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James Fenimore Cooper Society panels at ALA Chicago, May 2024

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:18pm
Luis A Iglesias, James Fenimore Cooper Society
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, January 19, 2024

The James Fenimore Cooper Society will host two panels at the 35th Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, to be held at The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, May 23-26, 2024. For additional information:

Panel 1: The Pilot, A Bicentennial Celebration: James Fenimore Cooper and the Maritime World

Call for Editorial Team Members: Journal of Design, Business & Society

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:17pm
Journal of Design, Business & Society
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Editorial Team Member Call: Journal of Design, Business & Society


Deadline: 14 November 2023


View the full call here>>


Following the appointment of a new Editor-in-chief, Dr Philip Ely, the Journal of Design, Business & Society (DBS) is now looking to form a new editorial team that will advance the development of this established and outstanding journal.


The No Limit Reader: Music, Place, & Space in the Dirty South

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:16pm
Constance Bailey
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 22, 2023

The No Limit Reader draws inspiration from the entrepreneurial spirit of Percy Miller’s No Limit Records, but it also recognizes the cultural influence of Louisiana and its musical traditions that extend well beyond the borders of New Orleans. The collection also capitalizes on the rich cultural history of New Orleans and its recent musical resurgence as seen in Juvenile’s Tiny Desk concert for NPR, Master P’s performance at the BET Awards, and Beyoncé’s continued references to her Louisiana roots (i.e. “My Daddy Alabama, Mama Louisiana; You mix that Negro with that Creole, make a Texas bama” ).

Post-internet Humanities: Reading and Writing After and On the Internet

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:16pm
English Graduate Organization of Duquesne University
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

In Postinternet: art after the internet, Marisa Olson defines the ‘postinternet’ variously as “a moment, a condition, a property, and a quality that transcends new media” (2017). Not simply a historical marker in relation to the advent of online networks, the ‘postinternet’ “encapsulates and transports network conditions and their critical awareness as such, even so far as to transcend the internet” (2017).

The Ethics of Reading

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:16pm
Stanford-Johns Hopkins Philosophy & Literature Graduate Conference
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Philosophy & Literature Workshop at Stanford and the Alexander Grass Humanities Institute at Johns Hopkins welcome submissions for the 5th annual Philosophy & Literature Graduate Conference to be held in person on May 3rd - 4th, 2024 at Stanford University.

This year’s conference topic, “The Ethics of Reading” brings together doctoral students and scholars that work at the intersection of philosophy, literature, the arts, and media studies to reflect on the role of ethics in creating and engaging with literature and, more broadly, art of all forms.


Mobility and American (Non)Fiction. A Special Issue of [Inter]sections

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:15pm
American Studies Program, University of Bucharest
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, December 10, 2023

This is a call for papers for a special issue (27/2024) on “Mobility and American (Non)Fiction” of the online open-access double-blind peer-reviewed journal [Inter]sections, co-edited by José Duarte (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon) & Mihaela Precup (American Studies Program, University of Bucharest).


Call for Papers: Science Fiction, Gender, and Sexuality: The Eighth Annual City Tech Science Fiction Symposium

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:15pm
NYC College of Technology, CUNY
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Call for Papers:

Science Fiction, Gender, and Sexuality: The Eighth Annual City Tech Science Fiction Symposium

Date and Time:

November 30, 2023, 9:00AM-5:00 PM EST


Online via Zoom, Sponsored by the School of Arts and Sciences at the New York City College of Technology, CUNY.

Organizers: Jill Belli, Wanett Clyde, Leigh Gold, Kel Karpinski, Lucas Kwong, Vivian Papp & Sean Scanlan

This year’s City Tech Science Fiction Symposium explores Science Fiction in the context of Gender and Sexuality. Previous symposia have centered interdisciplinarity, diversity, inclusion/exclusion, and the historical and cultural determinants of the genre.

Special Issue on Indian Aesthetics

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:14pm
Aesthetix Journal of Indian Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Aesthetix Journal of Indian Studies ( is seeking scholarly articles for its themed issue on Indian Aesthetics. The themed issue aims to discuss Indian Aesthetics from different perspectives. Authors from any discipline can submit papers. We will publish papers that are interdisciplinary in nature engaging in discussion relevant to humanities and social sciences.
The issue will cover the following suggestive but not exclusive areas:

Crip Kid Lit: Critical Approaches to Disability in Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Media

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:14pm
University of Cambridge
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Crip Kid Lit: 

Critical Approaches to Disability in Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Media

Date: Friday 19 April 2024

Place: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom and Online 


Deadline for Submissions EXTENDED: 15 November 2023

Confirmed Keynotes:

Prof. Dr. Maren Conrad (University of Cologne, Germany) 

Dr. Ria Cheyne (Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom)


2024 Law and Humanities Workshop for Junior Scholars

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:14pm
Law and Humanities Workshop for Junior Scholars
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 15, 2023


Call for Participation

Georgetown University Law Center, Stanford Law School, UCLA School of Law, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Southern California Center for Law, History, and Culture invite submissions for the 23d meeting of the Law and Humanities Workshop for Junior Scholars, to be held at the UCLA School of Law, on June 9-10, 2024. 


Call for Book Reviews

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:12pm
Arc: The Journal of the School of Religious Studies, McGill University
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 1, 2023

Arc: Journal of the School of Religious Studies  

Call For Book Reviews Volume 51 (2023)

The editors of Arc: Journal of the School of Religious Studies are pleased to announce an open call for book reviews for the forthcoming volume (Vol. 51).   We welcome submissions in all areas within the study of religion, including:

[Call for Chapters] “Problematic” Punk: NOFX's Forty Years of Punk Provocations

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:11pm
Ellen Bernhard, Stefano Morello, David Pearson
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, January 1, 2024

For forty years, NOFX’s brand of (depending who you ask) witty, offensive, humorous, juvenile, intelligent, existential, political, anti-PC, and/or philosophically probing punk has reared several generations in punk attitude and ethos, for better or worse (again, depending who you ask). The band got its start in the early-1980s Los Angeles punk scene, was among the pioneers of the melodic yet hardcore So-Cal punk style, rode the wave of 1990s punk popularity without signing to a major record label, took a political turn during the Bush era, and continued their punk provocations until retiring in 2023.

Critical Ramblings

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:11pm
Institute of Language Studies and Research
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, October 30, 2023


Call for Papers

Institute of Language Studies and Research (ILSR), Kolkata Journal

Inaugural Special Issue Vol 1, 2024 On

Critical Ramblings

Institute of Language Studies and Research (ILSR), an institute under the Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, functions as a nodal centre for research, documentation of language and culture-related materials, translation studies, and training in critical thinking, cultural and linguistic interaction.

MATC Practice & Production Proposals 2024

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:11pm
Mid America Theatre Conference Practice and Production Symposium
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

44th Mid-America Theatre ConferenceMarch 7-10, 2024The Pyle Center, UW-MadisonMadison, WisconsinPractice/Production Call for Proposals

The Practice/Production Symposium of the Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC) focuses on current and emerging challenges, opportunities, successes, and failures of practicing theater artists. It is especially interested in experiential knowledge produced through theatrical processes and practice: the doing, the experience, the how, and the what.  

Fictions on Art, Modernisation and Democracy in the Context of the Spanish State

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:07pm
University College Cork/University of Murcia
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Seminario Internacional Ficciones sobre arte, modernización y democracia en el estado español

Coordinación: Carlos Garrido Castellano, Miguel Ángel Hernández Navarro

Universidad de Murcia, 15-17 de Abril de 2024.,



After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:05pm
Sapienza University of Rome, University of Silesia
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, December 24, 2023

After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics (Rome, 10th and 11th June 2024)

Sapienza-Silesia Graduate Forum 2024 (37th Cycle of the PhD Programme in Studies in English Literatures, Language and Translation)

2024 Medieval Studies Student Colloquium: Medieval Subjectivities

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:04pm
Medieval Studies Student Colloquium (MSSC) at Cornell
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 15, 2023

The Medieval Studies Program at Cornell is pleased to announce the 34th annual Medieval Studies Student Colloquium (MSSC), which takes the idea of “Subjectivities” as its theme. The conference will be held virtually over Zoom on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024  

CFP REMINDER Humanities Bulletin 6.2, UK, November 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:04pm
Humanities Bulletin/London Academic Publishing, UK
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, November 20, 2023

Humanities Bulletin Journal - Call for papers
Submission Deadline: November 20, 2023
Vol. 6, No. 2 - November, 2023

ISSN 2517-4266

Humanities Bulletin is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal which features original studies and reviews in the various branches of Humanities, including History, Literature, Philosophy, Arts.
This journal is not allied with any specific school of thinking or cultural tradition; instead, it encourages dialogue between ideas and people with different points of view. Our aim is to bring together different international scholars, in order to promote the dialogue between cultures, ideas and new academic researches.
The Journal is hosted by London Academic Publishing, London, UK.

Call for Papers: Gender Studies Area of the Popular Culture Association

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:03pm
Julie D. O'Reilly/Popular Culture Association
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Gender Studies area of the Popular Culture Association explores a broad range of intersections between gender and popular culture, whether within popular culture texts or practices.


The Gender Studies area is now considering proposals for papers, panels, and/or roundtables for the 2024 annual conference. Deadline for proposals is November 30, 2023. Visit for submission instructions. The conference will be March 27-30, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.


Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture, 1900 to Present

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:02pm
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 8, 2023

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture, 1900 to Present, invites submissions in areas related to American Studies, American history, American popular culture, comics, music, film, politics, sports, fashion, food, radio, television/streaming, tourism, etc.

Scholars can visit the guidelines for submission here:

Scholars are also invited to peruse past issues to see the style and type of articles we publish here:

New Approaches to Rape Studies in the Long Eighteenth Century

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:02pm
Special Issue
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, March 1, 2024

Call for Abstracts: New Approaches to Rape Studies in the Long Eighteenth Century

Co-Editors: Jolene Zigarovich (University of Northern Iowa, USA) & Doreen Thierauf (North Carolina Wesleyan University, USA)


Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 1:02pm
Laura Hartmann-Villalta // Johns Hopkins University
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, January 15, 2024



DEADLINE APPROACHING for 'AI and Fandom' special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 11:42am
Transformative Works and Cultures
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, January 1, 2024

Due in part to well-publicised advancements in generative AI technologies such as GPT-4, there has been a recent explosion of interest in – and hype around – Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Whether this hype cycle continues to grow or fades away, AI is anticipated to have significant repercussions for fandom (Lamerichs 2018), and is already inspiring polarised reactions. Fan artists have been candid about using creative AI tools like Midjourney and DALL-E to generate fan art, while fanfiction writers have been using ChatGPT to generate stories and share them online (there are 470 works citing the use of these tools on AO3 and 20 on at the time of writing).

PRISMATIC JOYCE 1-2 Feb, 2024 - The XVI James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 9:58am
The James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Conference dates: Feb 1-2, 2024

Keynote speakers:

  • Sun-Chieh Liang, National Taiwan Normal University
  • Patrick Hersant, Université Paris 8
  • Fritz Senn, Zurich James Joyce Foundation

Organisers: Franca Ruggieri, Fabio Luppi, Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti


The James Joyce Italian Foundation invites proposals for the Sixteenth Annual Conference in Rome to celebrate Joyce’s 143th birthday.


[CFP] SPACES OF PRECARITY: Migration, Spatiality and the Refugee Graphic Narrative

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 5:07am
International Research Centre for Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 15, 2023

Call for papers - Special Issue

 of Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics

Spaces of Precarity:

Migration, Spatiality and the Refugee Graphic Narrative


Edited by

Markus Arnold (University of Cape Town) & Bidisha Banerjee (Education University of Hong Kong)
