UPDATE: Art and Science (7/28/06; journal issue)
An updated version of artciencia=2Ecom - Number 3, May-July 2006 -, is =
now online=2E=20
www=2Eartciencia=2Ecom is a quarterly online journal, which intends to =
publish authors' articles or artworks about Art, Science, Art and Scien=
ce, and Communication=2E The texts can be written in English, Portugues=
e, Spanish, French or Italian=2E
Some possible general topics of consideration:=20
- Art and science in Architecture, Cinema, Design, Literature, Music, P=
ainting or other Arts;
- Technology, Art, Science and human body (New Media, Video and Compute=
r Games, etc=2E);
- =A0Ethics, Bioethics, and Art and Science=2E