Agnès Varda Panel PAMLA 2024 (Deadline Extended)
Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association 2024 (Palm Springs, CA)
Conference Theme: Translation in Action
November 7-10
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Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association 2024 (Palm Springs, CA)
Conference Theme: Translation in Action
November 7-10
Screen Bodies invites submissions to be considered for a forthcoming general issue. We are particularly interested in research on:
Health Humanities
Biomedical Ethics / Bioethics
Ethics of AI
Research articles are typically between 6k–9k words. Please see our website for details about the inclusion of artwork/images (
The UNESCO Chair in Translating Cultures at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) in Saudi Arabia announces a call for submission:
Echoes of the Earth: Interplay of Literature and Landscape
Throughout history, terrestrial landscapes have captivated human curiosity, serving as a significant muse for creative practitioners. Whether it be the enigmatic allure of towering mountains, the mystical charm of dense forests, or the vast expanse of oceans, the natural environment has served as a symbolic platform for portraying human existence, emotive expression, and contemplation of the human condition.
Extended Deadline: May 30, 2024
The pandemic brought a lot of changes to the structure of American society. COVID-19 was a disabling pandemic, leaving many people with severe health issues that they didn’t have pre-pandemic and which now affect their daily life. And when it comes to mental illness, the pandemic threw some of us into the realization that loneliness, depression, anxiety, etc. are more prevalent than we thought. This issue was so prominent in the minds of health officials, that the Surgeon General released a report on this new loneliness epidemic.
We are thrilled to invite abstracts for our workshop, ADAM: 'Addressing Difficult Aspects of the Medieval', which is designed for postgraduates and Early Career Researchers and which will take place at St John's College, Oxford from the 23rd-24th September, 2024.
The inaugural ADAM workshop will bring together medievalists of all disciplines to discuss the research and teaching of ‘difficult’ or ‘taboo’ topics. We welcome applications from scholars working in any field that demands sensitivity and resilience from researchers, such as (but not limited to): gender, sexual violence, mental health, disability, and race.
Metal and Change: Metal’s Role in an Ever-Changing World
Since its inception Metal music has been in constant flux, whether in the development of new genres and subgenres to the way that it has been perceived in society over time. Metal music and culture, to survive, need to adapt to a world constantly in upheaval, whether through changing attitudes toward the music, changes in society’s structure, or even changes in what Metal music is and how it addresses issues in the world, like COVID. But to stay Metal it must still maintain its own identity.
2nd Call for Papers
Transcultural Encounters 4:
Discourses and Regimes of In(ter)dependence
Conference at the University of Oulu
Monday, August 19 – Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Abstracts by e-mail to by June 15, 2024.
Please check updates on conference program and other information at
Conference online: 27-28 June 2024
Researchers have long confirmed the importance of studying food-related issues in the past and in the present-day world. During our interdisciplinary conference, we are going to concentrate on the relationships between food and memory. In what sense – and in what circumstances – can food be regarded as an identity-building factor? What role does it play in shaping our individual and collective memories? How can food studies deepen our knowledge on the social and cultural aspects of our lives? Why are food memories so often related to important experiences of individuals and societies?
Following the success of the commemorative conference of 4 May, we are delighted to announce a Call for Papers for a publication dedicated to the work and cultural influence of Marie Corelli. The centenary of 2024 offers those working on Corelli and in related research areas the opportunity to consider her anew. We welcome abstracts of 300 words accompanied by a short biography to be submitted to by 8 June.
2025 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship
The University of Chicago Press and Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society are pleased to announce the competition for the 2025 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship. Named in honor of the founding editor of Signs, the Catharine Stimpson Prize is designed to recognize excellence and innovation in the work of emerging feminist scholars.
Camping Shakespeare Edited Collection CFP
Eds: Louise Geddes and Sam Kolodezh
Abstract due: August 1, 2024
Paper due: April 1, 2025
This is a call for cproposal for a panel for the 121st Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference being held Thursday, November 7, through Sunday, November 10, 2024 at the Margaritaville Resort in Palm Springs, California.
We seek papers/article-length write-ups/essays/commentaries/causeries on war and representations in literature and allied subjects, exploring the trauma of psychological, physiological, socio-emotional, somatic, eco-environmental, financial, fiscal consequences on the subjects, economies. Papers across disciplines, dealing with the trauma/post-trauma in war literature will be undertaken for consideration. The twentieth-century war climate will particularly be the case in point. Articles/papers on novel ideations, unheard dimensions of wars of the past, in the nineteenth century or the troubled or strained nationalities/borders of the current world order, will also be considered.
The panel invites papers discussing texts that shape the perception and representation of Muslimness and/or Islam in contemporary literature. Global, transnational, and comparative perspectives are welcome.
Historical Fictions Research Conference, Manchester, 13th & 14th February 2025
Translation is an essential and indispensable skill for foreign language students. Through translation, they have the opportunity not only to reflect upon and deeply understand cultural and linguistic aspects of the target language, but they are also capable of compare it with the source culture and language. It is a linguistic exercise, a creative process, as well as an opportunity for cultural immersion and a creative process. However, teaching a translation class or simply integrating translation activities into the language classroom comes with myriad pedagogical challenges for the instructor.
Conference Reflections on Asian Eco-Culture: Audiovisual Portraits of Ecology Thought
University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Getafe Campus- 7-8 November 2024
We are pleased to announce that the proposal submission is now open for the two-days conference Reflections on Asian Eco-Culture: Audiovisual Portraits of Ecology Thought. <>
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Studies in the Novel: Disability and Disease in the Novel
Editors: Dr. Lydia R. Cooper (University of Seattle) and Dr. Matthew L. Reznicek (University of Minnesota)
Sophia Lucid invites academic research papers from teachers and researchers across universities, colleges and research institutes in India. The fourth issue (Volume IV, Issue I) on “Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Society” invites scholars to rethink the existing paradigms, perspectives and compendium of knowledge on this broad area, through the disciplines of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. An interdisciplinary discussion of ideas and concerns is highly recommended. Moreover, paper submissions must be original, contemporary and relevant, in providing a quality contribution to the existing body of knowledge. A list of suggestive areas is given below.
Sub themes:
The International Journal of James Bond Studies is now accepting submissions for Volume 8.
Midwest Popular Culture Assoc. /American Popular Culture Assoc.
Class Studies Subject Area
October 4-6, 2024 (Friday – Sunday)
DePaul University-Loop Campus, Chicago, IL
DePaul Center, 1 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604 phone (312)362-8000
This is the third year of having our conference at a University instead of a hotel; conference participants will be responsible for securing their own lodging.
Since the 1990s, the impact of transnational flows in technology, finance and knowledge have significantly altered the trajectories of filmmaking from South-Asian countries. Among the new developments is indigenous cinema, in a multitude of linguistic varieties and cultural diversities. South Asia is home to several indigenous communities, with India alone having 104 million Adivasi communities across the nation, as per the 2011 census data (Adivasi being the collective term for indigenous groups in India). These communities share certain features, their heterogeneity being the most striking. Many of these communities belong to the margins, with minimal resources and social capital to ensure their wellbeing.
UAAC Panel Session | Session de panel
“Disability is properly speaking an aesthetic value, which is to say, it participates in a system of knowledge that provides materials for and increases critical consciousness about the way that some bodies make other bodies feel” (Tobin Siebers, Disability Aesthetics, 2010, 20).
Feminism, Antifeminism, and the Mobilization of Regret
Call for book chapters: Reading the Coastline in Shakespeare’s Britain
Edited collection, publisher TBC.
Editors: Lisa Hopkins and Bill Angus
Contact emails: /
Theater plays, performance scripts, architectural drawings, musical scores, pantomimes, screenplays, dance notations, opera and ballet librettos, video game scripts—these and other similar types of artifacts and writings seem to belong to a common category, often referred to as ‘notations.’ A notation can be tentatively described as an artwork that responds to the situation of producing another artwork.
Summer Seminars (Virtual) | Saturday, September 7, 2024
Applications due: May 27, 2024
Call for proposals: Set writing goals & get feedback!|
Ah, May! When writing goals are full of promises to ourselves, and summer is full of time. MVSA Summer Seminars can help you reach that goal, with an end-of-summer draft deadline and feedback in a collaborative and congenial seminar group just as the next academic year is gearing up.
Call for Papers | Appel à communications
Submission deadline | Date limite de soumission: May 31, 2024 | 31 mai 2024
Stefan Jovanovic (Concordia University) and Tyisha Murphy (Concordia University)
Session type: Paper session