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CFP: Digital REED Session (9/1/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:38pm
James Cummings

Call For Papers: International Medieval Congress 2006, Leeds
Records of Early English Drama: Digital REED
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September, 2005

The Records of Early English Drama project invites abstracts to be
submitted for 20 minute papers to be delivered at the thirteenth
International Medieval Congress which will take place in Leeds, UK,
from 10-13 July 2006.

Session Abstract:
Digital REED

CFP: Digital REED Session (9/1/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:38pm
James Cummings

Call For Papers: International Medieval Congress 2006, Leeds
Records of Early English Drama: Digital REED
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September, 2005

The Records of Early English Drama project invites abstracts to be
submitted for 20 minute papers to be delivered at the thirteenth
International Medieval Congress which will take place in Leeds, UK,
from 10-13 July 2006.

Session Abstract:
Digital REED

CFP: Digital REED Session (9/1/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:38pm
James Cummings

Call For Papers: International Medieval Congress 2006, Leeds
Records of Early English Drama: Digital REED
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September, 2005

The Records of Early English Drama project invites abstracts to be
submitted for 20 minute papers to be delivered at the thirteenth
International Medieval Congress which will take place in Leeds, UK,
from 10-13 July 2006.

Session Abstract:
Digital REED

CFP: Sobriquet Magazine: Book Reviews (ongoing; journal)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:38pm

The editors of Sobriquet Magazine are looking for reviewers of
contemporary literature and criticism. We will consider all reviews of novels, plays, poetry, criticism, and belles lettres released since the start of 2004, but are especially interested in the list following this message. Unfortunately, our funding makes it impossible for Sobriquet to provide review copies at present, so we ask that reviewers either own, purchase, or borrow a copy of the book they wish to review.

CFP: &Now/Lake Forest Literary Festival (10/15/05; 4/5/06-4/7/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:38pm

Please post, cross-post, and re-post!

&NOW / Lake Forest Literary Festival
April 5-7, 2006, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL.
Proposal Deadline, October 15, 2005

The second iteration of &NOW: A Festival of Innovative Writing and
Art, merged with the second annual Lake Forest Literary Festival
(LFLF), will be held on April 5-7, 2006 at Lake Forest College, 30
miles north of Chicago.

CFP: Digital Medievalist Sessions (UK) (9/1/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
James Cummings

Call For Papers: International Medieval Congress 2006, Leeds
Digital Medievalist
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September, 2005

The Digital Medievalist project invites abstracts to be submitted
for 20 minute papers to be delivered in either of two sessions at
the thirteenth International Medieval Congress which will take place
in Leeds, UK, from 10-13 July 2006.

Session Abstracts:

Digital Medievalist General Session: Electronic Surrogates

CFP: Digital Medievalist Sessions (UK) (9/1/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
James Cummings

Call For Papers: International Medieval Congress 2006, Leeds
Digital Medievalist
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September, 2005

The Digital Medievalist project invites abstracts to be submitted
for 20 minute papers to be delivered in either of two sessions at
the thirteenth International Medieval Congress which will take place
in Leeds, UK, from 10-13 July 2006.

Session Abstracts:

Digital Medievalist General Session: Electronic Surrogates

CFP: Digital Medievalist Sessions (UK) (9/1/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
James Cummings

Call For Papers: International Medieval Congress 2006, Leeds
Digital Medievalist
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September, 2005

The Digital Medievalist project invites abstracts to be submitted
for 20 minute papers to be delivered in either of two sessions at
the thirteenth International Medieval Congress which will take place
in Leeds, UK, from 10-13 July 2006.

Session Abstracts:

Digital Medievalist General Session: Electronic Surrogates

CFP: Mantis: Poetry and Discipline - Critical Essays (9/15/05; journal issue)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Lauren C. Allan-Vail

We are seeking previously unpublished critical essays for Mantis 5, under
the broad theme of "Poetry and Discipline."

Mantis is a journal of contemporary poetry, poetry translation and poetry
criticism. A forum for writers coming from a broad spectrum of intellectual
and aesthetic positions, Mantis is dedicated to publishing new work that
interrogates the relationships among critical writing, creative writing, and

CFP: Mantis: Poetry and Discipline - Critical Essays (9/15/05; journal issue)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Lauren C. Allan-Vail

We are seeking previously unpublished critical essays for Mantis 5, under
the broad theme of "Poetry and Discipline."

Mantis is a journal of contemporary poetry, poetry translation and poetry
criticism. A forum for writers coming from a broad spectrum of intellectual
and aesthetic positions, Mantis is dedicated to publishing new work that
interrogates the relationships among critical writing, creative writing, and

CFP: Asian American Lit. and Postcolonial Theory (9/1/05; collection)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Katherine Sugg

We are seeking essays for an edited collection on "Asian American
Literature and Postcolonial Theory," which should be both an exploration
and a mapping of the debates around these two terms and their corollaries.
Such corollary debates have erupted over the use of terms such as diaspora,
cultural memory, racial melancholy and trauma, nationalism, ethnicity, and
hybridity in Asian American cultural critique. Essays that consider these
genealogies and/or question the usefulness of theories derived from
colonial and postcolonial discourse are especially welcome. Also of
interest would be specific author, period, regional, national, and textual

CFP: Asian American Lit. and Postcolonial Theory (9/1/05; collection)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Katherine Sugg

We are seeking essays for an edited collection on "Asian American
Literature and Postcolonial Theory," which should be both an exploration
and a mapping of the debates around these two terms and their corollaries.
Such corollary debates have erupted over the use of terms such as diaspora,
cultural memory, racial melancholy and trauma, nationalism, ethnicity, and
hybridity in Asian American cultural critique. Essays that consider these
genealogies and/or question the usefulness of theories derived from
colonial and postcolonial discourse are especially welcome. Also of
interest would be specific author, period, regional, national, and textual

CFP: Asian American Lit. and Postcolonial Theory (9/1/05; collection)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Katherine Sugg

We are seeking essays for an edited collection on "Asian American
Literature and Postcolonial Theory," which should be both an exploration
and a mapping of the debates around these two terms and their corollaries.
Such corollary debates have erupted over the use of terms such as diaspora,
cultural memory, racial melancholy and trauma, nationalism, ethnicity, and
hybridity in Asian American cultural critique. Essays that consider these
genealogies and/or question the usefulness of theories derived from
colonial and postcolonial discourse are especially welcome. Also of
interest would be specific author, period, regional, national, and textual

CFP: Asian American Lit. and Postcolonial Theory (9/1/05; collection)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Katherine Sugg

We are seeking essays for an edited collection on "Asian American
Literature and Postcolonial Theory," which should be both an exploration
and a mapping of the debates around these two terms and their corollaries.
Such corollary debates have erupted over the use of terms such as diaspora,
cultural memory, racial melancholy and trauma, nationalism, ethnicity, and
hybridity in Asian American cultural critique. Essays that consider these
genealogies and/or question the usefulness of theories derived from
colonial and postcolonial discourse are especially welcome. Also of
interest would be specific author, period, regional, national, and textual

CFP: Asian American Lit. and Postcolonial Theory (9/1/05; collection)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Katherine Sugg

We are seeking essays for an edited collection on "Asian American
Literature and Postcolonial Theory," which should be both an exploration
and a mapping of the debates around these two terms and their corollaries.
Such corollary debates have erupted over the use of terms such as diaspora,
cultural memory, racial melancholy and trauma, nationalism, ethnicity, and
hybridity in Asian American cultural critique. Essays that consider these
genealogies and/or question the usefulness of theories derived from
colonial and postcolonial discourse are especially welcome. Also of
interest would be specific author, period, regional, national, and textual

CFP: Historical Novel (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Brian Adler

CFP: The Historical Novel
Calls for Panels and papers (15 minutes reading time) on the Historical
Novel at the 27th Annual Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture
Associations Conference in Albuquerque, NM, Feb. 8-11, 2006. See
<> for more conference information. Some questions to
consider: how can the genre of historical novel be defined? Where does
one draw the lines between truth, fiction, and history? How does the "fog
of war" affect historical fiction? What noteworthy international
historical novels are being produced? Treatments of individual authors

CFP: Historical Novel (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Brian Adler

CFP: The Historical Novel
Calls for Panels and papers (15 minutes reading time) on the Historical
Novel at the 27th Annual Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture
Associations Conference in Albuquerque, NM, Feb. 8-11, 2006. See
<> for more conference information. Some questions to
consider: how can the genre of historical novel be defined? Where does
one draw the lines between truth, fiction, and history? How does the "fog
of war" affect historical fiction? What noteworthy international
historical novels are being produced? Treatments of individual authors

CFP: Mystery/Detective Fiction (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 8:36pm

CFP:Mystery/detective fiction
Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations
27th Annual Conference in Albuquerqu<new Mexico 02/08-111/06.
Please send abstracts and curriculum vita by 11/15/05 to or to Linda Strahan, English dept-40,
University of CA, Riverside, CA 92521.

CFP: Monsters &amp; Villains (12/15/05; journal issue)

Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 8:36pm
Neil Aitken


CRATE, in association with the M.F.A. program at the University of
California, Riverside, is pleased to announce the call for submissions
for its 2006 issue.

While CRATE is interested in writing that reflects upon the interests
and diverse communities of Southern California, especially the
Riverside County/Inland Empire region, we are open to work from all
over the world with the main criteron being excellence.

CRATE is printed annually in the spring and typically runs 750 copies
of 160 pages in a perfect bound digest. In addition to poetry, prose,
and non-fiction, CRATE also features the work of local visual artists
and photographers.
