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CFP: Journal of Middle Eastern Women's Studies (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 1:13pm
Lahoucine Ouzgane

The Association of Middle East Women's Studies announces a new journal, JMEWS
(Journal of Middle East Women's Studies). JMEWS seeks to advance the fields
of Middle East Women's Studies, gender studies, and Middle East Studies
through interdisciplinary contributions in the social sciences and humanities.
 Located at the cutting edge of the new scholarship in Middle East Women's
Studies, JMEWS encourages research using innovative theoretical,
epistemological, and methodological approaches.
The journal reflects the explosion of knowledge being produced about Middle
Eastern women and gender over the past quarter century. The Middle East has

UPDATE: Media in Science Fiction (1/19/05; collection)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 1:13pm
Jowett Lorna

Science Fiction: one universe?
Edited by Nick Heffernan and Lorna Jowett.

*Deadline now extended to 19 January 2005.

Having received preliminary interest from a publisher, we invite chapter
proposals or already completed essays for a collection focusing on the range
of different media within science fiction (film, television, literature,
comics/ graphic novels, computer games).

UPDATE: Media in Science Fiction (1/19/05; collection)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 1:13pm
Jowett Lorna

Science Fiction: one universe?
Edited by Nick Heffernan and Lorna Jowett.

*Deadline now extended to 19 January 2005.

Having received preliminary interest from a publisher, we invite chapter
proposals or already completed essays for a collection focusing on the range
of different media within science fiction (film, television, literature,
comics/ graphic novels, computer games).

UPDATE: Media in Science Fiction (1/19/05; collection)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 1:13pm
Jowett Lorna

Science Fiction: one universe?
Edited by Nick Heffernan and Lorna Jowett.

*Deadline now extended to 19 January 2005.

Having received preliminary interest from a publisher, we invite chapter
proposals or already completed essays for a collection focusing on the range
of different media within science fiction (film, television, literature,
comics/ graphic novels, computer games).

UPDATE: Media in Science Fiction (1/19/05; collection)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 1:13pm
Jowett Lorna

Science Fiction: one universe?
Edited by Nick Heffernan and Lorna Jowett.

*Deadline now extended to 19 January 2005.

Having received preliminary interest from a publisher, we invite chapter
proposals or already completed essays for a collection focusing on the range
of different media within science fiction (film, television, literature,
comics/ graphic novels, computer games).

UPDATE: Feminist Aging (1/15/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 1:13pm
Leni Marshall

Book reviews, film reviews, and cover art are also being solicited.
Original CFP below.

National Women's Studies Association Journal (NWSA Journal)
Special Issue on Aging, Ageism, and Old Age, Spring 2006

Feminist theorists of old age, such as Baba Copper, Barbara Macdonald,
Cynthia Rich, and Margaret Cruikshank, have charged that women's studies
and the feminist movement have, in large part, ignored the issue of aging.
In a field in which so many other aspects of body-based identity are
recognized, debated, de- and re-constructed, and challenged, the subject of
old age remains relatively unexamined and untheorized - nearly taboo.

CFP: Image Events (2/11/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm
Joe Wilferth

Call for Papers

Image Events: From Theory to Action (edited collection)
Eds. Joe Wilferth and Kevin DeLuca

In a world awash in images, in a culture wherein images constitute the most influential form of public discourse, constructing image events (namely staged acts of protest designed for media dissemination) has become a crucial rhetorical strategy for corporate hegemony and citizen resistance. Such events, as has been demonstrated by Greenpeace, by PETA, by the Truth campaign against big tobacco and so many more, aim to heighten public awareness and affect cultural or mainstream ideographs.

CFP: Image Events (2/11/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm
Joe Wilferth

Call for Papers

Image Events: From Theory to Action (edited collection)
Eds. Joe Wilferth and Kevin DeLuca

In a world awash in images, in a culture wherein images constitute the most influential form of public discourse, constructing image events (namely staged acts of protest designed for media dissemination) has become a crucial rhetorical strategy for corporate hegemony and citizen resistance. Such events, as has been demonstrated by Greenpeace, by PETA, by the Truth campaign against big tobacco and so many more, aim to heighten public awareness and affect cultural or mainstream ideographs.

CFP: African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide (4/30/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm

Call For Contributors--African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide


Contributors are sought for a reference work that will be published by
Greenwood Press in 2006. =20


The work, tentatively titled, African American Women Writers: An A to =
Guide, will consist of 173 entries. Each entry will consist of four
parts and will vary in length from 750-6000 words. Each entry will
include the following components:

=A7 Biographical narrative

=A7 Analysis

=A7 Critical Reception

=A7 Bibliography


CFP: African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide (4/30/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm

Call For Contributors--African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide


Contributors are sought for a reference work that will be published by
Greenwood Press in 2006. =20


The work, tentatively titled, African American Women Writers: An A to =
Guide, will consist of 173 entries. Each entry will consist of four
parts and will vary in length from 750-6000 words. Each entry will
include the following components:

=A7 Biographical narrative

=A7 Analysis

=A7 Critical Reception

=A7 Bibliography


CFP: African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide (4/30/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm

Call For Contributors--African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide


Contributors are sought for a reference work that will be published by
Greenwood Press in 2006. =20


The work, tentatively titled, African American Women Writers: An A to =
Guide, will consist of 173 entries. Each entry will consist of four
parts and will vary in length from 750-6000 words. Each entry will
include the following components:

=A7 Biographical narrative

=A7 Analysis

=A7 Critical Reception

=A7 Bibliography


CFP: African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide (4/30/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm

Call For Contributors--African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide


Contributors are sought for a reference work that will be published by
Greenwood Press in 2006. =20


The work, tentatively titled, African American Women Writers: An A to =
Guide, will consist of 173 entries. Each entry will consist of four
parts and will vary in length from 750-6000 words. Each entry will
include the following components:

=A7 Biographical narrative

=A7 Analysis

=A7 Critical Reception

=A7 Bibliography


CFP: Langston Hughes: Writer Without Borders (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm
Valerie Babb

The <Langston Hughes Review> is now accepting papers for a
special issue, "Langston Hughes: Writer without Borders"
Papers that treat Hughes as part of a global conversation:
Ideology , Aesthetics, Economics, Color, Class, and Sex,
Language and Translation are welcomed.

Please send hardcopy and diskcopy (no email attachments
please) to,

Valerie Babb, Editor
Department of English/Institute of African American Studies
University of Georgia
Park Hall 254
Athens, GA 30602-6205

Include a self-addressed postage-paid postcard if
acknowledgment of receipt is desired.

CFP: Langston Hughes: Writer Without Borders (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm
Valerie Babb

The <Langston Hughes Review> is now accepting papers for a
special issue, "Langston Hughes: Writer without Borders"
Papers that treat Hughes as part of a global conversation:
Ideology , Aesthetics, Economics, Color, Class, and Sex,
Language and Translation are welcomed.

Please send hardcopy and diskcopy (no email attachments
please) to,

Valerie Babb, Editor
Department of English/Institute of African American Studies
University of Georgia
Park Hall 254
Athens, GA 30602-6205

Include a self-addressed postage-paid postcard if
acknowledgment of receipt is desired.

CFP: Langston Hughes: Writer Without Borders (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm
Valerie Babb

The <Langston Hughes Review> is now accepting papers for a
special issue, "Langston Hughes: Writer without Borders"
Papers that treat Hughes as part of a global conversation:
Ideology , Aesthetics, Economics, Color, Class, and Sex,
Language and Translation are welcomed.

Please send hardcopy and diskcopy (no email attachments
please) to,

Valerie Babb, Editor
Department of English/Institute of African American Studies
University of Georgia
Park Hall 254
Athens, GA 30602-6205

Include a self-addressed postage-paid postcard if
acknowledgment of receipt is desired.

UPDATE: ASAIL: American Indian Literature (1/15/05; ALA, 5/26/05-5/29/05

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:35pm
Stephanie Fitzgerald

Call for Papers: The Association for the Study of American Indian =
Literatures. American Literature Association Annual Conference, 26-29 =
May 2005, Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA.

The Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures, a member =
society of the American Literature Association, invites submissions of =
individual papers and pre-formed panels on any topic of American Indian =
Literature. Individual papers should be no more than 20 minutes in =
length. Inquiries and/or one page abstracts should be submitted by email =
no later than January 15, 2005 to Stephanie Fitzgerald, Claremont =
Graduate University,, or = .

UPDATE: ASAIL: American Indian Literature (1/15/05; ALA, 5/26/05-5/29/05

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:35pm
Stephanie Fitzgerald

Call for Papers: The Association for the Study of American Indian =
Literatures. American Literature Association Annual Conference, 26-29 =
May 2005, Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA.

The Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures, a member =
society of the American Literature Association, invites submissions of =
individual papers and pre-formed panels on any topic of American Indian =
Literature. Individual papers should be no more than 20 minutes in =
length. Inquiries and/or one page abstracts should be submitted by email =
no later than January 15, 2005 to Stephanie Fitzgerald, Claremont =
Graduate University,, or = .

CFP: Transnational Romantic Women's Drama (4/1/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:35pm
Ben P. Robertson

Submissions are invited for a proposed book-length collection
of essays on Romantic women and drama. This volume will aim
for a general examination of women's roles in the theatre
during the Romantic Period in Britain (roughly from 1780
through 1830), with specific emphasis on
transatlantic/transnational themes. Essays may address women
as characters in dramatic literature, women as playwrights,
and/or women as actors. Representative figures include
Elizabeth Inchbald, Joanna Baillie, Sophia Lee, Mary Russell
Mitford, Marie Therese DeCamp Kemble, Frances Anne Kemble,
Hannah Cowley, Sarah Siddons, Mary Robinson, and others.
Appropriate topics might include the following:

CFP: Transnational Romantic Women's Drama (4/1/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:35pm
Ben P. Robertson

Submissions are invited for a proposed book-length collection
of essays on Romantic women and drama. This volume will aim
for a general examination of women's roles in the theatre
during the Romantic Period in Britain (roughly from 1780
through 1830), with specific emphasis on
transatlantic/transnational themes. Essays may address women
as characters in dramatic literature, women as playwrights,
and/or women as actors. Representative figures include
Elizabeth Inchbald, Joanna Baillie, Sophia Lee, Mary Russell
Mitford, Marie Therese DeCamp Kemble, Frances Anne Kemble,
Hannah Cowley, Sarah Siddons, Mary Robinson, and others.
Appropriate topics might include the following:

CFP: The Deceiver (grad) (4/1/05; journal issue)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - 9:34pm

The Frontenac Review is now accepting graduate student papers for its next
issue entitled "The Deceiver." We invite 15- to 20-page studies of
deceiver figures as they appear as principal or secondary characters in
any work(s) of literature. All approaches are welcome. Papers will be in
English or French and must follow the MLA format.

CFP: Mystics Quarterly (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - 9:33pm
Bob Hasenfratz

Call for Submissions

The editorship of "Mystics Quarterly," a peer-reviewed journal, will soon
be changing hands, and the new editors are very eager to receive
submissions on forms of mystical and visionary experience, especially
though not exclusively of the Western Middle Ages.

CFP: Mystics Quarterly (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - 9:33pm
Bob Hasenfratz

Call for Submissions

The editorship of "Mystics Quarterly," a peer-reviewed journal, will soon
be changing hands, and the new editors are very eager to receive
submissions on forms of mystical and visionary experience, especially
though not exclusively of the Western Middle Ages.

CFP: Mystics Quarterly (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - 9:33pm
Bob Hasenfratz

Call for Submissions

The editorship of "Mystics Quarterly," a peer-reviewed journal, will soon
be changing hands, and the new editors are very eager to receive
submissions on forms of mystical and visionary experience, especially
though not exclusively of the Western Middle Ages.

CFP: Gender and Sexuality in Science Fiction (2/18/05; journal issue)

Monday, December 13, 2004 - 7:15pm
Cherilyn Lacy

The editors of Phoebe: A Journal of Gender and Cultural Critiques seek
essays for a special issue on gender and sexuality in science-fiction
and the fantastic.

Deadline: If interested, please send a 300 word abstract by February 18,
2005 to the guest editor for this issue, Dr. Cherilyn Lacy, at <>. The deadline for
completed essays will be May 6, 2005.

CFP: Gender and Sexuality in Science Fiction (2/18/05; journal issue)

Monday, December 13, 2004 - 7:15pm
Cherilyn Lacy

The editors of Phoebe: A Journal of Gender and Cultural Critiques seek
essays for a special issue on gender and sexuality in science-fiction
and the fantastic.

Deadline: If interested, please send a 300 word abstract by February 18,
2005 to the guest editor for this issue, Dr. Cherilyn Lacy, at <>. The deadline for
completed essays will be May 6, 2005.
