the Frame: A Journal for Texts and Technology
Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Crisafi

CALL FOR PAPERS: Inaugural issue

Outside the Frame is a journal dedicated to examining emergent theories
concerning how technology is transforming the way we currently think of or
practice scholarship in the Arts and Sciences. We are specifically
interested in theoretical works that approach texts and technology from an
interdisciplinary perspective.

Submissions on, but not limited to, the following topics are welcomed:

CFP: Finding the OX: Buddhism and American Culture (7/1/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
John Whalen-Bridge

CALL FOR PAPERS: Finding the OX: Buddhism and American Culture (7/1/04)

The editors invite proposals of essays for a book on Buddhism and
American culture. Aimed at a readership across a wide range of
disciplines, Finding the Ox: Buddhism in American Culture will collect
essays that test and play with disciplinary boundaries between Literary
Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies
and Queer Theory. The proposed papers engage theoretical problems, offer
close readings of specific texts, or (most fruitfully) ground
speculative debates within the practice of mindful reading. Specific
essays in the volume may consider:

UPDATE: Outside the Frame: A Journal for Texts and Technology (6/1/04; journal open issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
anthony crisafi

I apologize for this, but there was a mistake in the last posting. Thank

Outside the Frame: A Journal for Texts and Technology
Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Crisafi

CALL FOR PAPERS: Inaugural issue

Outside the Frame is a journal dedicated to examining emergent theories
concerning how technology is transforming the way we currently think of or
practice scholarship in the Arts and Sciences. We are specifically
interested in theoretical works that approach texts and technology from an
interdisciplinary perspective.

Submissions on, but not limited to, the following topics are welcomed:

UPDATE: Derrida's Indian Philosophical Subtext (3/31/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Willam Haney

CFP: Derrida's Indian Philosophical Subtext (Collection)

The deadline for submission has been extended to 31 March 2004.


Papers are invited for a special issue (August 2004) of the online, =
peer-reviewed journal _Consciousness, Literature and the Arts_ on =
Derrida's Indian philosophical subtext:

CFP: Contemporary Structures of Renunciation (4/10/04; collection)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Dr.Thomas Duschlbauer

Contemporary Structures of Renunciation

The Austrian Group for Applied Texts (Gruppe fuer angewandte Texte – GFAT)
is preparing an essay collection that will focus on structures of
renunciation within our contemporary society.

Accordingly, we welcome contributions from cultural and literary theorists
as well as from psychoanalysts, theologians and from other disciplines.

The short essays can relate to: sacrifice, martyrs, new consumer habits,
certain representations of pain and suffering in media etc. The
contributions will be published in English as well as in German
