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CFP: Journal of Indo-Canadian Studies (journal)

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 5:29pm
Jacob George

Professor Jacob George
Centre for Canadian Studies
Editor, Journal of Indo-Canadian Studies
Union Christian College, Alwaye-683 102
Kerala, India.

September 26, 2001

Dear Professor,

Greetings from the Centre for Canadian Studies, Union Christian College,
Alwaye, Kerala, India.

CFP: postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 5:25pm
Carol Goodman

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory


postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory is a
multi-disciplinary journal published annually by graduate students in
the Department of English at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Students either currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or having
recently graduated from one are invited to submit articles for
consideration. Interdisciplinary papers and essays responding to issues
of current debate within academia are especially encouraged.

CFP: postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 5:25pm
Carol Goodman

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory


postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory is a
multi-disciplinary journal published annually by graduate students in
the Department of English at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Students either currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or having
recently graduated from one are invited to submit articles for
consideration. Interdisciplinary papers and essays responding to issues
of current debate within academia are especially encouraged.

UPDATE: Signatures: All Topics (e-journal)

Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 4:38pm
Duncan Salkeld

X-posted from
----Please note the following new URL for SIGNATURES refereed onlinehumanities journal: Salkeld =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Sat Sep 22 2001 - 12:38:22 EDT

CFP: All topics (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 4:11pm
Henry Street

                           Henry Street:
                 A Graduate Review of Literary Study

  _Henry Street_, now entering its tenth year of publication, is an inter-
  national forum for graduate students of English and related disciplines.
  We invite submission of original and scholarly contributions to current
  research on literatures in English from all historical periods, material
  culture, pedagogy, and critical theory. In addition to welcoming papers
  from a broad range of critical perspectives, the journal is particularly
  receptive to unconventional or personal approaches that open new avenues
  of investigation in literary and cultural criticism.

CFP: All topics (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 4:11pm
Henry Street

                           Henry Street:
                 A Graduate Review of Literary Study

  _Henry Street_, now entering its tenth year of publication, is an inter-
  national forum for graduate students of English and related disciplines.
  We invite submission of original and scholarly contributions to current
  research on literatures in English from all historical periods, material
  culture, pedagogy, and critical theory. In addition to welcoming papers
  from a broad range of critical perspectives, the journal is particularly
  receptive to unconventional or personal approaches that open new avenues
  of investigation in literary and cultural criticism.

CFP: Black Diaspora Drama Biographies (no deadline noted; database)

Friday, September 14, 2001 - 9:40pm
Jeremy Caleb Johnson

Biographical Entries Sought: Black Diaspora Drama

Alexander Street Press seeks short biographical entries for inclusion in its
BLACK DRAMA database.

Alexander Street Press—an electronic publishing firm noted for its Civil War
Letters and Diaries and for North American Women’s Letters and Diaries—is
publishing a full-text searchable database titled BLACK DRAMA. Integrating
rare, hard-to-find plays and popular, widely-produced plays by Blacks and
about Blacks, BLACK DRAMA encompasses the work of playwrights from the U.K.,
the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada, and Anglophone Africa.

CFP: Black Diaspora Drama Biographies (no deadline noted; database)

Friday, September 14, 2001 - 9:40pm
Jeremy Caleb Johnson

Biographical Entries Sought: Black Diaspora Drama

Alexander Street Press seeks short biographical entries for inclusion in its
BLACK DRAMA database.

Alexander Street Press—an electronic publishing firm noted for its Civil War
Letters and Diaries and for North American Women’s Letters and Diaries—is
publishing a full-text searchable database titled BLACK DRAMA. Integrating
rare, hard-to-find plays and popular, widely-produced plays by Blacks and
about Blacks, BLACK DRAMA encompasses the work of playwrights from the U.K.,
the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada, and Anglophone Africa.

CFP: Black Diaspora Drama Biographies (no deadline noted; database)

Friday, September 14, 2001 - 9:40pm
Jeremy Caleb Johnson

Biographical Entries Sought: Black Diaspora Drama

Alexander Street Press seeks short biographical entries for inclusion in its
BLACK DRAMA database.

Alexander Street Press—an electronic publishing firm noted for its Civil War
Letters and Diaries and for North American Women’s Letters and Diaries—is
publishing a full-text searchable database titled BLACK DRAMA. Integrating
rare, hard-to-find plays and popular, widely-produced plays by Blacks and
about Blacks, BLACK DRAMA encompasses the work of playwrights from the U.K.,
the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada, and Anglophone Africa.

CFP: Black Diaspora Drama Biographies (no deadline noted; database)

Friday, September 14, 2001 - 9:40pm
Jeremy Caleb Johnson

Biographical Entries Sought: Black Diaspora Drama

Alexander Street Press seeks short biographical entries for inclusion in its
BLACK DRAMA database.

Alexander Street Press—an electronic publishing firm noted for its Civil War
Letters and Diaries and for North American Women’s Letters and Diaries—is
publishing a full-text searchable database titled BLACK DRAMA. Integrating
rare, hard-to-find plays and popular, widely-produced plays by Blacks and
about Blacks, BLACK DRAMA encompasses the work of playwrights from the U.K.,
the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada, and Anglophone Africa.

CFP: 20th C. European Cultural Theorists, second series (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 7:35pm
Paul Hansom

I am currently seeking contributors for the second
volume of Twentieth Century European Cultural
Theorists, to be published by the Dictionary of
Literary Biography.

The assignments vary in length, but all should blend
biographical information with a critical assessment of
lives and works. If you are unfamiliar with DLB format
or expectations, please peruse volume one. Published
entries receive a small honorarium and a copy of the
Those interested should email me 3 preferences, with a
brief cv.

Articles available:

CFP: 20th C. European Cultural Theorists, second series (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 7:35pm
Paul Hansom

I am currently seeking contributors for the second
volume of Twentieth Century European Cultural
Theorists, to be published by the Dictionary of
Literary Biography.

The assignments vary in length, but all should blend
biographical information with a critical assessment of
lives and works. If you are unfamiliar with DLB format
or expectations, please peruse volume one. Published
entries receive a small honorarium and a copy of the
Those interested should email me 3 preferences, with a
brief cv.

Articles available:

CFP: Asian American Short Story Writers (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, September 7, 2001 - 9:14pm
Guiyou Huang

>_Asian American Short Story Writers_. Qualified contributors are sought to
>for _Asian American Short Story Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical
>Sourcebook_, an original reference book to be published by Greenwood Press.
>Each contribution will include a biography, a discussion of major works and
>themes, a review of the critical response to the short story writer's works,
>and bibliographies of primary and secondary sources. For details, please

CFP: Asian American Short Story Writers (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, September 7, 2001 - 9:14pm
Guiyou Huang

>_Asian American Short Story Writers_. Qualified contributors are sought to
>for _Asian American Short Story Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical
>Sourcebook_, an original reference book to be published by Greenwood Press.
>Each contribution will include a biography, a discussion of major works and
>themes, a review of the critical response to the short story writer's works,
>and bibliographies of primary and secondary sources. For details, please

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) (e-journal)

Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 9:23pm

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture
(1900-present) is dedicated to the art of semiotic analysis and is
comprised of two major divisions. The first division is a website at featuring articles written by fellows in our
Think Tank for a mainstream audience. The second division, and the one
for which we are publishing this call for papers, is a peer-reviewed
academic journal targeted to an academic audience; it will be published
as a link on

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) (e-journal)

Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 9:23pm

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture
(1900-present) is dedicated to the art of semiotic analysis and is
comprised of two major divisions. The first division is a website at featuring articles written by fellows in our
Think Tank for a mainstream audience. The second division, and the one
for which we are publishing this call for papers, is a peer-reviewed
academic journal targeted to an academic audience; it will be published
as a link on

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) (e-journal)

Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 9:23pm

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture
(1900-present) is dedicated to the art of semiotic analysis and is
comprised of two major divisions. The first division is a website at featuring articles written by fellows in our
Think Tank for a mainstream audience. The second division, and the one
for which we are publishing this call for papers, is a peer-reviewed
academic journal targeted to an academic audience; it will be published
as a link on

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) (e-journal)

Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 9:23pm

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture
(1900-present) is dedicated to the art of semiotic analysis and is
comprised of two major divisions. The first division is a website at featuring articles written by fellows in our
Think Tank for a mainstream audience. The second division, and the one
for which we are publishing this call for papers, is a peer-reviewed
academic journal targeted to an academic audience; it will be published
as a link on

CFP: Philosophical Aesthetics (e-journal)

Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 9:23pm


To whom it may concern.

The online philosophical aesthetics quarterly
located on a server at the Department of Philosophy at the University of
Vienna will be relaunched. Beginning with its September 2001 editon (due to
appear at the end of the month) mahr'svierteljahrsschriftfueraesthetik will
serve as a platform for announcements and internet information in the field
of philosophical aesthetics.

CFP: Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 (journal)

Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 4:27pm
J D Canfield

The editorship of _Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture,
1660-1700_ is passing from the capable hands of Jack Armistead
at Tennessee Tech to J. Douglas Canfield at the University of Arizona
beginning with vol. 26, no. 1 (Spring 2002).

CFP: Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 (journal)

Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 4:27pm
J D Canfield

The editorship of _Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture,
1660-1700_ is passing from the capable hands of Jack Armistead
at Tennessee Tech to J. Douglas Canfield at the University of Arizona
beginning with vol. 26, no. 1 (Spring 2002).

CFP: Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 (journal)

Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 4:27pm
J D Canfield

The editorship of _Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture,
1660-1700_ is passing from the capable hands of Jack Armistead
at Tennessee Tech to J. Douglas Canfield at the University of Arizona
beginning with vol. 26, no. 1 (Spring 2002).

CFP: Pataphysica (journal)

Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 8:09pm
Roumiana I Velikova

> Pataphysica
> This is to announce the inauguration of
> Pataphysica, a journal devoted to the publication
> of and commentary on pataphysical thought.
> Submissions of original works, translations,
> criticism, reviews, and artwork will be
> considered. For purposes of this journal,
> pataphysics shall be broadly defined. Authors of
> interest include but are not limited to Alfred
