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UPDATE: Postcolonial Text (e-journal)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am
Ranjini Mendis

UPDATE: Postcolonial Text
An Invitation to Submit

Postcolonial Text Volume 1 No. 2

Postcolonial Text is a refereed, open access journal that invites articles
and reviews, as well as poetry and fiction, on postcolonial,
transnational, and indigenous themes. It is one of a new generation of
electronic journals committed to publishing critical and creative voices
within and across disciplinary boundaries, edited by a team spanning three
continents and backed by a highly regarded international editorial board
representing the best in postcolonial, cultural and literary studies.

CFP: Lesbian Representation on "The L Word" (8/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am

A call for essays for a new collection on "The L Word"

Working Title: Representing Lesbians: Essays on"The L Word"
Edited by Sarah Warn (Editor,

This book will be a collection of essays (2,000 to 4,000 words each)
written about lesbian/bisexual visibility and representation on Showtime's
TV show "The L Word." This book is geared towards a general audience, not
an academic one, but academics as well as journalists and other
non-academic writers are welcome to submit an abstract.

A wide range of topics related to "The L Word" are acceptable, such as:

CFP: Lesbian Representation on "The L Word" (8/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am

A call for essays for a new collection on "The L Word"

Working Title: Representing Lesbians: Essays on"The L Word"
Edited by Sarah Warn (Editor,

This book will be a collection of essays (2,000 to 4,000 words each)
written about lesbian/bisexual visibility and representation on Showtime's
TV show "The L Word." This book is geared towards a general audience, not
an academic one, but academics as well as journalists and other
non-academic writers are welcome to submit an abstract.

A wide range of topics related to "The L Word" are acceptable, such as:

CFP: Journal of Adaptation Studies (no deadline; journal issue)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
dave starrs

CFP; Journal of Adaptation Studies (No deadline; journal issue)

Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Adaptation Studies.

The Journal of Adaptation Studies provides a forum for interdisciplinary
examinations of the theory and practice of adaptation studies in literature,
theatre and the screen. To this end, the journal especially encourages
innovative and/or collaborative work whose approach inspires reflection
on-—and a challenge to-—the conventional boundaries between academic

For its first issue, JAS requests submissions on a wide variety of relevant
topics. Some possible areas include (but are by no means limited to):

· disciplinary domain and adaptation studies;

CFP: Journal of Adaptation Studies (no deadline; journal issue)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
dave starrs

CFP; Journal of Adaptation Studies (No deadline; journal issue)

Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Adaptation Studies.

The Journal of Adaptation Studies provides a forum for interdisciplinary
examinations of the theory and practice of adaptation studies in literature,
theatre and the screen. To this end, the journal especially encourages
innovative and/or collaborative work whose approach inspires reflection
on-—and a challenge to-—the conventional boundaries between academic

For its first issue, JAS requests submissions on a wide variety of relevant
topics. Some possible areas include (but are by no means limited to):

· disciplinary domain and adaptation studies;

CFP: Journal of Adaptation Studies (no deadline; journal issue)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
dave starrs

CFP; Journal of Adaptation Studies (No deadline; journal issue)

Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Adaptation Studies.

The Journal of Adaptation Studies provides a forum for interdisciplinary
examinations of the theory and practice of adaptation studies in literature,
theatre and the screen. To this end, the journal especially encourages
innovative and/or collaborative work whose approach inspires reflection
on-—and a challenge to-—the conventional boundaries between academic

For its first issue, JAS requests submissions on a wide variety of relevant
topics. Some possible areas include (but are by no means limited to):

· disciplinary domain and adaptation studies;

UPDATE: Parody / Play / Performance (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
Strecker, Trey

The English Studies Forum's forthcoming sites on parody and play will be combined into a new ongoing forum on Parody / Play / Performance. Submissions to this forum might address all forms of parody, play, and/or performance. We are interested in manuscripts that theorize these concepts, as well as those that are themselves parodic, playful, or performative.

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum seeks innovative creative and critical writing. The editors are seeking aesthetically adventurous work that experiments with language and thought, challenging conventional techniques of literary expression.

The "Parody / Play / Performance" forum is scheduled to debut in our Fall 2004 issue.

UPDATE: Parody / Play / Performance (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
Strecker, Trey

The English Studies Forum's forthcoming sites on parody and play will be combined into a new ongoing forum on Parody / Play / Performance. Submissions to this forum might address all forms of parody, play, and/or performance. We are interested in manuscripts that theorize these concepts, as well as those that are themselves parodic, playful, or performative.

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum seeks innovative creative and critical writing. The editors are seeking aesthetically adventurous work that experiments with language and thought, challenging conventional techniques of literary expression.

The "Parody / Play / Performance" forum is scheduled to debut in our Fall 2004 issue.

UPDATE: Old English Charms (9/30/04; collection)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
Laity, Kathryn


The editors are seeking articles for a proposed collection
on Old English Charms. We welcome submissions that explore
the form, reception, rhetoric, literary style, medical
context, or other aspects of charms in Old English documents.
Submissions are welcome from scholars working in all
disciplines. Interdisciplinary treatments are especially
encouraged. All authors should write in such a way that
their work is accessible to academics working in other

UPDATE: Old English Charms (9/30/04; collection)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
Laity, Kathryn


The editors are seeking articles for a proposed collection
on Old English Charms. We welcome submissions that explore
the form, reception, rhetoric, literary style, medical
context, or other aspects of charms in Old English documents.
Submissions are welcome from scholars working in all
disciplines. Interdisciplinary treatments are especially
encouraged. All authors should write in such a way that
their work is accessible to academics working in other

CFP: Mind and Matter (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
Strecker, Trey

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum ( is committed to publishing innovative creative and critical writing. The editors are seeking aesthetically adventurous work that experiments with language and thought, challenging conventional techniques of literary expression.

CFP: Mind and Matter (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:44pm
Strecker, Trey

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum ( is committed to publishing innovative creative and critical writing. The editors are seeking aesthetically adventurous work that experiments with language and thought, challenging conventional techniques of literary expression.

UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial (8/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Claire Schomp

UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial
Editors: Bridget Matthews-Kane and Claire Schomp
New Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2004

While we are pleased with the initial response to this collection, we are
extending our deadline in order to solicit abstracts on remaining topics we
feel deserve attention.

Specifically, we are looking for abstracts on Irish dramatists, particularly
Friel, and Irish poets, particularly Yeats. We would also be interested in
seeing works on Swift or Wilde. Abstracts on contemporary and non-canonical
Irish authors are also sought. We also welcome more abstracts concerned with
comparative approaches between Irish and other post-colonial literatures.

UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial (8/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Claire Schomp

UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial
Editors: Bridget Matthews-Kane and Claire Schomp
New Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2004

While we are pleased with the initial response to this collection, we are
extending our deadline in order to solicit abstracts on remaining topics we
feel deserve attention.

Specifically, we are looking for abstracts on Irish dramatists, particularly
Friel, and Irish poets, particularly Yeats. We would also be interested in
seeing works on Swift or Wilde. Abstracts on contemporary and non-canonical
Irish authors are also sought. We also welcome more abstracts concerned with
comparative approaches between Irish and other post-colonial literatures.

UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial (8/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Claire Schomp

UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial
Editors: Bridget Matthews-Kane and Claire Schomp
New Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2004

While we are pleased with the initial response to this collection, we are
extending our deadline in order to solicit abstracts on remaining topics we
feel deserve attention.

Specifically, we are looking for abstracts on Irish dramatists, particularly
Friel, and Irish poets, particularly Yeats. We would also be interested in
seeing works on Swift or Wilde. Abstracts on contemporary and non-canonical
Irish authors are also sought. We also welcome more abstracts concerned with
comparative approaches between Irish and other post-colonial literatures.

CFP: M/C Journal: Fame (8/16/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
M/C - Media and Culture


                          M/C - Media and Culture
            is calling for contributors to the 'fame' issue of

                                M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

CFP: Canadian Children's Literature (journal)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Perry Nodelman

 CCL: Canadian Children's Literature/ Littérature canadienne pour la
jeunesse is moving to the University of Winnipeg as of January, 2005, with
Perry Nodelman of the Department of English as Editor and Mavis Reimer of
the Department of English and Anne Rusnak of the Department of French
Studies and German Studies as Associate Editors. The new editors are now
accepting submissions.

CFP: Canadian Children's Literature (journal)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Perry Nodelman

 CCL: Canadian Children's Literature/ Littérature canadienne pour la
jeunesse is moving to the University of Winnipeg as of January, 2005, with
Perry Nodelman of the Department of English as Editor and Mavis Reimer of
the Department of English and Anne Rusnak of the Department of French
Studies and German Studies as Associate Editors. The new editors are now
accepting submissions.

CFP: Kritikos: Postmodern Cultural Sound, Text and Image (journal)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Nicholas Ruiz

Kritikos: an international and interdisciplinary journal of postmodern
cultural sound, text and image,
is currently accepting submissions for publication in 2004.

The purpose of the journal is to publish work that materializes
theoretical renderings of, and practical approaches to culture. In
particular, Kritikos seeks to publish work that is focused upon the
currency of the postmodern period.

Kritikos publishes material continuously; please allow 1-3 months for
review. Articles should be submitted in MSWord format and be between 3-5K
words in length; book reviews should be between 500-1000 words.

CFP: Kritikos: Postmodern Cultural Sound, Text and Image (journal)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Nicholas Ruiz

Kritikos: an international and interdisciplinary journal of postmodern
cultural sound, text and image,
is currently accepting submissions for publication in 2004.

The purpose of the journal is to publish work that materializes
theoretical renderings of, and practical approaches to culture. In
particular, Kritikos seeks to publish work that is focused upon the
currency of the postmodern period.

Kritikos publishes material continuously; please allow 1-3 months for
review. Articles should be submitted in MSWord format and be between 3-5K
words in length; book reviews should be between 500-1000 words.

CFP: Kritikos: Postmodern Cultural Sound, Text and Image (journal)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 11:39pm
Nicholas Ruiz

Kritikos: an international and interdisciplinary journal of postmodern
cultural sound, text and image,
is currently accepting submissions for publication in 2004.

The purpose of the journal is to publish work that materializes
theoretical renderings of, and practical approaches to culture. In
particular, Kritikos seeks to publish work that is focused upon the
currency of the postmodern period.

Kritikos publishes material continuously; please allow 1-3 months for
review. Articles should be submitted in MSWord format and be between 3-5K
words in length; book reviews should be between 500-1000 words.
