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UPDATE: American Indians in Film (12/1/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:32pm
Richard Allen

Deadline Extended to December 1, 2005

American Indians Today-American Indians in Film Call for Papers

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

The American Indians Today Area chair invites you to submit papers for a
special emphasis panel/workshop in American Indian Film for the
Southwest Texas/American Popular Culture Association's 27th "Annual
Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 8-11, 2006.=20


The Panel/Workshop: Teaching American Indian Film


UPDATE: American Indians in Film (12/1/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:32pm
Richard Allen

Deadline Extended to December 1, 2005

American Indians Today-American Indians in Film Call for Papers

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

The American Indians Today Area chair invites you to submit papers for a
special emphasis panel/workshop in American Indian Film for the
Southwest Texas/American Popular Culture Association's 27th "Annual
Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 8-11, 2006.=20


The Panel/Workshop: Teaching American Indian Film


CFP: Society for Utopian Studies Conference (5/1/06; 10/12/06-10/15/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:48pm
Carrie Hintz


31st Annual Meeting
Antlers Hilton Hotel
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Oct. 12-15, 2006

The Society for Utopian Studies invites you to submit abstracts for any of
the following:

* a paper (between 15-20 minutes)
* a panel (usually of 3 papers)
* an informal panel on a topic (e.g., 3 presenters, or a presenter and 2 or
3 respondents)
* a presentation or performance of creative work on any topic related to
utopian studies.

CFP: Society for Utopian Studies Conference (5/1/06; 10/12/06-10/15/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:48pm
Carrie Hintz


31st Annual Meeting
Antlers Hilton Hotel
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Oct. 12-15, 2006

The Society for Utopian Studies invites you to submit abstracts for any of
the following:

* a paper (between 15-20 minutes)
* a panel (usually of 3 papers)
* an informal panel on a topic (e.g., 3 presenters, or a presenter and 2 or
3 respondents)
* a presentation or performance of creative work on any topic related to
utopian studies.

CFP: Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe (UK) (12/9/05; 5/15/06-5/17/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:48pm

Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe

International Cross-Disciplinary Conference
May 15-17 2006
Leeds Business School (University of Leeds)

Conference Convenors:
Graham Huggan (School of English/ Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial
Studies, Leeds, UK)
Ian Law (School of Sociology, Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, Leeds,

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Tariq Ali (Editor, New Left Review), Philomena Essed (Antioch University),
Colleen Phillips (Commission for Racial Equality), Griselda Pollock
(CentreCATH, Leeds), John Wrench (EUMC, Vienna)

Aims of the Conference

CFP: Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe (UK) (12/9/05; 5/15/06-5/17/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:48pm

Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe

International Cross-Disciplinary Conference
May 15-17 2006
Leeds Business School (University of Leeds)

Conference Convenors:
Graham Huggan (School of English/ Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial
Studies, Leeds, UK)
Ian Law (School of Sociology, Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, Leeds,

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Tariq Ali (Editor, New Left Review), Philomena Essed (Antioch University),
Colleen Phillips (Commission for Racial Equality), Griselda Pollock
(CentreCATH, Leeds), John Wrench (EUMC, Vienna)

Aims of the Conference

CFP: Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe (UK) (12/9/05; 5/15/06-5/17/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:48pm

Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe

International Cross-Disciplinary Conference
May 15-17 2006
Leeds Business School (University of Leeds)

Conference Convenors:
Graham Huggan (School of English/ Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial
Studies, Leeds, UK)
Ian Law (School of Sociology, Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, Leeds,

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Tariq Ali (Editor, New Left Review), Philomena Essed (Antioch University),
Colleen Phillips (Commission for Racial Equality), Griselda Pollock
(CentreCATH, Leeds), John Wrench (EUMC, Vienna)

Aims of the Conference

CFP: Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe (UK) (12/9/05; 5/15/06-5/17/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:48pm

Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe

International Cross-Disciplinary Conference
May 15-17 2006
Leeds Business School (University of Leeds)

Conference Convenors:
Graham Huggan (School of English/ Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial
Studies, Leeds, UK)
Ian Law (School of Sociology, Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, Leeds,

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Tariq Ali (Editor, New Left Review), Philomena Essed (Antioch University),
Colleen Phillips (Commission for Racial Equality), Griselda Pollock
(CentreCATH, Leeds), John Wrench (EUMC, Vienna)

Aims of the Conference

CFP: Victorian Cultures in Conflict (UK) (4/14/06; 9/7/06-9/9/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:41pm
Dinah Birch

The BAVS Seventh Annual conference, 2006: Victorian Cultures in Conflict
The University of Liverpool, 7-9 September 2006

Plenary Speakers:
Caroline Arscott
John Belchem
Helen Small

Call for Papers

Victorian cultures of every kind were shaped by a range of conflicts ?
intellectual, political, ideological, and spiritual. This conference will
investigate the origins, nature and influence of these disputes. The list
of themes outlined below suggests some of the areas which papers might
address, but proposals considering other relevant issues will be very

Proposals for papers (300 words) should reach Professor Dinah Birch,, by Friday 14th April 2006

CFP: Victorian Cultures in Conflict (UK) (4/14/06; 9/7/06-9/9/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:41pm
Dinah Birch

The BAVS Seventh Annual conference, 2006: Victorian Cultures in Conflict
The University of Liverpool, 7-9 September 2006

Plenary Speakers:
Caroline Arscott
John Belchem
Helen Small

Call for Papers

Victorian cultures of every kind were shaped by a range of conflicts ?
intellectual, political, ideological, and spiritual. This conference will
investigate the origins, nature and influence of these disputes. The list
of themes outlined below suggests some of the areas which papers might
address, but proposals considering other relevant issues will be very

Proposals for papers (300 words) should reach Professor Dinah Birch,, by Friday 14th April 2006

CFP: Empirical Aesthetics (France) (11/25/05; 8/29/06-9/1/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:41pm

XIXth congress of the International association of empirical

Organised by the Laboratoire Culture et Communication
University of Avignon, France.

Deadlines :
Submission of abstracts : November 25, 2005
Notice of acceptance : January 2006
Manuscript for proceedings : April 30, 2006
Early registration : March 31, 2006

Informations :
E-mail :

Organizing Committee :
Hana Gottesdiener and Jean-Christophe Vilatte (congress organizers),
Jean Davallon, Emmanuel Ethis, Daniel Jacobi (University of Avignon,
France), Holger Höge University of Oldenburg, Germany)

CFP: Empirical Aesthetics (France) (11/25/05; 8/29/06-9/1/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:41pm

XIXth congress of the International association of empirical

Organised by the Laboratoire Culture et Communication
University of Avignon, France.

Deadlines :
Submission of abstracts : November 25, 2005
Notice of acceptance : January 2006
Manuscript for proceedings : April 30, 2006
Early registration : March 31, 2006

Informations :
E-mail :

Organizing Committee :
Hana Gottesdiener and Jean-Christophe Vilatte (congress organizers),
Jean Davallon, Emmanuel Ethis, Daniel Jacobi (University of Avignon,
France), Holger Höge University of Oldenburg, Germany)

CFP: The Arthur Miller Journal (ongoing; new journal)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:29pm
Ian Maloney

St. Francis College is pleased to announce the publication of The Arthur
Miller Journal. Inaugural Issue, Spring 2006.


The Arthur Miller Journal will provide a lasting legacy to Miller's
significant contribution to American drama. The journal will be
published twice yearly under the auspices of the English Department of
St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, in cooperation with the Arthur
Miller Society. We welcome essays on any aspect of Miller's life, work,
and career. Of particular interest for the first edition are essays that
evaluate the scope of Miller's eight decades of writing and his
connection to other playwrights. We also invite book, production, and
performance reviews.

CFP: The Arthur Miller Journal (ongoing; new journal)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:29pm
Ian Maloney

St. Francis College is pleased to announce the publication of The Arthur
Miller Journal. Inaugural Issue, Spring 2006.


The Arthur Miller Journal will provide a lasting legacy to Miller's
significant contribution to American drama. The journal will be
published twice yearly under the auspices of the English Department of
St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, in cooperation with the Arthur
Miller Society. We welcome essays on any aspect of Miller's life, work,
and career. Of particular interest for the first edition are essays that
evaluate the scope of Miller's eight decades of writing and his
connection to other playwrights. We also invite book, production, and
performance reviews.

CFP: The Arthur Miller Journal (ongoing; new journal)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:29pm
Ian Maloney

St. Francis College is pleased to announce the publication of The Arthur
Miller Journal. Inaugural Issue, Spring 2006.


The Arthur Miller Journal will provide a lasting legacy to Miller's
significant contribution to American drama. The journal will be
published twice yearly under the auspices of the English Department of
St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, in cooperation with the Arthur
Miller Society. We welcome essays on any aspect of Miller's life, work,
and career. Of particular interest for the first edition are essays that
evaluate the scope of Miller's eight decades of writing and his
connection to other playwrights. We also invite book, production, and
performance reviews.

CFP: Society for Text and Discourse (2/1/06; 7/13/06-7/15/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:29pm
Andrew Elfenbein

Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Society
Minneapolis, MN
July 13-15, 2006

The Society for Text and Discourse will hold its Sixteenth Annual Meeting
at the Millennium Hotel in downtown Minneapolis, from Thursday through
Saturday, July 13-15, 2006.

CFP: Society for Text and Discourse (2/1/06; 7/13/06-7/15/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:29pm
Andrew Elfenbein

Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Society
Minneapolis, MN
July 13-15, 2006

The Society for Text and Discourse will hold its Sixteenth Annual Meeting
at the Millennium Hotel in downtown Minneapolis, from Thursday through
Saturday, July 13-15, 2006.

CFP: Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Panel (undergrad) (12/1/05; 2/24/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:18pm
Rochelle Gregory

CFP: The University as Academic Community--Undergraduate Research and Scholarship

A Symposium in Rhetoric
The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area Universities
Texas Woman's University - Denton, Texas
February 24, 2006

"We are not here to drill pupils in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but to bestow upon them the potentiality of service to thousands and perhaps millions of their [people]—to develop in them the power to move humanity to noble deeds by the communication of the truth. If there is in the teaching profession a higher a more stimulating function than that, I do not know what is." Fred Newton Scott
