CFP - Michelle Yeoh - Everything and Everywhere on Global Screens
CFP: Michelle Yeoh - Everything and Everywhere on Global Screens
Edited by: Lisa Funnell, Wayne King Tung Wong, and Dorothy Wai Sim Lau
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CFP: Michelle Yeoh - Everything and Everywhere on Global Screens
Edited by: Lisa Funnell, Wayne King Tung Wong, and Dorothy Wai Sim Lau
Cultural Appropriation, Pedagogy and Higher Education
Debates, Dilemmas, and Future Directions
Editors: Dr. Taiwo Afolabi and Dr. Marthinus Conradie
Call for Papers
Submissions are encouraged from educators at all levels (including undergraduate/graduate students) as well as all those with an interest in the arts and humanities. Proposals for papers, panels, or workshops (150-200 words) must be submitted through the conference e-submission links.
Undergraduate Research Award Prize e-Submissions
Undergraduate students may apply for only one of the two undergraduate prizes.
Panels involving student award applicants will be recorded for judging purposes.
The John Clare Society of North America invites paper proposals for its guaranteed panel at the Modern Language Association Convention in New Orleans, January 9-12th, 2025. Scholarship on any aspect of Clare’s poetry, prose, life, and sphere of influence is welcome.
Abstract and short bio by 15 March 2024 to Erica McAlpine at
Call for Papers
Mothers, Mothering and Trauma/Intergenerational Trauma
Edited by Lamees Al Ethari, PhD and Maria D. Lombard, PhD
March 1, 2024: Submission of 250–400-word abstract
The Oscar Wilde Society invites abstracts for a special session at the 2025 MLA Convention in New Orleans, LA, Jan. 9-12 2025.
Call for Papers 2024 Semicentennial Colloquium NCFS Producing and Receiving the 19th Century Deadline: March 15, 2024 The 2024 Semicentennial Colloquium of the Nineteenth Century French Studies Association, welcomes submissions on the theme of “Producing and Receiving the 19th Century,” and will be held at Duke University in Durham, N
The University Press of Kansas has expressed interest in publishing a book of essays about representations of the multiverse in popular culture. The theory of the multiverse – the premise that our known universe if merely one iteration of an infinite number of alternate universes – has recently emerged from scientific obscurity to become a common trope of popular fiction. Everything Everywhere All at Once won 2022’s Academy Award for Best Picture, multiversal timelines are a central feature of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and representations of parallel realities in television shows such as Sliders, Fringe, Dr.
‘Decolonization’ is now a buzzword in academics as well as in contemporary South Asian politics, meaning different things to different people – from decolonizing the mind to literally demolishing colonial monuments: in many cases, the emotion associated with decolonization is grossly misplaced. If decolonization amounts to ethnic cleansing or for that matter, igniting communal animosity through distortion of history, leading to more fractures than harmony in society, that form of aggressive decolonization is certainly not desirable. Therefore, ‘decolonization’ needs to be understood in all its nuances, which are often whitewashed in order to advance divisive political agendas.
Call For Papers
Preface, Prelude, Prologue
an interdisciplinary symposium
5th June 2024
Venue: Screen 2, Depot Cinema, Lewes, UK (in person)
Next to Lewes railway station at Pinwell Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2JS
Please see this link for further information:
Submission deadline: 3rd March 2024
Call for Papers
Societal Sidelines: Exclusion and Resilience in the Early Modern World
International Symposium at the University of Tokyo, Japan
July 13-14 2024
Paper proposals are now being accepted for ‘Societal Sidelines’ symposium, to be held this July in hybrid format at Kojima Hall, University of Tokyo. For full consideration, please submit your abstracts (350 words max.) to by April 15th, 2024.
Call for Assistant editors and Editorial Review Board Members
Essence &Critique: Journal of Literature and Drama Studies is seeking candidates for Editorial assistants. The term of office is expected for a period of two years.
Journal page:
Editorial assistants
Call for Papers
Women’s Link
A Bi-annual Peer Reviewed International Journal
Women and Ecology
(Vol. 31, Issue 2- July 2024)
From the ghostly sight of Julian of Norwich and Hamlet's 'mind's eye' to the rapturous idyll of Coleridge's Xanadu and the apocalyptic prophecies of Yeats's 'The Second Coming'-vision, its constraints, and revelatory possibilities have served as a creative wellspring for writers across time. Indeed, amongst the oldest and most formative motifs across literature is the visionary author, whose prophetic (in) sight transports us beyond the mundane. Meanwhile, simply adding the prefix 're' reminds us of another central yet undersung facet of authorship: revision. What drives textual (re)visions, and how do these in turn shape reception? We seek to explore literary
Issue 7: Labour in the Long Nineteenth Century
The study of labour in the long nineteenth century has enjoyed a rich critical history, guided by the twentieth century’s New Left focus on class formation and experience, and extended by recent scholarship which has diversified traditional and non-traditional categorisations of ‘labour’. Scholars working within the postcolonial and ecocritical ‘turn’ have called for a re-imagining of the structures of labour, resource consumption, and value production, looking to the nineteenth century for its complexly-interwoven transfers of labour value across domestic and imperial boundaries.
Call for Papers: Edited Volume; MLA 2025 conference special session
Topic: Edward Said’s legacy in the context of current events
Working Title: Football Politics and Cultural Production in Africa: Issues and Discourses
Editor: Floribert Patrick C. Endong – University of Dschang, Cameroon
Concept Notes
Concept Note: In 1989, in WLA conference when Glotfelty first used the term ‘ecocriticism ’ and subsequently edited The Ecocriticism Reader with Harold Fromm, the global literary circle had had a new way of discourse. The narrative of the study of the relationship between art/culture/literature and the physical environment had been shifted from the human centric romantic approach to nature to the narrative of the biocentric approach to nature. It started to interrogate the role of human imagination in literature as well. This shift in approach fathered some naturecentric ecological narratives like Deep Ecology.
Keystone DH 2024 Call for Papers
Call for Abstracts for a Proposed Volume on
Literary Journalism/Creative Non-Fiction in East-Central Europe
Abstracts are invited for a proposed collection on Literary Journalism/Creative Non-Fiction in East-Central Europe. The volume takes as its central concern the current shapes and forms of what is variously called literary journalism, creative non-fiction, creative documentary narrative, or reportage (among other terms) in the region. We have already received preliminary interest from an academic publisher.
Masks have been used throughout history for many different purposes. Some use literal masks for entertainment and performance; some use them for cunning and disguise; others use figurative masks to hide their true identities from those around them. As we consider trends—and shifts in those trends—in literature, theory, criticism, and academia, we must analyze the utility of masks to determine why people have needed them and still need them.
IUP’s English Graduate Organization is proud to announce the 2024 EGO Spring Conference with the theme: Masks and Masking. For this conference, we will be utilizing the hybrid format (both in-person and via Zoom) to accommodate everyone and encourage those from outside of IUP to join us as well.
This MLA 2025 Special Session Panel invites papers that interrogate “risk” as a political, visual, and/or affective concept in contemporary literature, media, and visual culture. Some questions to consider might include:
LIT Special Issue CFP: Face, Form and Modern Fictions
DEADLINE EXTENDED: February 21st, 2024
CFP: Altered Animals: Posthumanism and Technology in 20th and 21st Century Discourse and Narratives
The organizing committee of Alt+F4 is excited to announce our keynote speaker line up:
Kishonna L. Gray
Associate Professor in Writing, Rhetoric, & Digital Studies and Africana Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director, Faculty Learning Community on eSports and Gaming
Rachel Kowert
Research Psychologist
Founder, Psychgeist
Anita Sarkeesian
Media Critic
Creator, Tropes vs. Women in Video Games
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Literature and Artificial Intelligence
International Review of Literary Studies
Deadline for Submission: February 29, 2024
The International Review of Literary Studies, an open access with no APC, invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of literature, language, and AI to submit their original contributions for a special issue focused on the intersection of Literature and Artificial Intelligence.
Theme: Literature and AI: Exploring the Nexus of Creativity and Technology
CHILD AND TEEN CONSUMPTION 2024 (extended deadline)
11th Interdisciplinary Conference on Child and Teen Consumption
October 16 -18 2024, York University, Toronto, Canada PLAYING WITH BORDERS
The 2024 edition of the Child and Teen Consumption Conference will be held in Toronto (Canada) and will be hosted by York University, October 16-18, 2024.
CFP: The 26th Annual University of Florida Critical Theory Reading Group/MRG Conference- Deadline Extended
“Marxism and the Digital Public”
Weekend of April 12-14, 2024
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Keynotes: M.E. O’Brien (Pinko and Parapraxis) and Jasper Bernes (University of California, Berkeley)
“Growing Younger”: Literature and Childlike Faith
Southeast Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature Covenant College
Lookout Mountain, GA
October 10-12, 2024
Keynote Speaker: Malcolm Guite (Poet and President of the George MacDonald Society)
Scientific Committee:
Professor Wojciech Owczarski – University of Gdańsk, Poland
Professor Polina Golovátina-Mora – NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Conference: 14-15 March 2024 (online - via Zoom)