all recent posts

UPDATE: Language, Culture, and Technologies (Lithuania) (2/1/06; 5/19/06-5/21/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:42pm
Ruta Veteryte

Deadline extended:

 Dear Colleague,

We have a great pleasure in inviting you to participate in the fourth
international conference


at Kaunas University of Technology (


 19-21 May, 2006

 We invite teachers, scholars and postgraduate students to participate and
to contribute papers to the fourth international conference hosted by Kaunas
University of Technology, Lithuania.

UPDATE: Language, Culture, and Technologies (Lithuania) (2/1/06; 5/19/06-5/21/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:42pm
Ruta Veteryte

Deadline extended:

 Dear Colleague,

We have a great pleasure in inviting you to participate in the fourth
international conference


at Kaunas University of Technology (


 19-21 May, 2006

 We invite teachers, scholars and postgraduate students to participate and
to contribute papers to the fourth international conference hosted by Kaunas
University of Technology, Lithuania.

UPDATE: Language, Culture, and Technologies (Lithuania) (2/1/06; 5/19/06-5/21/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:42pm
Ruta Veteryte

Deadline extended:

 Dear Colleague,

We have a great pleasure in inviting you to participate in the fourth
international conference


at Kaunas University of Technology (


 19-21 May, 2006

 We invite teachers, scholars and postgraduate students to participate and
to contribute papers to the fourth international conference hosted by Kaunas
University of Technology, Lithuania.

UPDATE: The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal Perspectives (3/15/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:42pm
Mary Kate Azcuy

UPDATE: CFP: The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal
(3/15/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)
Call For Papers
The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal perspectives.
October 12-14, 2006
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 60th Annual Convention,
DoubleTree Resort Hotel at Reid Park in Tucson, Arizona.

UPDATE: The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal Perspectives (3/15/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:42pm
Mary Kate Azcuy

UPDATE: CFP: The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal
(3/15/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)
Call For Papers
The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal perspectives.
October 12-14, 2006
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 60th Annual Convention,
DoubleTree Resort Hotel at Reid Park in Tucson, Arizona.

UPDATE: The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal Perspectives (3/15/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:42pm
Mary Kate Azcuy

UPDATE: CFP: The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal
(3/15/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)
Call For Papers
The Literature of Trauma: Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal perspectives.
October 12-14, 2006
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 60th Annual Convention,
DoubleTree Resort Hotel at Reid Park in Tucson, Arizona.

CFP: Essays on Alice Munro's Short Fiction (4/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Eric Freeze

Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction announces a special issue
focusing on Alice Munro's short fiction. ESTSF seeks readable articles
derived from your teaching experience. Articles can be shorter and more
focused on practice without endnotes or a works cited page or can be
longer scholarly articles documented with endnotes and a works cited
page. We avoid abstract theory but do accept readable critical
articles. ESTSF seeks to be practical in its emphasis on pedagogy and
applied theory. Suggested length: 500-5000 words. Previously featured
writers include Willa Cather, Jack London, Flannery O'Connor, John
Updike, Mark Twain, Bobbie Ann Mason, and Ray Bradbury. ESTSF is a peer

CFP: Essays on Alice Munro's Short Fiction (4/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Eric Freeze

Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction announces a special issue
focusing on Alice Munro's short fiction. ESTSF seeks readable articles
derived from your teaching experience. Articles can be shorter and more
focused on practice without endnotes or a works cited page or can be
longer scholarly articles documented with endnotes and a works cited
page. We avoid abstract theory but do accept readable critical
articles. ESTSF seeks to be practical in its emphasis on pedagogy and
applied theory. Suggested length: 500-5000 words. Previously featured
writers include Willa Cather, Jack London, Flannery O'Connor, John
Updike, Mark Twain, Bobbie Ann Mason, and Ray Bradbury. ESTSF is a peer

UPDATE: Mennonite/s Writing Conference: Beyond Borders (2/8/06; 10/26/06-10/29/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Nisly, Lamar

Call for Papers--Deadline extended to February 8 =20


Bluffton University
Oct. 26-29, 2006

Keynote: Kathleen Norris

Featured writers and critics: Rudy Wiebe, Jean Janzen, John Ruth, Di
Brandt, Julia Kasdorf, Hildi Froese Tiessen, Ann Hostetler, Jeff Gundy,
G. C. Waldrep, Keith Ratzlaff and many others.

Now also committed to appear: Nathan Bartel, J. L. Conrad, Todd Davis,
Cheryl Denise, Rhoda Janzen, Janet Kauffman, Joanne Lehman, Evie Yoder
Miller, Shari Wagner, Linda Wendling, and others.

UPDATE: Mennonite/s Writing Conference: Beyond Borders (2/8/06; 10/26/06-10/29/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Nisly, Lamar

Call for Papers--Deadline extended to February 8 =20


Bluffton University
Oct. 26-29, 2006

Keynote: Kathleen Norris

Featured writers and critics: Rudy Wiebe, Jean Janzen, John Ruth, Di
Brandt, Julia Kasdorf, Hildi Froese Tiessen, Ann Hostetler, Jeff Gundy,
G. C. Waldrep, Keith Ratzlaff and many others.

Now also committed to appear: Nathan Bartel, J. L. Conrad, Todd Davis,
Cheryl Denise, Rhoda Janzen, Janet Kauffman, Joanne Lehman, Evie Yoder
Miller, Shari Wagner, Linda Wendling, and others.

CFP: Outskirts: Feminisms Along the Edge (no deadline; online journal issue)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Alison Bartlett

Outskirts: feminisms along the edge
is a feminist cultural studies journal published online twice yearly.=20
It provides a space in which new and challenging critical material from=20=

a range of disciplinary perspectives and addressing a range of feminist=20=

topics and issues are brought together to discuss and contest=20
contemporary and historical issues involving women and feminisms.=20
Submissions are always welcome

CFP: Outskirts: Feminisms Along the Edge (no deadline; online journal issue)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Alison Bartlett

Outskirts: feminisms along the edge
is a feminist cultural studies journal published online twice yearly.=20
It provides a space in which new and challenging critical material from=20=

a range of disciplinary perspectives and addressing a range of feminist=20=

topics and issues are brought together to discuss and contest=20
contemporary and historical issues involving women and feminisms.=20
Submissions are always welcome

CFP: Outskirts: Feminisms Along the Edge (no deadline; online journal issue)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Alison Bartlett

Outskirts: feminisms along the edge
is a feminist cultural studies journal published online twice yearly.=20
It provides a space in which new and challenging critical material from=20=

a range of disciplinary perspectives and addressing a range of feminist=20=

topics and issues are brought together to discuss and contest=20
contemporary and historical issues involving women and feminisms.=20
Submissions are always welcome

UPDATE: The City, Comparatively (2/15/06; 5/28/06-5/30/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Jan Plug


Canadian Comparative Literature Association
Association canadienne de litt=E9rature compar=E9e

May 28-30, 2006.

The City, Comparatively

We invite papers, or proposals for papers, on the following subjects:
Nous vous invitons =E0 soumettre des communications ou des projets de=20
sur l'un des sujets suivants:

spatial imaginings
the legacy of Freud (on the 150th anniversary of Freud=92s birth)
landscapes, urban and rural
the urban sublime

UPDATE: The City, Comparatively (2/15/06; 5/28/06-5/30/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Jan Plug


Canadian Comparative Literature Association
Association canadienne de litt=E9rature compar=E9e

May 28-30, 2006.

The City, Comparatively

We invite papers, or proposals for papers, on the following subjects:
Nous vous invitons =E0 soumettre des communications ou des projets de=20
sur l'un des sujets suivants:

spatial imaginings
the legacy of Freud (on the 150th anniversary of Freud=92s birth)
landscapes, urban and rural
the urban sublime

CFP: Writing/Life and Ongoing Forums (no deadline; electronic journal)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Strecker, Trey

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum ( seeks innovative creative and critical writing. The editors of ESF want to feature engaging critical essays, as well as truly creative and experimental work-fiction, poetry, and nonfiction-that takes formal risks.

The editors are currently soliciting manuscripts for several ongoing sites, including forums on the postmodern imagination and beyond, the individual in war, parody / play / performance, mind and matter, and spaces.

CFP: Re-Imaging the Ivory Tower (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Marian Lupo

Re-imagining the Ivory Tower: Perspectives and Praxis

Joe Berry's Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change =
Higher Education presents strategies for empowering adjunct faculty. =
Roundtable session addresses visions and strategies. Brief abstract by =
March 1 to Kandace Brill Lombart. =<>=20

This roundtable session is being sponsored by the Modern Language =
Association's Part-Time Faculty Member's Discussion Group. The 2006 =
National Modern Language Association Convention will be held in =
Philadelphia, 27-30 December.

UPDATE: Religon and Popular Culture (6/1/06; MAPACA, 11/4/06-11/6/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm

Update: Abstracts or proposals due June 1 for Religion and Popular Culture
panel at Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
to Richard Currie at either or

UPDATE: Religon and Popular Culture (6/1/06; MAPACA, 11/4/06-11/6/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm

Update: Abstracts or proposals due June 1 for Religion and Popular Culture
panel at Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
to Richard Currie at either or

CFP: The Society for Critical Exchange, 1976-2006 (3/3/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
Kurt Koenigsberger

The Society for Critical Exchange, 1976-2006: An Anniversary Exchange about
the Future of Theory and the Role of the Society

The Society for Critical Exchange, North America's oldest scholarly
organization devoted to advancing collaborative, cross-disciplinary
research in theory, will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary at the MLA
convention in Philadelphia, 27-30 December 2006.
We anticipate five- to ten-minute presentations including provocative
reminiscences aimed at helping to chart the Society's future, visionary and
concrete proposals for projects it might sponsor, and the roles(s) it ought
to serve.

CFP: Erasmus Darwin (2/15/06; NASSR/NAVSA, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
James Allard

**With apologies for cross-posting.**
As engagements with "Romantic Science" become increasingly varied and
complex, references to the life and works of Erasmus Darwin appear
with increasing frequency in a multitude of contexts. Similarly,
treatments of Darwin's connections to contemporary literary figures,
as well as reexaminations of his own status as a popular poet,
suggest that sustained attention to Darwin can further enrich our
understandings of the relation between poetry and science. Papers
exploring any aspect of these issues in Darwin's works will be
considered. Possible topics may include: Darwin and Evolutionary
Thought; Poetics of Zoology and/or Botany; Darwin and the Lives of

CFP: Erasmus Darwin (2/15/06; NASSR/NAVSA, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
James Allard

**With apologies for cross-posting.**
As engagements with "Romantic Science" become increasingly varied and
complex, references to the life and works of Erasmus Darwin appear
with increasing frequency in a multitude of contexts. Similarly,
treatments of Darwin's connections to contemporary literary figures,
as well as reexaminations of his own status as a popular poet,
suggest that sustained attention to Darwin can further enrich our
understandings of the relation between poetry and science. Papers
exploring any aspect of these issues in Darwin's works will be
considered. Possible topics may include: Darwin and Evolutionary
Thought; Poetics of Zoology and/or Botany; Darwin and the Lives of

CFP: Erasmus Darwin (2/15/06; NASSR/NAVSA, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:19pm
James Allard

**With apologies for cross-posting.**
As engagements with "Romantic Science" become increasingly varied and
complex, references to the life and works of Erasmus Darwin appear
with increasing frequency in a multitude of contexts. Similarly,
treatments of Darwin's connections to contemporary literary figures,
as well as reexaminations of his own status as a popular poet,
suggest that sustained attention to Darwin can further enrich our
understandings of the relation between poetry and science. Papers
exploring any aspect of these issues in Darwin's works will be
considered. Possible topics may include: Darwin and Evolutionary
Thought; Poetics of Zoology and/or Botany; Darwin and the Lives of

CFP: All Topics (4/3/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:18pm
The AnaChronisT

The AnaChronisT,

a peer-reviewed yearbook published by the Department of English Studies,
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,

invites research papers and interviews on literatures in
English for its next issue, to be published in December 2006. All topics
acceptable. Papers are to be submitted by Monday, 3 April 2006.

The AnaChronisT welcomes submissions by graduate and doctoral students as
well as academics. The requirements of application are as follows:

- the text in Word or RTF document format sent to the following e-mail
address: (your paper should not exceed 10,000 words,
including footnotes);

CFP: Research - Pedagogy - History (2/15/06; Gender Across Borders, 4/21/06-4/22/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:18pm
A Spain

Call For Papers: Research - Pedagogy - History
Accepted Panel at: Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects
Friday & Saturday, April 21 & 22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Panel Organizer: Voichita Nachescu
Moderator (proposed): Greg Dimitriadis.

CFP: Research - Pedagogy - History (2/15/06; Gender Across Borders, 4/21/06-4/22/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:18pm
A Spain

Call For Papers: Research - Pedagogy - History
Accepted Panel at: Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects
Friday & Saturday, April 21 & 22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Panel Organizer: Voichita Nachescu
Moderator (proposed): Greg Dimitriadis.

CFP: Research - Pedagogy - History (2/15/06; Gender Across Borders, 4/21/06-4/22/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:18pm
A Spain

Call For Papers: Research - Pedagogy - History
Accepted Panel at: Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects
Friday & Saturday, April 21 & 22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Panel Organizer: Voichita Nachescu
Moderator (proposed): Greg Dimitriadis.
