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CFP: A Carnival of Sorts: Power, Fear, and Play at the MLA (5/15/06; NPCA/ACA, 10/27/06-10/28/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Jonathan Silverman

Every year between Christmas and New Year's, English professors and
graduate students, book editors and publishers and representatives, and
occasionally spouses gather in a major American or Canadian city to
meet, interview each other, present papers, and party. In this panel,
"A Carnival of Sorts: Power, Fear, and Play at the Modern Language
Association Annual Convention," we will explore the ongoing carnival
the convention invariably becomes from personal and scholarly
In particular, the panel hopes to provide a semiotic, sociological, and
anthropological analysis of one of the academia's most peculiar

CFP: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (7/1/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline: July 1, 2006

CFP: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (7/1/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline: July 1, 2006

CFP: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (7/1/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline: July 1, 2006

CFP: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (7/1/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline: July 1, 2006

UPDATE: 66: A Journal of Sonnet Studies (ongoing; journal)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm

As of May 8, 2006, submissions to 66 can no longer be received at the
Park Dr. address in the original CFP. From now on, please direct
submissions to:
66: A Journal of Sonnet Studies
9 Devotion St.
Suite 2L
Brookline, MA 02446
Thank you!
the editorial board of 66

UPDATE: 66: A Journal of Sonnet Studies (ongoing; journal)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm

As of May 8, 2006, submissions to 66 can no longer be received at the
Park Dr. address in the original CFP. From now on, please direct
submissions to:
66: A Journal of Sonnet Studies
9 Devotion St.
Suite 2L
Brookline, MA 02446
Thank you!
the editorial board of 66

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare (8/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Douglas Brooks

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare. Shakespeare Yearbook, Winter 2007.

Henry James once noted that to the English an outing to Stratford was
not just a day out, not just a visit to a pretty old town with a
famous dead author, but a pilgrimage to "The Holy of Holies"; the
scene itself of the "nativity." James was being ironic, but to many
editors, and writers, and theatre personalities working in the era of
the English Romantic Movement, grappling with the works of
Shakespeare became a serious devotional duty.

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare (8/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Douglas Brooks

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare. Shakespeare Yearbook, Winter 2007.

Henry James once noted that to the English an outing to Stratford was
not just a day out, not just a visit to a pretty old town with a
famous dead author, but a pilgrimage to "The Holy of Holies"; the
scene itself of the "nativity." James was being ironic, but to many
editors, and writers, and theatre personalities working in the era of
the English Romantic Movement, grappling with the works of
Shakespeare became a serious devotional duty.

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare (8/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Douglas Brooks

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare. Shakespeare Yearbook, Winter 2007.

Henry James once noted that to the English an outing to Stratford was
not just a day out, not just a visit to a pretty old town with a
famous dead author, but a pilgrimage to "The Holy of Holies"; the
scene itself of the "nativity." James was being ironic, but to many
editors, and writers, and theatre personalities working in the era of
the English Romantic Movement, grappling with the works of
Shakespeare became a serious devotional duty.

UPDATE: World as Stage / Stage as World (Australia) (5/15/06; 8/4/06-8/5/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Brett D. Hirsch

The Fourteenth Annual Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group Symposium
        "World as Stage / Stage as World."

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to Monday
15 May, 2006. We encourage the submission of papers that wish to
discuss notions of ritual and social performance across all disciplines.

A number of subsidies are available for postgraduates and early
career researchers to defray travel or accommodation costs,
apportioned according to distance from the symposium and the number
of applicants seeking financial assistance.

UPDATE: World as Stage / Stage as World (Australia) (5/15/06; 8/4/06-8/5/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Brett D. Hirsch

The Fourteenth Annual Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group Symposium
        "World as Stage / Stage as World."

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to Monday
15 May, 2006. We encourage the submission of papers that wish to
discuss notions of ritual and social performance across all disciplines.

A number of subsidies are available for postgraduates and early
career researchers to defray travel or accommodation costs,
apportioned according to distance from the symposium and the number
of applicants seeking financial assistance.

UPDATE: World as Stage / Stage as World (Australia) (5/15/06; 8/4/06-8/5/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Brett D. Hirsch

The Fourteenth Annual Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group Symposium
        "World as Stage / Stage as World."

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to Monday
15 May, 2006. We encourage the submission of papers that wish to
discuss notions of ritual and social performance across all disciplines.

A number of subsidies are available for postgraduates and early
career researchers to defray travel or accommodation costs,
apportioned according to distance from the symposium and the number
of applicants seeking financial assistance.

UPDATE: World as Stage / Stage as World (Australia) (5/15/06; 8/4/06-8/5/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Brett D. Hirsch

The Fourteenth Annual Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group Symposium
        "World as Stage / Stage as World."

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to Monday
15 May, 2006. We encourage the submission of papers that wish to
discuss notions of ritual and social performance across all disciplines.

A number of subsidies are available for postgraduates and early
career researchers to defray travel or accommodation costs,
apportioned according to distance from the symposium and the number
of applicants seeking financial assistance.

UPDATE: Paris as World Influence (6/15/06; 11/2/06-11/4/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
William Kumbier

CFP: Paris as World Influence (6/15/06); 11/2/06-11/4/06) RENEWED CALL =
FOR PAPERS: =93From Paris to the World=94 Dates: 2-4 November 2006Locale: =
Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, MissouriProposal Deadline: 15 =
June 2006 As part of a state-mandated International Mission, Missouri =
Southern State University will be hosting a conference in conjunction with =
the university=92s semester-long study of France and its culture. The =
theme of our conference will be =93From Paris to the World,=94 and will =
focus upon the historical and current role of Paris as a cultural, =
artistic, economic, and scientific crucible*one in which ideas, movements, =

UPDATE: Paris as World Influence (6/15/06; 11/2/06-11/4/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
William Kumbier

CFP: Paris as World Influence (6/15/06); 11/2/06-11/4/06) RENEWED CALL =
FOR PAPERS: =93From Paris to the World=94 Dates: 2-4 November 2006Locale: =
Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, MissouriProposal Deadline: 15 =
June 2006 As part of a state-mandated International Mission, Missouri =
Southern State University will be hosting a conference in conjunction with =
the university=92s semester-long study of France and its culture. The =
theme of our conference will be =93From Paris to the World,=94 and will =
focus upon the historical and current role of Paris as a cultural, =
artistic, economic, and scientific crucible*one in which ideas, movements, =

CFP: Exoticism in Mid-Century America (5/19/06; PCAS/ACAS, 10/5/06-10/7/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Caroline E. Kimberly

Mondo Exotica: Representing the Other in Mid-Century Americana

Submissions are requested for a special session being proposed for this fall's
Popular Culture Association in the South/American Culture Association in the
South meeting, October 5-7, in Savannah, GA. Possible topics may include, but
are not limited to, lounge music, tiki culture, burlesque, roadside
attractions, "Oriental" kitsch, cowboys and Indians, and/or space-age futurism,
with consideration of the racial/gendered/queer elements which mark the mid-
century American fascination with the Other. Any topic related to this theme
will be considered, with a focus on the 1940s-1960s.

CFP: Exoticism in Mid-Century America (5/19/06; PCAS/ACAS, 10/5/06-10/7/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Caroline E. Kimberly

Mondo Exotica: Representing the Other in Mid-Century Americana

Submissions are requested for a special session being proposed for this fall's
Popular Culture Association in the South/American Culture Association in the
South meeting, October 5-7, in Savannah, GA. Possible topics may include, but
are not limited to, lounge music, tiki culture, burlesque, roadside
attractions, "Oriental" kitsch, cowboys and Indians, and/or space-age futurism,
with consideration of the racial/gendered/queer elements which mark the mid-
century American fascination with the Other. Any topic related to this theme
will be considered, with a focus on the 1940s-1960s.

CFP: MATC Theatre History Symposium (11/5/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Magelssen, Scott

MATC (Mid-America Theatre Conference)=20
Changing Theatrical Landscapes:
Mapping New Directions in History, Pedagogy and Practice
For the 21st Century
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Minneapolis, Minnesota
March 1-4, 2007
CALL FOR PAPERS: Theatre History Symposium
TRUE NORTH: A line from any point on the earth's surface to the north
pole. All lines of longitude are true north lines. True north is usually
represented by a star.
In order to measure something, there must always be a starting point or
zero measurement. To express direction as a unit of angular measure,
there must be a starting point or zero measure and a point of reference

CFP: MATC Theatre History Symposium (11/5/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:47pm
Magelssen, Scott

MATC (Mid-America Theatre Conference)=20
Changing Theatrical Landscapes:
Mapping New Directions in History, Pedagogy and Practice
For the 21st Century
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Minneapolis, Minnesota
March 1-4, 2007
CALL FOR PAPERS: Theatre History Symposium
TRUE NORTH: A line from any point on the earth's surface to the north
pole. All lines of longitude are true north lines. True north is usually
represented by a star.
In order to measure something, there must always be a starting point or
zero measurement. To express direction as a unit of angular measure,
there must be a starting point or zero measure and a point of reference
